Tere Ishq Mein Ghayal 12th June 2023 Written Update
Tere Ishq Mein Ghayal 12th June 2023 Written Episode
Scene 1
Cherry runs. She stabs the wolves that were trying to capture her. They detain her.
The next morning, Eisha is with Veer. They drive around the city on his bike. Eisha and Veer spend time togehter. They go for hiking. Eisha asks what are you looking at? He says I thought you were an idiot. Now I think I was correct. Eisha hits him. She falls. Veer holds her and says I love this idiot. Eisha says go and sleep. They go to the camp. Veer looks at Eisha and smile. They go to sleep in their camps. Veer thinks about Eisha and smiles. He gos to her camp. Veer looks at her. She’s cold. Eisha falls asleep. Veer caresses her face. Eisha hugs him. They fall asleep.
Eisha and Veer come to the cliff. A guru maa is inside. She’s doing tapasya. She comes in. She says what does not having sham tulsi on a yogini’s door mean? Veer says either you’re too dangerous or idiot. She says you’re smart. She asks what do you want? EIsha says we need your help. Veer says my brother is dead. We’ve to bring him back to life. She sas there are always ways. Walking on them isn’t easy. What connects you will bring him out. Veer says throw riddles at us. Eisha says please help us. She says I can show you the way, I can make you walk on it. She holds Eisha’s hand. She says the battle of wolves is in your hand. You’re their start and their end. It’s end too. Eisha leaves her hand. Eisha and Veer leave.
Eisha asks Veer did the yogini mean? SHe said I am the end of wolves. He says she said you’re also the start. He gives her tea and asks her to relax. Veer sees Mehak’s missed calls. He calls her back. Mehak asks where are you both? Veer says we’re in the cliff. She says please come back fast. He says please come to the location I am sending. Don’t go to landsdale.
Scene 2
Veer and Eisha come to the location Mehak shared. No one is there. Veer looks around. Someone throws a knife at Eisha. Veer finds him and is about to kill him. Eisha stops him. He shoves him. Veer looks around. More people attack them. Veer fights them off. He saves Eisha. A man stabs Veer. Mehakk comes and saves them both. She hits them with stone. Mehak dresses Eisha’s wound. She says I missed you. Eisha hhugs her. Eisha asks are you okay? Veer says keep ignoring me. Mehak says there are hunters. Veer says whose hunters? She says they hunt wolves and yoginis. They’ve taken over landsdale. They’re taking all the wolves and yoginis. A hunter kills a wolf in them. Mehak says they’re on attack mode. Eisha says who’s making them do it? Mehak says Mahir. I am hiding here to save myself. He’s doing all this. he’s doing it in collaboration with secret council to protect landsdale from yoginis and wolves. They killed all the wolves. They are turning everyone against wovles and yoginis. Maya and Taranum are helping them. Eisha says we’ve to save them. Veer says I’ve to save Armaan first. Mehak says we have to save the city too. Veer says I can’t change their minds. Eisha says landsdale needs us. Veer agrees.
Mahir trains his hunters. They tell him Veer and Mehak are coming back to landsdale. Mahir says this will be fun.
Episode ends