Sadda Haq 9th June 2016 Written Update
Sadda Haq 9th June 2016 Written Episode
Scene 1
Sanyu is working. Sanaya comes in and says sanyu thank for what you have done for randhir in last three weeks. If you weren’t there he won’t have come out of this depression. He was close to his dad but won’t admit. Thanks. Sanyu says you don’t have to say thanks. Sanaya says only you can make him smile. His smile give me comfort and relief. Sanyu says still cries? Sanaya says yes. Did you find something about Aryan? sanyu says no. I have given up now. I think when he misses me he will come back. Or when I need him perhaps. Sanaya says can I ask you something? Sanyu nods. Sanaya says what have you thought about you and randhir? Your relation, Sanyu says just because I helped him doesn’t mean I will have a relationship with him. He is important for me. But being with his in a relationship is different. We are two parallel lines that can move together but can’t be one. We can’t spend or lives together. I can’t run away from this fact anymore.
Sanaya comes to randhir. Randhir says did you talk to sanyu? What did she say? Sanaya says she is not ready to give you a second chance. Randhir says I have done so much wrong to her. Sanaya says just be a good boy to her. Randhir says I dont know how. Sanaya says you fake it all. You do this for you defense. You are a good boy. You have to say bye to this bad boy image. She deserves a good boy and I have decided. If you annoy sanyu anymore I will join her team. She is a very nice girl.
Joy comes in. Rnadhir asks what happened? Sumit says his train is derailed. Rnadhir says everyone has same problem. Randhir says sanyu wants me to be a good boy. Joy says but I a good boy. these girls run after bad boys. Sumit says exchange the girls, sanyu likes good boys that is joy. Kritika likes bad boys so she can have rnadhir. Randhir says shut up. Sumit says help each other being good and bad boys. sanaya says there can’t be a better plan. Rnadhir says I don’t need to change she will accept me this way. Arjun comes in. Sanaya says what happened to you? Arjun says that becky, she wants relationship. Rnadihr says all girls are same.Sumit says you guys will go on mars? Can’t even solve love life.
Sanyu is working. Randhir comes in with something in hand. He says I know you haven’t eaten anything. Please eat this. Sanyu says I am not hungry. I am working. Randhir says in heart control. He says what logic is this? You need energy and food. Sanyu says I don’t wanna eat. Rnadhir says I am trying to be good. Sanyu says I don’t wanna eat. She leaves but slips, Randhir holds her.
Kritika comes to sanyu,she sees her writing randhir’s name. Kritika says you still have feelings for him? Sanyu says yes. We have both experienced it. Mind says its a bad idea. But heart. Kritika says you should listen to your heart. Sanyu says I really love him but things he has done. Will I be able to forgive him?Kritika says you can. Sanyu says I wish life was like a novel. Kritika says what will you do? sanyu says just wait and watch. This time if my heart breaks I won’t be able to bear. Kriitka says you are right. See you later. Randhir comes and takes the pen from her. Sanyu stands up. randhir hugs her. He kisses her forehead. They dance slowly. sanyu realizes it was just her day dream.
Kritika is doing her hair. Sanaya comes in and says you look so pretty. Whom are you going on date with? Kritika says its not a date. Sanaya says I was just asking. Kritika says joy wants to see me at restrobar. I thin he will confess today. Sanaya says you are wearing this? Change it. Sanaya gives her a dress and says go wear it.
Joy is worried. Randhir says be clam. Confuse the girl as if you don’t care. More confused more happy. They get a kinda of mission. Joy says I cant take a chance. Joy says I am leaving. Sumit holds him.Randhir says chill. We know you like kritika. Make her wait. Joy says what idea is this. Randhir says there are three ideas, good looks, intelligence and sense of humor.You don’t have either. So third option is make her feel uncomfortable. She will keep thinking about you. Joy says leave me. Rnadhir says sit. Joy says she must be waiting for me.
Kritika comes to restro bar and says where is joy? She keeps texting him. Kritika calls Joy. Sumit takes his phone and gives it to randhir. Joy says she must be waiting for me. Joy says she is waiting. please. Kriitka calls again. Randhir says not now.
Precap-Randhir dresses Sanyu’s wound. sanyu says you wanna say something? Randhir says there is a party? sanyu says I didn’t know about that. Randhir says but now you know. Will you come? sanyu says yeah.
June 09, 13:14I Like this episode
June 09, 11:36Wow….tdys epi ws on of d bst….
June 09, 11:24Amazing episode