The Power of the Dog
by Rudyard Kipling
There is sorrow enough in the natural way
From men and women to fill our day;
And when we are certain of sorrow in store,
Why do we always arrange for more?
Brothers and Sisters, I bid you beware
Of giving your heart to a dog to tear.
Buy a pup and your money will buy
Love unflinching that cannot lie–
Perfect passion and worship fed
By a kick in the ribs or a pat on the head.
Nevertheless it is hardly fair
To risk your heart for a dog to tear.
When the fourteen years which Nature permits
Are closing in asthma, or tumour, or fits,
And the vet’s unspoken prescription runs
To lethal chambers or loaded guns,
Then you will find–it’s your own affair–
But … you’ve given your heart to a dog to tear.
When the body that lived at your single will,
With its whimper of welcome, is stilled (how still!).
When the spirit that answered your every mood
Is gone–wherever it goes–for good,
You will discover how much you care,
And will give your heart to a dog to tear.
We’ve sorrow enough in the natural way,
When it comes to burying Christian clay.
Our loves are not given, but only lent,
At compound interest of cent per cent.
Though it is not always the case, I believe,
That the longer we’ve kept ’em, the more do we grieve:
For, when debts are payable, right or wrong,
A short-time loan is as bad as a long–
So why in–Heaven (before we are there)
Should we give our hearts to a dog to tear?
Idiot shouldn’t u be reading for exams instead of working on 10packs and I promise the day u get 10 packs I’ll move out of this planet(even ama doesn’t have 4packs talkless of a girl)
There’s a saying which states “reading leads to good writings and listening leads to good speaking”. That is , if u read a lot then u must be very Good at writing maybe u haven’t just check ur ability yet
Yeah u r right! No thanks, good bye, and please in friendship!!!!!!!! U said ur name is fatimah too???? Wow that’s very nice! Seems like we have a lot of things alike
Yes I love writing!!! And I’ve got a lot of inspiration dear just for u/////// writing is all about combining your experiences,feelings, either in a poetic way or in a story:::::: u have to feel before u write!!!!!!
Well my real name is Fatimah! But friends call me fulaanty,fati,and zara too am 17yrs old ;;;;;am in Art class studying literature and I love writing poems and stories!!!!!! And I’ve been to dubai before to live with my sis !!! But am originally from SA
March 16, 02:23Kaju u still here?
March 16, 02:20How dumb of me??????I forget to wish HAPPY HOLLI///////// HAPPY HOLLI to all here
March 16, 02:18No not from the begining from half
March 16, 02:21But u watch all the vickrant entry part?
March 16, 02:17what u r saying i couldnt understand
March 16, 02:19I said I want to introduce a game here on this page so we don’t get bored just like the one we play in JA pg
March 16, 02:14Okkkkkkkkkkkkk…..
March 16, 02:16You watch pv2 form the beginning?
March 16, 02:14Kaju you’ve got free time today/ right?
March 16, 02:15Wanna. Introduce. A game here more like a drama so u don’t get bored!!!!
March 16, 02:10iam good and u?
March 16, 02:12Am also good : my net is a little bit slow that’s why late reply
March 16, 02:10What?
March 16,
March 16, 02:04hellllllllooo
March 16, 02:09Hey kaju :::::how r u dear
March 16, 02:00The Power of the Dog
by Rudyard Kipling
There is sorrow enough in the natural way
From men and women to fill our day;
And when we are certain of sorrow in store,
Why do we always arrange for more?
Brothers and Sisters, I bid you beware
Of giving your heart to a dog to tear.
Buy a pup and your money will buy
Love unflinching that cannot lie–
Perfect passion and worship fed
By a kick in the ribs or a pat on the head.
Nevertheless it is hardly fair
To risk your heart for a dog to tear.
When the fourteen years which Nature permits
Are closing in asthma, or tumour, or fits,
And the vet’s unspoken prescription runs
To lethal chambers or loaded guns,
Then you will find–it’s your own affair–
But … you’ve given your heart to a dog to tear.
