Tumhari Pakhi 20th June 2014 Written Update
Tumhari Pakhi 20th June 2014 Written Episode
The Episode starts with Rohan talking to Pakhi and asking her not to pick glass pieces as it will hurt her hand, even she is gathering the pieces of her past. She says you might be thinking what will Anshuman think, what did we do in food area, remember he is your past, so it does not matter what he thinks. He says you are thinking if he doubts you again, so what, nothing new, he will prove he is the same, don’t feel guilty, as we did not do anything, so it does not matter if he thinks, it’s a good chance to see did he really change or not, if he doubts on you again, then it will prove he did not change, and such relations should end for better, he will prove he does not deserve you.
Anshuman thinks about Rohan’s words. He gets angry and breaks the mirror. Rohan says think Pakhi, he is the same Anshuman, who called me your boyfriend and doubted on you, today he has a bigger reason to doubt, his mind won’t change, he has insulted you, this doubt will make him stand on same place, he can act to show he changed, but he did not, I will tell you what he is thinking, he will think what happened between us, why did you not tell him, whats our relation. Anshuman thinks. Pakhi comes to Lord idol. Rohan says you trust the Lord, he also knows so he brought this, he knows your heart will melt soon, so he is trying to win your heart.
Rohan says what do you think, he is a big businessman, who manipulates people, its easy for him to manipulate a simple and innocent girl like you, he knows you will go with him, he is doing this as he can’t bear you left him and came here, if he left you, he would have not came here, you have slapped his ego, he is Anshuman Rathore, who does not like to fail, by a village girl. The man who can stain anyone’s character, can’t change, he had doubted on you, how much do you know him, few days….. you don’t know Anshuman does not have faith for you. Anshuman sees Pakhi’s letters. Pakhi says no Rohan, I feel Anshuman has changed.
Rohan says I don’t believe this, I explained you so much and you are still believing him, fine lets give him this CD, if he checks this, then he will fail in our test. I know he will fail, he can’t change. He says but you will have to forget him and move on, accepting that he did not deserve you, this CD will prove the truth now. Pakhi comes to her room and thinks about Anuja’s words to decide by heart and not mind. She thinks about Rohan’s words. She says if he breaks my trust again by his doubt, then I won;’t be able to trust anyone again, don’t break my trust Anshuman.
Anshuman is thinking holding Pakhi’s letters. She sees the CD on the table. She thinks of Rohan’s words about testing Anshuman by this CD. Anshuman comes there and she hides keeping an eye on him. Anshuman sees the CD. He takes it and looks at it. He throws it on the table and turns. He takes it again and goes to his room. Pakhi gets sad seeing this. Lavanya comes to Girish and asks why are you sleeping here in living room. He says I came to room and saw you with mum, so did not disturb you. She smiles and asks his new poetry. He says his poetry. She beats him and they hug. Pakhi comes to Anshuman’s room to see what he does with the CD. Anshuman sits and thinks. He is about to out the CD in the laptop. He puts it in CD drive and Pakhi is shocked. She cries thinking about Anshuman’s promise to her and his language of touch. Anshuman thinks what is he doing, he should not doubt Pakhi. He takes out the CD and puts it back in cover. She shuts the laptop and pushes it away.
Pakhi hears Rohan coming and leaves. Rohan sees Anshuman holding the CD and smiles. He takes it from his hand and says you could not control yourself. Rohan says you should have seen what happened between me and Pakhi, you saw the CDm you doubted on her once again. Anshuman says I need any proof to trust Pakhi. Rohan says you have seen this CD and now acting great, we are good but not fools, who will believe you. Pakhi comes and says I…. Rohan and Anshuman look at her.
Pakhi says I will believe him. She smiles. She tells Rohan that Anshuman did not see the CD, I have seen him. She says I know Anshuman trusts me. Anshuman smiles. She leaves. Rohan too walks out. Rohan comes to Pakhi. She says she is not angry on him as he is her friend. He says yes, and explains the importance of being friends, a husband should be a friend, to understand his wife, why did Anshuman not become her friend, so he had doubted on her character. Pakhi looks on.
