Qubool Hai 22nd July 2013 Written Update
Qubool Hai 22nd July 2013 Written Episode
Scene 1:
Location: Asad’s residence
Dilshad leaves from there, feeling disgusted. Zoya eyes asad who has his eyes lowered. Asad leaves. nazma is shocked. (SAD MITWA) Zoya is barely able to conceal her tears.
While tanveer is drying her hair, zoya comes and asks if this is true. Tanveer says that she may know to convert a lie into truth, but she couldnt manage a lie into this. Zoya says that she’s capable of everything, and demands a proof of it. Tanveer readily goes on to show her the medical reports confirming her pregnancy. Zoya is shocked when she finds that tanveer is actually pregnant. Zoya says that the reports may be false and concocted too. Tanveer says that she would clear this doubt of hers too. She goes on to show her UPT, sample confirming her pregnancy. She teases that if not congratulate, she can atleast knit a swetaer for the baby. zoya leaves in haste. Tanveer thinks that she’s going to be a mother, but its also true that the father isnt asad. She says that noone, neither her nor asad would ever know it.
Scene 2:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Mamujaan offers his prayers, and asks to start eating. Rashid confirms from satish, on the phone, that he is on his way to rahimpur. He asks satish to hurry up and find out about badi bi. Haseena and chandbi too have come, and she is talking about control while hoggling on the food. ayan joins too. haseens suggets that the marriage should happen two days after Eid. They all are all happy and decide on the same. Razia asks nuzrat to go and get sweets. Haseena asks for ayan’s and humaira’s marriage date to be fixed too. Humaira comes down and haseena and chandbi start making fun of them. Haseena offers kebab to Humaira, but she says that she’s vegetarian and doesnt eat such things. Haseena is irritated when she says that she feels strange at the smell of such things and sits far away from them. Nikhat gives humaira the food that she likes. Haseena tells her sister that this spirit of Rajni that has possessed humaira, would have to be defeated by her, and that she would make this girl eat kebabs anyhow.
Haseena intentionally mixes non vegkebabs with humaira’s food and apologising for her behaviour earlier, she asks her to drink the juice that she has got for her. Razia wonders whats wrong with her. chandbi tells her the truth. Razia is tensed. But chandbi says that its her favourite food, and eating it would remind her that she isnt Rajni but humaira. nikhat too is very tensed and scared for humaira’s mental condition. As humaira goes on to eat the non veg food without knowing it, haseena has a sadistic pleasure. Nikhat rushes upto her and drops it on the flor, and confronts haseena for doing so. humaira is shocked and disgusted, while nikhat tells her the entire truth. haseena tries to clarify, but mamujaan too reprimands her for doing this with haseenha, even after she refused. Humaira says that nikhat shouldnt get a mother in law like her, to someone as innocent as Nikhat. Humaira leaves. Haseena says that she had a good intention but it was misconstrued. Ayan too reprimands her for interfering in their personal matters, as she isnt related anyhow. Haseena says that now she would only stick to her matters. All are tensed.
Scene 3:
Location: Asad’s residence.
Zoya comes and sits beside asad. Asad tries to clarify that now she understands why he took this descision. she tells asad that she doesnt think that he has taken a wrong descision, and he neednt be guilty or embarassed and that he should go on with this descision that he has taken, and she’s happy that he’s fulfilling his responsibilities, unlike others who flee when faced with this, and therefore she loves him.(MITWA) Asad is overwhelmed. she says had he run away from his responsibilities, then she wouldnt have been able to respect him ever, as she knows what the mother goes through when her man leaves her stranded with her child. She says that she wanted him since she had a right on him, but its nomore between her and tanveer, but about the child, towards whom he has a responsibility now. She assures him that she believes that he’s doing the right thing.(MITWA). She begins to leave, then stops suddenly. Zoya tells asad that she’s going to New York and this time she wont stay back. She says that she has some pending work, but she doesnt need to be here for that work, and hence would leave the house tomorrow. saying so, she leaves. She sees dilshad, who is in tears herself, and says that this time she too wont stop her. zoya and dilshad hug each other. asad is hurt and in tears. The screen freezes on asad’s face, with zoya and dilshad in the background.
Precap: Zoya gives some sheets to a person, asking him to distribute the sheets to all people, as whoever has seen her father, in that picture would be able to identify him. Razia sees the picture and is shocked to find zoya there. she is all the more scared when she finds the a copy of the picture in Mamujaan’s hands.
Jasmine swan
July 22, 13:09I hate tanver I hope zoya mask her dirty little secret
July 22, 13:09Me. Fine. Thank you for the reply. Dear
@ sana. I like your picture . Asya
July 22, 13:12@ riza
July 22, 13:16Its ok smile…i thought d comment was for sana so i didnt reply
July 22, 13:08Umat…..sbs shown dat day abt tanu try to burn wit candle n asad catch her be4 she do so….dey confirmed thru spoilers dat it will b on air towards d end of dis month dat means only dis wk till wednesday of next wk….zoya was there in khan mansion….so i think father revelation is still far away frm dis show as of now….
My ans to dat poll is a big NO.
In today sbb,they show dat dilshad,zoya hav a look at asad childhood pic,zoya tease asad dat she will upload the pics on net…asad run after zoya like tom n jerry…dey said tanu is not there so may be she is kicked out..
So after reading this,will you still stick wit father revelation first.
July 22, 13:10Woww rizzzz
U know i dnt open that link dur to ramzaan
Bt thanks it is a treat fr me
Now i have to change my ans fr the poll
Yeah its no frm me
Bt rizz this is last ans
Hope that tanu reveal first
July 23, 01:04Riza u made my day!!!!!!!!