When the body that lived at your single will,
With its whimper of welcome, is stilled (how still!).
When the spirit that answered your every mood
Is gone–wherever it goes–for good,
You will discover how much you care,
And will give your heart to a dog to tear.
We’ve sorrow enough in the natural way,
When it comes to burying Christian clay.
Our loves are not given, but only lent,
At compound interest of cent per cent.
Though it is not always the case, I believe,
That the longer we’ve kept ’em, the more do we grieve:
For, when debts are payable, right or wrong,
A short-time loan is as bad as a long–
So why in–Heaven (before we are there)
Should we give our hearts to a dog to tear?
March 15, 13:59380
March 16, 01:59Good Morning friends
March 15, 13:57Good evening friends
March 15, 13:59379
March 15, 05:26Flowers of Rad
by Sampson Starkweather
I want to write a poem as long as California
like lying on a couch forever
as a serious man takes notes on your dreams in a little book
maybe I mean I want to talk forever
but is there even a difference anyway
like my uncle who went walking
and never stopped
or that day on the LA Freeway
when a horse got loose, people freaking out
cars honking and skidding
and me and my sister rooting for the horse
who I still imagine, 20 years later
trotting around the LA Freeway
a living argument against time
as people drive right past her
without even noticing a horse
she keeps on, at home in the gridlock
a phenomenon in the smog
we want to think she is looking for something
but she is past panic now
content, her heart a part of that freeway
unaware that I
am the one telling this story
and in this version
no one listens to anyone’s dreams
and that couch is the one we broke off on
while your parents were gone
blood on the cushion
which wouldn’t come out
no matter what we tried
so we gave up
and just laid there, sweating
in the bliss of thinking nothing
and somewhere
a startled horse
is not smashed by a semi
on the LA Freeway
on a summer day in 1988
March 15, 05:24A Legacy
by Prageeta Sharma
All this noisy commotion isolated a fairly
small universe of nothing special.
I had faced the assistant to the incumbent,
his failed face of poetry bottomless
with self-pride and a satisfaction that fed his wolf.
And he was a wolf
and when I scoffed at him
with some penetration I could see the clamor
of his wounds but also the vanity
in his recognitions. He believed I was undeserving
and thought it his right to judge, and his
judgment, a stun gun, took
my gender and race and euthanized
its center, and he thought this
was an extension of the occult,
that it was the intuition
of a bright star
affecting forward.
I wanted him to see this in a particular
light but the particular worsened into
a bruise of matter far more inhumane,
and I fell into its hole and he, with his glee,
had no idea, because his gender and race
gave him the privilege to look down
and see how my skeleton warped my will
but not the firmament of my broadness,
and what I know now as measuring across
power and enduring many luminary deficits
that come out of symptoms and their fallen edges.
March 15, 05:23Making Apple Sauce with my Dead Grandmotherby Bianca Stone
I dig her up and plop her down in a wicker chair.
She’s going to make apple sauce and I’m going to get drunk.
She’s cutting worms out of the small green apples from the back yard
and I’m opening up a bottle. It erects like a tower
in the city of my mouth.
The way she makes apple sauce it has ragged
strips of skin and spreads thickly over toast.
It’s infamous; eating it is as close to God as I’m going to get,
but I don’t tell her. There’s a dishtowel wrapped around her head
to keep her jaw from falling slack–
Everything hurts.
But I don’t tell her that either. I have to stand at the callbox
and see what words I can squeeze in. I’m getting worried.
If I dig her up and put her down in the wicker chair
I’d better be ready for the rest of the family
to make a fuss. I better bring her back right.
The whole house smells of cinnamon and dust.
We don’t speak. She’s piling the worms up in a bowl
and throwing them back into the yard.
March 15, 05:22
March 15, 05:02hmm u said cat and rat..i think we are more than that …think holiday is around the corner…do u think i was joking when i said am getting 10 packs
March 15, 05:13Idiot shouldn’t u be reading for exams instead of working on 10packs and I promise the day u get 10 packs I’ll move out of this planet(even ama doesn’t have 4packs talkless of a girl)
March 15, 05:21Koi hai…………
March 15, 01:37Anyone around????????
