Qubool Hai 24th May 2013 Written Update

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Qubool Hai 24th May 2013 Written Update by Rimjhim

Qubool Hai 24th May 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Ayan’s residence
As they all gather at the dining table, Razia calls up someone and asks her to come. As humaira asks her to rest, razia says that she had gotten bored, and hence came here for some family time.

Haseena comes in, with Imran very angry, saying that nikhat shouldnt do any mannerisms, as her true personality is out for everyone to see. They are all shocked to see haseena so angry. She said that today there would be a descision, and she would ask Rashid and shirin as to why their children are so ill mannered. badi bi asks what happened. Imran asks her to stop but she doesnt. She goes on to show the video, reprimanding her for such shamelessness. Badi bi says that this is just a family function. But haseena says that there are lots of other things that happen behind closed doors, and if in her opinion, they should also be on the net. Razia smirks at such insult. haseena tells them that they had gone to Aasd’s place, whose mother has been accused of stealing their father, after he left her 17 years ago.

Ayan reprimands her for talking like this, as asad is after all his brother, and hence they went to that function. Haseena says that they were told that there’s no relation between them, and now its all a false. Haseena calls her a nachne waali and a Kothe wali aurat. this shocks ayan and everyone else. razia pretends to feign shock, as haseena goes on to say that they wont let their ancestral property be turned in to a Kotha.

Ayan asks her to stop, as which mannered people call their own daughter in law, by such insulting words. He reprimands haseena and imran too for being asilent spectator to his would be wife’s insult. as haseena tries to speak, ayan stops her saying that she has already insulted, and he too has a limit, and it would be better if she doesnt cross that limit. Haseena leaves fuming. Razia is very happy, thinking that she finally got success in her plan as if nikhat is tortured then ayan would be in pain, and then she would play her cards, and say tp ayan, that all of this would stop if he marries humaira.

while nikhat is crying in her room, ayan comesz in and asks if she’s okay, expressing horror at the way she was treated today. She tells him that he cant change anyone, and that she’s habituated to it now. He asks if she felt bad when he talkedf sternly to imran. He says that he didnt want to do it, but he couldnt take it, when he kept watching her get insultyed silently. She says that his anger is justified, but imran is a soft hearted person, and stays away from fights, and if he doesnt say anything, it doesnt mean that he doesnt feel it. He says that its okay, but how will she live with haseena all her life. She tells him that they are planning to live seperately. He asks whether she loves him very bad. she says that when a person loves someone, he makes huge sacrifices, and thats exactly what she is doing. she asks him to promise that he wont lose his temper, as he has already been through enough, He says that he would try his level best, and he just wants to see her happy. they hug each other.

Scene 2:
Location: Asad’s residence and imran’s residence
Zoya calls vasudev, thanking him for the wondeful dance. She cancels the phone, seeing agift placed. she wonders who got it for her. She opens and finds a saree with a note. It says that he hopes this time she wont convert this saree into a kurti. He asks her to meet him at 8: 00 clock in the backyard. She thinks that asad is so strange, that he wants to end this marriage, by giving her a gift. Her sister comes in and admires the saree, asking who gave it to her. She tells its asad, and asks why has he called. she tells zoya that asad has planned a romantic dinner for her, as what else could this mean. Her sister says that she’s very lucky that she got a husband like asad, unlike her own, who just keeps sending her monotonous messages. She asks zoya to savour these moments and be happy.

Zoya’s sister dresses her up, and also tells her that she would be going soon, for a meeting with a decortaor, who has selected a venue for the remaining functions, as dilshad and nazma have already left. She sees the change in earrings, and asks the reason. zoya says that these too look fine. She keeps giving tips and interrupting zoya, for a smooth romantic date with asad, irritated by which zoya asks her to let go, so that she can go to meet asad. Asad iin the meanwhile is very busy making his own preparations for the proposal. Tanveer hears this, and is smirking with her own evil plan.

