Million Dollar Girl 25th December 2014 Written Update
Million Dollar Girl 25th December 2014 Written Episode
Avanti cries comes to home…and asks mom that she burnt the house..Avanti tells that she was in loss..Avanti tells If she did any buisneskii s then they will be profit and she will give to family..Mother tells that she dont want money..and she will not use her money..
Vicky gives tea to Avanti,,Avanti tells that her mother thinking is so backward,,tells that they are living in a 21st centuary,,Avanti tells that if she did buisness she will be in profit and then will give to family also,
client Mr ghosla calls Avanti,,Avanti tells that yes Underwear’s is selling like rocket,,,Mr ghosla tells tommorrow distributors are coming to check the go-down,,Avanti tells to come,,Vick gestures Avanti…Avanti tells she will manage and tells to sent distributors,,Vicky tells that this Underwear and all is not Avanti’s type,,Vicky tells Avanti to do something Avanti tells she has a Solution of this Problem..
Virat gets angry on his worker,,,Virat’s secretery tells him to go and rest at home,,as he is working since the day he came,,Virat tells that many rumors are there in market,,,,Virat goes to Mr sharma,,Virat tells him to give his pending work before,,Mr sharma tells that Virat is a kid infront of him,,Virat holds him and tell that this kid will become father,,Virat’s father calls him and tells to concentrate on work and take care of himself,,Virat tells that
On anotherside Avanti tells that God is taking his test,,Vicky asks Avanti has any idea??Avanti says yes,,,Avanti goes to chemist,,Avanti asks chemist where his children study??Chemist tells at government,,Avanti tells that he will make his life better,,Avanti tells he want a the stock is of 20lacs,,Chemist agrees,,Chemist asks what Avanti wants??Avanti tells she want a go-down..for sometime as distributors are wanted to check Chemist tells dont worry as his friend Mr shukla has a go-down.. Chemist calls his friend shukla and asks for go-down..Shukla agrees..
Virat comes to chemist,,and sees Avanti asks what she is doing,,Avanti tells she is selling pakoda’s,,Virat tells he want a headache tablet,,Avanti tells she dont have..Virat sees the tablets and asks Avanti to give,,Avanti tells it is only limited edition..Virat enter’ into the shop,,Chemist comes and tells Virat to come out of shop,,Chemist tells it is his shop,,Virat tells he want headache tablet,,Chemist agrees and gives tablet,,Vicky asks who is this,,Avanti tells this the guy who forcefully enter’s into other’s shop,,Virat give 100rs to chemist,,Chemist tells to wait Virat tells to keep change and goes,,Chemist tells the day is lucky as he got membership and 100rs,,,
Avanti comes to Vicky,,Avanti brings burger for Vicky,,Avanti tells that once her buisness has started,,people will give example that she started buisness from underwear,,Avanti tells once she become rich,,she willl buy a small car for kavya and renovate house for her Mom..Vicky tells enough as he will cry..
Mr ghosla call Avanti tells that his deal is lock,,Avanti tells how come??Client tells that Chemist call him and said a buisness plan and thet are having more profit,,Avanti tells but Mr ghosla did the deal with him,,Mr ghosla tells that he is gettin more profit when he is doing the deal with Chemist,,Avanti cuts the call,,Avanti cries,,Vickya sks what happened??Avanti tells that chemist betrayed them..
Chemist sells underwear to a women..Avanti comes and tells the women that chemist is not the under wear is not good tells that whoever buy is in loss..Avanti tells that his friend Vicky suffered and cannot even talk properly The women goes..Chemist tells to wait..avanti goes into the shop and beats the Chemist tells everyone that Chemist betrayed her..backstabbed..Chemist shouts and tells Vicky to take away..Chemist shouts and says that they are two rules in buisness Rule no1) No one will share there buisness plan with anyone..As Avanti shared her buisness plan with him..He liked that He directly said to Client and he got the deal
Rule no 2) There are no relatives in Buisness..Chemist tells that he is in this buisness Since 20 years and knows everything..
Precap:Avanti asks Virat why he is too rude..Virat tells that he is from childhood..Avanti’s mother tells her to sell saree’s