March 15, 02:06hiii
March 15, 04:00Hey titli how ru dear?
March 15, 04:07………………?
March 14, 09:57so she comes n meets u ppl during holidays ???
wt abt ur bro they r also in SA
March 14, 12:58Yes she comes to visit on holidays only and my brothers are in uni outside the country so they also come on holidays::::
March 15, 01:29Good morning friends:::::::::::
March 14, 09:43thts the typical siblings ;)( if we wont fi8 with them whom we will fi8 with )
so whts the time there nw
March 14, 09:46Yeah that’s how siblings are;;;; here its 3:26 pm
March 14, 09:47I think she’s gone; she just said Hi and left
March 14, 09:56yup…. evn i think so
so u ppl have similiar choices i mean does she also like writing like u
March 14, 09:36is she older thn u
March 14, 09:38No she’s my younger sis am just two years older than her
March 14, 09:41ooh…. nice so ur the eldest in ur house
March 14, 09:42No I have two brothers older than me I’m the third
March 14, 09:45Rose give me some minutes I’ll be right back!!! Quickly going for my lunch
March 14, 09:28gr8
but i said ri8 im completely out of this …. Although i read a lot
March 14, 09:32There’s a saying which states “reading leads to good writings and listening leads to good speaking”. That is , if u read a lot then u must be very Good at writing maybe u haven’t just check ur ability yet
March 14, 09:33Hey rose
Hey sis!!
March 14, 09:35@rose I called my sis to say hi to u and she’s here!!!
March 14, 09:38hey so thts ur sis gr8 so dont u both miss eachother i mean in house ( i didnt want 2 hurt feelings )
March 14, 09:40We fight every seconds and make up in another seconds but now that we r not together we don’t really fight but we still do!!! Mom calls us cat and rat
March 14, 09:07hey u dont hav 2 say plz we r frnds na
evn in my name fatima is there
i love reading …….. Art music and some serials
March 14, 09:09but i m 0 at writing so u love 2 write
so any inspiration
March 14, 09:11Yeah u r right! No thanks, good bye, and please in friendship!!!!!!!! U said ur name is fatimah too???? Wow that’s very nice! Seems like we have a lot of things alike
March 14, 09:15ya may be
so u hav siblings
March 14, 09:20Yes I love writing!!! And I’ve got a lot of inspiration dear just for u/////// writing is all about combining your experiences,feelings, either in a poetic way or in a story:::::: u have to feel before u write!!!!!!
March 14, 09:27Yes I do have siblings!!! One of them come here on DTB her name aishat but username satu she’s in boarding school and I have two brothers too
March 14, 08:56ok..
im jumi ( well thts wht ppl call me)
in dubai
sweet 16
wbt u
March 14, 09:01Well my real name is Fatimah! But friends call me fulaanty,fati,and zara too am 17yrs old ;;;;;am in Art class studying literature and I love writing poems and stories!!!!!! And I’ve been to dubai before to live with my sis !!! But am originally from SA
March 14, 09:02And pls tell me what r your hobbies
March 14, 08:40Guys am back from school!!!!
March 14, 08:42Koi hai?????????
March 14, 08:46hi ……..
March 14, 08:50Hey rose
how r u?
March 14, 08:51m gud wbt u
March 14, 08:52@rose I have u as a friend on my account/ right?
March 14, 08:53Am also good dear! If u don’t mind can I get u little intro?
March 14, 08:55nope i just sent now
so intro ( if u dont mind )
March 14, 09:03I’ve accept the request
March 14, 08:39………………….?
March 14, 07:41izzy
Just saw u r comm
Little busy in work
Now i am free
Btw how r u???
March 14, 08:37Am great sanju::: what about u?
March 14, 02:30sanju di u remember me ok i also have to go bye tk see y soon
March 14, 02:26kajal
Mein teek hoon
Aap kaise ho
March 14, 02:32Am fine sanju bye am going @titli
Bye kaj
See u later