Saraswatichandra 3rd September 2013 Written Update

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Saraswatichandra 3rd September 2013 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Saraswatichandra 3rd September 2013 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Pramad calling Kalika. He sees the wine bottle in the room and goes inside to take it. Pramad smiles and drinks the wine. He says so it was hidden here. He walks out of the room. Saras is on the terrace. Kusum comes to him. Kusum says where did you hide it. Saras says in my room. They discuss about the bet. Saras says if Pramad wins, he will make Kumud eat by his hands. Murakh Das asks Kumud for whom are you making the rabri. She says for Pramad. Pramad comes there drunk. He tells Kumud that my birthday was auspicious and lucky for me, you lost to me. He taunts her. Kumud looks down. Saras says no matter who loses, Kumud will win. Saras says Pramad will come closer to Kumud. He says Kumud will win Pramad’s love today. Pramad reminds Kumud about the bet. Pramad breaks Kumud’s fast by the rabri. Pramad says no one will bound Pramad. Kumud sees the time, its past 12.

Kalika is happy and says today Kumud will be losing Pramad. She has the earrings of Kumud. Kumud says a new day has started, you did not drink wine yesterday, you won my trust. Kumud says I won the bet. Pramad says I will show you how you are thinking so wrong and I will break your trust. Pramad leaves in anger. Kumud cries standing in the kitchen. Kumud says I promised your mum that you will be born again in this janmashtami and it has started, I have faith that our relation will be sweet one day. Kusum comes to Saras in his room. She says its easy to say you are happy, but its difficult for you to see Kumud with Pramad. Saras says I don’t want to have Kumud, I want her happiness which she will get after winning Pramad’s heart. Saras looks out for the earrings. Kusum asks what. Saras tells her about Kumud’s earrings. He says if anyone finds it, it will be a problem.

Kalika shows those things to Pramad. He asks what is this, what does this mean. Kalika says Kumud and Naveen can explain you about this. Kalika says I came to warn you that your wife does not cheat you. Pramad reads the poetry written by Kumud. Pramad says Kumud was being ideal but now I will show who is Kumud’s lover to everyone. Kalika smiles. Kalika says Pramad will be born again, but Kumud will be regretting. Kumud thinks she has passed in the test as Pramad did not drink wine on his birthday. Pramad comes to Kumud and confronts her saying I came to know everything about you, I will tell this to my family. He says look at me, how I will kick you out of the house. Kumud asks what did I do, tell me. Pramad pulls her and takes her outside the room. Kumud says Kusum is here, what will she think. Pramad says let her see, I will tell her how you are. Kumud tries to stop him. Pramad brings her to the hall and pushes her on the floor. Pramad calls Budhidhan and everyone in the hall. Everyone gather in the hall.

Alak asks whats this. Pramad says you will know it soon. Alak and Pramad get into an argument. Budhidhan asks whats the matter. Pramad tells everyone about Kumud and calls Naveen in the hall. Saras comes there. Pramad welcomes him. Saras and Kusum are shocked to see Kumud. Pramad calls Kalika too. Kalika brings Saras’s box in which he kept Kumud’s memorables. She gives that box to Pramad. Saras and Kumud are shocked seeing that. Pramad asks is this yours? Kumud cries looking at it. Kumud says yes. Pramad says Naveen has the other earring of Kumud. Everyone are shocked. Kalika says I was cleaning Naveen’s room and I got this earring there. She says I got the same earring in Kumud’s room too. Kalika says I thought of telling this to Pramad, so that he can tell Kumud about this.

Pramad laughs and reads Kumud’s poetry. Kumud and Saras think of their first meeting. Pramad says now everyone understood right? Pramad asks Kumud did you write this, tell me. Kumud says yes. Kalika smiles.

Pramad asks Kumud from when is this going on. Saras controls his anger. Pramad says tell everything, were you like this before marriage too, was this the reason that your relation broke. Pramad says now you are caught, tell us everything. He says he needs an answer. Kusum says I will tell you. Saras and everyone look at Kumud. Kumud is shocked. Kusum says enough, we will not be quiet now, don’t stop me.

