Qubool Hai 27th August 2013 Written Update

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Qubool Hai 27th August 2013 Written Update by Rimjhim

Qubool Hai 27th August 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Asad’s residence
Nazma shys while asad teases her too. nazma says that for the first time, she had a talk with imran. Asad says that it takes more than a meeting to know, and hence at first instance, he too liked him. She says that he doesnt even know how to lie. Asad says that therefore he likes him. He asks if zoya agrees. zoya remembers the phone incident. But sensing nazma’s tension, she says that she was just teasing her, and actually he is what asad thinks. He leaves, and nazma too after thanking her, leaves. zoya thinks that maybe she’s overreacting.

Later, Zoya comes and finds nazma facebooking and looking at imran’s pics. She teases her when nazma says that she wasnt doing anything particular. Zoya breaks into poetry:

Nikah pe sajegi tamatar jaise heroine Karan johan ki…
Chup chup ke dekh rahi this photo apne hone waale shauhar ki…!!!!

Zoya insists to see the pics and starts teasing nazma that they arent good at all. But then she is silenced when it turns out to be that the next pics are threatening types to reveal a secret, and that the username from which it is sent is some T. zoya is a little tensed while nazma brushes it aside thinking it to be some sort of a prank. nazma sees zoya tensed and asks if she really thinks its serious. But zoya assures her that it might just be a spam. She says that she has to talk to her about asad. Zoya says that asad is very shy about his wishes, and never confesses. Zoya asks nazma about asad’s particular likings, or a secret crush. Nazma, after much insistence, tells that he had a huge crush on sridevi. She says that he used to watch her posters and movies and that he had decided to marry sridevi when he grows up.

Asad comes home and finds that the door is ajar and noone is inside and all lights are off. he is tensed, but just then, he hears the sound of sridevi’s song playing. Zoya goes on to do an imitation of Sridevi, on the song Hawa hawaii. Asad is pleased to the core at this gesture. She ends in his arms. (MITWA MOMENT)A passionate eyelock follows. She says that she finally managed to fulfill his third wish and asks if he’s happy. He thanks her and hugs her.

Scene 2:
Location: Haseena’s residence
Chandbi teases haseena for being scared of asad, and not giving the list. haseena is irked. But chandbi continues saying that she wont get anything from asad. haseena thinks that nikhat was a better option than her as her family gave lots of gifts atleast. Haseena says that she wont let this relation go to waste, and neither does she want the nikhat relation to be called off too. She says that she would find a way out of this.

Scene 3:
Location: Ayan’s residence
While razia is releived to be finally sleeping on her own bed, she is shocked when she finds badi bi coming towards her at the WheelChair. She gives a letter to razia, that says that she cant befool her as she may have given her permission to stay here, but at the first instance of evil behaviour, she would be back to sleeping on the floor. razia remembers her ordeal and is terrified.

The next morning, rashid and shirin are shocked to find haseena at their doorstep, and that she apologises profusely that she had her revenge but felt really guilty at this. rashid asks that she isnt happy at any relation. Haseena says that nazma’s really nice but she has realised that she has lost a daughter in law like nikhat, and she connected with her from the heart. Both rashid and shirin are confused at this. she says that she does understand that this is a new way of insulting them. Haseena admits her mistake, and says that she was very happy insulting them, but that night, peer baba came in her dreams to tell that she sinned and should repent and she was restless till now. She asks them to forgive her so that she may be in peace. she starts crying. rashid is irritated and asks shirin to make her understand. Hasena continues saying that nikhat shouldnt get a Saans like her, but her elder son is returning from america, and shows them the pic. She says that she wnts nikhat for him. they are surprised. rashid asks what is this nonsense. Haseena says that its a request as he’s a very eligible bachelor, and asks them to give it a thought. rashid is furious. haseena says that he’s angry at her right now, and that she would wait till he simmers down. chandbi says that if nikhat comes to their house, it would be their good fortune. They leave, asking them to think over it. Rashid and shiirn are tensed. He says that he has never seen a low level woman like this. He leaves, but shirin is in confusion and starts eyeing the photograph, thinking at the same time.

Ayan sees humaira searching frantically for her medicines, as the stick that she had is finished, and comes to ask what is she searching for. Humaira is surprised to see him, but doesnt answer. He asks if she has taken the meds as she cant miss them. she says that she has taken the meds and that he shouldnt try and be a spy. She asks him to leave. He does so. The screen freezes on her face.

