Mahabharat 13th February 2014 Written Update
Mahabharat 13th February 2014 Written Episode
The Episode starts with Pandavas entering Kampilya . Draupad says how dare you come here . and raises an arrow at them . He says whether my daughter marries these five or remains unmarried she will have to bear insults only. Krishna says To drupad that this is an outcome of his own deeds. When Draupadi was born what had he asked from the Gods? Drupad remembers that he has asked for a life full of struggle for his daughter. He remembers that he had asked that she be given pain and still she remains sacred, Drupad releases the arrow into the sky. Krishna says if you sow seeds of neem you will get neem only. Draupadi will have to marry these five but she will sail through her struggles and will be hailed as one of the most sacred women of Aryavrat, She will be worshipped and respected forever
Vasudev tells drupad to exept his five sons in law
Drupad folds his hands
Draupadi is in her room and is in great thought
Krishna arrives there and says are you content with your decision Draupadi?
Draupadi starts crying and says how did I take this decesion? How did I do such Adharma?
Krishna says then why did you say yes for this
adharma Draupadi?
Drauoadi says what could I have done? Should I have allowed Mata Kunti’s four sons to take Sanyas? She must have been heart broken at the thought. But she did not even shed one tear.
I saw the sorrow on Prince arjun’s face. Then how could I have dreamt of my happy future?
Society has expectations from these princes. How could I have ruined everyone’s expectations?
Krishna says you did what you did out of sense of responsibility towards others and compassion. How can such an act be called Adharma?
Draupadi feels slightly better.
She says you had given me five stones. I took them has your command of Dharma and took this decision. Is this really Dharma ?
Krishna says By calling this an act of Dharma I cannot cause all women of the world grief by calling it Dharma but you did what you did out of compassion and compassion is the foundation stone of Dharma. So for you and you alone this is an act of dharma
Draupadi says but how will I live with five men. How will I be able to do Justice to them?And the society ? How will I hear their remarks? What all, will people think of me?
Krishna says for those who tread the path Dharma, Lord showers their path with flowers.. I promise you Draupadi whenever in need you call me I will come to your aid.This is my promise to you
The wedding