Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 1st February 2013 Written Update

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Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 1st February 2013 Written Update by happygirl123

Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 1st February 2013 Written Episode

Part 1

The episode starts with Dayal talking to Shail of chasing Gunjan out of the house after what Seema and Sangeetha told him that Gunjan rode with Vihaan on the bike to college. He tells Shail no one is benefiting from her sacrifice. He says they all are tired of having to bother about her responsibility of taking care of Gunjan and want to be free from it. He tells her to call Akash and send Gunjan to him. The drama happening everyday at home is ruining the atmosphere at home. Shail says she understands what he says and that she should be sent but she feels there’s another reason to it. Dayal doesn’t seem to believe her but Shail insists saying that Gunjan never hid anything from them when she loved Mayank then now why would she do it with Vihaan and she was happily and eagerly getting Rachana ready. She says she can’t believe Vihaan and Gunjan together suddenly. Shail says there must be a reason behind this and Dayal says the reason is Shail being blinded by the love for Gunjan and that the family is suffering the consequences for it and he walks out. At college Gunjan is sitiing on a bench alone and Rajeev comes and tells her why is she doing this why is she following whatever Vihaan says. Gunjan replies because he is her fiancee. Rajeev says she’s not the girl he knew. She tells him not to get involved that he may be Vihaan’s brother but to her he is her teacher and should stay that way and that its her personal matter and walks away. Gunjan is walking and bumps into Mayank. She is shocked to see him and he tells her he has to talk to her and pulls her away. Gunjan asks what the matter is and doesn’t want to listen. Mayank shows her the letter and she asks what is it and he tells her its the letter for her and she says whose letter and reads it for her.

Part 2

Gunjan says she knows nothing about it but Mayank says he does and he wants her to hear the truth from the person who wrote the letter and he calls Rohit. Gunjan is shocked to see Rohit and Mayank says its good that she recognizes him and that she’ll know that Rohit is Vihaan’s good friend and that Rohit wrote the letter on the engagement day. Mayank says it was a pity she did not get it. Mayank says she got trapped by Vihaan’s plan. Gunjan says what is all this and that its nonsense. Rohit tells Gunjan why is she torturing herself and that its the time to reveal the truth. Gunjan says what truth and the truth is what everyone saw that day and tells Mayank not to believe Rohit and tells him not to get involved. Mayank says he’ll show the letter to Shail and tell everyone the truth. Vihaan with his friends is flirting with girls walking. His friends tells that he’s engaged and he says he forgets that he is. He asks them where is Gunjan and asks if she’s run away and laughs. He then says he’ll go find her. Mayank says he’ll tell everyone the truth and Gunjan pleads him not to tell. Gunjan says Rachana loves Vihaan like no one else can. She tells him not to tell or Vihaan will never be Rachana’s and her life will be miserable. Gunjan says does he want to ruin his sister’s life. Mayank tells her to tell the truth and she tells how Vihaan blackmailed her on the day of the engagement. Gunjan holds Mayank’s hand and tells him not to tell anyone. Mayank thanks rohit for supporting the truth. Mayank says he was right that Gunjan would never do something like this and tells her its enough not to hurt herself anymore in Vihaan’s plan. Mayank says he can’t stand people saying bad things about Gunjan. Gunjan says its only for a week and Vihaan will take back Rachana and she can do anything for Rachana’s happiness. Rohit spots Vihaan and tells them. Gunjan says if Vihaan sees them together it’ll be trouble. Rohit says he’ll hide. Gunjan pulls Mayank. Mayank sees Vihaan and is boiling with anger. Gunjan makes him promise not to confront Vihaan and tells him to control himself. Vihaan comes and rubs it in and tells he should have married Gunjan.

Part 3

Vihaan asks Mayank what is he doing at college and Mayank says he came to pick Rachana up and Vihaan says he’s a good brother. Vihaan says he’ll drop Gunjan. He tells Gunjan to sit on the bike. Vihaan tells Gunjan to hold him tightly as they have already got engaged. Mayank and Rachana watch looking angry. Charu calls Mayank and asks him where he is and Mayank angrily tells her he’s at college and if she has a problem. Charu is angry. Rachana asks Mayank why he’s at college and he says he had some work and tells them come to go home. Charu is angry that Mayank is meeting Gunjan at college even outside home. She says she’ll torture everyone else until Mayank gives her rights of a wife.

Part 4

Seema is lamenting away and Charu comes and asks why is she crying. She says her back is aching and it happens when the weather is cold and asks if she’ll put some balm for her. She notices Charu’s ring on her finger. Charu sees her eyeing it. Seema tells Charu its a nice ring and Charu tells her its real diamond and made in Hong Kong. She gives it to Seema putting it on her finger. Seema is so happy. Charu then says that she’ll take the balm as her body has been hurting as there’s no water in their bathroom. Seema tells her to asks someone to fetch water for her. Charu says there’s no one around and Seema volunteers to do it. Seema fills two buckets of water and carries it to Charu’s room adn empties them and goes to fill it again. Charu takes some oil and spills it on the floor so that Seema will slip.

