Pavitra Rishta 7th October 2013 Written Update

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Pavitra Rishta 7th October 2013 Written Update by H Hasan

Pavitra Rishta 7th October 2013 Written Episode

The episode starts with the reporters asking Shirish about his new strategy and his tie up with Kirloskar’s. Shirish tells him all is good and lets wait and watch. Some reporter asks him whether he feels he is responsible for the building collapsing. So many people have died. His wife says that case is going on in court and we are not responsible. We will help the effected people. Reporter says that the evidence are against you. She says it is all false. Then the reporters asks Shirish and his wife, whether they knew Dk. Shirish says no, they just met recently and praises him. Rushali tells some reporter brijesh to use his intelligence for her. She asks him to write good for her and asks him to write false report. Rushali tries to bribe him. Brijesh is in thoughts and says he will tell her. She asks him to get the cheque from the office. Shirish comes to Rushali and says he is asking him questions to expose him. Rushaali says it is about problem solving and very soon he will write for them like a servant. Manav applauded them for their cheap plan and asks them whether she reached here after adapting these cheap plans. Shirish tells Rushali about Manav. Manav and Rushaali argues about principles. Rushali says she appreciates him as he reached the position from being the mechanic. She says I guess your thinking might be progressive. Manav says my ethics and principles is my wealth and I am sure DK sir will share my opinion. Shirish and Rushali are tensed.

DK welcomes everyone to the party and says he invited as his company will be entering into partnership. He introduces Shirish and Rushali karmakar. He says their project is gharcool and some business projects. He invites them on stage. Manav is shocked and goes on the stage. He tells DK that he needs to talk to him something important. Dk says he will talk after sometime. Manav insists. DK agrees. Manav tells DK, that he is against the partnership with Shirish. Manav shouts and says they are not like them. Dk asks him to keep his voice down. Manav tells him that they tried to bribe some journalist. Their ethics and principles are not like us. Shirish and Rushali hears him. Arjun says sorry and says it is a family matter. Shirish asks him to take care of Manav and leaves. Manav says that they didn’t do any projects which they are claiming they have done. DK says it is a business strategy. Manav says if you don’t like him then it doesn’t mean he is bad. Manav asks him to chose between him and Shirish. Purvi and Arjun comes there now. DK says I won’t tolerate your mood swingings and tantrums. you can’t blackmail me. Manav says if our thinking is not important for each other then we shall not move forward. Archana comes. DK says are you sure? Manav says yes. DK says ok, then our way is seperated. Archana, Purvi and Arjun are shocked.

Damodar tells Manav that you have broken the partnership with DK sir. Manav says yes, I should have done it before but I was mad. He is brainwashed by shirish and his wife. What is the use of partnership, when there is no trust. Archana asks him to calm down. Manav tells Sachin that he won’t be working for DK company and he will work for his company. He says, now we will not have any connection with his companies or him. Archana asks him to rest.

Purvi recalls the happenings and gets tensed. Arjun is tensed too. She tells Arjun that she can’t believed that their partnership have broken. Arjun says he saw their friendship since his childhood. They were good friend. Purvi says everything is ruined because of the third person. She says Manav baba was right because Shirish and Rushali tried to bribe the reporter. She says we have to get the hold of the reporter and have to bring out the truth. Arjun says baba’s mental condition isn’t good. Purvi gets angry and says she won’t listen about her baba. Arjun says he too won’t listen about her dad. Arjun says I don’t understand that why you are taking only baba’s side and not Dad. Purvi says ofcourse he is my Dad. Arjun says Dad always took everything positively but today he is broken. Purvi says she understand. Arjun tells her that if she thinks she is the bahu of the house then she have to support his Dad instead of her baba. Purvi is shocked. Manav and Archana are on the bed and Manav is silent.

