Saraswatichandra 23rd January 2014 Written Update

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Saraswatichandra 23rd January 2014 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Saraswatichandra 23rd January 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Saras and Kumud’s engagement ceremony. They smile looking at each other. They exchange rings and everyone throws flower petals on them happily. They clap for the couple. Kumari thinks of something and signs Kusum. Kumari and Kusum make Saras and Kumud fall in each other. Kusum cries with happiness seeing them together. Kumari comes to Kusum and asks are you fine, don’t cry today. Kusum says I m crying with happiness, see what mistake I was making, their souls are connected and I was going to make them apart. What would I have got doing that? Badimaa blesses Kumud and Saras. Kumud hugs Badimaa. Yash says photo time.

Yash says Kalika will take the photos. Kalika smiles and takes the family photo. Its night, Kusum tells Saras you should have not come late. Everyone talk to Saras. Kumud supports Saras for bringing the best gift for her. Saras says my plannign was good, but my car both tyres for punctured. Dada ji asks really. Saras tells how he managed to come home. He says someone gave me lift. Badimaa asks Saras for some money and he gives her his wallet. Kumari asks whats this. Its Kalika’s dupatta piece. Kalika is tensed seeing it and thinks Yash will identify it. Saras says I got this cloth near the tyre.

Kusum asks who dropped you here. Saras says I did not ask his name, but I felt he was not a stranger. Badimaa asks for Saras’s house keys. Saras says I m going home. Vidyachatur says stay here tonight, we will have a talk. Saras says I have to go home as I have something precious and I heard there is a sharp theif who is after that. Kumud smiles and thinks she will steal it no matter you be at home or not. Kusum says I will keep the chunri and diya at home. Kusum talks to Danny and tells him how Saras made the entry today.

Kalika comes after Kusum to Saras’s house. She sees the cloth of her dupatta and says how should I take it back. Kusum goes to bring matchstick and till then Kalika reaches the cloth. She is shocked to see Kusum coming. She hides and picks the cloth and looks on. Kusum lights the diya and leaves from the house locking the door. Kalika sees she is locked inside and says how will I go back home. She sees Kusum’s phone and says she will come back to take her phone. She takes the phone with her and keeps it somewhere away. Kusum goes to take her phone and Kalika runs outside.

Its morning, the sisters are having a laugh. Kumud tells them how Saras became Tony Singh. Dada ji comes to them and asks Kumari to make a list for Sangeet. Kumari says I made the list. Vidyachatur asks for his phone. Kumud says its in your pocket. Kumud tells Badimaa she will give the breakfast to Saras. Badimaa says you will be going there in few days. Kumud says we all will go. Kusum says I have to clean the room too. Kumud says I will help her. Vidyachatur asks where are they going. Badimaa says to do some mischief.

They come to Saras’s house. Saras is happy seeing them. All of them smile. Saras says its great to see you three together. Kumari gives him flowers. Saras asks why flowers. Kumud says I will keep the flowers. Kusum and Kumari stop Saras and talk to him about Danny. They make him busy. Kumud comes in his room and looks our for the pearl. She does not get it anywhere. Kusum tells Saras about Danny. Saras says tell me what happened, what did Danny do. Kusum says Danny daily snores at night. Saras looks on and says snoring. Kumud says I know he has hidden it that I can’t get it easily, but I will find it.

Saras says see Kusum, snoring is a small common problem, even I do. Kusum says I know how big the problem is. Saras hears sound from his room and says whats Kumud doing there. Kusum and Kumari stop Saras from going to his room. Kumari makes the snoring sounds in different styles. Saras says I don’t like this joke. He says I will solve your problem, let me go. Kusum tells another problem, that Danny throws wet towel on the bed and he makes the bed wet. I have decided that I won’t be with him in same room. Kumud gets the pearl under the bed.

Saras tells Kusum such things happen, try to make Danny change. Kumud comes and says its done. They leave. Saras realizes that Kumud has stolen his pearl and rushes to check. He sees Kumud Saras 3 3 written on the mirror. He writes 2. Badimaa asks did they leave, they might have come there to steal the pearl. Saras says yes, they stole the fake one, I have the real one.