Episode ends

PrecapRohit tells Vihaan that after a week and telling the truth would Rachana and her family accept him. Vihaan tells Rohit did he seriously think that he would marry Rachana. He says that it was all drama to get hold of Gunjan and teach her a lesson. Gunjan overhears their conversation.

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  1. bindhi
    February 02, 15:20 Reply

    i liked rachna and vihaan but he does not deserves anyone that good and gunjan deserves someone like rajeev

    really wanted rachna and rajeev together before but now i want gunjan and him becuz they will make an awesome couple they deserve alot….. directors plz make rachna alot mature for rajeev to fall in love with her we now some day both of them are going to get together although i want rajeev and gunjan so that they can run away from all the stress……… and vihaan to hell with u!!!!!!

  2. bindhi
    February 02, 15:14 Reply

    i lov the fact that mayank is helpin gunjan ….. but it not like they are goin to get together he is only repenting for his mistakes

  3. bindhi
    February 02, 15:14 Reply

    i lov the fact that mayank is helpin gunjan ….. but it not like they are goin to get together he is only repenting for his misdeeds

  4. bindhi
    February 02, 14:20 Reply

    i lov this show!

    in my opinion i dont think any of our sslk fans should be upset with rachna of how rude she is with gunjan bacuz she does not know the truth!!!!!… YET!!!…. and if i were in her place i would also behave the same way as rachna!!!

    i know that gunjan would expose vihaan becuz in every soap there is a time of disaster in their lives but there is also a point in time when the truth will be revealed!!!!… i am positively sure that when the entire family find out about gunjans sacrifice for rachna they will hav full faith in her especially RACHNA AND HER DAD.

    i also think that gunjan will be with vihaan and rachna with rajeev!!!!… think vihaan will realise his mistakes and apologise till he gets forgivness and his mom also.

    i totally get u mayank and gunjan jodi fans but mayank is married!!!!… i am also sure that charu will realise her mistakes and who knows maybe they will be together……HOPEFULLY!.. lol

    i think that rajeev will fall in love with rachna some time soon!!!!

    although i prefer rajeev and gunjan because they are so much mature… I mean rachna still acts like a child and look at gunjan…. and vihaan is also like a child becuz he is also only on for revenge in everyone and look at rajeev he is much different….. but i think it going to be the other way around gunjan with vihaan and rachna with rajeev!!!!!!!


  5. rachna
    February 02, 10:58 Reply

    poor rachna……dirty vihan he won’t marry her or wat? i luv rachna vihaan pair……..

    • mayank-gunjan fan
      February 02, 11:02

      lucky rachna that a creep like vihaan wont marry her…

    • anonymous
      February 02, 11:03

      you should not pity on rachna.she is a stupid and coward

    • anonymous
      February 02, 11:05

      mayank gunjan fan yu’re correct i agree with you

    • Miss Kris
      February 02, 12:12

      I agree with Mayank gunjan fan, Rachna is so lucky firstly to have a mother like Shail secondly to have such a loving and caring cousin like Gunjan.
      She is further lucky that Vihaan will not marry her, he is a big time sleezeball and no sanskars whatsoever.
      She is also lucky to have Mayank as her brother, hopefully he will help her to get over this horrible incident together with Shail and Gunjan.

    • mayank-gunjan fan
      February 04, 00:50

      Rachna dont u think charu n vihaan wud be a better pair.. and mayank gunjan an awesome pair?
      completely agree with miss kris 🙂

  6. Anonymous
    February 02, 10:58 Reply

    poor rachna……dirty vihan he won’t marry her or wat? i luv rachna vihaan pair……..

  7. deep
    February 02, 09:44 Reply

    Gunjan should expose that rat called vihaan,publicly,that he wouldn’t be able to pass his street,go to school or anywhere else in banaras,for the rest of his life.

    • Miss Kris
      February 02, 10:01

      Yea, and even his hautie toutie moth should be ashamed to show her face to any decent person again. She created that monster of a waste of space on earth.

  8. arshi
    February 02, 09:37 Reply

    guys stop saying gunjan and ranjeev pls mayank made a mistake and know he’s undoing his mistake so mayank is better of with gunjan and only gunjan rajeev is the best but he has to be with rachna and for vihaan he’s good for nathing

  9. arshi
    February 02, 09:33 Reply

    mayank you rock and gunjan don’t worry coz mayank is with you hope u and mayank always and forever and not ranjeev

  10. Zainab fahim
    February 02, 07:54 Reply

    Vihan is such a disgusting guy??:@) he gonna get it from gunjan one day o the other..

