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k@J@L April 12, 03:33 Reply u know word game ruchi? The letter i ended with u tell something with that letter
k@J@L April 12, 03:31 Reply sure ruchi izzy u first me second and ruchi last ok coz di dont want to play
izzy-girl'7 April 12, 03:28 Reply Guys don’t mind me if I disappear without notification,,,,,,,, it would be a net pro,,,,,,so u should just carry on with the game
izzy-girl'7 April 12, 03:11 Reply Yeah its a friend of mine and my bday is on the 25th of this month,,,,,,,,, you’ll get to know about it when we get there
sia April 12, 03:07 Reply boss its nyc song by arijit singh.do u lyk him?i think i had talked wid her once in qh pg but not sure. Ok ok izzy i need some patience then.how long is ur holiday?
sia April 12, 03:02 Reply boss its song 4m youngistan movie i rlly dunt know abt gwara gwara na. Whose bday is 2day? Btw ur bday also in april na
izzy-girl'7 April 12, 03:04 Yeah its a friend of mine and my bday is on the 25th of this month,,,,,,,,, you’ll get to know about it when we get there
izzy-girl'7 April 12, 02:56 Reply Di today’s saturday,,,,,, and what do people do on saturday??????? PARTY by the way a sis is celebrating her B day to day,,,,,, so we’ve got to prepare for her,,,,,, and gwara gwara have many stuff,,,,,
sia April 12, 02:54 Reply jst lstng music,reading n chating boss.do u lyk suno na sangmarmar? 12:35pm n there?
k@J@L April 12, 02:51 Reply nothing di just watching yhm and chatting. what r u doing? what’s the time there?
k@J@L April 12, 02:40 Reply so izzy it was u who pressed dislike by mistake. How many times u pressed like button? I pressed 5 times.
izzy-girl'7 April 12, 02:41 Don’t go di,,,,,,am back!!!!! I had net attacks,,,,, we need to go to gwaraa gwara
sia April 12, 02:20 Reply kasish is bg wid job n study.siri also wid job. Mataji may be study but not sure. Charms n suraj wid study
sia April 12, 02:16 Reply ya sure izzy i wud luv to go on journey.but my wings r ok what will i do there?
izzy-girl'7 April 12, 02:15 Reply This is for you eaman sis ,,,,,, http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-YvMTO23VRdw/UTdKRbMp4JI/AAAAAAAABnU/V4sxOLG980g/s1600/102309.gif
sia April 12, 02:14 Reply she myt be bg wid job n uni izzy.yes i have her id. R u in touch wid santo?
izzy-girl'7 April 12, 02:16 No am not with her,,,,, what about kashish? Sweety charms, sanjana, Arti, suraj, siri,,,,,,, and all??????? U know about them
April 12, 03:39Sorry both the di!! Gottta go!!
U 2 continue!!
April 12, 03:35yes ruchi!
April 12, 03:37Di i thk its ur turn!!!
Maybe izzy di s net got stuck!!
April 12, 05:07I’ve been having them since morning
April 12, 03:33u know word game ruchi?
The letter i ended with u tell something with that letter
April 12, 03:34Can it be anythng!! Lyk counries and lyk tat!! Name of people?
April 12, 03:31sure ruchi izzy u first me second and ruchi last ok coz di dont want to play
April 12, 03:30Life
April 12, 03:32easter
April 12, 03:33Racket!!
April 12, 03:28Guys don’t mind me if I disappear without notification,,,,,,,, it would be a net pro,,,,,,so u should just carry on with the game
April 12, 03:28ok izzy start
April 12, 03:31Hi @ kajal and izzy di
Can i joinur game too??
April 12, 05:06Comeback and then we do that,,,,,,
April 12, 03:27u guys continue.its kind of boring to me.sry guys
April 12, 03:26di let’s play word game.
April 12, 03:26Me first you second and di last
April 12, 03:30Hi @ izzy girl 7 and @ kajal
What r u guys playing??
