Qubool Hai 12th August 2015 Written Update
Qubool Hai 12th August 2015 Written Episode
Scene 1:
Location: In the captive shed
Before razia can shoot, wazira shifts her hand away with a jerk, and razia falls flat in the burning fire, and lets out a scream, as her face starts burning. wazira meanwhile is terribly hurt with the gunshot. Sanam sees this and is shocked, and says that she shall take her nearby somewhere where she can get medical aid. wazira says that she wont go anywhere, as its her time to reunite with her love, but she makes sanam promise that she wouldnt let all of their sacrifices go in vain, and continue on with her mission, by staying alive. Wazira dies, and sanam clutches at her, saying that she wont let anything happen to her. Sanam is distraught and says that she shall teach the guilty a lesson, and only one is left now. she says that the criminal wont be able to torture anyone else, and that the new bride shall pay for her sins, and no evil shall survive. She leaves. after sometime, razia gets up with her burnt face, saying that sanam wont be able to get rid of all evil, and till she is alive, she wont let her live in peace.
Scene 2:
Location: Ahil’s residence and razia’s hideout
The new bride is frustrated, as she takes a leg bath, while gazalla and latif rush to her care. She tells that sanam punctured her tyres, and she had to come barefeet all the way. gazalla wonders if there would be anymore good news coming. The new bride asks her to stay shut, if she cant say anything good. the phone rings. Latif tells that its razia, who is alive it means. the new bride hurriedly picks it up, and says that she is eagerly waiting for good news. razia says that it would have been good news, had she not escaped. she tells the new bride everything, that shaad is dead, but sanam is alive, but she thinks that razia is dead. She says that now sanam shall head straight to her. the new bride asks how would she scare sanam now that shaad is dead. razia says that she is letting down the legacy of that house and mansion, and assures her that she is safe in the house. she says that she has sent her men to her house, and that sanam wont be able to reach her, as before that her men shall kill sanam. She cancels the call. the new bride orders them both to close all windows and doors. They comply. she sits tensedly.
Razia meanwhile gets the dressing done. the edoctor says that he did what he could, and the wounds shall heal but the marks shall go with time itself. Razia tells the doctor that the marks shouldnt erase, much to his surprise, as the marks are on her soul, and not the face, as every mark is a story, and this shall remind her of this incident. she says that she has always been conceived as a bad woman, and that she turned like that, because her husband deserted her and married someone else. she got betrayed, but still she was bad. she remembers how tanveer and gafur had treated her badly, and that she faced insult a thousand times, and tortured too, and was thrown off her stature, but those who have firm will like her, know how to bounce back, as she remembers taking up Juda’s place, and maybe they lose a few rounds, but never lose on how to play the game. she turns around and tells the doctor, that she mightnt have won, but she wont be defeated too, as she hasnt escaped from the clutches of death, to be defeated, and that this story is incomplete, till she wins, and comes back with a bang, to reach her previous stature back, regaining what she lost. She says that maybe sanam has a motive today, that got fulfilled, but she wont settle down, till the world realises that evil cant be eradicated. she says that she is going now, but would return soon, to create a new world of terror. she says that destiny has played another game with her, and once again, she accepts it.
Scene 3:
Location: Sanam’s hideout
The Indian Officer commends sanam for the brilliant work in unfoiling shashi and her plots. she says that the true credit for it goes to shaad. He agrees, and says that he shall contact the Pakistani Army to ask them to give Shaad the stature of a martyr. he takes her leave. She eyes shaad’s locket and gets emotional. she eyes the bare wall, containing only the new bride’s pic now, to be destroyed. She clutches at ahil’s gifted black shawl, that she had unknowingly selected too. Sanam clutches at it and says that she is going to punish his biggest guilty person. she says that the new bride has tortured him badly, scared him, but now its her turn to be scared and she shall die a thousand deaths before actually dying. She says that the good shall have to win over evil and she shall have to pay for it now. She says that her journey of revenge shall reach its destination, with the new bride’s death today. She says that they may not have united, but noone would dare to separate two lovers anymore, as whenever they do, they shall be scared remembering the tales of her revenge.
Scene 4:
Location: Ahil’s residence
The new bride is thoroughly inspecting the security systems, while one of them smirks that its actually a woman they are setting all this up for, as how harmful could she possibly be. gazalla and latif go into a rant of how sanam has found this power of love, that currently makes her undefeatable. The new bride asks them to shut up and stop glorifying sanam and her power of love. gazalla says that they cant thwart sanam forever. she says that she has her plans that shall settle this forever, so that they wont have to be locked in like this. latif asks if she has anymore plans. she says that she shall continue till she is alive and she would try something so devilish that when it executes, sanam shall be so weak, destroying her would be childplay.
Later, he new bride sits with her black magic setup. She thinks that noone can defeat her now, once her black magical power is completely throttled back, with determination. she says that then she would destroy sanam easily. she says that once her black magic awakens she shall put sanam to sleep forever. As she begins, she hears sanam’s voice, saying that all this is in vain now. The new bride is scared and shocked too, and turns around but finds noone. The new bride says that she wont think about her at all, but again hears sanam’s voice saying that evil power cant withstand the pressure of true love, which has strengthened even more now. she is distracted and gets up, berserk and dishevelled, calling out to her, searching for her. she says that she shall have to get rid of her fear for sanam, and assures herself that sanam cant be here, as all windows and doors are locked, and she cant harm her. she again begins her procedure, saying that she wont think about sanam, but the thoughts of sanam eliminating her enemies one by one, keep haunting, until she finally hallucinates, that she is begging for sanam’s mercy as she points a revolver at her. She gets unfocussed, and then destroys her entire setup. She says that she wont let sanam win at any cost. the screen freezes on her scared face, as she cowers in a corner.
Precap: Sanam tells the new bride, with the revolver pointed at her, saying that its time for her to pay for her sins. the new bride watches amusedly. sanam fires, and the new bride falls flat on the ground. she gets up after sometime with a guffaw, and easily takes the bullet out of her flesh. Sanam is boggled. The new bride stands up yet again, and asks if she actually thought that she could kill her with this playtoy of a revolver. sanam is still confused. She says that she isnt an evil force by habits, but actually the devil. sanam is shocked and dumbstruck. Later, sanam says that her parents were tested along with their love, and that her love too had to face the test of time, but now its the time, for doomsday, when everything ends and destroys, and from its ashes shall start a new beginning, with Qubool Hai in a new avatar.
August 12, 19:00this is how they end it?! idiots! can’t they at least let us see the souls re-united? what do these people have against love?!
August 12, 15:37Plss don’t go. Off air quabool hai is my heart touching story
August 12, 14:41I swear to god this show gets worse every episode. How can she remove a bullet from her head that’s bullshit. Is it seriously gonna take Sanam 20 years just to kill the new Sanam? wow. I want to give the writers a standing ovation!!! Smh.
August 12, 13:55wat da hell is happening till now aditi was only making people statue now she is removing bullets from her flesh! rajnikant bhi sharma jaaye aditi ko dekh k and one sincere question please
is firing a pistol so easy? Almost everyone knows how to operate a pistol in ur show widout any prior training Indian daily soaps seriously suck in logic
August 12, 13:55http://tellyreviews.com/2015/08/12/trs-median-spoilers-zing-40/
August 12, 12:55This is qubool hai can’t believe everything in
Has destroyed iN qubool hai
It is too difficult to again starting To watching QH it break
All Sahil fans heart they destroy everthig
Not I think their is no need to Watch qh bcz
Every time it’s break our heart