Saraswatichandra 15th April 2014 Written Update
Saraswatichandra 15th April 2014 Written Episode
The Episode starts with Badimaa confronting Danny and counting the favors on him. She says we have always supported you and you are asking us to leave this house. She says you have shown us that you are Ghuman’s son, Saras’s love could not save you, you have failed us. Vidyachatur says enough, I don’t think we have the right to scold him. He tells Ghuman that he will show the real papers soon, this house is ours and will be ours always. He tells Danny that he got hurt when he spoke of breaking relations, but he has forgiven him, but today he is sure that Danny has broken the relations. Kusum cries. Danny stands silent. He leaves. Ghuman smiles seeing Kabir. She takes the file and leaves. Yash’s mum says I told you before that Kumud and Kusum will bring us on road and today they have done this.
Majnu tells Sunanda how can you doubt on Sheikh, he came to meet Kumud, why will he call police, we came from far clountry not to get into any trouble. He says maybe some one from your side did this. Sunanda thinks Jugnu did it. She says sorry Sheikh, its risky to send girls out from here. She thinks she has asked Kajal to take Kumud, but she got a call who informed her about police. She stopped Kajal and asked her to get ready to meet the Sheikh. Majnu tells Sheikh is thankful for saving the girl from police. Sunanda tells Samru that Jugnu did this, keep an eye on the doors. Saras thinks did she doubt on me, it will be tough to free Kumud. Sunanda tells Sheikh that Kumud is busy, we will send her to meet you. Saras leaves. She says I will take care of Jugnu.
Guniyal says how can Danny do this with us. Yash’s mum says I told you to keep everything on Yash’s name, no one would have dared to do this. He says you trusted your son in laws more than my son. He says tell Dada ji that we are coming there. Vidyachatur says I will not give this house so easily. Badimaa thinks now Saras can do this, don’ know he reached Kumud or not, they are in problem, hope they come home safely. Danny comes home and locks the door. He thinks how he has cheated everyone with Ghuman and Badimaa’s scolding. He gets someone’s call and says what do you want to hear, I have cheated them who gave me so much love, its only because of you, I made them cry.
Saras talks to him. Saras says you did this only as I said you, you became bad in Kusum’s eyes also because I said. Danny says I m against my family. Danny feels bad. He says Kusum was very upset, she did not tell me anything and held her dad’s hand as if she is breaking the relation with me. Saras says when she comes to know the truth, she will respect you even more. Danny says but…. Saras says we don’t have any way to get the original papers, you have to do this for them. Danny says I will do this, tell me where are you. Saras thinks I will tell you everything, as first I have to know Ghuman’s secret which can be more bigger than haveli matter. Saras asks him to take care of everything.
Saras asks how is dad. Danny says doctors are confused, they will do more tests, lets see the results. Saras says I will message you. Danny says I m sorry. Saras says I m sorry too, don’t cry, take care. Danny says come soon, I will do whatever you say, but come back and forgive me. Saras ends the call. Kumud cries thinking about Saras. O piya………….plays…………. Sunanda gets ready. Samru comes to her and Sheikh wants to meet you. Saras comes with Majnu. Sunanda welcomes him. Majnu tells her that Sheikh came to meet Kumud, call her, he wants to see her. Jugnu comes and says I want to meet Kumud. Sunanda is angry.
Jugnu comes there and Sunanda scolds him. She asks him to go. Jugnu says I told you that I will bring full money, Kumud is only mine, take this. Sunanda is shocked. Jugnu says its Rs. 50 lakhs. Sunanda changes her color and sees the money. Jugnu says I fulfilled my promise, now give me my Kumud. Sunanda says I thought you will never come back, but you came with money. Saras looks on shocked. Sunanda apologizes to Sheikh. Majnu says what is all this, we gave you advance, how can you change. Sunanda asks Sheikh to choose any other girl or bring Rs. 1 crore. Majnu says whats this joke, you are insulting him, he came here only for Kumud. Sunanda says I promised Jugnu, he brought 50 lakhs. Saras is shocked. Jugnu scolds Sunanda hearing this.
Saras thinks from where will he bring Rs. 1 crore to save Kumud. Sunanda says maybe Sheikh needs some time to think, you can go, come if you have the money, she will be here. Saras says you will get your money in 24 hours. Sunanda is happy. Jugnu says you can’t do this, Kumud is only mine. Sunanda says no one will be with Kumud till 24 hours. Saras thinks just one day Kumud. Sunanda says Kumud’s fate will be decided in 24 hours, we will wait for you here tomorrow. Saras leaves. Saras and Majnu think how to arrange money. He asks can you bring money from home, call family. Saras says no I have to arrange it myself.
Sunanda asks Jugnu to take Kumud and run away. Jugnu says how, she will not be quiet. Sunanda says we will make her unconscious.