Anshuman says we won, Pakhi hugs him. Rohan asks Anshuman to leave. Anshuman says I will be with her for eight days and this right is mine which no one can take from me.
June 21, 09:39hey my sweet soca bending carib babe :P,
I think your busy with your saturday classes
I wish you a blessed and pleasant day 🙂
June 21, 00:07Subshi , I’m like you , I like a lot of Indian songs 🙂 . .
Here is another I love
June 21, 00:16It’s a nice song. The movie is also very nice. I have seen it.
Have you seen JAB TAK HAI JAAN. The Shakira song is nice and also Saans mein teri…
Thanks for the smileys. Have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy baking dear. Have sleep now GN. BYE 😀
June 20, 23:57But something’s suit being cooked on a stove only…like gravy dishes….rice items…sauces etc.
June 21, 00:02Yeah it’s true 🙂 . .
Bro. , it’s midnight by me , so I’ll see you later .
All the best for your day , take care until ❤️
June 20, 23:55https://www.google.co.in/search?client=ms-unknown&hl=en-IN&biw=320&bih=287&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=XgGlU72GMJHHuASomICIBg&q=ramekins+colorful&oq=ramekins+colorful&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.3..30i10.168899.175720.0.176275.….0…1c.1.47.mobile-gws-serp..14.6.2128.KecsQbsFeTU#facrc=_&imgrc=zmpE8Bfp26xH3M%253A%3B1MQ_qrzcPRFroM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.preparedpantryblog.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252FColoredCremeBrulee.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.preparedpantryblog.com%252Framekin-recipes%252F%3B630%3B449We also get cokorful ramekins…!
June 20, 23:53https://www.google.co.in/search?q=ramekins+creme+brulee&client=ms-unknown&hl=en-IN&source=android-browser-suggest&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=UQGlU-mMG5GNuASm-4DACw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=320&bih=492#facrc=_&imgrc=19CT2zeUjJD-DM%253A%3B_lz3QrMEgNU7zM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.tablespoon.com%252Fposts%252Fhow-to-make-creme-brulee%252F~%252Fmedia%252FImages%252FArticles%252Ftfa%252Fhow-to-make-creme-brulee_16001198_800733495_0_0_14053379_600.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.tablespoon.com%252Fposts%252Fhow-to-make-creme-brulee%252F37453e6f-1eea-4bde-8ed5-6425415f0513%3B580%3B600
Ramekins with crem brulee
June 20, 23:59Ok , I know the brûlée but I never knew the name of that particular dish . ..
June 20, 23:50I tried avacado n then immediately vomited due to first chunk of a bittery taste…then a burst of tangerine taste
June 20, 23:53You may have eaten it b4 it ripened properly bro. .
Here they have a sweetish taste but bitter only when not ripe .
June 20, 23:48Ya i remember that n i loved the movie .
My aunt teaches me but i find a bit timid as i get panicked handking an oven
June 20, 23:51I like baking more than having to constantly watch a pot on the stove .
June 20, 23:43Dee try kiwi salsa an excellent dip for pizza…n fritters n nachos…even garlic bread is awesome wuth this….. Peel kiwis n add parsley or coriander leaves to it…add a small clove of garlic… A green chilly…. Some salt…n some pepper corns….then bkend with little water in to a creamy paste.
June 20, 23:46Ok , I’ll try it 🙂 . ..
I like to pet the Kiwi more than to eat it , it’s like a little fuzzy pet more than a fruit .
June 20, 23:40Even i love pineapples n custard apples….kiwi is jst cuteee so bursting taste
June 20, 23:38Not tried my aunt is an expert in these also she makes excellent crem brulee….in those ramekins
June 20, 23:43I don’t know ramekins . ..
Your aunt must love to teach you .
You’re very eager to learn 🙂 . .
June 20, 23:45Ramekins are white cups in which crem brulee is baked by keeping them in a water bath inside oven…n themn the sugar is caramelized using blow torch.
June 20, 23:49Sounds very professional 🙂 .
June 20, 23:35Aadhil bro. did you ever watch Barfi ?
June 20, 23:39Ya ranbeer kapoors movie
June 20, 23:42Do you remember how he would cut down the poles and test the people in his life ?