Zoya comes in the backyrd to find it romantically set. she wonders whats wrong with asad, as he’s got mad with happiness that he is breaking up with her, or else why would someone give such an elaborate setup to break up. she wonders where is he. as asad comes, she is about to turn off. As zoya’s begins to go, asad catches her, and twirling her around, he says that he has something to say to her, that he wanted to since a long time. (MITWA MOMENT) He says that whenever he feels like saying it, someone interrupts him, and therefore this time, he did this, to com plete what he wants to say. Zoya thinks that he’s very cold blooded for planning such a romantic setup to break up. He twirls her again, and then taking her in his arms, he says that today he would speak, and she would have to listen queitly and not run off. Asad says that he wanted to do this since a long time, and as he leans down on her romantically, and says that he doesnt know what her answer would be, but he has to confess. He says that he has to say the truth, that was in his heart, but it never found its way to his lips, his truth, her truth, their truth. Zoya surprisedly thinks that this doesnt like like a break up, and in fact his intentions sound very pure, and good. she wonders what is it that he wants to say. Asad remembers Dilshad’s advise and the airport engagement. He goes on to say, Ms. Farooqui, but then checks hismelf and addressing her as zoya, he says Zoya, I…and then drifts off. The screen freezes on their faces.

Precap: In the room, zoya is searching around for something, when asad comes and asks where had he gone. She tells him that she just saw someone, and she’s pretty sure of that. Asad gets tensed and also starts searching around. He then sudenly has a thought, if tanveer is fine, and where is she. Zoya is also startled hearing this, and they both begin to look around. Meanwhile, as imran comes to talk to nikhat after haseena gave him a dose, ayan confronts him saying that he hasnt come to talk to her on his own, but on his mother’s coaxing. He tells imran sternly, while nikhat continuously tries to stop him, that he wont let anyone take advantage of his sister’s innocence. imran is startled at being confronted like this.


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  1. Vinti
    May 25, 11:40 Reply

    @mhk:my real name is vinti only

    • mhk
      May 25, 11:49

      wat r u studying vinti?

  2. Riza
    May 25, 11:35 Reply

    @saurav Any name u wanna ask…u r free to do so
    @mehak chatting while watching tv too,now ibd

    • mhk
      May 25, 11:40

      riza cn i call u di 2?
      alia kaun jeeta in ibd mein mujhe batana zarur k.