Soham asks Balan to get him out of the jail as he came to know about Gauri’s wedding. Mayi told him about the marriage. Balan says are you mad? I want you to get rotten in Jail but I can’t see you here as I am your baba. He says he will get him out from the jail but he have to promise him that he will go to Patna after coming out of Jail and will forget Gauri. Soham agrees. Balan says, very soon I will get you out from here.

Archana calls Ovi and asks, how is she? Ovi says she is fine. Archana says she has some work and you have to do. She asks about Green city hospital in Canada? Ovi is tensed and wonders why Aai is asking about this hospital. Ovi says it is a good hospital. Archana asks her to get appointment for Manav as they will come there after Sachin’s wedding. She says she will asks Sachin to email Manav’s report. Then she asks her to come as Sachin wedding is coming nearer. Ovi says she will come soon. Archana asks her about the project. Ovi says ok and disconnects the call.

Constable gives food to Soham. Soham says he won’t eat. Constable teases him and says you are believing the goon and dreaming to get outside. He says he heard that goon speaking with his aide that he will not help him to come out. Soham gets angry and thinks everyone uses and then throws him. He gets angry and breaks the water pot.

Ovi tells her friend that she had to go to India leaving behind her child. She says she won’t go anywhere leaving her kid behind. But Aai is coming here with Baba for his treatment. She says she didn’t tell them about her baby. What she will tell them. Her friend says they will find some solution.


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  1. Any
    October 07, 15:13 Reply

    Well, it’s amazing how many comments are. Secondly, ovi’s child is the perfect reason for say that arjun has a menthal problem. He is mature now and he did it once in the past with purvi. How is possible that he has no idea about what follows after intimate relations or his menthal problem doesn’t let him think so far…and he said about Manav that “baba’s menthal condition isn’t good”. And thirdly, i guess ekta dreams something at night and makes it real on the day only for celebrate when there are 500, 1000 and now she wish a big party for the 2000 episodes. LOL. Ekta is not a human being meanwhile she transform the pure reality,normal characthers and a movie,which should be so simple to understand, in a big big MISERY. Seriously!

    • MU
      October 07, 15:16

      LMAO 🙂

      so true

    • Merina
      October 08, 01:21

      So true… The day ekta invaded Indian TV screen all the sanity, logic and rationality left from the front door.

  2. MU
    October 07, 14:29 Reply

    new track should be:

    ovi got preggers for her manager of the model agency

    soham will go back to Patna sneak back in kidnap Gauri , impregnate her

    sachin will come to save her but he and sachin will fight near a cliff then soham will die. Sachin will almost die Gauri tries to commit suicide because Soham drugged her with an aphrodisiac and she got preggers by him and oh the bitch liked it (evil lol)

    sachin will survive and marry her and they will raise Soham’s kid. Therefore the Deshmuk blood line has been preserved. In the meantime Soham is not dead he got a brain operation and has amnesia. Soham will be adopted by a couple who lost their son recently and he looked exactly like Soham…(without the beard…get rid of it CVS)

    The couple will have Soham re-educated and send him to school and he’ll return to Mumbai as the famous businessman son. Gauri birth’s a son then gets complications that she will never have children again. Sachin gets furious and tries to love the kid but it’s hard. The kid is now 3.

    Ovi reveals her secret marriage during that time….

    Sachin has a mistress on the side who he sets up in style and she has a baby for him…2 blocks away from their apartment. Gauri will see Soham and call police but his family will meet Manav and insult them as their beloved son was educated etc. Unknowingly this family is doing business with Manav which Manav really needs. By the way DK will go bankrupt due to the scandal he has with the evil Shahish and his wife and Manav has to rescue him.

    So Gauri like the good bahu will end up meeting the mistress and oh a maury paternity will go on when the families find out Soham fathered her baby and Sachin is fathering another. Soham will gravitate to Gauri as his love lives on but he is engaged to another. Gauri hinking Soham is dead and its a look alike will also. Then….flashbacks will have Soham ready to reveal himself but thinks twice. He’ll bribe sachin to divorce and he’ll marry Gauri through blackmail using the Deshmuk’s name on it….

    uummm later folks 🙂

    • Yvett
      October 07, 15:05

      Not bad!

