Punar Vivah 03rd January 2013 Written Update

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Punar Vivah 03rd January 2013 Written Update by Rimjhim

Punar Vivah 03rd January 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Yash’s house
Suraj says that they clearly stated at the time of marriage, that they want a widow, not a divorcee. He acuuses her of lying to them all this time all the while meeting prashant serectively and god knows what else. arti stops him saying that its entirely wrong and that she never did anything with him. Dubeyji too joins in to ask suraj to stop talking like this. And says that it was on their command that arti kept this a secret from them. Suraj says that he doesnt want to argue unnecessarily and wants her out of the house. shobha too tries to convince that they deserve punishment and not arti, since arti has only kept a relation of humanity with prashant. suraj says that all of them would get punished and he wants them out of his house. Gayatri reminds suraj that arti is pregnant with yash’s child. He says that they have to leave and when she delivers, then they would get the child back and noone can stop them from doing so. arti is shocked to hear this. He asks arti to leave and never turn back to look at this house, that would be her true punishment.

yash comes forward and tries to convince suraj that she might be at fault but she truly regrets it too. It was her helplessness to keep this secret. Everyone in the family knows, has seen and also praised how nicely she has done her duties for this family, as a wife to yash, as a mother to his kids and as a daughter in law to her in laws. They cannot neglect that she never let her past overshadow her present. She deserves punishement but not being thrown out of the house as after all she’s a part of the scindia family. Gayatri too supports yash saying that any punishment he can give her, but not leaving the house. She says that she knows he has a big heart and that just like the instances where he has given arti another chance, she hopes that he will still forgive her and give her another chance. suraaj replies that he wont give her another chanec anymore and that she has to leave the house, since she broke their trust and he would never be able to trust her again.

Arti says that she has indeed committed a big sin and that if he thinks, she deserves this punishment, then she would respect that and leave the house. Yash again intervenes to say that he took a vow with arti when they got married that he would be wih her in good times or in bad and therefore, he cant leave arti alone in this punishment. Gayatri is shocked and buaji too tries to talk him out of it saying that he’s willing to let go of all relations in the famiyl for this one woman. yash says not to refr to arti as a woman, ince she’s his wife and the mother to his kids. Prashant and taiji watching all this with mixed expressions while the dubeys are feeling very sorry for having put arti through this. Suraj declares tht if he has decided to stay with arti, then he should also know that eh would have to sever all ties with everyone in the family and not talk to them ever again. He also retorts that for one relation, he is willing to let go of his blood and birth relations. Yash agrees to this.

Ansh comes in and asks yash, addressing his as father, why are the grown ups fighting. He then taking example from what arti taught her in the morning that day, to say sorry and then patch up wih dadaji. While Suraj does not budge, taiji comes forward and holding ansh’s hand tries to tell him that prashant is his dad and that he should come to live with them. Seeing her coaxing ansh, yash asks her to let go of his child’s hand and leave. She says that she wont be scared by his threats. He goes on to say that His chidl is Ansh Yash Scindia and therefore, if anyone tries to take him from them, he would not spare them. Taiji lets go of his hand. yash asks ansh to go to his room.

Shobha takes this oppurtunity to teach a lesson to prashant that the world is not just full of selfish people like prashant but also with good ones like yash, due to which the world goes on. Otherwise, he and taiji had left no stone unturned today to strip arti today of her marital bliss. She says that she hopes he realises how to be a good life partner like yash. a frustrated prashant leaves with taiji in tow. Shobha then turns towards suraja dn again pleads him to forgive arti and punish them instead and says that they are also ok if he never wants to talk to then ever again. yash steps in and asks shobha to go home along with dubeyji since anything said right now would only aggravate the anger. He asks her not to worry about arti since he’s with her. They leave. while the whole family is worried, suraj too retires to his room with gayatri in tow.

Scene 2:
Location: Yash’s house
arti, entering her room, finds that yash is packing their suitcases and asks that why is he doing this and facing the wrath of his family an hurting them for her since its her mistake and hence only she should face the punishment. He says that to live without her would be a punishment in itself for him. The fact that he has to leave, angering his family is bad, but whats worse is if he had left her in the midway to fend for herself. he knows that blood relations are more than life but he also has a certain responsibility towards this relation wih her. He tells her that now they have to give their kids the love of both the parents and asks her to promise that she would be with him always. He sys that he knows if his parents hope that he has the responsiblity as a son towards them, then they also know that he has a responsibility towards arti as her husband. He says that he mistook her love for helplessness that she didnt want to get into this remarriage. He wipes her tears and says that from now on, noone gets aplace in her eyes other than him, not even tears. Arti looks up at him with gratitude. The screen freezes on her face.