  3. fulaanty
    May 25, 11:34 Reply

    Hey guys pls I need edition on my story

    “Luke get out here and finish what you started” his mother yelled at him. he didn’t answer his mom he went straight to his room and slammed the door hard. He sit down for a moment on his bed trying to take things off his mind. But he seems not to succeed. He can’t still hear his mother words echoing in his ear. Maybe he should just go for a walk. he check the time, is not that late for him to go out. He picks wallet and phone and heads downstairs his mother is still in the sitting room. he past her to the door she follow him “where do you think you’re going?” She hold his wrist. He jerked his hand away. “Where I can’t see you” he says out of spite. “and can’t hear you” he slammed the door on her face.
    He feel guilty treating his mother this way. But his mother always blame him for everything. He feel like committing suicide. He doesn’t want to think about what had happen. he just want to clear his mind, and calm down. still the empty street with light glittering down on him like these Christmas light doesn’t seem to help him. He can still remember everything vividly. that principal hate him. that’s the only explanation for all what he said to his mother despite the fact that he is. his uncle. since the day, that man has stepped into the school as their new principal, life has been hard for him. he doesn’t know why his uncle hate him so much. How could he call his mother and tell her, that he was caught smoking pot. Even though he wasn’t. He was just standing at the bathroom door when one senior handle the half smoked pot to him. and he want to remove something from his bag. And that’s when the principal saw him the senior ran away and left him with the monster. Who didn’t listen to his explanation. They are a lot alike with his mother. they don’t listen to explanation. they just jump into conclusion. he hate that more than anything.
    “Are you blind” that voice make him snap out of his thought, he turns around and see a girl staring at him with angry eyes. he glance down and sees her bag on the ground with her make ups or something like . He might have bumped into her not knowing. He should apologize. He open his mouth to say sorry but the girl cut him off.
    “I knew you did it deliberately” she bends down and gather her stuff ” so don’t try to say ‘oh I’m so sorry I didn’t see you” she says standing up
    That’s exactly what he wanted to say.
    “Whoa” he says
    He’s already angry enough with his mother, he only come out, so that he can calm down. But here’s another one. He close his eyes and start counting one, two, ……. he uses that to calm his nerve. sometime but only for a few seconds.
    “Are you thinking of punching me or something”
    “I uh ……….” He can’t even say the words out he’s too angry
    She puts her bag down and straighten up to look at him right in the eyes
    “Don’t even think about it” she motions with her finger.
    “If you’re thinking that am a girl, that you can get away with it” she shakes her head “no you’re wrong ’cause I’m not that kind of a girl”
    “What the hell is wrong with you” luke moves back an inch when she stomps forward toward him balling her hand into fist ready to punch him in the face.
    “What the hell is wrong with me? She repeated the question as if it were something cheesy.
    Luke study her closely and notice that she’s drunk
    Oh he knows her how can he not recognize her? Maybe he was too angry to.
    Nobody’s gonna believe that ‘the great Bridget’ actually talked to him
    All his anger fades away when he realize this. She’ll probably go nuts when she snap out of her drunkenness.
    He thought of what to do so that everybody’s gonna believe that bridget talked to him. he took his phone out of his pocket. No wonder what kind of girl would be yelling at a stranger at this time, over a trivial matter. He should have known.
    “Bridget, is that you?” What a dumb question is that? Nobody mistake that.
    “Who cares?” There is sadness in her voice
    Or maybe the great bridget isn’t that perfect after all. Nobody is perfect
    “Let me take you home” he put his arm around her shoulder to support Her, cause she she’s not balancing on her feet very well. She shrug away.
    “Don’t you dare put that your stinking arm around me”
    So she’s always this way even when she is sober.
    “Let me take you home” he offered “no I’m not a kid” she stomps forward, she almost fall down. He quickly catch her rapping his arm around her waist which is slender. her body is cold. maybe it’s because of the weather.
    She laughs “are you scared that I’ll fall down”? She look at him in the eyes. For the first time he notice something different about her. probably that no one has ever notice before. Her eyes are amber color. they are very bright that he can see himself reflecting in it. this is the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen. and more so her hair match her eyes, her hair is golden blonde. She is indeed ‘great bridget’ she’s perfect in every way. Unlike him who’s exactly her opposite. If she even remember that he touch her she’ll probably scrub him off her body.
    “Why are you staring at me like that?” She didn’t move away from him. “Are you a vampire or a werewolf who’s thirsty for blood, Are you going to drink my blood?” she look like a kid saying that
    He smile at her. a locke of hair fall across her face giving her a childish look. He use the tip of his finger to push it and tug it behind her ear.
    “Do I know you?” She wrinkles her face as if trying to remember him which is not possible. She didn’t even know that he existed
    “No, I don’t think so” he should let go of her waist, he thought. But he’s afraid that she might fall down.
    “Let me walk you home” she lean closer to him, their nose is almost touching.
    “I don’t wanna go home” she says giggling
    “And why is that?” He asked. not exactly sure why he asked.
    “Cause my home is a total disaster” she continue giggling
    “Oh” he says ” so where were you heading then?”
    ” I don’t know” she stop giggling abruptly “to disappear,I guess” she says as if realizing it now
    So most people do have problem at home. Even people like bridget. “Won’t your parent be worried about you?”
    “No! they don’t give a damn about me. they don’t even care about what I do ” ok now this is getting big this is not what he wanted or talk about, all what he wanted to do is snap a picture of him and bridget together and show it to the whole school.
    “Okay” he says
    He don’t want to continue this for long.
    “So, where are you going now?”.
    She moves an inch from him “hmm I……” She suddenly collapse, he caught her before she reached the ground. her eyes are firmly closed . . .
    What should he do with this girl who’s fallen asleep in his arm.
    How could some one just fall asleep while standing. He imagine what if he wasn’t here. She could have fallen to the ground and probably be there till morning. Even now he should leave her here, no that would be wicked to leave a girl on the road. he thought he can take her to her house because he doesn’t know there. So he should wake her. No She’s still drunk. The only way is to take her home. With him. he back her and headed back home.