    • Veetal
      October 07, 15:29

      this make sense.. Where did u get it from?

  3. AK
    October 07, 14:10 Reply

    Neha, Pari won’t be played by Ankita Lokhande rather Charlie Chauhan.
    Therefore Pari will be parallel lead/antagonist /like Ovi

  4. Merina
    October 07, 14:06 Reply

    @MAhi : I agree with you. Let PR have a steady and plausible story for once. Besides there are so many angles and relationships that can be explored and enacted apart from love triangles. I was expecting siblings’ bonding you know-Ovi helping Soham get over Gauri with her own experience of the devastation that unrequited love bring. I wanted to see Teju taking initiatives to educate Soham , Sachin and Soham burying their hatchet, Sachin marrying Gauri and Soham finding a better girl than Gauri, Purvi taking care of her family and having more kids, the family bonding as real family and ultimately each settling down happily : see the story has so much potential. But no everything has to boil down to love triangles and separation.
    Glad u like reading too. I’m reading Inferno by Dan Brown right now. It’s better than PR any day…

    • AK
      October 07, 14:14

      That’s a better storyline Merina.

      Themes of these shows are Love, Triangles, hate, misunderstanding ,I don’t have to complete all.

      Family Bonding is irrelevant in this show

    • Mahi
      October 07, 14:18

      I totally agree with Merina. Ovi was the best person to explain to Soham but they made him go to Purvi and complicated things for them a little, sorted it out with news of her being pregnant and now Ovi is back in Canada with her surprise baby.

    • Merina
      October 07, 14:34

      @AK : thanks for my story line. And also show parents can do the needful for each child apart from shedding bucketful of tears… Show proper parenting once and for all for God’s sake..

    • MU
      October 07, 14:35

      so true

      the father is always upset and carrying on

      the mother is always crying and looking helpless


  5. AK
    October 07, 14:00 Reply

    Ekta is concentrating most on Jodha Akbar that’s why it’s doing good.
    Remember there were days when PR was on top of the roosts that’s when Ekta was in charge of it.
    She left PR on the hands of the directors and writers that’s why the show is dragy and stagnant in some cases

    • Arvi & Asya
      October 07, 16:55

      Yh so guys stop blaming ekta all this shit…..

  6. zeej
    October 07, 13:54 Reply

    Ekta really needz a doctor bcos smething is wrng wit her brain,I ll stop watching pr vry soon

  7. AK
    October 07, 13:52 Reply

    Mahi she Ovi broke down completely when she came to know she was pregnant. But the bearer didn’t break down completely

    • Merina
      October 07, 13:56

      Who is the bearer AK?

    • Mahi
      October 07, 13:56

      Lets see AK. But in one way I hope its not someone else’s child I’m not fond of the sleeping around lol.

    • AK
      October 07, 14:03

      Merina Ovi

      Mahi ovi used to drink a lot maybe she was raped by Romil (Her model agent) let’s wait and see it will be revealed soon

    • Mahi
      October 07, 14:06

      Yes Romil was hanging around….dunno.

    • Mahi
      October 07, 14:09

      Maybe that’s why she pushed for a divorce….let’s see.

    • Merina
      October 07, 14:10

      Oh u mean sperm bearer.. silly me. But I think it is Arjun, Romil came into picture much later. Even if he had his way, Ovi would only be heavily pregnant right now.. but again it is PR land.. anything is possible.

  8. AK
    October 07, 13:48 Reply

    Yes Mahi Pari aka Charlie Chauhan looks younger and not to mention inherits her adoptive aunty Ovi trait

    • Mahi
      October 07, 13:51

      Lol yesss. Wonder what will become of Uncle Sachin and Aunt Gauri…

    • AK
      October 07, 13:54

      Mahi I don’t care about Sachin and Gauri they broke my poor heart when Sachin was degraded and rejected by the whole family

    • Mahi
      October 07, 13:58

      I don’t mind if they leave the show either but just wondering.