Can i join too ???
April 12, 03:20best of luck sis.what game boss?
April 12, 03:22thanx!
Any game u choose
April 12, 03:18guys let’s play some game.
Izzy shall i teach u hindi?
April 12, 03:23Of course teach me hindi,,,,, but let’s play word game first
April 12, 03:11Yeah its a friend of mine and my bday is on the 25th of this month,,,,,,,,, you’ll get to know about it when we get there
April 12, 03:11songs of asiqui2 r my fav forever n best of 2013.how is ur study sis?
April 12, 03:13My study is good having exams on monday
April 12, 03:07boss its nyc song by arijit singh.do u lyk him?i think i had talked wid her once in qh pg but not sure.
Ok ok izzy i need some patience then.how long is ur holiday?
April 12, 03:09ya i liked his song in ashiqui 2
April 12, 03:24They r my fav too and songs ram leela
April 12, 03:26I love arijit esp mikha,,,,,,I have onlys one month left for my holiday
April 12, 03:02boss its song 4m youngistan movie
i rlly dunt know abt gwara gwara na. Whose bday is 2day? Btw ur bday also in april na
April 12, 03:04Yeah its a friend of mine and my bday is on the 25th of this month,,,,,,,,, you’ll get to know about it when we get there
April 12, 03:04no di i don’t think i have heard that song.
di u know eeman 1d it’s her bday
April 12, 02:56Di today’s saturday,,,,,, and what do people do on saturday??????? PARTY by the way a sis is celebrating her B day to day,,,,,, so we’ve got to prepare for her,,,,,, and gwara gwara have many stuff,,,,,
April 12, 02:54jst lstng music,reading n chating boss.do u lyk suno na sangmarmar?
12:35pm n there?
April 12, 02:57what’a that di?
it’s 4.57pm..
April 12, 02:58Sorry net troubles again here its past 8
April 12, 03:00Oh :O its still am here
April 12, 02:53di apka bhi netwk problem hai kya?
April 12, 02:51nothing di just watching yhm and chatting.
what r u doing?
what’s the time there?
April 12, 02:58You watch rang rasiya too?
April 12, 03:01yes!you
April 12, 02:48ok boss w r u doing?
So izzy what do we need to go there?
April 12, 02:59Message up
April 12, 02:48i haven’t 4got izzy that today i have to teach u hindi..
April 12, 03:01So r u ready for it
April 12, 02:40so izzy it was u who pressed dislike by mistake.
How many times u pressed like button?
I pressed 5 times.
April 12, 02:41I pressed three
April 12, 02:42oh
April 12, 02:39yes boss
April 12, 02:41Don’t go di,,,,,,am back!!!!! I had net attacks,,,,, we need to go to gwaraa gwara
April 12, 02:41aap toh jaa rahi thi plzz mat jao
April 12, 02:35koi hai?
April 12, 02:39Oh sorry am here, I had net troubles
April 12, 02:33ok i m leaving bye tc
April 12, 02:20kasish is bg wid job n study.siri also wid job. Mataji may be study but not sure. Charms n suraj wid study
April 12, 02:23who is arti?
April 12, 02:43She used to come ja pg
April 12, 02:45izzy is her arti finusa not sure?
April 12, 02:16ya sure izzy i wud luv to go on journey.but my wings r ok what will i do there?
April 12, 02:15This is for you eaman sis ,,,,,, http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-YvMTO23VRdw/UTdKRbMp4JI/AAAAAAAABnU/V4sxOLG980g/s1600/102309.gif
April 12, 02:14HAPPY BIRTHDAY sis,,,,,, wish you many happy returns of this days
April 12, 02:14she myt be bg wid job n uni izzy.yes i have her id. R u in touch wid santo?
April 12, 02:16No am not with her,,,,, what about kashish? Sweety charms, sanjana, Arti, suraj, siri,,,,,,, and all??????? U know about them