Precap: Arti coaxes him to say those 3 words that hsi eyes and his heart always scream out to her, but he has never said it aloud to her. Yash finally says I LOVE YOU to arti.

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  1. Miss Unbelievable
    January 03, 16:33 Reply

    the best episode ever! They should just repeat it for the entire month!

    PV definitley started the new year with a Great Bang!

    Yash and Arti the best couple!

  2. Amaica Devi Maharaj
    January 03, 15:35 Reply

    This episode was excellent….Remember bad situations can often induce bad decision making….and so to get to the point of making a good decision Mr. Scindha should take time to clarify his inner confusion with consultation from members of his family.He has a lawyer in his family.
    The first thing he should do is to get his bearings in a reasonable way…He should ask …Is this a problem we should fix, put up with or walk away from…But he made a bad and hasty emotional decision.As the head of the household in an extended family unit, I expected him to respond with more class. Yash has always portrayed himself as a caring, loving straightforward and responsible individual.I knew that he will support Artie.I expected nothing less from him.
    Suni, don’t you think It’s a good time for the witches to fly off …taking with them Prashant and his useless father…and if Papa Scindha continues to play… he alone is the boss… we will send him off too.

    • Suni
      January 03, 19:27

      Amaica that is what Papa S should do , but I don’t think that the writers will allow him to do that right away .
      The witch is too fat for her broom as is , she would need a vacumn cleaner to take the rest along with her ! I still like Papa S , I will give him a chance 🙂 .

  3. Kris
    January 03, 15:27 Reply

    Yaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy, I love this episode, that’s how it must be, a wife lis a person not a piece of furniture to be thrown out whenever the in laws feel like, to be brought back at someone’s whims and fancy,
    Stopped looking at PV but read the update, will start looking again, it’s going goooood.
    Thanks for the updates and nice pics

  4. Chica
    January 03, 15:21 Reply

    Was it just me or did anyone else cry with tears of joy?

    • Suni
      January 03, 15:41

      Chica , I got all teary eyed when Yash said that Ansh is his son and when he finally said those 3 little words .

    • Amaica Devi Maharaj
      January 03, 15:44

      Chica…I cried with joy in my heart.This episode has so much lessons for all of us. ..If my husband was around, he would say…no honey…no more tears ..no more sorrow..no more pain…only love and have only me in your eyes and heart…Just joking….

    • Chica
      January 03, 15:50

      i know this episode was filled with so many emotions its unbelievable first there was anger then sorrow there was lots of pain but equal amount of love and the possessiveness on Yash’s behalf was just a killer with his hot looks and big eyes this was by far the best episode yet and i bet tomorrows might be great but i don’t think it will match up to today’s episode…what do you think…?

    • SJ
      January 03, 17:23

      Me too got very emotional

    • RENU
      January 04, 00:02

      hai chica,i dont know i cried after seeing tis epi ya
      as tears filled my eyes while seeing yash’s action & wen he said aarti is my patni & anshyashscindia,i bcame too emotional ya
      4 the 1st tym,i felt tears of joy

  5. deep
    January 03, 14:47 Reply

    this is how couples are suppose to be,in the good and bad times,am so proud of the punar vivah team,for giving us hope,unlike other series,where all they do is to seperate good loving couples throught the whole series story,and we the viewers are left with heart-break.

  6. shla
    January 03, 14:21 Reply

    Finally, Yash to say those 3 words that Aarti deserves to hear from Yash in next episode. Today for the first time I was proud of Yash when he said to Aarti that no one gets a place in her eyes except him, not even her tears.. Thank you.

    • Suni
      January 03, 14:24

      Those were beautiful words Shla . We waited as long as Aarti did to hear them .

    • shla
      January 03, 14:40

      Yes indeed. I was upset with writers so far for the reason you all know but today I give them kudos and will forgive all their past goof ups.