    • AK
      October 07, 14:06

      I am sure they will have problems.
      If you can remember Sachin joined forces with Mittal and Sandeep. Therefore I foresee trouble and difficulty in their lives

  9. AK
    October 07, 13:45 Reply

    Hi Merina and Mahi

    • Merina
      October 07, 13:52

      Hi Ak. Whassup?

  10. AK
    October 07, 13:40 Reply

    Neha I have a feeling Ovi will get hitched to a new entry.
    Now the story will focus on the third generation and love triangles Little Ankita, Pari and the new male lead

    • Merina
      October 07, 13:53

      Let CVS do that. That would at least be one sensible thing to do : get a new lead opposite Ovi.

    • neha
      October 07, 13:54

      yaaa i guess there will be new entry hope soo.. instead of this 3 lifes will be spoiled again

      Love CYCLCE OF PR….


      wat a love story
      aanokhi one

  11. Pat
    October 07, 13:37 Reply

    How did she have a child? When did that happen and for whom? I realy don’t understand what is going on in this serial. Is the writer taking us for a free ride again?

    • AK
      October 07, 13:43

      They Ovi and Arjun had a one night stand before they parted ways.
      The only think am not sure of is if Ovis child belongs to Arjun or a new entry

    • Mahi
      October 07, 13:47

      Interesting AK…..Ovi’s depression for Arjun makes me doubt it a little though.

    • Merina
      October 07, 13:51

      They always do.

  12. AK
    October 07, 13:27 Reply

    Purvi , Arjun and Ovi are not leaving Pavitra Rishta, they have agreed to stay .

    • Mahi
      October 07, 13:30

      Merina said so too but now it seems most likely no.

    • neha
      October 07, 13:33

      we noe they r not going

      but just thinking about there lifes after leap

    • AK
      October 07, 13:35

      Mahi they will stay after all the current story focuses on them and a little bit of Dk Manav fight.

    • Merina
      October 07, 13:35

      There was an article Mahi, I read it. Although not officially confirmed, it seems Asha, Rithvik and Shruti had decided to stay back post leap as well.

    • Mahi
      October 07, 13:42

      It would be nice if they stay. The girl playing Pari’s part seems somewhat young maybe they took the age stuff into consideration.

  13. neha
    October 07, 13:19 Reply

    yaaaa guys
    always think in positive way and everything will be fine

    forget about oviiiiii
    i wanna assume dat there iss ovi who does not have any connection with arjun and purviii

    arjun n purvi will be always together n have a nice life with there kidsssssss

    love u arjund n purviiiiiiiiiii

    • Merina
      October 07, 13:33

      Touchwood to that. Fingers crossed.

  14. Hanan
    October 07, 13:17 Reply

    Dis writers ar crazy,will stop watchin PR soon

  15. Merina
    October 07, 13:15 Reply

    @Anonymous: Yeah Ovi drank during her first pregnancy and she did that knowingly. When she started drinking second time around, she didn’t know she was pregnant. But she must have stopped after she came to know about it. Otherwise she would not have given up drinking abruptly.
    And I don’t think miracle has extended this time. Ovi was shown to be in hospital carrying a file. So the baby it seems is very ill. But it is still to unfold if the illness is related with drinking during pregnancy or need of bone marrow transplant.

    • AK
      October 07, 13:33

      But she stopped drinking, right. ovi has changed for the best and I feel sorry for her. the mystery remains as to who Ovi ‘s child father is? is it Arjun.
      Hope everything goes well .

    • Mahi
      October 07, 13:38

      AK: I would say that it is Arjun’s child. Knowing how Ovi was crazy for Arjun. There was that one scene the day before Ovi left which makes me more certain.