June 20, 23:35I love those watermelons n kiwis….also papaya
June 20, 23:37I love watermelons and pineapples are my favourite ,
Kiwi yuck 😀 , papaya only the red type .
June 20, 23:31Do u like Apple pie..? Made with red Delicious n granny smith..?
June 20, 23:32Here its available readymade jst need to bake it in oven…for 10 minutes at 180°© my aunt brings it every time
June 20, 23:33I don’t like apples much 🙂 . .
I prefer our local fruits .
June 20, 23:34Have you ever made brownies ??
June 20, 23:25India has 65 percent employments in agriculture n 79 percent of Indian population practices agriculture…. !
N some 15 kms awau from my home…we see farm lands with paddy… Sugarcane…tomatoes… Other veggie
June 20, 23:32It’s good to be self sufficient .
We had rice here too but even that they abandoned .
Agriculture isn’t on a large scale it’s done on subsidiary level .
June 20, 23:20Castor sugar is our regular sugar or iceing sugar…obviously i know it
June 20, 23:23It’s different from icing sugar here , it’s used for baking and not for icing because icing sugar contains corn starch .
June 20, 23:27But i use normal white sugar powder for iceing n to create that snowy effect on canapies…donoughts….pies…n tarts…even in whipped cream topings
June 20, 23:29You can use it also I guess , the cornstarch is added only to prevent clumping of the sugar .
June 20, 23:18India is the 3 rd largest sugar producer… Especially sachharum officinarum and saccharum barberi variety….. N i know brown sugar but never tasted it.
June 20, 23:21Our country used to grow sugar came also . But for regional export more than national .
However they closed the sugar industry .
We have oil and natural gas so agriculture unfortunately takes a back seat 😐
June 20, 23:21cane
June 20, 23:09Doesn’t Castor sugar differ from Brown sugar…?
June 20, 23:13Castor sugar is like powder , it’s basically ground white sugar .
Brown sugar isn’t as processed as white sugar .
June 20, 23:14http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://vaporecigarettestore.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/B/r/Brown-Sugar_2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://vaporecigarettestore.com/menu/brown-sugar.html&h=1000&w=1000&tbnid=QVAwsK1ZFrPLCM:&zoom=1&docid=HD3boWnL3k1xGM&hl=en&ei=gvikU_6sKanE8AGHxIHYBg&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CCsQMygJMAk
June 20, 23:15Ya i thought briwn sugar is similar to palm sugar.
June 20, 23:15Castor sugar
June 20, 23:16Does India grow sugar cane ??
June 20, 23:07How di u know abt these desdly weapons of kitchen
June 20, 23:12Because they are used in foods here 🙂 .
They originate from Trinidad where I am from .
Trinidadians love spicy foods 🙂 . .
If we make pepper sauce , we add one of those for flavour .
June 20, 23:14What happens if we eat them.are they deadly or fatal
June 20, 23:18You mean like raw ? It’s ok , it will just be very spicy .
June 20, 22:51Kk i will try it…but brown sugar isn’t available here easily need to search
June 20, 22:56Ok , then use regular sugar 🙂 . .
You know my other comment is awaiting moderation 🙄
June 20, 22:58I wanted to show you another very hot pepper called scorpion pepper
June 20, 22:59Cheeee yuckkk….its so ugly looks like bare grylls spitted a chewed lady bug
June 20, 23:03Hahaha 🙂 , it’s to be used very cautiously .
June 20, 22:50Omv its like a dangerous raspberry.
June 20, 22:55Trinidadians love spicy food 🙂 . .. We make pepper chutney and pepper roti even 🙂 . .
Here’s another really hot one , called scorpion pepper
Aadhil shaik
June 20, 22:43No j made hash Brown’s n mayo dip.
June 20, 22:46I don’t like potatoes much….but i live thise hash browns…cutlets n patties of them….also aalo k parathe.
June 20, 22:47Ok , if you’d like you can try potato salad , just boil the potatoes with salt , peel and cube it , add peas and carrots , corn , mayonnaise a little mustard and pepper sauce and a little brown sugar .