Budhidhan tells Saras that I think of you as my son and asks Saras is this true. Saras says yes, Kusum is saying the truth. Everyone are shocked.


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  1. arti
    September 04, 09:21 Reply

    did you guys notice..i think last friday epi or monday..cant recall exactly..but when kusum was giving back saras the kamarbandh..he didnt take it and kusum wore it. i think they are trying to tell us something here..

    • Joy
      September 04, 12:19

      Hello aarti how r u ?yes I notice it

  2. fan
    September 04, 09:14 Reply

    hello SC fans!!
    waiting for todays epi!!


    • arti
      September 04, 09:14

      oops..forgot to put my name 🙂

    • zaara
      September 04, 09:40

      hi 😀

  3. pramadrocks
    September 04, 04:01 Reply

    looks like this serial is going to end this year itself…thank god.

  4. pramadrocks
    September 04, 03:58 Reply

    kalika..u r superb.Kumud has to face it becoz of her arrogance.All (vidyachatur,badima etc) are equally responsible for hurried marriage. I think saras will be kicked out from house.I hope they don’t change the ending.Saras foolishness is at peaks.They almost caught once becoz of kamarbandh..He didn’t even learn lesson from that…

  5. jazly
    September 04, 03:47 Reply

    pramad is really mad.i hate him :-/

  6. aguamenti
    September 04, 02:14 Reply

    Kusum will probably tell that this paraphernelia is hers and she is in love with Saras, in order to save Kumud

    • arti
      September 04, 09:20

      yes..she will say that her and naveen were /are in a relationship. budhidhan will ask saras if this is true and he will admit it is true.

  7. hana
    September 03, 21:02 Reply

    Thanx a lot
    sanjana 4r wel cm 2 this page me
    How r u all???

    • sanjana
      September 04, 01:07

      were all f9 and we hope the same for u

  8. Sonya
    September 03, 17:42 Reply

    An interesting episode. Can’t wait to hear what Kusum tells everyone and how they react. A good serial. Love it. Superb acting by Kumad / Saras / Kussam / Pramad and Kalika. The family first have to get Kalika out of the house.

  9. ******ZaARa****
    September 03, 17:04 Reply

    My sisters an my vai an my other friends

    Plz guys if u see name zaara without any gv
    So it’s nt me ok
    I jst saw someone name is zaara an same spelling
    So its a req dnt take me wrong by see other zaara
    I have gv an alys will be 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • sanjana
      September 04, 05:38

      what gv zaara??

  10. SaMud4Ever
    September 03, 16:43 Reply

    Seems really interesting, but I am hating the fact that Kusum and Saras have so many scenes together! It scares me and is really disgusting! I just really hope Saras and Kumud get together and Kusum will just leave Kumud’s sasural!

  11. saharsh
    September 03, 14:34 Reply

    Hi friends I’m also a big sc fan . Can I join u guys in SC discussions

    • arti
      September 03, 15:51

      hello and welcome!

    • sanjana
      September 04, 05:34

      of course u can u need not ask us :)welcome!

  12. Joy
    September 03, 14:03 Reply

    Since the first day that kumud marry pramad she have not enjoy any marital bliss she have been humiliated by pramad and kalika am so sorry for her but she costs it

  13. sanjana
    September 03, 13:28 Reply


  14. Joy
    September 03, 13:28 Reply

    I feel pity for kumud today her cry is torching but she brought all this agony to herself she should have find out why saras says
    No to their marriage but her ego made her to do this mistake

    • sanjana
      September 03, 13:29

      i agree Joy

    • arti
      September 03, 13:30

      totally agree. shes trying so much and pramad keeps shunning her. i wish she waited for saras.

  15. arti
    September 03, 13:24 Reply

    forgot to add..kumud looked pretty in her outfit.

    • sanjana
      September 03, 13:27

      agreed! she looked absolutely pretty when pramad dragged her specially when her saree was covering the steps and the floor

    • arti
      September 03, 15:45

      i havent watched the epi yet..sounds interesting to see that scene 🙂

  16. Joy
    September 03, 13:18 Reply

    Hello sc fan how r u guys doing ? Cool right.

