Mahek 8th November 2016 Written Update
Mahek 8th November 2016 Written Episode
Scene 1
Mahek is angrily cutting vegetables, she recalls Kanta’s words that middle class girls are just one time thing for rich people like Shaurya, how Shaurya danced with her. She says whenever he wanted, he called me middle class, selfish, cunning, manipulative, i didnt reply him but when Kanta chachi commented on him then he sent my family to jail, her has no right to treat my like this, thats it, i wont bear more now.
Shaurya is thinking, he takes his phone and messages Mahek. Mahek is cooking and doesnt see her phone vibrating.
Sharma family is sadly sitting, Mahek comes there and calls Jeevan, PD says Jeevan and Ravi you know its good to have jail journey once in life, Balwant says truth is that my two sons had to go to jail because of someone, i couldnt do anything, because
of whom did this happen? Mahek is hurt listening this and leaves from there. Balwant says you all were jumping about TV, now you are all happy? we middle class people shouldnt dream big. PD turns on TV and says Diwali is still remaining, she asks everyone to see Mahek’s show, repeat telecast will play now. Mohit asks Mahek to come. Mahek comes and says PD you are genius. PD asks Balwant to sit down too. Mahek says Nehal lets serve dinner. All family members are watching Tv, Mahek offers sweets to Ravi, he says i am not hungry, Mahek says you always eat sweets made by me on diwali, Ravi takes plate. Mahek serves everyone, they eat it and like food. Kanta asks Mahek did she eat? Mahek says can you think i will stay hungry? she eats food. Super cook show starts on tv. Shaurya is shown on Tv, Mahek angrily looks away.
Shaurya is waiting for Mahek’s reply. Mahek is watching Tv, Kanta asks her to sit, Mahek says i will come, she leaves. Shaurya thinks why she is not replying to my message? he writes message again. Mahek sees her phone vibrating. She checks Shaurya’s message(as Karela king), message says ‘where are you friend these days? are you busy in diwali celebrations? happy Diwali’. Mahek replies. Shaurya sees message and smiles, he reads ‘sorry, i had so many troubles, everything is fine now, how are you?’, Shaurya replies, Mahek reads ‘my mood was off so i remembered you to make my mood right, Mahek replies that thank you, happy diwali, Shaurya asks how was your Diwali? Mahek says start was not good but its good to have family, how was yours? Shaurya recalls insulting Mahek, he messages her.
Nehal watches Mahek on TV and says she is looking so fat on tv, PD says laado is always best.
Shaurya replies to Mahek that i had big party at home, Mahek replies you must be busy, Shaurya says i was busy with unwanted guest. Mahek says i went to party too, shaurya says i hope you enjoyed, Mahek says i danced but dont know about enjoyment. Shaurya says same for me. Mahek says we havent met but we have coincidences a lot, Shaurya says hope we meet soon, happy Diwali. Mahek writes i hope so too.
Scene 2
Its morning, Shaurya’s family is having dinner. Vaitlana says Vicky is coming, he has business plan too, Nans says Vicky planned to import horses and have race in india, what happened? horse died on their way, Vaitlana says Shaurya should have supported him but he didnt, dad says call Vicky.
Mahek is cooking and recalls how she told Shaurya that he is unlike his mother, how Jeevan and Ravi got arrested and inspector slapped Jeevan, how Shaurya insulted her, how he danced with her.
Shurti is doing makeup, her husband Vicky comes from behind and puts necklace around her neck, she says its okay, i cant do it, he says you are forgetting i am your husband and you left me on vacations. Shurti sees Shaurya going from there, she hugs Vicky and says our home is important too, right Shaurya? Shurti says Vicky you should have come earlier too, Shaurya needs us. Vicky moves away and says i am going for breakfast, when you are done them come. Shaurya stops Vicky and asks how was your vacations? Vicky says you werent there but your presence could be seen, he stares Shurti and leaves. Shurti asks Shaurya to make her wear necklace, Shaurya says i would have made you wear it if it was noose, he leaves. Shurti looks on.
Mahek burns her hand while cooking. Sonal comes there and put her hand in water, she says why you bring anger here? what has happened with you? you used to be happy in kitchen, Mahek says i didnt know what anger was before meeting Shaurya, just to teach me lesson, he punished my family, Sonal says our peace is in our hands, why give him importance? Mahek says he tries to break me, Sonal says and your anger is showing he is succeeding, Mahek says you are right, i did things for my family but i should have smiled for my family and my anger lessened the power of my love but not anymore, Shaurya can do anything to irritate me but i will give smile in return of his tricks.
Kanta says to PD that our Diwali got destroyed, Pd says time will make everything fine, see Mahek ha cooked favorites of everyone. Nobody is eating anything. Kanta offers food to Jeevan but he doeat eat. Kanta says try to forget everything, we cant change past but we cant forget it, Mahek sees her family silently eating and gets sad, she thinks that Shaurya Khanna, i am coming.
PRECAP- Shaurya is driving car out of his house, Mahek comes infront of it. shaurya comes out and says even after getting insulted so much, you are standing here? just get out. Mahek says Mr. Shaurya Khanna, i came in this competition for my family, winning or losing didnt matter for me but now India’s supercook is challenge for me that i have to win to make you loose