      I have not seen the episode yet but read your comment about Yash telling the Witch that don’t push around Aarti like shabha. Wow that is awesome. Can’t wait now to see the episode later.

    • Fiji
      January 03, 14:41

      Me too

  7. janani
    January 03, 14:12 Reply

    A very Nice episode and Every human being Should follow this 🙂
    Super Kalakittinga Yash Ji

    • Zainab
      January 03, 16:23

      Hey guys I’m a Nigerian can we please be friends?? If u really want me to be ur friend please snd me ur bb pins or ur user on instagram byeeeeeeeeeee!!!

  8. parutty
    January 03, 14:11 Reply

    very nice episode we r waiting for tommorow episode we love aryasssssssssss

  9. shalini
    January 03, 14:05 Reply

    wow todays episode is supebbbbb i just loved itttttt aarya rocking

  10. Anonymous
    January 03, 14:00 Reply

    wow…..awesome episode
    today’s episode is the best episode of punarvivah till now
    nice to see yash stand for aarti
    waiting for tommorrow’s episode

  11. Suni
    January 03, 13:54 Reply

    Yes , thank you Rimjhim 🙂 . Your good work continues in the new year .

  12. Nadia Ram
    January 03, 13:53 Reply

    Yash i am so proud of you. you made tears of joy come out of my eyes today. Keep up the great work. To the director of this show, keep up the good work. You arr doing a wonderful job. I am loving this show so much

    • Anonymous
      January 03, 14:32

      Is this who I think it is? Did punar vivaah reach Nevis? lol

  13. RENU
    January 03, 13:39 Reply

    once again,yashji keep it up & if every woman gets a husband like u,ten there wil be no divorce at all.

    have u all noticed onething tat dubeyji bcomes a good person so,tat day he said 2 taiji is only 2 shut her mouth.sorry,dubeiji,we think u r a wrong person.

    • Suni
      January 03, 13:50

      Renu , I kept wondering where did he appear from ?? Mr Dubey is like a chameleon , he has no exact colour , he changes to suit the situation . He stands firmly for nothing and can fall for everything if the situation requires . He loves Prashant , but he needs to set his son on the correct path . Mr Dubey has never made Prashant accept his flaws .

      It was great that the child Ansh thought like an adult while the adult thought like a child .

      Afreesh , I think that the witch is too fat to fit on her broom and cannot fly off and leave Aarti alone . Witches are usually quite thin .

    • RENU
      January 03, 14:01

      yes suni,but 2day he supported shoba only not aarti
      am i ryt na?

    • Suni
      January 03, 14:35

      You are correct . He seems just like Prashant when it comes to making decisions about what is right and wrong . But you are right , today he did well .

    • Punar Vivah
      January 03, 17:22

      The only thing that bugged me in this episode were three things: Dubeyji, Prashant, and Taiji. Dubeyji is not a very moral character. He doesnt think about the consequences of a situation, and as Suni said, he changes his opinion a lot to the situation. Prashant is a terrible person. He tries to reassure himself a lot and make wrong actions seem right. Prashant is selfish and doesn’t think of others. He doesn’t even try to be good as he decieved us in the beginning that he may have changed. No matter what, Prashant is like a snake, venomous and vile. Disregarding everything with no moral character he pushed his mother. Doesn’t he have any shame? What a loser! He can’t have Aarti, his family, Yash as a friend or even any friends, and best of all: his past wife. It’s sad. Then there is taiji. Her character is very irritating. Taiji was Prashant, Prashant, Prashant. She flat out refused to even think that it was Prashant’s fault and gave him the confidence to go to Aarti’s house. Her ignorance and rudeness will lead for her character to very bad things. Instead of looking at Prashant leaving Aarti she asks why not Aarti waited for Prashant. And Aarti did for so long, but how long is she supposed to wait? Taiji annoyed me so much during her entrance. Besides, it isn’t her business to do anything with either of their lives. She’s like an older version of Buaji!

