Madhubala Ek Ishq Ek Junoon 27th March 2013 Written Update
Madhubala 27th March 2013 Written Episode
Part 1
Madhu is sitting down collecting wood and Sultan comes..! Madhu gets up..! They both try to talk at once.! Sultan says that he din want Madhu to come here or Aryans life but luck is such..uncontrollable..! He says that..he knows Madhu saved his life. .but he.. her hand..! Madhu looks at her arm and says..its ok. .! Sultan says. .the weight of favour is very heavy.. so it needs to be repaid..! He says that world is a mall with a price tag..for everything! Madhu says..that she clarified earlier that whatever she does has no price and is a complimentary gift..! She says that..if he thinks..that his back is burdened n he will get spondalities so he should teach Aryan that world is not a boxing ring..where people and to go! Sultan says that Aryan has never seen his mom ..she left them when he was born..! When Aryan had fever..he was there with Aryan not Madhu n he was with him always. .n will be there as well..! He says that.. he is teaching Aryan to fight the world..! He says a father teaching son how to ride only for tv.. his world is about betrayal ..and blood shed..! The biggest truth is that. Aryan is his son n she is no one of his..! Understood?
There is knock on the door n Paddo opens.. its Radha..! She asks for Madhu n Paddo says gone out! Radhda says that Bittu told him Madhu is not on shoot where is she? Everything alright? Paddo says.. it is..and nothing is wrong..! Radha says..its Paddos grand gesture ! Radha tells PAddo that ..RK was saying Madhu meets someone? Paddo asks..what does she mean? Radha says that she is not doubting Madhu or alleging ..anything..she only wants to ask if Madhu has left everything behind n moved on? Paddo asks..if Radha knows what she is saying? Radha apologises and says that RK said that..whoever Madhu is meeting is not right..! She says that a few days ago whatever happened.. caused worry to her so..she came! Paddo asks about what n whom n why? Radha says.. Madhu ..she is her Daughter in law..! Paddo corrects that there is no relation. .no daughter in law.. or daughter relation..! RK had said that this relation is! Paddo says. .no nothing like that..! Paddo says that she knows Radha has done a lot for her n Madhu but she wont give Madhu to anyone just like that..! She asks Radha to weigh Superstar RK in the balance of right or wrong! She says that if Madhu wants ot move on..she has every right.. n they should give her that right…! Anything wrong? Radha says.. sorry.. she is right..n excuses herself..!
Madhu goes to call her mom .. Kaka tries to alert her..! Madhu says..nothing to worry ..she says Paddo must be worried..! Sultan says..she is not going anywhere..! Madhu tells Kaka to tell Sultan that..she needs to call her mom n says..she is fine..! She says..Sultan wont undersrtand.. but her mom has not raised her liek a she will be worried..! Sultan gets up and blocks her way n says..she can call next day morning.. right now it can be dangerous..! Madhu says excuse he does not like being told right or worng..she hasnt given him right. either..! Sultan says..her going out will cause danger for herself n them all..! She says..she came for Aryan n Sultan says..its for Aryans sake..better not to go..! Madhu says.. if he thinks that..its better she leave rightaway.. n if he is worried for Aryan…he is there..for him n she is no one forhim so she can go..! Madhu walks out..!
Outside.. on the road, few goons approach her her Sultans pic n ask her if she has seen him? Madhu is taken aback…! The goons wonder the matter ..and ask her again..! Madhu stammers n says no..! Another guy with gun comes n says.. din find him n they rush off..! Madhu is worried..! She walks tentatively…looks back at the don and calls out.. one minute..stop..! She asks them to show her the pic n they do…! She says..she has seen him.. he is injured and she saw him .. n she points to wrong direction..! The goons rush that way..! Madhu quickly goes back to the warehouse! Kaka says..its not right to let Madhu walk like that..! Sultan asks why ..he doesnt trust Sultan? Kaka says.. not just for them but for Madhu too..! Sultan says ..he will go n check.. n he comes out n Madhu runs into him n Sultan holds her arm .. n Madhu says..the guys are looking for him..! Sultan says..he is going out to handle them! Madhu says .he wont be able to there are only 2 bullets left..! Sultan says.. its enough..! Aryan comes n holds his arm n says.. 2 is enough n not to worry.. his sultan will kill everyone n offers to come with him!