Yash tells Kumud that Saras still has the real pearl and this one is fake. He says Saras has kept it close to his heart. Kumud thinks.

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    • smiley
      January 23, 20:08

      kumud looking very beatifull in first n also second time also both times saras gift her cloth do u remembar that chota talab?

    • SaMud4Ever
      January 23, 20:10

      Yes she always looks dazzling!!! 🙂 What does chota talab mean? Sorry for my little hindi knowledge.

    • SaMud4Ever
      January 23, 20:11

      But I do remember her gifting that, and then wanting to see her. But he only got to see her reflection and then she ran away, splashing water on him. 🙂 I also remember how he swore on the moon he would always be with Kumud. 🙂

  1. SaMud4Ever
    January 23, 19:58 Reply

    Very true. Homework and tests ruin everything. What is your worst subject and your best?

    • smiley
      January 23, 20:01

      my all subject are best eccept math i hate math n what about u?

    • SaMud4Ever
      January 23, 20:05

      I used to be good at math, but now I hate it. I am still good at it but it is so boring!!! 🙁 I like history.

  2. SaMud4Ever
    January 23, 19:50 Reply

    Hey you guys this was the same clothes Kumud was wearing yesterday!!! 🙂 I knew she had worn it during her birthday!!! 🙂 Awwwwww…old memories.

  3. SaMud4Ever
    January 23, 19:43 Reply

    School is good! 🙂 I have a lot of tests tomorrow. 🙁 I am sorry, dear. I forgot, are you the one who has to do the speech or is that Liane? Sorry, I forgot.

    • smiley
      January 23, 19:46

      its liane not me

    • SaMud4Ever
      January 23, 19:51

      Ok. Sorry about that. But anyways how is your school? Do you get lots of homework?

    • smiley
      January 23, 19:57

      yes yaar h.m is problem of every student in world

  4. SaMud4Ever
    January 23, 19:39 Reply

    Hey Smiley, honey!!! 🙂 I am fine. How are you? How is school?

    • smiley
      January 23, 19:41

      im fine yaar n school is gud as always what about u

  5. SaMud4Ever
    January 23, 19:38 Reply

    Does anyone know where Danny is? I really miss him. 🙁 I hope he comes back soon.

  6. SaMud4Ever
    January 23, 19:37 Reply

    I can’t wait to watch this episode! 🙂 Can’t wait to see SaMud get engaged!!! 🙂 I just really hope they get married this time! I am also really happy to see Kumud, Kusum, and Kumari together again! 🙂

  7. SaMud4Ever
    January 23, 19:35 Reply

    Congrats to all SaMudians!!! SaMud is officialy engaged after a very long wait!!! They are looking beautiful together!!! 🙂 Saras is looking dashing as always and Kumud is looking gorgeous! SaMud is the best couple in the whole world!!!

  8. SaMud4Ever
    January 23, 19:33 Reply

    Thank you so much Amena Di for the written update!!! I love the pictures!!! 🙂 Great job and keep it up!!! 🙂

  9. SaMud4Ever
    January 23, 19:08 Reply

    Hello to all my SCians!!! 🙂 How are you all? A special hi to Zaaru, Kajal, Smiley, Liane, Sia, Malsha, Nihaara, Avni, Neena, and Tanya!!! Sorry if I forgot someone. So how is school? I miss you guys a whole bunch!!! 🙂 Take care and I hope to see you soon!!! 🙂 Love you guys!!! 🙂

  10. Eeman 1D
    January 23, 17:38 Reply

    Saraswatichandra is on FIRE right at the moment

    • Nihara
      January 23, 18:05

      I’m here, Liane, Dear…

  11. Noor
    January 23, 17:11 Reply

    Okay guys im gonna go now ive got the worst headache in the bloody world ill talk to u at around 7 okat make sure ur here byeeeeeess nice meetin u nikky see u tomotrow byeeeee xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx an x

    • leicester11
      January 23, 17:15

      noor in the morning or afternoon

      ok bye tc c u later

    • leicester11
      January 23, 17:20

      gud night sleep tight sweet dreams

  12. leicester11
    January 23, 16:59 Reply

    thanks for ya intro guyz

    n nikky remember no sorry in friendship 🙂

    • Nihara
      January 23, 17:01

      Yeah…, I’ll try to avoid it as hard as I can… Pinky Promise!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  13. Noor
    January 23, 16:46 Reply

    What did I say tht was funny btw?

