Mehek 26th June 2018 Written Update
Mehek 26th June 2018 Written Episode
Scene 1
Sajita goes to Mahek’s side. Swati says ma I am not feeling well. Please get me tea. Sajita takes her downstairs.
Mahek and shaurya come to the party. Shaurya says let me meet my friends. He comes to a corner and says keep everything special. Shaurya sits at the bar and drinks. The girls tease Mahek. They say what is this boxer doing here. Mahek goes out. she sits in an auto. Shaurya comes and says what are you doing. Mahek says i want to go. I didn’t say I will stay here. He says I want to spend time with you. She says I don’t wanna spend time at such a place. He caresses her face and says they are jealous of you. Focus on me. mahek says i dont’ wanna be here. He says but I love you. You are my Mahek. The one who wears the dress I ask her to. The one who gets nervous.
The question is do you like me? ever see from my eyes how perfect are you. He comes close to her. Mahek runs.
Coach says where is Mahek? He goes towards her room. He sees the pillows. Sajita says where is Mahek? Shaurya takes Mahek back to the party. He comes close to her and dances with her. Shaurya sees flashbacks. He says I love you Mahek. Mahek goes out. She doesn’t feel good. Mahek says what is all this happening. When did I think this.
Sajita says are you crazy. Coach says Swati at least you are responsible. Swati says Shaurya’s not a bad boy. and mahek is responsible now. Sajita says even if he is nice she shouldn’t have lied. How can she go like this.
Coach calls Mahek. Shaurya’s thugs call him and say we are coming in 5 minutes. Some thugs come and kidnap mahek. They put her on the car. Mahek screams. Coach hears. Sajita says what happened to Mahek?
Shaurya says I didn’t ask them to take Mahek. The thugs hit Mahek on head and she faints. Shaurya friends come and say sorry we are late.
SAjita says where is Mahek? Swati says in nightclub. Please don’t worry ma. Sajita says i don’t trust that shaurya at all. If anything happens to her you will be responsible.
Shaurya sits in his car and looks for Mahek. The thugs touch mahek. Shaurya sees them. They are drinking. Shaurya stops his car in front of theirs. He says let the girl go. He says she is our night party. We wont let her go.
Coach comes to party. The guards don’t let him in. He shoves them and goes in. Guard says you can’t go in. Coach sees mahek’s phone outside. Coach calls Swati and says I am going to police station.
The thugs surround Shaurya. He sees fainted Mahek. One of them touches her wrongly. Shaurya picks a hockey and starts beating them. The other thugs put out gun and says I will shoot you. All the thugs stop Shauyra. Mahek opens eyes. She sees Shaurya fighting them for her. She screams shaurya.. She hits the thug next to her. He shoots.
Precap-Coach says mahek you have to pick from me or shaurya. If you wanna be his friend. I will leave this house. Rashmi says to shaurya promise me you aren’t doing anything that would hurt someone’s heart?.