Precap: Zoya and nazma tell Imran of the weird pics and that it was sent by someone called T. imran is reminded of tanveer and is tensed. Imran says that he doesnt go on networking sites. Zoya screams out that he’s lying, surprising him and nazma too. Shirin asks rashis desperately, if he doesnt know what becomes of a woman who has been refused to be married by someone, and that she has to live as the second woman in someone’s life. rashid is about to put forth his point but is shocked to see Nikhat listening to all this, and being distraught.


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  1. Pratisha
    August 28, 07:46 Reply

    I m here ntwrk prob. So zoyaa,zara and kriya in. Wers umat,barbie?

  2. Kriya
    August 28, 07:46 Reply

    N i dnt think she is gonna improve..ever in dis show…
    Evn if she is getting a chance…but again she wl do her despo tantrums n tactics…

  3. Kriya
    August 28, 07:45 Reply

    Razia na…she is a real witch..tanveer se b badi wali witch h…

  4. Kriya
    August 28, 07:42 Reply

    Ok pratisha..now whr r u

  5. Zoyaa
    August 28, 07:41 Reply

    This razia will never mend her ways…..

    • Kriya
      August 28, 07:40

      Replied already

  6. Kriya
    August 28, 07:34 Reply

    Pratisha…m here yr…
    Baki sab b aa jao yr

  7. Pratisha
    August 28, 07:32 Reply

    Guyz don do dis. I m getin hurt. I ve only com 2 tak 2 u al. Its vry dificult 4 m 2 chat here evryday. I don hav much tim. Pls undrstan pls.

  8. Kriya
    August 28, 07:30 Reply

    Pawan k cmnts post not posted…y?
    How u came 2 knw yr…

  9. Kriya
    August 28, 07:29 Reply

    M here pratisha…baki gye shayad yr

  10. ******ZaARa******
    August 28, 07:29 Reply

    Kriya we both playing hide n sick
    U here n me there

    U knw pwn comm is nt posting any page
    Pwn is soo sad about that

  11. Pratisha
    August 28, 07:28 Reply

    Guyz u did nt tel who r in? Is no1 den tel we will select odar topics. Pls

  12. Umat Sehgal
    August 28, 07:27 Reply

    Yar kia masla hai network ko
    Mera cmnt submit hua k nai

    Yar rko is ko rest deti hn or thori der baad ati hn

  13. heena
    August 28, 07:26 Reply

    @mehek sorry yaar hv to go ma mumma is calling….wil meet u soon…
    okaie bye bye allllll

    • BARBIE
      August 28, 09:48

      Ok heena sorry bye

  14. Pratisha
    August 28, 07:25 Reply

    Rules- 1 by 1 evry1 wil tel deir felins abt upcomin epis of qh. Any1 can ask Q an al wil ans. Bt no1 wil ask rough Q and no1 wil get hurt. Thats all.

    • heena
      August 28, 07:30

      i hv a strong feeling tat farhan wil marry nikhat n hv dought abt najma n imran….
      @pratisha sorry hv to go…hope u hv great time chatting wit others…

  15. ******ZaARa******
    August 28, 07:22 Reply

    Heena hi πŸ™‚

    Oye umat hi too u too na πŸ™‚
    Hope u fine na πŸ˜‰

    • Kriya
      August 28, 07:24

      Zaara..hi….ab m here..u also stay here…nito i wl go thr..den u wl b here..n vice versa… πŸ˜€ :p

  16. Kriya
    August 28, 07:21 Reply

    Heena..m kriya…from jaipur,rajsthan..19 yrs old..b.com 2nd year…
    N u?

    • heena
      August 28, 07:23

      im dng bca 2nd yr frm hyd(india)

    • heena
      August 28, 07:20


  17. heena
    August 28, 07:17 Reply

    hey kriya n zoya intro if u dnt mind….

  18. Pratisha
    August 28, 07:16 Reply

    The fault is zo’s so she shud. So chatin mater qh. Ok. If any 1 hs prob den tel….

  19. heena
    August 28, 07:16 Reply

    pratisha topic kaha hai????????????

  20. Kriya
    August 28, 07:14 Reply

    Guys kya topic choose kia tum log ne

  21. Zoyaa
    August 28, 07:12 Reply

    Guys in d upcoming epi when asd will get angry wid zo…. Will asd say sorry or zo will say sorry ??????

    • heena
      August 28, 07:15

      wt???asad is gng to get angry on zoya bt yyyyyyyy??

  22. BARBIE
    August 28, 07:10 Reply

    B.a shireen ke paas dimagh hi nai toh dimaagh naam ki cheez kahan se hogi.hahaha

  23. Kriya
    August 28, 07:09 Reply

    Pratisha…najma wl marry imran na…farhan toh nikhat k liye introduce kara rhe h…
    N i think najma wl not marry imran if she comes 2 knw his truth…maybe..not sure…

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