    • Nihara
      January 23, 16:51

      You said that you weren’t live in farms before we asks you… That seems quite funny to me… 🙂 Did I said anything wrong…??? 🙁 🙁 🙁

    • Noor
      January 23, 16:55

      No no I was just wondering

  14. Nihara
    January 23, 16:43 Reply

    You’re too funny, Noor, Dear…
    And, here goes mine…
    I’m Nihara…
    I’m 16 years old…
    Studying 12th Standard, in Zubaidha girls Hr. Sec. School…
    Friends call me ‘Nikky’…
    I’m from ‘Tamil Nadu’…
    We’re living in a small town called ‘Kayalpatnam’…
    I’m only daughter to my parents…
    I don’t have any brothers or sisters…
    And, I’ll always feel lonely and unlucky for that…
    And I too have a pet… Its a Parrot… And she is a girl… So I named it as ‘Shihraa’… And, I often call it as ‘Shiru’… And I love to call her like that…
    She is the only one, That I can say ‘My Friend’ in my lonely days…
    And, If start to tell about her, It won’t finishes even it takes for ages… And, I think…, This is quite enough…!!! LOL! 😀 😀 😀

  15. Nihara
    January 23, 16:39 Reply

    You’re too funny, Noor, Dear…
    And, here goes mine…
    I’m Nihara…
    I’m 16 years old…
    Studying 12th Standard, in Zubaidha girls Hr. Sec. School…
    Friends call me ‘Nikky’…
    I’m from ‘Tamil Nadu’…
    We’re living in a small town called ‘Kayalpatnam’…
    I’m only daughter to my parents…
    I don’t have any brothers or sisters…
    And, I’ll always feel lonely and unlucky for that…
    And I too have a pet… Its a Parrot… And she is a girl… So I named it as ‘Shihraa’… And, I often call it as ‘Shiru’… And I love to call her like that…
    She is the only one, That I can say ‘My Friend’ in my lonely days… And, I really feel proud of her…!!!
    Becuz, She’ll sing, Repeat what I said, And, Sometimes tries to kiss by making funny sounds… As I’ve just started to train it to kiss…
    She won’t bite anyone…
    she’s really a good and obedient girl to me…
    And, If start to tell about her, It won’t finishes even it takes for ages… And, I think…, This is quite enough…!!! LOL! 😀 😀 😀

    • Noor
      January 23, 16:42

      Awwww ur parrot sounds cute.Thanks fr the intro

    • Nihara
      January 23, 16:48

      Did I, By chance, bored you guys, With my long, endless, boring intro…??? 🙁 If it so…, I’m really, really sooo Sorry, Guys…!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁

    • Noor
      January 23, 16:56

      No It was good knowing some more abt u

    • Nihara
      January 23, 16:59

      Awwwww….. Thats sooo Sweet of you…!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  16. leicester11
    January 23, 16:29 Reply

    true say Noor ok my intro =

    my name is liane pereira im 14 girl lives in leicester from india in my family there is my mum, my dad, my big brv Luke, lil. b
    ruv Cade n me I have 2 fishes without names 😉 im an RC im quite sensitive n short tempered I love nature n adore its hmm I. cant live wifout my family, fone, friends n technology love skool life buh can be fustrated wif it at tyms

    i think that’s it 😀

    • leicester11
      January 23, 16:33

      oh guyz the true say bit is bout the country n its “unpredictable” weather

    • Noor
      January 23, 16:44

      Aww sounds good thanks fr the intro

  17. Nihara
    January 23, 16:18 Reply

    hehehe… 😀
    Haan, Insha Allah!!!
    If Allah decides, I’ll definitely come one day, No matter what… Insha Allah…!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  18. leicester11
    January 23, 16:05 Reply

    so guyz lets talk. about sumting cuz im kinda bored comment ur ideas down below (Ooh I like that line) 🙂

