Kumkum Bhagya 17th February 2015 Written Update
Kumkum Bhagya 17th February 2015 Written Episode
The episode starts with Bulbul worrying for Pragya in front of Purab. Purab asks her to calm down and goes out of room. Purab’s phone rings and Bulbul picks it. A person says he has arranged valentine meeting with his girlfiend, but forgot girlfriend’s name. She says Bulbul and cuts call. Purb comes back and she says she knows his valentine’s day plan and goes into flashback where Pragya and her discuss about valentine’s day and boyfriends. She tells Purab that Pragya started to love Abhi, but now she will not unite with Abhi on velentine’s day.
Pragya still tied and in kidnapper’s den reminisces corporator’s words that Abhi loves Tanu and not him and gets sad. She reminisces about dancing with Abhi and then thinks she should not dream.
Corporator thinsk what to do with Pragya, he cannot kill her. He looks at Bulbu’s pic on big screen and tells happy valentine’s day and tells if she gets back to him, he will change.
Abhi in his room fumes over his helplessness. Daasi comes and apologizes for slapping him. He says he knows she is worried about Pragya and as an elder has right to slap him. She says she knows he cannot stay without Pragya. He asks her to go and sleep as he has to search Pragya.
Tanu comes to a hotel and likes it, she asks manager to decorate it well for her valentine day party. She gets her mom’s call who asks why is Abhi not picking her call. Tanu says he is busy in his concerts and says she has spoken to his family about their marriage. Mom gets happy and cuts call. Tanu thinks she has to make her lie as true by seducing Abhi and make him forget Pragya and get mad for her.
Abhi in his sleep dreams about Fuggi. He wakes up and realizes Pragya’s absence, he reminisces she helping him and their usual daily fight and misses her.
Corporator takes Pragya out of his den and tells she is a lucky trump card for him and he will get Bulbul by using her. She says she will not call Bulbul at any cost. He says Bulbul is his and he will get her at any cost as he loves her. She says love is not forced and should be gained like Purab, only eunuchs/namard forces. Corporator gets irked and tells he loves Bulbul since his college days and will prove he is not namard.
Abhi asks commissioner why did not he trace Pragya and kidnappers. Commissioner says kidnapper is having a powerful person’s support and always is a step ahead.
Precap: Corporator calls Bulbul and tells he has kidnapped Pragya. Purab picks call instead..
February 18, 06:50u all have streched this kidnapping topic a lot plz.. stop it now
February 18, 05:04U know what guys every show is going like this – Boring and tottaly stretched. The best is to watch Itna Karo na mujhe pyar it is going awesome. No way boring. And also do watch 1hr special episodes
subha sureh kumar
February 17, 23:53Please stop this drama. very very boring. one week hogaya kidnapping drama abhithak nai huya. kya hai. please stop this drama or serial please please
February 17, 16:16circles again..this serial is full of empty circles.
when will we see progression???????????
Sooooo boring!!!!
February 17, 15:01Much confuse me….Should Pragya be made to suffer more and more in KB , just to give Abhi an opportunity to realize that he is missing her ? It hasn’t struck Abhi to read the letter that Pragya gave before she went missing ? How Abhi centred the entire serial is heading toward ? Why ?
But is enough coverage given about the missing person ? Like an announcement in media , especially as Pragya is a celebrity’s wife , could have brought in more information as well as created an awareness amongst the public . Neither Abhi nor the police have even given this a thought .Agreed, Abhi is trying his best to find Pragya, but he needs to be smarter than the kidnappers to out smart them .The situation demands that he rises above his emotions , as time is running out . Abhi , it’s time for more action to outwit your foes..
February 17, 12:17Yar purab will not tell anyone because he will think if he tell then he will lose bulbul
February 17, 12:02I hate this show and I hope it ends soon
February 17, 12:05I love this show
Pragya FC
February 17, 11:09http://tellyexpress.com/2015/02/16/spoiler-alert-kumkum-bhagya-qubool-hai-jamai-raja/
February 17, 11:07I read in a site zat corporator points a gun at pragya n abhi as hero comes n saves pragya
February 17, 12:02Can you please tell me Which site
February 18, 03:58I saw the website it was India.com and first write on Google corporater points gun at pragya
February 17, 11:06http://tellyreviews.com/2015/02/17/trs-median-spoilers-zing-16/
February 17, 10:59Yup abhi has realized pragya’s love now go save before she gives up hope.
February 17, 17:08Agreed