Qubool Hai 28th August 2013 Written Update
Qubool Hai 28th August 2013 Written Episode
Scene 1:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Rashid asks shirin to shut up, but she again goes on a rant as to how much dilshad has spoiled their happiness. She says that she would do what she wants, and that she would go to meet them. Shirin asks rashid to consider Shirin asks rashid desperately, if he doesnt know what becomes of a woman who has been refused to be married by someone, and that she has to live as the second woman in someone’s life. rashid is about to put forth his point but is shocked to see Nikhat listening to all this, and being distraught. Before she can be consoled, She leaves.
Scene 2:
Location: Asad’s residence
Zoya and nazma tell and show Imran of the weird pics and that it was sent by someone called T. imran is reminded of tanveer and is tensed. Imran says that he doesnt go on networking sites. Zoya screams out that he’s lying, surprising him and nazma too. But he finds out that they are actually teasing him. She shows him his facebook profile and tanveer’s comments on it. He instantly says that there’s no one like that on his friend list and that he would delete all of them, and goes on to do it. Asad comes and asks if they didnt leave yet. Imran says that they were just leaving. He asks them to return before it gets dark. Imran and nazma leave. Asad asks what were they talking about, but zoya says that it was nothing important.
Scene 3:
Location: On the road
On the road, nikhat is haunted by what happened in the house, and all the more distressed when she sees nazma with Imran, enjoying and having fun. She is in tears. As nazma’s eyes fall on her, she turns around and leaves before imran or nazma can see her.
Scene 4:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Rashid again curtly tells haseena that they arent interested. She says that she has come on shirin’s insistence. rashid is surprised. and asks why she called them. ayan too is shocked. shirin says that they should think, but rashid says that he has taken the descision. Haseena asks for nikhat’s opinion. Rashid says that he knows her opinion, and is about to refuse but nikhat comes in saying that she accepts this relation. All are surprised including rashid. She says that she has made up her mind.
In her room, ayan tries to advise nikhat against this relation. She says that she wants to connect again, and she knows that haseena is very insulting but has asked for forgiveness. rashid asks her not to be hasty. She says that she has thought enough. He reminds her that imran also would be there. She says that she has completely forgotten over imran, and wants a new relation, and doesnt know why is she stopped from being moved on. Rashid asks her to think ahead, as she isnt able to see what problems that she would have. Rashid says that she would have many more options. She asks him where are they then, and that they should get practical, as she is neither getting younger or fairer, and hence they should say yes to this. She reiterates shirin’s stance on this. shirin says that she didnt mean it like that. Nikhat says that she has made up her mind, and that last time, they thopught and deliberated but still it went fell apart and hence this time they should say yes instantly. She asks him if he wants her unmarried always. rashid says that he still isnt able to be agreeing to this. He asks if she really agrees to this. She remembers imran with nazma and says yes, asking him to agree too, as this is the descision that she has taken about her life. all are tensed to hear this.
Scene 5:
Location: Asad’s residence and office
Nazma asks zoya why she didnt perform in front of her too. Zoya and she together get to tease asad about this. Asad says that he did nothing of the sort and that it was just a one time thing, for sridevi. But they together tease him, till he silences that he was lost in her performance.(MITWA MOMENT) He also teases her for Salman Khan, and zoya says that the list isnt over yet, and goes on to name others. Zoya scares everyone by screaming that dhoni is coming for Janamashtmi to bhopal. And last time, he may have stopped her from going, but this time around she would go at any cost. asad and nazma are amused to see her childish fascination for dhoni. asad agrees but says that he wont come as he has a very important meeting. She says that she would go with nazma then, but she too refuses, citing that she would go to college. She says that she would go alone. But asad says that its too far. She is insistent though. Asad says that he would book a car and chaffeur who would take care of her. She hugs him in happiness and kisses on the cheek, while nazma turns away. Asad leaves, while the girsl are happy.
The next morning, asad tried hard but isnt able to fix a cab for her. He calls her up, and she picks up in excitement that the cab hasnt come yet, and she is all ready. He tells her about the cab strike and she is extremely disappointed. He says that he tried his best, but she would have to cancel her plan. She says okay, and cancels the phone. She thinks that today she would anyhow meet dhoni. The screen freezes on her face.