    • SJ
      January 03, 22:02

      You have to give credit to arthi too, where do you find daughter in law who never think her happiness, always think for other, and keep suffering never ask anything for herself in return

      What she did for dubeejees Family, for pardsant, she got marry to yash for her son love came latter, what bua did to her, yash he put her to hell sinthia’s hurt her so bad, throw her out of the house, she stood for every one without complain if you see Arthis sacrifies , every family and husband would like to have daughter in law like her too

      If you Arthis sacrifies it s endless

  14. Seeca
    January 03, 13:36 Reply

    Best episode eveeeeeeer! I love Aarti nd Yash ji

  15. Gg
    January 03, 13:30 Reply

    Amazing……..love this….:-) that’s what we wanna see….:-)

  16. seema
    January 03, 13:23 Reply

    wow yash has FINALLY MATURED!!! thank goodness!!!! that took so long!

  17. milani
    January 03, 13:21 Reply


  18. Yash Fan
    January 03, 13:18 Reply

    Yash u the man. You surprised me with the way u handled the whole situation even though u were going through emotional pain. I luv u Yash. Aarthi I think u great as well always fighting for your rights.

  19. Suni
    January 03, 13:16 Reply

    SJ , I feel as though we have been rewarded for all our patience with this episode .
    God has united this couple and no man can succeed in tearing them apart .

    • Amaica Devi Maharaj
      January 03, 14:39

      Suni I totally agree with you….In the Ramayan Ram should have stood up for Sita just as Yash did for Artie.I am really happy for Yash and Artie…All her darkness has know come to light…she will now live in love peace and happiness.

    • SJ
      January 03, 14:50

      Suni renu, affresh ,Hip hip hurray, hip hip hurray, do not know how long, let us enjoy the moment
      One thing to add, sinthia keep saying we forgive all Arthis mistake, I do not know what mistake
      All missunderstanding were created by buajee were not Arthis mistake
      arthi should say or Dubeejee should say, arthi respected us like she respect to you, i arthi respected us that is why she colul not break our trust

      1 I do not think arthi will let leave the house, She will talk yash out and stay in the hose and will keep suffering sinthias torture.
      2. Parsant part is not over, there will be lot more hurdle come cause of Parsant, he will not sit quite,he as nothing to loose, my guess are 3 thing, either she will kidnap ansh, or arthi or blackmail arthi that if she does not come to him h will kill Yash, arthi know his nature, she will be victim of his web, she will afraid yash life and will try to protect yash and be Parsant victim and yash bd arthi will have another missunderstanding
      He will try to see ansh secerately to hs school because ansh still think Parsant is his friend uncle
      Parsant will tell ansh not to tell arthi and yash and will curpet ansh mind and will use against yash and arthi
      I hope I am wrong in all of tem
      Parsant should not ave visiting right to ansh, the person who can abuse his parents , while out of all his nonscence , still helped him and he pused hus mother lock her up, how bad influence
      Parsant can be on ansh, ansh age us a very delicate age does not good and bad

      One thing to understand, SHOBHA always stod by Arthis side no matter what she s the one dud shradh for hs son, but sometime when you have strong husband , it is very spdifficult to deal
      Father teach one thing mother teach other. I see so many cases , children become criminal and mental if not have proper guidance from both parents , Dubeejee kee defending Parsant
      Let us see Want them to say in sinthia’s not move out slowly patch up things
      And go fr a Minnie romantic vacation, where they could sleep until afternoon in each other arm
      And reax a bit , Affresh my friend Parsant seems to be beaten pretty barely
      Well no comment Parsant is Suni and your friend now LOL

      So this is a vacation and shoud be relax time for us too we gone through so much too, mental torture, tons of laughing pills, tons o chill pils, calms pills breathing exercise nothing worked
      Now with this episode my suger went high was a emotional sweet mesmorizeed episode
      oh DARN… No wonder we need drs in happy or sad moment
      Let’s all clap, love s back for a while tomorrow 3 medical words will e spoken , like ten commandment God’s words
      Affresh how are you, did you gain weight from today’s epic, I did I think Suni too
      Love love love how happy writter and producer will be seeing our comment

    • Afreesh
      January 03, 15:45

      Sj….pls don’t give any ideas yaar….I’m so worried…..I can’t digest anymore nonsense from Arthi….Prashand need to be controlled by yash but should be punished by Arthi….
      Sj & Suni….. yash didn’t say anything to Prashand directly but he slapped him by his support to Arthi….Yash’s angry look at Prashand was priceless when he warned them regarding Ansh matter

    • Miss Unbelievable
      January 03, 16:41

      SJ you are so right about Prashant

      I have this sinking feeling that Yash and Prashant will fight this would be a symbol the past vs the present to decide the future of Arti. Today Love has won but evil still lurks and they come in the form of Buaji taiji and prashant

      I would not be surprised if these 3 come together to plot against Arti. Buaji to kick Arti out and Prashant to remarry Arti

      I cant see Ansh suffering anymore. If so i’ll call children’s services on this show!