  16. Mahi
    October 07, 13:13 Reply

    I’ll just go with the flow 🙂

    • Merina
      October 07, 13:16

      I’d say I’d go with the stagnation rather. Where is the flow? The plot and story are pretty stagnant.

    • Mahi
      October 07, 13:22

      Nope Merina, not in that way…they want new characters etc I don’t mind I have other matters that are worth worrying over lol.

    • Merina
      October 07, 13:38

      Oh I got it.. I’ll do that too. I had bought some books, I’d read them instead…

    • Mahi
      October 07, 13:45

      I love reading too. I just hope that history doesn’t repeats itself. For once lets have a stable love story in PR.

  17. Anonymous
    October 07, 13:13 Reply

    This is ridiculous………..If Arvi get seperated AGAIN!!! I will never watch this show until they get back together!!!!!!

    Ekta is CRAZY and Mad
    Only watching this show for ARVI


    • Merina
      October 07, 13:17

      Count me in too..

  18. Maria
    October 07, 13:12 Reply

    Boy, I thought it takes nine months for a baby to be born….
    How did Ovi all of a sudden have a baby…….This show is some sort of stupid…..I am about to give up on it. The only thing that keeps me going is Purvi and Arjun…

    • neha
      October 07, 13:25

      very true n same here….. Just going through the flow

  19. Merina
    October 07, 13:10 Reply

    @MU : Thanks sweetheart I love you too. And no I’m not asking you to comprehend PR’s story line or plot and find any semblance of reality or logic in it. Even the genius of Einstein, Newton and Galileo combined will not be able to do that and we are ( at least I am) neither of them.

  20. neha
    October 07, 12:50 Reply

    they r so many twists and turn pr n all r soo dumb problem .it will never happen dat wen a girl is pregant she will drink alchohol

    uff i am speechless guys i cannot believe it .today ekta have proven to me dat she is shameless women in the world by her lame storys by just becaming pregant . If one women delivers next will be pregant uff it soo dumb yr…

    Fine live abt it
    if i think more i will get mad .i see pr just arjun and purvi n noone else
    hope the leap be good n have some sense in making relation

    if in todays episode in puvi places ovi wouls be there den she wld leave the house it just purvi saying.

    • Merina
      October 07, 12:53

      Bang on Neha.. I watch PR for Ajun Purvi too. But it seems our days of watching Arjun Purvi are limited. Ekta, it seems is already to separate them for another 18 years. And Ekta’s soaps are the last place you should look for logic..

    • neha
      October 07, 12:57

      if ekta will separate them den trp will go down and they will faces some problems

      yyyyy in pr only it happens uffff……..

    • Merina
      October 07, 13:04

      Ekta doesn’t seem to care about TRP these days. The TRP above 2 is acceptable it seems. The only thing that matters to her are insane story line, irrational plots and illogical execution of the same. And she gives a big party when the show crosses the multiple of 500 episodes..

    • neha
      October 07, 13:14

      do not noe wat next
      y ovi is pregant???
      Everyone would be happy in their life ovi too if she was not pregant

      leave it guys
      there no use of it guys talking abt it we r simple bursting our head

      first of all we do not noe who is the childs dad
      maybe it is not arjun but any model
      bcoz she used to be druk always n if someone is drunk they do not noe wats happening

    • Mahi
      October 07, 13:16

      Neha: I doubt that Ovi went crazy for Arjun….not really possible that’s why I was totally blank as to another reason she can go back to Canada.

  21. anonymous
    October 07, 12:45 Reply

    “Ovi has a child”!!!! How, when, where??? How did she manage to carry the babay to term when she was always drinking, modelling, partying etc. She even visited the family in India and at no time did she even have a bump of a tummy. Miracles never cease in TVland. The wierdest things are the order of the day. She also stayed in India for a longer stretch this time, how did she manage to do that and stay away from her baby.