July 22, 13:07now every1 hav Gravatar except me n Riza…
July 22, 13:08Ya so u also want a gv or u feel better without it
Reema eugin
July 22, 13:07Who all r present here?
July 22, 13:07ridiculous haseena bi and that tannu…!
i just hope that zoya exposes billo rani soon and we would get more asya scenes to watch….
July 22, 13:06I am fine mehak and u riza hwz u yaar and sorry mehak I will not come sunday
July 22, 13:08Its ok yaar dnt say sorry so which day ull come in eve?
July 22, 13:03gd 9t everyone.
July 22, 13:06Gud nyt Sbro.
July 22, 13:06Bro gud nite tc sd
July 22, 13:02It is said that Gul Khan has her finger on the pulse of what the masses want to see and high voltage drama is what they want. I wonder if she reads any of the DTB responses as here the majority want to see Asad and Zoya marry EACH OTHER and not anyone else eg Ayan or Tanveer.
Everyone wants drama as that’s waht keeps a show going, but not the Tanveer/Razia kind. That’s just too much of an overkill.
July 22, 13:08I totally agree with yew.
July 22, 13:00Farhan track may also happen…vikram too.
July 22, 12:59Ok first b4 i reply to ur comment let me ask which one do you think will happen 1st?
¤tanu revelation n kicking out of khan mansion
¤zoya know her father n vice versa..zoya will live wit her father.
July 22, 13:01Obviously zoya will cme to jknow abt her father
July 22, 12:55Today last part is super and very painful
I think ayaan zoya track is not possible because we all know asya love each other and now ayaan start to loves humeira
I love asya only so pls gul dont seprate them
July 22, 13:01Hey sanz hws u?
July 22, 13:02Yes sana i like last part too…hope Ayra track start soon…n no asya separation.
July 22, 13:03Sanz nyc pic u didnt cme 2day in eve y u were busy or wat?
July 22, 12:55When will farhan track start?Hope will start this week.
July 22, 12:56Fahmida no farhaan track new entry is rajnis husband might be vikram
July 22, 12:55Riz u r asking me how zoya get entry in siddiqui mention
So i think silmply when her father saw the pic of him then i think she finds her father and her father take her with him
July 22, 12:54I liked it @smile
innocent girl
July 22, 12:53ohh.. the makers are just pulling the story too much…
July 22, 12:52@ riza . How are you dear
miss you 
July 22, 12:56@smile i liked dat thinking part of urs.
M fine dear…missed you too
uff. Zoya please find out the reveal . Asad is unfilthiest one. Trust him. Hey witch . Go to hell tanveer. Think( when zoya leaving india at airport she finds someone and run away there. The screen shows that is asad but she didnt see asad. And she hugs someone which is her dad.. . . . . . Behind asad there is siddiq. . … But asad thought that she run towards him. When he finds zoya hugs siddiq. The screen freezes asad.) any way nice. 
July 22, 12:50Rizz i think its enough now imraans truth has to be revealed
July 22, 12:48Riz im nt sure that what make her cme back coz dnt know wt will happen in the siddiqui house so fingers crossed
Wt u think
July 22, 12:52Umatz what is her name who is in ur Gv?
July 22, 12:53Her name is syra yousaf she is a pakistani telly actrss
July 22, 12:53So a YES frm Mehak too.
@umat wat connect zoya leaving track wit current track in siddiqui mansion?
July 22, 12:47@mehak yes i will.
@anu so you too giv a Yes abt d poll…
July 22, 12:53ya……..ofcourse
July 22, 12:45i think 2morrow zoya knows tanveer trick n after distributing pamplets…she will come 2 khan mansion n tanveer pardah pash………………….if not 2morrow i think day after 2morrow
July 22, 12:44i think 2morrow zoya knows tanveer trick n after distributing pamplets…she will come 2 khan mansion n tanveer pardah pash………………….
July 22, 12:41Ya riz bt my ans is yes that no fr the day
July 22, 12:45Ok you give a YES this time…but if she leave what made her come back?can u giv a guess.
July 22, 12:37It’s about time that bald freak called sadiqqui finds out who is daughter is. Zoya should know who her father it’s then the rest can fall Ito place. Gradually.
July 22, 12:43Yes MK dat track is really much in need now in d show acc to us viewers…..but will they unravel his truth dis soon…sinc it connect to all others truth also i mean rashid too…why he separate frm dilshad.
July 22, 12:35Y simply a dot msg…you kno wat i did comment abt d epi…but u can alwys ask & chat i’ll definitely ans you.
July 22, 12:40@mehak
July 22, 12:44I knw ull gve ans i was reading cmnts.
July 22, 12:34Hoh many seen todays SBB…………dil kush kardiya hai na
July 22, 12:37Read sbb wu…will watch later…but just saw dat all r happy there.
July 22, 12:33Ok lets take a poll now?
Do you think zoya will leave khan mansion tomorrow?
July 22, 12:34No
Reason : nt tmorrow will the day after tmoorrow
July 22, 12:39Ya umat our days doesnt match wit qh…but i mean will she ever leave this time..so i got a No ans frm you…but why she didnt leave…its for us to watch.
July 22, 12:48my ans is also Yes she will leave K.M.
July 22, 16:05Yes and no she will leave and come bak
July 22, 12:31..
July 22, 12:28ok.. riza…

i have assessment tom…
see u afterwards…
thanks for accepting me as ur friend… ur really sweet
good night
sweet dreams
July 22, 12:31Ok gudnyt.