Santoshi Maa 21st April 2017 Written Update
Santoshi Maa 21st April 2017 Written Episode
The Episode starts with Devi Paulmi thinking Narad came here for some purpose. She says what can I do being here. Asur Raj asks her not to worry, someone will free us. She sends some magical thing, that sticks to Narad’s veena. She says I hope my husband is finding solution of my problem, he understood my story. He says I also wish so, I will leave now. He goes. Asur Raj asks what did you do. She says we will get to know what are Devtas doing by that thing. She laughs.
Seshnath asks Rudrakshi to stop, why is she running. Rudrakshi says you left me there to die. He recalls Daksha’s state and starts acting saying I don’t remember how I came here, you were running in front of me so I called you, this happened with Daksha also. She says I don’t trust you. He asks her to go, I will sit here.
She says fine, I have forgiven you, Santoshi says if anyone realizes mistake, we should forgive him, promise me you won’t do this again. He promises and apologizes. He does situps. She agrees to go home with him. He says you don’t tell this to anyone at home, if Dhairya knows this, he will send me to mental hospital. She agrees. They leave.
Narad says Brahmadev asked me to inform if Devi Paulmi met Indra, its clear she has met Indra, I have to inform this to Brahmadev. She hears him and says it means Narad has become informer, I will get all info of Devtas. He says if she gets free of prison, it will be disaster.
Santoshi and Kaka look for Rudrakshi. Daksha says she is nowhere at home, even Seshnath is not here. Madhuri says yes, I looked for them. Kaka calls Seshnath. Rudrakshi and Seshnath come home. Rudrakshi thanks him for toys. Santoshi asks where did you go this way. Rudrakshi says I went to play, he got many toys for me. Seshnath recalls Rudrakshi asking him to buy toys for her, if he wants her not to tell anyone about what happened. He says we had golgappas, icecream and balloons, I got all these toys. Santoshi asks what was the need. Rudrakshi thinks it was needed to make him realize his mistake. Seshnath acts sweet. Madhuri and Daksha think what happened to him, how did he get money. Kaka praises Seshnath. Narad comes to Brahmadev and says according to your command, I met Devi Paulmi, I m sure Indra broke the rules of devlok and met her in prison, Devi Paulmi told me that Indra will free her from prison by cheat or power, what will happen now. Brahmadev says its clear Indra went against devsabha, we have to elect new Indra soon.
Devi Paulmi hears this and says I will tell Indra that Devlok is electing new devraj, then he will get bitter hearted, I will make him have war with Devtas, they will get ruined and Asurs will win. Asur Raj says your cleverness will do good to Asurlok. She says but we have to do something that blame comes on Santoshi Maa. She laughs.
Santoshi Maa says its an imp decision to elect new Devraj, I think we should talk to Mahadev once. Brahmadev agrees. He asks three Devis to go to Mahadev and tell him about this matter.
Kamini says that little girl did this with us, where her powers don’t work, how to move her off our way. Trishna says we have to think something else. She holds her stomach and smiles. She says I can’t hurt Santoshi, but Santoshi can hurt herself. Kamini asks what do you mean. Trishna holds her stomach and takes Santoshi’s avatar. Kamini and tantric smile. Trishna asks how did she like the plan. Kamini says its your best idea, the baby in your womb can do anything, if he is so powerful in stomach, he will be much powerful after birth. They laugh.
Trishna gets back to her avatar. She says mom, Santoshi has troubled me a lot, now I will do things for which Santoshi pays. Tantric praises Trishna and her baby.
Santoshi Maa, Devi Parvati and Devi Laxmi come to Mahadev. Devi Parvati wakes him from dhyaan. He asks what happened. Santoshi Maa tells everything. She says I think everyone should think well about electing Indra, maybe there is some reason for Indra’s bad behavior. He says its possible, but we have to hear Indra to know complete truth, its imp decision, I can’t avoid my duty, I have to leave for Devsabha right away. Santoshi and Dhairya get Rudrakshi to school. He likes the school. Rudrakshi says I m happy to get new friends. They hug her. Trishna looks on. Santoshi says we shall go home now, we have to do many arrangements. They leave. Trishna smiles and takes Santoshi’s avatar.
Police comes and arrests Santoshi. He says she has stolen a kid from school. Dhairya asks what’s the proof. Inspector shows CCTV footage. They get shocked.