    • Punar Vivah
      January 03, 17:23

      Completely agree. Punar Vivah leads us through a tough situation, then rewards us with a beautiful one where we melt and forget our annoyance.

    • Suni
      January 03, 19:29

      Great take on the situation SJ , but I will hope that Prashant doesn’t do that . I can only hope .

  20. RENU
    January 03, 13:14 Reply

    where is suni,afresh,sj ya,i want 2 listen ur comments friends
    post it soon ya

    • Suni
      January 03, 13:30

      Renu , I am just going to enjoy today’s episode over and over . I might watch it 10 times . I am always apprehensive when the writers are kind to us , I worry at what they will come with next . But I was so blown away by Yash’s strength and conviction and courage that I will be happy for weeks with the memory. I wish that there could be more men like him . .
      Papa S always taught Yash to be fair . He is acting out of character with this performance . Gayatrii was the one against a divorcee being in the house . I find it odd that a man like Papa S would seek to divide his family . He taught Yash to be the loyal , outstanding man he is and should been willing to understand that Aarti is Yash’s wife . It was ridiculous for Papa S to make such an outlandish suggestion that Aarti should go away and send the baby o the Schindia house when she delivers . This sounds lie something that Gayatri would have said .
      I think Gayatri realizes the difference that Aarti has made in Yash’s life . She cannot bear to lose her son. It would be interesting if she finds her voice against her husband . Papa S made a final decision without any consultation or consideration of anybody’s opinion . I respect his character , but this time he was to hasty with his decision .

  21. Ranjana
    January 03, 13:13 Reply

    Yashji today’s show was really great…i ws waitng 4 dis day since long back..hat off 4 u…

  22. Suni
    January 03, 13:12 Reply

    This is the best episode I have ever seen on any soap opera ever . If I wore a hat I would take it off to the writers brilliance . Yash has redeemed himself for every mistake and now nothing can stand between these two .
    Afreesh , did I not tell you that the biggest problem that they would face would be Yash’s family 🙂 . If Yash forgives her , no one else matters . I loved the way he told off the witch , Yash is not Shobha to be pushed around .

    • RENU
      January 03, 13:19

      suni,i think,they wil go 2 mumbai & live alone ya
      & then, after ayu’s birth,the family reunite but dont know about prashanth track ya

    • Suni
      January 03, 13:40

      Renu , I doubt this, but, I will hope that you are correct . I don’t think that Yash and Aarti would leave that house for very long if they leave it at all . Let us enjoy these good times dear . Right now there is disorder in the Schindia house because of Aarti but Yash is with her , thankfully .Who will be the first to forgive her after Yash ? Would Gayatri have tried to save her without Ayu ? Why haven’t they yet accepted her as sister and daughter in the Schindia house ? Will the others stand in solidarity with Yash or let him leave ? I am proud of Yash , but very disappointed with Papa S .

    • Afreesh
      January 03, 14:10

      Suni…I’m not wondered or surprised to see Yash’s support since that character never disappointed me at anytime including the worst time of their relation. I feel Papa Syndiaya’s aggressiveness is justifiable. That man has trusted her more than his own children and his wife. I felt helpless when that dignified man attacked by sudden deprivation.
      I don’t think it’s a secured way for them to leave the house at this time since Prashand turned as an complete evil. In this situation Scyndia’s house is safer and secured for Arthi & Ansh. Our Sj…has provided enough ideas to Prashand to create problem to yash….So, I’m worried…
      Today,Yash proved himself as like as God whereby Arthi referred him always.I’m not convinced by the hatred look of Arthi towards prashand. She has to convince us by slaping him once in the coming episode.There are many ways of punishment but the biggest punishment is forgiving people for their mistakes. Arthi should consider Yash’s forgiveness in that aspect otherwise she can’t learn her lesson and can’t be a better half to yash in the near future. That great man Yash need nothing from her except pure love and he deserves it. Let’s see what she does…

    • Suni
      January 03, 14:38

      Well said Afreesh . But I think Papa S overreacted a bit . How can he throw out Yash’s legal wife ? He is disrespecting the bond if marriage in the same way as the witch . Papa S is too good for this role .

