Nimki Mukhiya 29th April 2019 Written Update
Nimki Mukhiya 29th April 2019 Written Episode
Scene 1
Babbu says they have hit nimki in front of me. Tettar hits Babbu. Police takes him outside. Shankar says he got angry because Dablo is his son. Shankar says this doesn’t prove Babbu raped her. Dablo says Babbu told me from jail he raped Nimki.
Annaro scraems where is my phone. Sweeti says I took your phone so you can sleep. Anaro says please call babbu once. Sweeti calls jharya. He is I am out of court. Tettar was kicked out too. Dablo said something and Tettar got angry. annaro speaks to Tettar. She says they asked you to leave? He says Shankar will handle everything. Annaro lays down and cries. she says please save my Babbu.
Shnakar says can’t you control your anger. Tettar says it is going against us anyway. You are so useless. Babbu says don’t dare saying a word against my dad. Ritu says please handle. this case is getting out of hands. Shankar says this Tettar and Babu keeping ruining everything. Tettar says take money but save my son. Shankar says I can try my best. Ritu gets a call and says okay I am coming.
Scene 2
Moraylal says Elena what are you doing? She says making cake for Nimki. She will be happy. After case she will live with us right? Mausi says yes. Elene gets happy. Morayla says I hope everything is good for Nimki.
Sinha says Babbu told Dablo he raped nimki. Ganesh saw Babu running from backdoor of Nimki’s house. Everything is in front of you. Shankar says there is something important left. Can I ask dablo a few things? Shankar says dablo you didn’t say anything in anyone’s pressure. Nimki didn’t pay you right? Nimki says we can’t stoop low like you. Shankar says Nimki gave you Ram’s land. What did you pay her? Dablo says some months I didn’t. Otherwise I did. Shankar says whose name that land is on? Dablo says Ram’s kids. Shankar brings Nehar’s paper an says have you ever seen this paper? It says the land is on Dablo and Nehar’s name. Everyone is dazed.
Precap-Shankar says we have to make Nimki against Dablo.