  4. saurav
    May 25, 11:33 Reply

    @alia:dekho alia aj film v dekh rhi thi afternun me?@fulaanty:hi.hows u? @mhk@riza@alia:kal kb aana h.aap sb ko?bta do

    • alia
      May 25, 11:35

      Jab time milega

    • fulaanty
      May 25, 11:36

      Am fn saurav 🙂

  5. Riza
    May 25, 11:32 Reply

    Okay u can call me di too.
    But r u in colg or working

    • saurav
      May 25, 11:36

      di im in graduation 1st year.doing job also

  6. alia
    May 25, 11:31 Reply

    What r u doing all guyz

    • mhk
      May 25, 11:36

      alia only chatng.
      vinti dnt undrstnd dis vinti itself venugopal?plz explain.

  7. Vinti
    May 25, 11:31 Reply

    @mhk:chote my real name also vinti itself vinti venugopal.

  8. Riza
    May 25, 11:30 Reply

    Ya i check mehak.
    Saurav plz clarify

    • mhk
      May 25, 11:28

      am here.

    • alia
      May 25, 11:29

      IDB ka finale dekh rahi hu

  9. Riza
    May 25, 11:24 Reply

    @saurav its ok na.
    But u r working na in office
    what is dis one for “hope you understand”

    • saurav
      May 25, 11:29

      i said dat becoz im having lots of di (cousin).im used 2 di. Want a change.Ha ha ha

    • mhk
      May 25, 11:31

      riza u here ya gne?
      asking coz its 9pm na.

  10. Vinti
    May 25, 11:23 Reply

    @mhk:shall u introduce urself?

    • mhk
      May 25, 11:27

      am mehvish 4rm india n am abt 2 start my coll.
      vinti wat iz ur real name if u dnt mind?

  11. saurav
    May 25, 11:23 Reply

    hi@mhk@alia@zac if u all r here.im only 4 10 mins here.

  12. Riza
    May 25, 11:21 Reply

    Nice name yar
    And “mehak” means fragrance ryt.

    • mhk
      May 25, 11:25

      ya its mean fragrance.

  13. Vinti
    May 25, 11:20 Reply

    @mhk:i’m vinti frm tamil nadu dng enng.

  14. saurav
    May 25, 11:20 Reply

    @RIZA:JST HEARD UR IN PG. bt i’ll not call u di..dont mind. I think people don’t feel free in other relations except friendship. They hav 2 adjust their words accordingly.hope u will understand.

    • mhk
      May 25, 11:23

      riza chck my cmnts below.

    May 25, 11:14 Reply

    Ohk guys…final set of push ups now… C u later…after 1 hour…

    • mhk
      May 25, 11:20

      k bye bro.

  16. Riza
    May 25, 11:13 Reply

    Hey alia,
    @mehak weather was pleasant today.can i ask d meaning of ur name?

    • alia
      May 25, 11:16

      Hey riza and im back mhk

    • mhk
      May 25, 11:19

      riza dnt knw its true meaning but i thnk my name mean iz beautiful.

  17. Riza
    May 25, 11:11 Reply

    @mehak where r u.plz reply
    @zac but still u r big bro na of QH family,

    • mhk
      May 25, 11:11

      oh so alia u r back.

    • mhk
      May 25, 11:13

      alia kahan vanish8 hogai thi tum dear?

    May 25, 11:08 Reply

    Riza is doing post gradutation???? She is elder to me!!!!???? And i thought i’m the big bro… 😀

    • mhk
      May 25, 11:10

      weather iz normal dear as like daily.n wat abt ur place?

  19. Riza
    May 25, 11:06 Reply

    Okay something to say how was d weather of today there

    May 25, 11:03 Reply

    Dont know..but i’m not a muslim…and plz dont ask me any thing related to religion/caste plz… I dont believe in all this…and i dont like it also… I believe that ppl should b differentiated based on character and nature and not on religion, caste or creed…

    • mhk
      May 25, 11:06

      k bro sorry.

  21. mhk
    May 25, 11:02 Reply

    hello anyone there ya am alone?

  22. Riza
    May 25, 11:01 Reply

    @mehak check ur reply u said thanks for LEAVING HERE.
    So wat r u doing ryt now?

    • mhk
      May 25, 11:04

      nthng yar chating wid u.

  23. Riza
    May 25, 10:55 Reply

    No m not going till 9pm only coz m not sure 2moro i’ll be here or not.hav 2 visit my family na

    • mhk
      May 25, 10:57

      k thankz again 4 leaving here.

    • mhk
      May 25, 11:00

      n riza say smthng.

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