Precap: At the bus stop, zoya, who is out of breath, isnt able to see any vehicle to take her. But she gets excited when she sees a cat coming from the other side, and hails for a lift. she is somewhat surprised and tensed to see the owner of the car. Ayan takes an insistent humaira, who refuses to go to the doctor, by the hand, but he is slapped by humaira. Ayan sustains an injury on the head, while she is out of breath herself.
@Live long@ !"ALL KHANs"!
August 28, 12:54Kya ho gyz degya kya
August 28, 12:53i think you are the biggest one @zaAru
becuse of you she left
Z fOr ZaAru
August 28, 12:54no cmment
August 28, 12:52is this gul khan mind is working are not
........@"!PAKISTANI TAGIR!"@.......
August 28, 12:50Hello all gyz!!!
Z fOr ZaAru
August 28, 12:50hellow 🙂
Rania Mallik
August 28, 12:51Hiii
Umat Sehgal
August 28, 12:48Bg plz yar dnt rply to dat crap sick
Plz fr me
I dnt want to spoil this pg
Ok guyz m leaving now
Bye will talk to u tmorrow
Z fOr ZaAru
August 28, 12:52ok yer me will nt gona reply
but soo mad nw bcoz of tht sick
bye an good nite
sweet dreams
if u free than me is in mail so we could talk
if u slepy than selp wel dear okis
August 28, 12:45Umat wen i com why do u always wana go? Hi zaraa.
Umat Sehgal
August 28, 12:47Pari u dont know
Will tell u later
Ok lets chat
Yar aj tm ne fast q rkha tha
Z fOr ZaAru
August 28, 12:48hi tisha hope u fiine na dear
me fine tooo
Umat Sehgal
August 28, 12:44Ok guyz bye take care all
Good nite
Good afternoon
Bye all
Pari hav to go now
August 28, 12:44umat ji !!!! cool
August 28, 12:41umat why are’nt yoy replying me ?
Z fOr ZaAru
August 28, 12:44go to hell an stop disturbing my friend ok in every page
August 28, 12:41I m pratisha liv in dhaka,bangladesh. Go 2 schol luv qh. N u? Watis ap?
Umat Sehgal
August 28, 12:39Ok guyz no one is cming
I will wait fr sme time
Z fOr ZaAru
August 28, 12:41umat nt faair yer
why u left bcoz of that sick ha
give hm ans back or call admin to disturb u
such a crap guy
nw gonna create scene there
uff just that this type of guy
August 28, 12:39Hi umat. Diner kar liya?
Umat Sehgal
August 28, 12:43Pari abhi nai kia
Bg yaar im nt gonna rply to dat sick
August 28, 12:39Hi pratisha hw r u? Whr r u frm? I am frm ap
Umat Sehgal
August 28, 12:37Alia mhk ani. Anu nd all kahan ho sab k sb
Umat Sehgal
August 28, 12:35Nice episode
Love asya
Keep gng
August 28, 12:35I think new guy may be farhan but today zoya so cute she like a kid
I love u asya
Umat Sehgal
August 28, 12:33Guyz koi hai yaha ke nai
@Live long@ !"ALL KHANs"!
August 28, 12:31Hi um,at and pra
Umat Sehgal
August 28, 12:24Thanks rimjhim
Fr the wu
August 28, 12:22Yes u can teju. Hi suni.
August 28, 12:20Thanx rimjhim. Luvd da epi. Hope it gos well lik dis but we know next a severe fight btwen asya. The car must b farhans.
August 28, 12:20Hi evryone i am silent reader n big fan qh can i join u guys
August 28, 12:14Nice epi..zoya is ovr hapy..hopn dt she wud soon xpos imran bfr he gt marid to tamatar…
@Live long@ !"ALL KHANs"!
August 28, 12:12Hello dosto????
August 28, 12:14No question marks needed 🙂 .. .
Hi everyone 🙂 .. I can’t stay but I wish you all a pleasant afternoon / evening / night .. .
August 28, 12:12Yeapi nice epi
August 28, 12:11hey thanks guys….enjoy reading”!!!!
August 28, 12:49yes alot love reading ur written updates which other serials do u write
August 28, 13:27thanx rimjhim 4 d written update.
August 28, 13:27i also do, punar vivah and bani…..
August 28, 12:06Rhimjim doing grt job i really luv ur update al d bst keep doing
August 28, 12:04ani api kahan ho????
August 28, 12:01helo
Rania Mallik
August 28, 11:56Awesome thanx rimjhim