May I Come In Madam 10th April 2017 Written Update
May I Come In Madam 10th April 2017 Written Episode
The Episode starts with Khiloni saying we will have fun like yesterday. Sanjana says actually, I have to talk something serious, I don’t want you to think I said in drunken state. Sanju says no, we will drink first. Sanjana says no, let me say, I m in love with Khiloni. She says I love you Khiloni. Khiloni gets shocked. Sanju gets angry. Khiloni asks what are you saying, you love me, I can’t believe this. Sanju slaps him and asks him to believe.
Sanjana stops Sanju. Sanju scolds Khiloni. Khiloni says I m leaving. Sanjana asks did you feel bad. Khiloni says no, I m happy, I was going home to divorce my wife. She says no, we can spend time with each other, then you can decide later. Sanju jokes on them. Sanjana asks him to go and get snacks, I have to talk to Khiloni. Sanju says okay,
I will get that. He gets jealous.
Sanju comes home. Kashmira says I made your fav food. Sanju argues with her and throws the plate away. She asks did you go mad. Bhupesh says yes, he got mad. Sanju scolds him. Bhupesh takes Khiloni’s name. Sanju beats up Bhupesh after hearing Khiloni’s name. Kashmira asks him to stop it.
Mummy threatens of calling police. Sanju stops. He goes to his room. Its morning, Sanju comes to meet Sanjana. Sanjana applies lipstick. Sanju imagines and acts weird. Sanjana asks him to stop it. He complains about Khiloni She does not feel bad and takes it positive. She asks him to say more about him. He thinks love is blind, now better I will keep quiet, else she will love him more. He goes.
Sanju comes home. Bhupesh asks why are you murmuring. Sanju scolds him. Sanju and Bhupesh argue. They get into a fight. Kashmira calls police. Inspector comes and catches Sanju. Sanju says we were just taking. Bhupesh says Sanju was beating me. Inspector gives warning to Sanju. He flirts and leaves. Bhupesh asks Sanju to be away from him and threatens of inspector. Sanju goes to change. He goes and sees Khiloni. Sanju and Khiloni argue. Sanju insults him.
Khiloni asks why are you jealous. Sanju beats him. Sanjana comes and asks Sanju to leave him, else she will fire him from job. Sanjana and Khiloni leave. Sanju goes home and argues with Kashmira. Chedi talks to mummy. Sanju asks Chedi to leave. Mummy asks him to talk well. Chedi wears goggles. Sanju stops. Sanjana and Khiloni come. Sanjana says I want to marry Khiloni. Sanju says Khiloni is already married. Sanjana says I will get my love, we decided we will get married, that’s final.
Sanjana asks Sanju to click her pics with Khiloni. Sanju gets helpless and clicks pics.