It’s really nice with rice dishes like fried rice or pilaf .
Do you know about this pepper ? One of the hottest in the world and it’s local , it’s called 7 pot pepper
June 20, 22:36U know suni dee i love jalapeños yummm in India we pickel them with hot spices
N even make their spicy fritters but use gram flour
N even stir fry them with spices and condiments.
June 20, 22:39They are made into fritters here also and it’s also a subway extra ingredient of choice . Or on Pizza or sandwiches .
It’s not as spicy as our local type peppers .
It has a nice flavour .
Aadhil shaik
June 20, 22:41Ya they are good n crispy
June 20, 22:33I love pasta with sweet chilly sauce or margarine sauce. …sometimes it gets good with pasta sauce too
June 20, 22:36Good morning bro. 🙂 .
Pasta is very versatile , and there are so many types 🙂 . ..
June 20, 22:38Ya so are the sauces n mayonnaise.
June 20, 22:41Mayonnaise for the pasta salads yes , have you made potato salad with mayonnaise ?
June 20, 18:41Camy I’ve got a guy here , who comes highly recommended 😀 , to teach you how to cook 😀
June 20, 18:51http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhRkAzaDuyg
June 20, 18:35Camy 🙂 , I’ll give you a good idea , send the Japs to kidnap Aadhil and keep him as your chef 🙂 . ..
He’s in Chennai currently 😀
He knows his way well around the kitchen 😀 . ..
June 20, 18:30Hi Subshi 🙂 .. .how’re you ?
June 20, 22:15Good, dear Suni. Yesterday, I think in QH , I was reading the hindi song links you had sent to Penny. Awesome. They are all very nice. Especially the one “tum aur main gar HUM ho jaate”. Can u tell me from which movie is the song?. I also love hindi songs very much.
I like the songs from KURBAAN (saif kareena), YEH JAWAANI HAI DIWANI, HANSEE TOH PHASEE, CHENNAI EXPRESS (titli song and tera rasta main chodhun na) …… My list would go on. 😉 i just get carried away.
How did you learn Hindi?
Any way thanks dear. Take care. Have a great weekend. 😀
June 20, 22:21I don’t know Hindi dear 🙂 , at least not very well . I recognize quite a few phrases and words thigh . The song is from a movie called X Pose , but it doesn’t look too good 😐 . ..
I love Chennai Express songs also , especially the one Arijit sang Kashmir me . ..
June 20, 22:23Ye Jawani , I think all songs are good from that movie , it was an awesome movie just like CE 🙂 .
I especially love Kabira and Subhanallah .
June 20, 22:32Do you like this one from Arijit ??
June 20, 22:33The one you like is named Dard Kilon Ke by Mohamnad Ifran .
June 20, 23:14Yeah it ‘s a nicesong. Thanks for the link. Have you heard the song “manchala man chala teri auor” from HANSEE TOH PHANSEE?
Wanted to ask you how you make smileys with moving eyes, red heart and many more ; i learnt 😳 when you tutoured some1. 😉
June 20, 23:57http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ME5TL3f_6r8
This song , I don’t like it much. But I like Sidarth Malothra 🙂 . .
The red heart is on my device .
: lol : without the spaces will be this 😆
: roll : = 🙄
: P = 😛
June 21, 00:09Thanks a lot. Good night and take care. 🙂
June 21, 00:13I messaged you above also 🙂 .
Bye dear , have a good day !!
June 20, 18:29Nothong much happened today on Tp 😐 .
I’m not sure why Pakhi is bearing so much nonsense from Rohan .
She knows that Anshuman is nothing like what he described 😐 . ..
June 20, 22:37She will break her silence when anshu gets arrested.
June 20, 18:26Camy !!! How’d the dinner turn out ??? 🙂 . .
Lucy Lu ?? Where’d you go ??
Miss you sweetie , love you ❤️
Aadhil shaik
June 20, 12:59What does rohan want to prove…? Give him some coins n shreww him away.
June 20, 18:25Lolz 🙂
Aadhil shaik
June 20, 12:51Suni dee check I’ve left a reply in yesterday tp wu
June 20, 18:21I replied there bro. 🙂