    • arti
      September 03, 13:22

      hi ayo..we are well. whats your view on today’s epi?? very exciting right?

    • Joy
      September 03, 14:13

      Yes arti breathtaking episode love it but why is it that kusum always follow saras like a puppy what does she want she doesn’t even respect him again she just Berg into his room anyhow I don’t like this

    • arti
      September 03, 16:35

      @ayo..i guess the writers are trying to push them together and hope we accept them as a couple? i dont understand how can she agree to marry saras. totally disgusting! anyways i dont think she knows samud consumated. kumud only confessed to her mother..

      i miss badimaa/guriyal/kumari/sunny/vidyachatur

  17. sanjana
    September 03, 13:00 Reply

    no guyz im here its just that i was not feeling well

    • Suni
      September 03, 13:13

      Hope that you feel better very soon 🙂

    • sanjana
      September 03, 13:24

      thnk you suni im sure when you frndz wish me ill definetely get better

  18. FAN
    September 03, 12:10 Reply

    Oh no! Why that chipkali kusum is always with saras? It’s becoming boring.But Iam watching SC only because of Gauti

    • arti
      September 03, 16:36

      lol..we all have the same question. blame the writers!!

  19. arti
    September 03, 12:02 Reply

    @melina..hello and welcome! left so soon..

    • sanjana
      September 03, 13:04

      im not leaving u all so soon arti i was not keeping well but dont worry ill be there tommorow at 7;30

    • arti
      September 03, 13:21

      @sanjana..feel better dear 🙂

    • sanjana
      September 03, 13:24

      thnk u arti di

  20. sanjana
    September 03, 11:58 Reply

    hi frndz sorry thora time lag gaya

  21. Suni
    September 03, 11:55 Reply

    Hoor , I’ve been to this page b4 , but I’ve met you ..
    Hi 🙂 .. How are you ?

  22. Melina
    September 03, 11:48 Reply

    Am also new here can i join with u guys?

    • Hoor
      September 03, 11:49


    • sanjana
      September 03, 13:25

      of course u need not ask us just join us 😉 🙂 welcome

  23. Julia
    September 03, 11:39 Reply

    I can’t see Kusum with Saras, why does she have to hang around with him all the times?

    • Hoor
      September 03, 11:41

      SAME here but have to bear her

    • arti
      September 03, 11:41

      none of us can. its pure torture! and her tone of voice is changed when shes talking to him. not liking this one bit. shes speaking in softer tones with him..

    • Hoor
      September 03, 11:45

      @arti yes i too noticed that

    • sanjana
      September 03, 11:58

      exactly! its not tolerable

    • Rem
      September 03, 12:19

      in the novel KUSUM will marry SARAS…

      i think same will happen here too…

    • gowry
      September 03, 12:47

      she is caling him saras .i cant hear it any more tme

  24. Suni
    September 03, 11:31 Reply

    Hi hana , I’m also kinda new here . . Nice to meet you 🙂 .. .

    • arti
      September 03, 11:36

      suni..i think i saw your comments under PV 1 right? you’re from trinidad?

    • Suni
      September 03, 11:38

      Correct 🙂 .. I was a huge fan of PV 1 ..
      Where are you from Arti ?

    • arti
      September 03, 11:39

      yes i used to read all your/ MU/MK comments. MK always remembers me..
      i live in the usa. have connections to trinidad 🙂

    • Suni
      September 03, 11:46

      It’s nice to meet you again and I won’t 4get the name this time 🙂 .. .

  25. arti
    September 03, 11:31 Reply

    @hoor..what happened to pinku?

    • Hoor
      September 03, 11:34

      i dont Know …:/ where is she?

    • arti
      September 03, 11:35

      he* lol

    • Hoor
      September 03, 11:39

      ooops !!

    • arti
      September 03, 11:40

      @hoor..he will kill you!
      anyways im sure he is silently reading our comments.
      Zaara was tellin me he says he wont come bk until after 4 months! what kind of SC fan is he? staying away for soooo long! hmm.

  26. arti
    September 03, 11:30 Reply

    @shaluu..where are you??

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