  11. becky
    February 02, 06:54 Reply

    Rachna did not want gungan to do anything for her,gungan decided to pose as Rachna to Vihaan n if gungan tells d truth n stop tryin to safe d world her sister Rachna wud not b vex wid her

  12. Anonymous
    February 02, 01:59 Reply

    I think mayank and gunjan rajeev and rachna

  13. Mehak
    February 02, 01:31 Reply

    Wow d episode was awesome….
    Vihaan is a freek..he shud be exposed by gunjan n
    dat 2 fast as she has come to know about vihaan’s true face..
    if Mayak wouldn’t have doubted gunjan before then both
    of them would have been married and vihaan would haven’t
    dared to do anything wrong to gunjan but I m happy
    dat now he believed her but now its too late..
    I m toh waiting wen will gunjan expose vihaan….
    Do it fast gunjan…
    Rachna is very immature…crying queen Rachna..

  14. Anshara
    February 01, 22:31 Reply

    gujan sacrifised everything for rachna but stupid rachna is blaming gunjan for all these.she belives vihaan more than gunjan.

    • anonymous
      February 01, 22:54

      yes yo’re right rachna is really a great stupid.

  15. Anonymous
    February 01, 21:09 Reply

    Gunjan and rajeev plssssss. Pls pair them up. They just omg freaking hot together. Pls dont match mayank with gunjan anymore. Mayank yes he is good looking but after wht had happen in the past between may n gunjan I think they shoudnt unite them. If I were in gunjan place I definitely say no to mayank as he had missed even his second chance to prove himself. As a wise thinking lady we girls should live et dignity and shouldnt gives in to man who act and stoop low

  16. ammara
    February 01, 18:16 Reply

    love how charu is slowly makin their life miserable i hope she continues 2 give seema and sangeeta hell and then someone turns around and kicks her out…. i like gunjan and rajeev i really think they are great together mayank does not suit her he and rachna r both immature i guess that comes from where they grew up in that house….. vihaan ohhhh boy kill his character what an idiot

    • Miss Kris
      February 01, 20:14

      I agree with you Ammara, but I think they are gearing up to pair Rajeev and Rachna and Gunjan and Mayank will get back together after Charu is kicked out on her behind by Dayal after he finds out her true face.

  17. JustMe
    February 01, 15:51 Reply

    Lmao vihaan is such a freak 😀

  18. yyzz
    February 01, 14:36 Reply

    charu n mayank sud b separtd soon..i don like dem as a couple

  19. xyz
    February 01, 13:31 Reply

    vihaan shud be exposed in a bad way..
    N nice dat chaaru s duin to seema 🙂

  20. xyz
    February 01, 13:24 Reply

    awesome episode..

    • Miss Kris
      February 01, 11:42

      I agree
      Well now gunjan should tell Shail everything and come up with a plan to expose Vihaan in front of everyone including his mummy dearest and shut her mouth up for good. He should put her to shame and should be ashamed to show her face in public

  21. Shaza
    February 01, 11:30 Reply

    Realy it’s a nice episode.

    February 01, 11:23 Reply

    o nice episode and the precap is interesting

  23. sslk
    February 01, 11:16 Reply

    the episode was good

  24. Angel2
    February 01, 11:15 Reply

    Haha, i am loving this episode, cant wait for the others and especially for the others to know the truth and for Vihaan to loose… he is such a bastard! Glad Gunjan overheard everything. I think Gunjan and Rajeev should be together as Mayank is already married and Rachna should be left to grow-up a lot more!

    • Anonymous
      February 01, 11:17

      but mayank cares for gunjan a lot

    • Anonymous
      February 01, 11:24

      if all the guys hover over gunjan wat will happen to rachna. gunjan doesnt deserve none of them. the r just showing alot of pity. rachna is and will always be with rajeev

    • Mattie
      February 01, 17:23

      I totally agree with you. Rachana is very sneaky and Gunjan gets the blame for her bad behavior. This whole mess started with Rachana making a date with Rajeev and Vihaan. I hope Rajeev and Gunjan get together..

  25. Anshara
    February 01, 11:11 Reply

    mayank and gunjan or rajeev and gunjan should together.

    • Anonymous
      February 01, 11:13

      yes you are right but it should mayank and gunjan.

    • xyz
      February 01, 13:17

      mayank and gunjan shud be together..

  26. urmilasingh
    February 01, 11:01 Reply

    well everything would be going good since mayank know the truth and gunjan heard what vihaan said so i wounder what will Mr. Smart Ass Vihaan would do

  27. Ansara
    February 01, 10:55 Reply

    Vihaan what will you do now. The episode was too good.Thank god gujan told the truth to mayank and in precap she heard everything.

    • Anonymous
      February 01, 11:08

      now vihan should get a lesson

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