    Eish, these producers/writers think that the viewers are so daft.

    • Mahi
      October 07, 12:53

      Anonymous, I know but she used to drink during her first pregnancy too not really unexpected.

    • neha
      October 07, 12:54

      i agree with u she visted once for her divoced n she was drinking too who came she became pregant……

      I seriously hate this thing in pr

    • anonymous
      October 07, 12:55

      Purvi/Arjun/Ovi are like baby making machines. Very fertile people.

    • MU
      October 07, 12:56

      i dont want to think anymore

      i already have a headache and these bimbos will make it worse

      logics dont work in Ekta land


      it makes sense why he divorced her all…perfect sense why she’s still single

      i wouldnt marry her for all the money in the world…if i was a guy

    • neha
      October 07, 13:05

      do not noe wats gonna happen next


  22. AK
    October 07, 12:34 Reply

    Guys I have a feeling that Ovi ‘s daughter will be played by Ankita , so I am excited .
    Pari will be played by Charlie Chauhan a spoilt brat due to over pampering and riches am excited about the leap

    • Mahi
      October 07, 12:36

      Me too! And Pari has Ovi’s character lol.

    • MU
      October 07, 12:41

      well after purvi-arjun is gone so will I

      thanks to all

      had an awesome time where with you folks


      this is practice for when they truly disappear

    • Mahi
      October 07, 12:43

      Changes are sometimes good….and if they want to keep PR on the air then they’d have one set of characters creating more confusing (stupid rather) stories.

    • MU
      October 07, 12:55

      but the children…ovi’s daughter versus pari and her siblings

      its like bloody archana all over again

      and pirvi-ovi all over again

    • Mahi
      October 07, 13:08

      True MU, guess they think the audience is really fascinated to have a repetition of PR from the old days. I hope they don’t do that.

  23. MU
    October 07, 12:34 Reply

    OMG 😮

    Ovi had a baby by ARjun


    You guys make all the women look shameless in this show

    OMG what will happen now? Arjun should not have banged that bitch after the divorce papers were signed

    Arjun is the worse…poor Archu her son-in-law knocked up both her daughters

    Her poor grandchildren pari and the rest of her siblings

    why couldnt she sleep with the model guy and get knocked up???

    OMG time to end this bloody show

    • Mahi
      October 07, 12:35

      Not after the papers MU….but just before the divorce was agreed upon.

    • MU
      October 07, 12:39

      he stilled banged her when he knew they were divorcing

    • Mahi
      October 07, 12:41

      The Big Bang Theory lol

    • MU
      October 07, 12:42

      Damn right Mahi LOL

    • Mahi
      October 07, 12:44

      Hahaha, yeah I know. The name had been surfacing in my mind from a while back.

    • Merina
      October 07, 13:00

      @MU : I know it was crude for PR to have shown Arjun impregnate both the girls, but in my opinion Arjun at least is not guilty for impregnating Ovi second time around. It so happens that after Arjun’s giving Pari back to Purvi he pleads Ovi to return home. She agrees while she had already made up her mind to divorce him. Unbeknownst to him Arjun thinks Ovi had returned for good, they consummate once again -Arjun to save his marriage, Ovi to gather some special moments before leaving him for good.
      The next day Arjun wakes up and comes to know that Ovi had left him forever asking for divorce.

    • MU
      October 07, 13:03


      I love you honey but I dont want to try comprehend this at all LOL

      when they take the leap I will leap with them too

      Leap out of PR

      i hope the trps drop to where they have to cancel the show

  24. Mahi
    October 07, 12:30 Reply

    No solution Ovi just tell them the truth. Finding a solution by hiding the truth always leads to problems.

    • alina
      October 07, 12:32

      very true
      and it will make some more problems in purvi and arjuns life

    • Mahi
      October 07, 12:34

      I think that they both will be shocked but Purvi is not the over reacting type however maybe their daughters might have problems later or if she has a son I hope he doesn’t fall in love with his half sister lol….yes i’m thinking that far.