April 15, 19:35More of Gautam’s tweets:
Gautam Rode @gautam_rode 11h
It was very hard to pick just 5! Here r the lucky ones @aditiakiea21 @urvashiagarwal1 @pritibaby04 @Meenu_05 @PrincessShruthy DM ur numbrs
Gautam Rode @gautam_rode 10h
I loved all the tweets! Sorry couldn’t choose more than 5 admirers! 😀 #feelingblessed Made a video for u guys >>
Gautam Rode @gautam_rode 6h
It was lovely talking to the 5 ladies:) thanks to all of you for your love and support. Te response is overwhelming #GautamRodeWebsiteLaunch
April 15, 19:34Gautam’s tweets:
Gautam Rode @gautam_rode 14h
So happy to be here, reading all your lovely tweets! Can’t wait to have a chat with my lucky 5 admirers 😀 #GautamRodeWebsiteLaunch
Gautam Rode @gautam_rode 14h
So blessed to read all your tweets! Can’t wait to chat with the best 5! #SuperExcited 😀 #GautamRodeWebsiteLaunch
Gautam Rode @gautam_rode 14h
Look at all the love! Confusing and very, very hard to pick just 5 best tweets! 🙂 #GautamRodeWebsiteLaunch
Gautam Rode @gautam_rode 13h
@rosanmartins I am glad with the amount of love & support which I am receiving. Don’t forget to use #GautamRodeWebsiteLaunch 🙂
Gautam Rode @gautam_rode 12h
What an amazing response! Love you all 🙂 #GautamRodeWebsiteLaunch
April 15, 19:32Gautam’s tweets:
Gautam Rode @gautam_rode 15h
Are you ready for the surprises? Ready ho jao phir!!! 🙂
Gautam Rode @gautam_rode 15h
Pehla Surprise – I am going to call 5 of my biggest admirers & chat with them. Doosra Surprise – #GautamRodeWebsiteLaunch today!
April 15, 19:32Gautam’s tweet:
Gautam Rode @gautam_rode 17h
Happy Vishu:) Happy new year to all my keralite friends n admirers:) Enjoy
April 15, 19:31Pictures from today’s episode:
April 15, 19:30More pictures from yesterday:
April 15, 19:27More pictures from yesterday:
April 15, 19:26Pictures from yesterday’s episode:
April 15, 19:25On the sets of SC:
April 15, 19:24Gautam’s post on Vine:
April 15, 19:23SaMud Memes:
April 15, 19:22Picture of Gautam and a reporter:
April 15, 19:21Another video posted by Gautam:
April 15, 19:21Video posted by Gautam on his new YT Channel:
April 15, 19:20Another picture posted by Gautam on Instagram:
April 15, 19:19Picture posted by Gautam on Instagram:
April 15, 19:19Gautam’s ad:
April 15, 19:18Picture from today’s episode:
April 15, 19:18Collage of Gautam:
April 15, 19:17Raj’s tweet:
Raj Baddhan @RajBaddhan 7h
Alert: @gautam_rode joins me on #Drivetime to talk about the #Saraswatichandra London shoot later this week! Tune in!
April 15, 19:16Picture of Jennifer and Karan:
Jennifer looks beautiful as always, but when will Karan cut his hair and shave? -_-
April 15, 19:16Gautam’s interview with Sabras:
Can’t wait to listen to it!!! 🙂 Hope there are questions on JeNam/SaMud!!! 🙂 Gautam is the best!!! 🙂
April 15, 19:14Gautam’s official youtube channel:
Seriously, this just proves how much he loves us and cares for us. He is such a sweetheart!!! 🙂 He has a Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Official Website, and a Youtube Channel just to interact with his admirers!!! 🙂 Love you so much Gautam!!! 🙂
April 15, 19:12Gautam’s official website:
You don’t know how happy I am after seeing this. Gautam is truly the most humble, kind, loving, caring person/actor I have ever seen!!! 🙂 This is the sweetest thing ever that really touches my heart!!! 🙂 He is so sincere he wants to interact with his admirers!!! 🙂 That is seriously the most genuine thing I have ever seen anyone ever do, and I want to thank him from the bottom of my heart for all the love he has for his fans and the dedication, time, and energy he puts into entertaining us by either putting a smile on our face or making us cry. 🙂 Gautam, I can’t describe how much I love you and how proud I am to be your fan!!! 🙂 Love you so much Gautam and I really hope to meet you one day!!! 🙂 By the way, I would literally die if I saw him. Not only the excitement, but after seeing him there is nothing more to live for. Lols. 🙂 Anyways, keep up the magnificent work and we will always support you no matter what!!! 🙂
April 15, 19:05Picture of Gautam:
April 15, 19:05Picture of our SaMud:
April 15, 19:04Article:
April 15, 19:04Pictures of our Gautam from photoshoots:
April 15, 18:57Thank you Amena Di for the mind blowing written update and lovely pictures!!! 🙂 Keep up the fantastic job!!! 🙂
April 15, 18:56Hello to all my dazzling SCians!!! 🙂 Especially Choti, Smiley, Rainbow, Zaaru, Nikky, Kajal, Sia, Tithi, Rose, Avni, Zarin, Noor, Titli, Amena Di, Malsha Di, Suni Di, Arti Di, Shurafa, Vivek, Shashank, Ayo, AnnaS, Ananna, Anu, Miss Unbelievable, Monalisa, Minu Priya, Maneeshah, Sadia, Honey, Deepika, Akash, Lubna, Aathmika, Sonya, Neena, Alina, SJ, Aadhyaa, Thiyu, Thani, and the rest!!! 🙂 How are you all? 🙂 Take care and love you lots!!! 🙂 Hope to chat with you all very soon… 🙂