The goons wonder where Sultan is? They realise that Madhu fooled them and rush to search for her..! Sultan-Madhu-Kaka are slowly walking out when they see a shadow..! The goons have reached the warehouse..!
Part 2
Sultan and everyone hide behind a wall..! Sultan is ready with his gun ..! The goons enter some other room and Sultan says..they need to leave by the back door..! Kaka lifts Aryan..! Madhus dupatta gets stuck in a nail on the wall n she turns and almost bumps into Sultan..! Sultan frees her dupatta.. n they walk out…! The goons find Madhus stuff in the warehouse..! Madhu Sultan Kaka and Aryan are near the shore.. in the fishing community..!
Part 3
Sultan goes to get rick…and the goons are also at the shore..! Madhu notices.. Sultan standing just opposite the goons n she drags.. Sultan behind the his shirt.. ! She looks over his shoulder.. to observe where the goons are and Sultan looks at her..!
Precap — Madhu is hiding behind a pillar.. Kaka hides behind some mat tents…and Sultan is hiding on a staircase with Aryan on his back..! His wound starts bleeding n the drop of blood is about to fall on the bald head of a goon..! Madhu notices n is freaked out!
March 27, 14:33@drs akka and moni:nw i’m gng 2 have din.bye gud ni8 swt drms
THANKS 4 WITH ME IN MY WORRIES.THANKS A LOT TO SHARE MY WORRIES.BYE WITH CUTE SMILE bye….. my lovely sisters.nw leaving if tyme permits i’ll cme 2 tomorrow page.ta taaaa
March 27, 14:27oye rishu no sry n no thanx to elder sister’s…….! :O
moni: sry dear i ddnt knew u wer a christian… sry! as far as me….no i dont celebrate holy…am a muslim !
March 27, 14:33Hhahahahah…!! matchingmatching…
Rishu first eat and the chat with us..!!
March 27, 14:26Okay moni sis i’ll go and eat.
March 27, 14:23Oh.ho sorry. i read al name before i left 1 msg for u.that’s y i’m asking akka.
March 27, 14:22moni moni moni…..sry yaar….all becoz of this stupud network re….plz come back….wer r u???
March 27, 14:22@Rishu: Dont knw whole reason but understood u r upset..!!!
Not to worry as god is with u and ur ammi and she’ll be fine soon…!!!
@Drs: Hi..!! It’s k.. 11i’m good. I’m a christian so i wont celebrate holi.. Howz ur’s..!!
@Rishu: AIne place theskunnava???? Food thinakunda aine chesthadi and ippudu nuvvu start chesava…!!! entha worst situation lo unna kuda food ni neglect cheyyodhu… k..!! like a good boy go and eat dear/…
March 27, 14:21Okay akka i’ll have.sure
@moni.:hi,frnd r u thr?waiting 4 u?plz cme soon plz frnd
March 27, 14:21yeaa….itz pr ra not pv….! yeaa there are guys too in there….! u got some really nice people there also….:)
March 27, 14:18Pv page also thr r so many boys?
March 27, 14:18rishu plz go and eat smthng ra….plz…eat koncham atleast…eat curd rice atleast…..plz….:)
moni:: dear….u there???
March 27, 14:16Moni:really sorry.hi hw r u? We nt dne intentionally network prblm plz forigve us.
March 27, 14:15rishu: am here ra….:)
moni..y hurt dear…dis network is flakey yaar……so comments getting postedd slowly….hw was ur holi???
March 27, 14:13@akka:nw only i made her ate.but i’mnt feel hungry akka.hw z ur day?
March 27, 14:10R u thr?@drs akka
March 27, 14:11@Rishu and drs…!!!
I hurtd…:(
nt speaking with me..
March 27, 14:09@rishu:::y soo late ra…??? go have dinner first and be back here and tell me…ok??? did ammi eat?? did she take tablets???
March 27, 14:06No.akka nt yet.
March 27, 14:04Akka tammudu waiting waiting plz reply.this is the first time i share my saddns with these many sister.i felt smtng dif akka
March 27, 14:03Rishu
March 27, 14:00@drs akka:okay i’m smiling:-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-) lyke u a lot akka.amma nahi akka ammi(grand ma).she is everything 4 me.i luv her a lot and respect her a lot above my parents.that’s why i really sad akka
March 27, 14:03oyee.. emayindhi..??
