Madhubala Ek Ishq Ek Junoon 26th July 2013 Written Update
Madhubala 26th July 2013 Written Episode
Part 1
Bittu says.. a man thinks a lot but not necessary he does whatever he has thot..! Doing and Thinking are different! He says.. Marathe must be married.. n might have had fights with his wife…and talked of beating each other etc but there are no injury mark on his forehead.which proves that he and his wife are leading a blissful life! Bittu says.. RK says something in anger but he doesnt kill anyone! He says.. RK plays with hearts .not life..! He says..RK did all this in self defense. n that if the gun is pointed at Marathe too, he will give a damn about law and try and save himself… ! Bittu cries.. n says RK did all this in self defense.! Marathe tells him to stay calm n drink water if he wants..! Marathe says…its RKs job to entertain with dialogues.. n its Marathes job to show the right in the wrong..! He says its his job to do justice.. and so he wont let any injustice happen to RK! He says.. if RK killed Sultan in self defense.. then Sultan tried to kill RK . but why? Patil objects.. n Marathe says…will get to the matter soon n calls Madhu in the witness box!
Madhu walks into the witness box..! She swears to tell truth..! Marathe asks Madhu how much time since Rishbala wedding..! She says few weeks..! He asks about the 4 phera wedding..! RK fumes..! Madhu says.. one year..! Marathe asks.. if …they are in domestic bliss? He asks Madhu if there are 21 pheras etc this time? RK says thanks ..for worrying ..but how is his wife n kids..! Marathe says.. asking would reply to Madhu had she asked this question…! Madhu says thats her question too! Marathe says. .hum bane tum bane ek duje ke liye..! He asks Madhu about why the Sultan-RK tussle started… n Madhu is quiet..! Madhu says..when he said.. he is RKs step bro! Marathe asks.. was he right? Madhu says.. not linked to this matter .so request to .respect family ..! Marathe asks Madhu why did Sultan call her..due to which RK got angry. n went there instead of her..! Marathe says..this is not private.! Madhu says..coz Sultan wanted her to convince RK about being his step bro.! Marathe says.. Sultan knew.. RK would be angry about this n go to meet him..! Madhu says yes..! Marathe says.. n if she went..could have kidnapped her n forced RK!Madhu says dunno ..!She says. Sultan was a cheap guy n could do anything for his own good..! Marathe says.. relax..! Marathe asks so in summary.. RK was angry on Sultan .. n reached n finished Sultan in self defense..! Patil objects again..! Marathe says sorry and asks Madhu to leave..!
On the way.. Marathe. stops her n asks her to come back in the witness box again..! He says…Madhu said..she has given all the details…nothing left.. so asking again. .did she say whatever she needed to? Patil objects again…! Judge doesnt accept..! Madhu says din hide anything..! Marathe.. asks.. if she thinks this case is strong.. RK is true.then why did she offer bribe to Marathe? Madhu is shocked…! Marathe says.. to weaken this case Madhu offered him Rs. 20 Cr bribe..! Bittu opposes..! Marathe says..they can check the car with the money..! Judge asks if Marathe is telling truth? Madhu is panicked..! Marathe says.. its confirm she tried.. to bribe .. n it also proves.. that Madhu has no faith that RK is innocent.. She knew.. that case is could blooded murder.. not self defense n thats why offered the money! Marathe says have proof.. n he shows the the court..!
Marathe says it can be checked.. who offered money.. account no etc! RK is shocked..! Marathe says…he had doubt on this case. .but when Madhu begged him . it confirmed that.. murder is being faked as self defense… ! Marathe asks Madhu if she came to his office or not n Madhu says..yes..! Marathe says..he doubted that Madhu wanted to buy him got the pics taken to show the truth to all..! [Dips is shown holding the camera] ! Marathe says.. Madhu is too naive.. she should have checked his background if Marathe is someone who can be so easily bought off the shelf..!
Part 2
Marathe says.. that possibly …RK could have been released eventually but Madhus steps have proved beyond doubt that .. RK is guilty..! Madhu breaks down! Marathe says.. one more side to this case… the reason ..of RK-Sultan feud.. is not just.. Sultan being RKs step bro..! Marathe says..truth is something else.. something very cheap..and lowly..! Even RK dinno when his life became a movie..a movie with a love triangle..! One RK.. another Madhu (his wife) n third Sultan ( the dreaded gangster)..! Dips smirks..!
Part 3
Marathe says… this battle of Superstar and SuperDon was for love and passion.. for making this woman.. Madhu their own..! Marathe says.. this love story began with one lovers death and will end on anothers the judge pronouncing his death..! Marathe says.. le dubi.. do ashiqo ko..! RK screams.! Marathe says..this is not a place to scream.. Tarik pe Tarik.. he has lost. the case.! Marathe asks RK to accept that he couldnt tolerate.. Sultan in Madhus life..! He says..have CCTV footage that Sultan came to meet Madhu on the day of Rishbala wedding..! He says.. this made RK fume..! Marathe says.. how will RK spare his wifes lover? RK fumes and jumps out of the criminal box..and strangles Marathe. asking how dare he talk about his wife in such a shallow. manner.! RK says..if Marathe talks like this..he will decide date of Marathes death..! Marathe tells the judge that..he can for just two sentences uttered by Marathe against Madhu made RK attempt to kill him.. so how will this man (RK) tolerate.. another guy..who had relations with his wife..! All are shocked.. Dips smirks again..! Madhu is crying.. while RK fumes…!
Precap — Promo shown of Madhu walking on the street. looking lost and defeated…and wondering what to do..! Voice over says.. .RKs life is at stake and Madhu has very few options! Her moby rings and a car comes to stop near her..! She turns n says.. U??
July 27, 05:20Np shalu bt y u asking?
July 27, 05:23so tht atleast u’ll not feel like missing ur home town…..
July 27, 05:19ye deepali ki baache !!!!! urrrgh !!!!!!!hmmm means deepali ko sabh pata hai ki sultan jinda hai etc etc tabhi usne pic click ki