  25. AK
    October 07, 12:29 Reply

    Hello friends, I am very sad with Pavitra Rishta ‘s rank. But we have been on the top before Madhubala started and Before Iss Pyar Koo. .. Naam Doon? ended.

    • Merina
      October 07, 13:30

      The show was bound to go downhill with such screwed up characters (literally), screwed up story line and screwed up execution.

  26. alina
    October 07, 12:24 Reply

    guys ovi have a kid…..

    • Mahi
      October 07, 12:26

      u confirmed alina?

    • Mahi
      October 07, 12:28

      ohhh, just read the other updates.

    • alina
      October 07, 12:28

      in precap ovi has agreed

    • alina
      October 07, 12:28

      in precap ovi has agreed abt it

  27. MU
    October 07, 12:15 Reply

    really ppl?

    varsha manav dk

    ppl crazy man

    writers crazy

    • Mahi
      October 07, 12:22

      Did u read the promo they have MU?

  28. ♥RD♥my luv
    October 07, 12:13 Reply

    Hi Ak bhai , Mk di , Merina di and all….how r u guys !シ

    • Merina
      October 07, 12:50

      Not very good after reading today’s WU. How r u btw?

  29. Mahi
    October 07, 12:08 Reply

    I knew they had to have a fall out after Arjun and Purvi got married….

    • MU
      October 07, 12:19

      i never understand the in-laws theory Merina.

      Always forcing a girl to choose between her in-laws and her maternal home. Today Arjun did it the other day Shiv from Balika Vadhu also did that, force their wives to choose

      Purvi stand up for the truth this time put ARjun and his dad to shame

    • Mahi
      October 07, 12:21

      Lol, MU its Mahi….no worries, Merina calls me MU sometimes.

    • Mahi
      October 07, 12:25

      That’s right MU. Their fathers should be able t settle their differences but nah it has to cause disagreement between husband and wife.

    • alina
      October 07, 12:31

      i guess they both r just supporting their dads

    • Merina
      October 07, 12:50

      @Mahi and MU : Probably it happens because we are awesome threesome (Ms) I mean. LOL
      Now coming back to PR the fights are necessary for Arjun and Purvi to get estranged once more. Perhaps Purvi will lose her baby in trying to reveal the true identity of DK’s new business partners and bam…they will get separated. In the meantime, Arjun will come to know about his and Ovi’s chils and marry her because the child will be needing bone-marrow transplant. Then Ovi will bring Pari up and well then you know what to expect….
      As for Purvi, perhaps she will go far away with Soham and raise his kids ( Archana junior).
      In the meantime, Arjun will find out about the partners’ truth, repent not trusting Purvi will never come out of her memories. And Ovi will once again remain in the marriage because of children.
      And then Pari and Archu junior will fall for the same guy and well.. the history will repeat itself.

    • Mahi
      October 07, 12:57

      Good storyline Mer. Hmmm, Arjun won’t re marry Purvi

    • Mahi
      October 07, 13:10

      I mean Ovi

    • Merina
      October 07, 13:26

      Hope Ovi Arjun do not remarry. Ovi had moved on with her head held high, got her self respect back and overcome her weaknesses and made the people like me( eho disliked her previously) like and admire her immensely.
      Now showing her marry Arjun again will be the lamest thing to do. But as I say if bone marrow angle comes forth it may be her only option.Besides in Ekta’s land consummation and procreation are only ways to find the bone marrow donor (and right so, Arjun is a rare specimen after all).

    • Mahi
      October 07, 13:34

      That would be total nonsense if she allowed them to re marry. She should try and save the 0.25% of sanity the show contains.

    • Merina
      October 07, 13:43

      Sanity and Ekta’s show never go hand in hand…So…….

    • MU
      October 07, 14:32

      LOL @Merina & @Mahi

      good theory people

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