    • Nihara
      January 23, 16:12

      Hey, Laine… You Back…!!! 😀 😀 😀

    • Noor
      January 23, 16:18

      How about we give our intros?
      Okay here goes mine,
      My name is noor live in s-o-t, UK.
      I have mum an dad, 5 sisters an a bro in law but I like to say hes my brother.i love tv,books,laptop,tablet an obviousely my phone. I have two peacocks an 9 chickens an two guinne fowels an before u ask I dnt live on a farm.
      Thats all thanks

    • Noor
      January 23, 16:22

      If u wanna ask anymore ask away!

  19. leicester11
    January 23, 15:54 Reply

    sorry guyz had to go eat dinner buh im bac now n nikky. ur soo lucky

    ahh got u noor so u hav alys lived in stoke

    • Noor
      January 23, 15:58

      Yup all my life. I like it in stoke not busy place like london or b’ham or manchester

  20. Nihara
    January 23, 15:39 Reply

    Tomorrow is Friday…!!! Which means, ‘Jumma’ for our ‘Muslims’… And…, Also, Our School is also a Islamic Based School… As…, So, Tomorrow is ‘HOLIDAY’…!!! Yay…! JOLLY!!! 😀 😀 😀

    • Noor
      January 23, 15:43

      Aww ur lucky my college/school is catholic 🙁

    • Nihara
      January 23, 15:47

      Awwwww….. So sad na… 🙁 But, don’t worry… You’ll get Saturday & Sunday Holiday na…??? Then What…??? We’ve Friday & Sunday…!!! Simple!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Noor
      January 23, 15:53

      Ohh so u dnt get saturday an I have the worst lessons on friday

    • Nihara
      January 23, 15:59

      Awww….. My poor Baby… Really, sooo Sad… 🙁 🙁 🙁 And…, Yeah, We don’t have a ‘Saturday Holiday’… So, We both are equal at some sort of fact, Dear… So, CHILL!!! B-)

    • Noor
      January 23, 16:02

      Btw where do u live, anywhere in uk? (i dnt mind if u dnt wanna tell me)

    • Nihara
      January 23, 16:09

      No, No… Not like that, Dear… Of course, I’ll tell you…!!! In fact, I don’t live in U.K and all… I’m just a simple, middle class girl from a small town called ‘Kayalpatnam’ in ‘Tamil Nadu’… I don’t even know, If I could really visit those places, atleast once in my lifetime… So, don’t expect that much from me… 🙂

    • Noor
      January 23, 16:13

      Yeah inshallah u could come here some time, its an amazing country just the wjeather Is a bit crap lol

  21. leicester11
    January 23, 15:31 Reply

    @Noor no im from india buh mved here 7-8 yrs ago n living here only now wbu

    dear wen u going to sleep dont u hav skool tmoz sweety

    • Noor
      January 23, 15:36

      Nope ive lived here all my life. Mum n dad frm bangladesh but have been here for over 20 years too an I have visited bangladesh twice last time waz 3 years ago

    • Nihara
      January 23, 15:39

      Tomorrow is Friday…!!! Which means, ‘Jumma’ for our ‘Muslims’… And…, Also, Our School is also a Islamic Based School… As…, So, Tomorrow is ‘HOLIDAY’…!!! Yay…! JOLLY!!!

  22. leicester11
    January 23, 15:19 Reply

    @noor yeh its liane

    so noor wat r u doing n tc wif de weather cuz as much as I like the snow I hate it double

    • Noor
      January 23, 15:22

      Im watchin emmerdale, wbu?

    • leicester11
      January 23, 15:26

      Nothing jus talkin wif u. lots

    • Noor
      January 23, 15:29

      Do u watchtcha any soaps? Eastender,emmerdale,corrie (omg made me cry the other day) hollyoaks,holby city ect

    • leicester11
      January 23, 15:36

      nah I used too buh I think eastenders hav gone boring now n. yeh I watch indian serials though I watch simpsons sumtimes

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