but loved bittuji dialouge in yday epi abiut rk
excited for 2day epi
July 27, 05:21why u always give guest appearance in all shows??????????????????????????????
u come comment gayab….
July 27, 05:17@shaluu- i’ll cm ton8 maine cell phone me net pack dalwa lia
July 27, 05:19super….

July 27, 05:20Shaluu@ tu kitne shows dkti hai or kitni pge jati hai??
July 27, 05:22i see only 3 shows n go to 3 pages…
July 27, 05:24most of the time i’ll be here only…………..
July 27, 05:17deepz… i forgot to ask u…
is thr someone from ur school has joined the same college as u….
July 27, 05:14Ya titli i remember bt nt dukka its dukkar….to dukkar kaun marathe dip aur sultan?
July 27, 05:18Kise kahu deepz? Wo 3ino 1 se brkar 1 hai. Saitans!! 3 criminal minds!!
July 27, 05:11Ya shaluu i m here
July 27, 05:13DEEEPZZ ND SHALUUUU?????
July 27, 05:13waapas aagya!!!!!!
tum aaj night nahi aavungi hai kya?????????????????????????????????????????
July 27, 05:15Oh! I was litle scred shaluu
July 27, 05:18titli… u confirmed me pagal hogya right??????
July 27, 05:08hhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i got u deepzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 27, 05:11Shaluu@ Tujhe KYA HUA HAI??
July 27, 05:12kuch nahi titli…
daro math!!!!!
July 27, 05:07me phir se aagya……
ab tho koi hai????????????????????????????????
July 27, 05:10Main ho matlb deepz v hai yaha.
Deepz@ dukka Maharastryan! Pigi toys.
July 27, 05:07Titli- i m here…dukka kya?smjhi ni
July 27, 05:01Shaluuuuuuuuuuuuuu
July 27, 05:07Yaa RISHBLA rckzz. R u hre?? Nd dukka?
July 27, 04:59Koi h?
July 27, 05:01I m hre. Deepz@ nd wo dukka smt yaad hai? Use kiya kya?
July 27, 04:56Hey shaluu titli
July 27, 05:00Hey deepnashi hw z u?? Jail rmnce kaise lagi dar mat tere nhi rk nd madhuki? Ye marathe ko blo parathe cook krne k lye use wo jaya soot kregi.
July 27, 05:05Hehehehe…han yar inka separation romance to mashaalah…
July 27, 04:52fine…

no one here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 27, 04:54Ja rhi he? Ok bye. I replied u.
July 27, 04:50hi titli…..

July 27, 04:52Hlo shaluu@ hw z u??
July 27, 04:49salma…
i’m hindu……
July 27, 04:50if u asked the question to me………………………………….
July 27, 05:22I know yar… ..n.. No I asked that question to ani…
July 27, 04:49good afternoon evry1…………………………
July 27, 04:48I’am fine ani dear ..n.. Tell me you got eid dress yar…
July 27, 04:48helllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
July 27, 04:48aaare koi hai ya nahi????????????????????????????????????
July 27, 04:47deepz????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
aavo na!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 27, 04:49HEYYY SHALUU
July 27, 04:45is any1 here????????????????????????????
July 27, 04:41don’t worry ans dear… Madhu will save rk ..n.. I have that confident yar…
July 27, 04:46hi salma….
i wish madhu and RK stay together always……
sultan fool of an ass…. i hate him……
July 27, 04:46Madhu kuch aisi kare ki use us sadakchap k pas jana na pare nd rk uski pas wapas v aa ske.
Thnx deepz tu ne SANJU DI KO MERA ANS DE DIYA.
July 27, 04:16i thnk sb chly gyyyyyyy
ok byeeeeeeee guyyyzzzzzzzzzz
have a goood dayyyyyyyyyyyy
July 27, 04:10hellooooooooooooooooooooo
am fineeeeeeeee tm btaoooooooooooooo??????
July 27, 04:09Me too fine salma…@anshi dramebaaj kaisi h tu?
July 27, 04:16theek hoon
aur aap
July 27, 04:08I’am fine ans dear… ..n.. Hwz u…?
July 27, 04:16i am fine
just the sultan thing is bothering me a lot
July 27, 04:06I’am fine deepz… ..n.. How are you…?
July 27, 04:03hai ani… how are you…?
July 27, 04:02Hey hi salma hwz u?
July 27, 04:01I’am here anshika… ..n.. Hai yar…
July 27, 04:05hi di
how r u