    • Afreesh
      January 03, 15:18

      Suni…..Papa S. Is a hot headed emotional man, perhaps he became burst out when his trust broken by a person who was always encouraged & appreciated & supported & motivated by him. It is not easy for him to digest her disloyalty easily as like as yash. Yash’s pure heart has forgiven Arthi due to the intensity of his love but we can’t expect the same reaction from others. We can’t forget Arthi’s stupidity & tenderness towards undeserved people….I felt uneasy when yash asked her to promise for being with him for ever……why????….or what made him to ask such promise???…..
      Sj…..if Arthi make any mistakes in the coming episodes we have to beat Arthi by her hockey stick….whether you & Suni accompany me or not…..I will go alone

    • SJ
      January 03, 17:53

      Affresh I agree with you , we will beat arthi and drag Suni if even she doesn’t want to go
      In Arthis case Arthis hockey will not work because we think by now she should nderstand
      Not to poke too much nose, we will take some heavy champion hcky stick

      Other thing is that , I was very impressed by. G3 .she act beautifully even when she found out
      Her truth, arthi stood for every one but I am surprise prateek Paradhi, Pankaj Vidhi no one said anything, when paa sinthya told pardhi, she has t get u from house and g to jail, it was yash and arthi beg t papa sinthia, and arthi ask fr her birthday gift

      I was looking wip hen yash epwas packing in his room, arthi did not hav much f a expression
      On her face, sh should put he head on his shoulder or hug him. Do no know whtpy both ohpf hem have a lack of it, may be sh was in shock or because yash s marride in real life, otherwuse
      In any show , they hug and do close acting naturally, if they will hold each other or put her head on his shoulder they do from mile away, does not look natural
      So when yash was pleading to paa, and so is g 3, all the family member should av even stood by arthi and yash side,
      I hope they do not leave house like Affresh said it s safer,and arthi is used to sinthia’s anger
      So in few days when situation calm down , she shoud try to clear the air like she explain t yash

      Affresh please dint get mad I did any idea to Arsabt, all criminal have much better idea, in my opinion Parsant is a criminal, if he can hurry abse his mother again still a selfish rotation person

      You know hs V is killing me, I slept in afternoon , got dreame like yash and arthi went in vacation, and Parsant went to see ansh in school, and ask him where are ash and arthi are and went there and started to stalk them,scare them, I wish if something happned like ths ash s black belt, and she his skills.

    • Suni
      January 03, 19:46

      SJ , you make me laugh so hard the way you think of dragging me . I am not going to beat anyone nun uh !!! . I don’t want to see any blood . I will faint and you guys might try to help and the bad guys would win . So I will believe that Aarti has learnt her lesson and has all she needs to stand and fight for her family . She can’t be that dumb to jeopardize her Yash .

  23. negha
    January 03, 13:12 Reply

    Wow superb episode…. Its realy too good i loved it….

  24. RENU
    January 03, 13:12 Reply

    @geetha:yes geetha,i love madhubala coz of its storyline & the actors & especially rk’s dialogue

    but m a great fan of pv b4 mb started,in middle i stopped watching pv coz of some stupidity,sorry yaar
    y i said tis means,i cannot tolerate aarti’s sufferings.so,i made tis comment
    now m happy & m decided 2 watch pv 4m new year,see wat an oath m taking,hehehe,….

  25. Uma kumar
    January 03, 13:11 Reply

    Great yash ji im havin tears in my eyes….

  26. kristy
    January 03, 13:10 Reply

    Yash ji….i love so much 4 staying with aartiji.prashant God will punish U̶̲̥̅̊ 4 mee,u can neva change wicked man…smh
    Aartiji All is well.

  27. thilag
    January 03, 13:10 Reply

    wow wow wow wow wow awesome episode today wow wat an act yashji today arthi u too so nice today wat an husband yar ur i dont no how to expose my feeling atlast i feel happy today yash start ur romance again congrads \,,,,,,,,,,,loveu loveu loveu somuch yash and arthi……….

  28. sara
    January 03, 13:10 Reply

    finally Yash has poured milk to our hungry tummies. thank u Yash u r a gentleman forever.

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