March 27, 13:50uff…dis network is irritatingg…..!!!
@rishu: see sometimes it happens even though u are right….things go against u….n ur loved ones have to bear it all….but remember one thingg….if ur intentions are good n u are right….then no need to feel sry or sad….!!! wen itz not ur fault dont feel disgusted wid urself….! jus have faith in god……! god always does good wid the good ones and makes the wrong ones pay it all…may .not be immediately but definitely…. !
i will surely pray for amma….may she get well soon….:) now tammudu after reading this give me a smile kanna….plz…smile for me….cheer up ra…:) plz reply if u are reading this jaldi….:)
sana anum
March 27, 13:43Not a big deal..pal any tm sunao wat’s up.
March 27, 13:53sana: gud nite dear…meet u tomorrow at 1:30pm..actually its my energy aka sleeping time…hv a sweet dreams..hope u don’t mind..
Mona (US)
March 27, 13:43Where to start? Sultan and Madhu’s interactions are interesting to watch, since Sultan is understanding Madhu for who she is and type of person she would be interesting to see romantic interactions between the two because I believe they might have better chemistry.
I really don’t miss RK because I wasn’t fond of his character from the beginning. Since the show started he’s hated Madhu; the show’s 1 year anniversary will be this May and his character is as it was when it started. I don’t see any developments. On the other hand, Madhu has gone through leaps and bounds of development and I really like her character, and always have..I know that Madhu can tame RK and Sultan..though I’m interested in knowing what the viewers see as a better fit for Madhu…If the writers want, they can never reunite RK and Madhu..I dont know if that’s their intention, but I am getting curious..
For the future, I want to see how RK reacts to Madhu’s involvement with Sultan to this extent, remembering HE DOES NOT HAVE A RIGHT OVER HER…he keeps forgetting that..will he be able to accept that he’s no different from an average pati?…that he in fact, is in love with Madhu but can’t come to terms with it because of his ego…now that’s my problem..his EGO…why aren’t the writers showing a change in his ego, I’d like to see a down to earth Rishab, who doesn’t refer to himself as RK THE SUPERSTAR…
I’m enjoying the way it’s going…you guys?
March 27, 13:51ya..mona i 100% agree with u… rk’s character really requires change especially in his egotistic behavior… if he really wants madhu in his life forever..
March 27, 13:51Totally agree with you! the show is very interesting now

I also think that Madhu and Sultan had a super chemistry! is great to see RK jealous of Madhu … let’s wait and see the progress of this story
March 27, 14:02Me too -:)!
March 27, 13:43@Guys…gud night everyone… hv a sweet dreams…
@sanju@jerry: i’ll meet u 1:30 pm tomorrow…
@Rima: hi dear n bye too..
@moni: miss u guys..
@Anjie: GOod Morning dear… hv a nice day in school..n happy holidays in advance ..(29th to 31st long weekend naa) :D..dear meet u at 1:30 pm…
bye everyone…drs,sana, rishu,…and all those present…
sana anum
March 27, 13:28Heay..pal i’m defrntaly % agree with u..
March 27, 13:34hi sana…
sry afternoon i was quite busy with mumma…
March 27, 13:26@drs: today full episode links…
March 27, 13:25@drs:read my blw cmt for u.
@pal:read my blw cmt i said al matters.
March 27, 13:30@Rishu: yes dear..i read abt that fyt…don’t worry grandma will be fine soon..
if u hv done nothing intentionally then why you feeling guilty???? …
it happened something…don’t be sad rishu…otherwise your grandma will be more upset by seeing u like this..
March 27, 13:24koi hai ya sab gayab hogaye???
March 27, 13:20rishu tammudu u still der??? do reply if u are here….am waiting….!!
@achlasha;; watz ur problem dude….! if am not wrong u are the same achu who was fighting wid rishu na….???
March 27, 13:21yes u r ryt…
hi haal tere????
March 27, 13:17I think no one there.@pal@jerry@maghla:pls pray for my ammi(grandma)health.
March 27, 13:19m here rishu…only for 15-20 mins..
wanna say something ???
March 27, 13:17@jerry: pyare..humse toh aapki baat hi nahi hui.. :neutral:…can u come back fr 15 mins…i’ll also go at 11pm..