Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 11th September 2012 Written Update

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Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 11th September 2012 Written Update by Armu4eva

Part 1

Nidhi comes to the parking lot and is about to enter her car when she notices Ashus car still in the parking! She wonders why Ashu has not gone home and goes to check on him! Someone watches Nidhis every step! Nidhi enters Ashus cabin and sees that he is asleep! She is about to remove his specs when he opens his eyes and there is a sweet AshNi eyelock! Ashu asks Nidhi if she had some work? Nidhi says that she needs Amars reports to make his discharge papers! Ashu says he is sending it to them! Nidhi thanks him and is about to leave when Ashu calls out! Nidhi asks if he wants to say something? Ashu says yes and tells her to stop giving Ahana all her silly ideas! Nidhi fakes ignorance! Ashu walks upto Nidhi and says .. PLEASE and says that they both know what Nidhi is doing but Ahana doesnt know that Nidhi is fooling her! Ashu says that if she thinks he will be upset on Ahana for her silliness then she is wrong and Nidhi tells Ashu that if he thinks he can make her jealous by encouraging Ahana, he too is mistaken! AshNi grin at each other and suddenly there is a scream! Nidhi says…AMAR! AshNi rush to Amars ward! Nidhi says that Amars stitches have opened up and that they have to operate as he is bleeding! Ashu looks unconvinced!

Later in Ashus cabin Ahana and Priyanka are sitting! There is a knock on Ashus cabin and its Nidhi! Ashu asks Nidhi how Amar is ? Nidhi says he is under sedation! Ashu assigns Amars responsibility to Priyanka and Ahana and tells Nidhi that her duty is being changed! Nidhi tries to protest but Ashu gets up and leaves without a blink! Nidhi fumes! Nidhi is standing in the parking when Ashu calls out to her and asks her that he hopes she understands why he changed her duty? Nidhi says she din understand since she is immature! Ashu says that he doesnt want her in any danger especially having seen Amars background and says that after his reports came, he deliberately opened the stitches to stay put in the hosp! Nidhi says no one will be that foolish to risk their life to stay in a hosp! Ashu says that he did so to save himself from the attackers and also coz of her…! Nidhi is shocked and says she dinno that she could be that important to anyone that they could risk their life to be close to her especially when people who claim to love her dun want to be near her! Ashu is left speechless!

Nidhi comes home and walks strait past DB to her room! DB goes after her and asks her the matter? Nidhi says Ashu tries to humiliate her always especially before others! She says that Ashu changed her duty out of the blue today! DB says that Ashu is senior so he can give any duty to anyone! Nidhi then says that Ashu reasoned that she could be in danger! DB says that Ashu is her hubby, loves her and so is trying to protect her which is also his duty! Nidhi says that if he thinks her to be his own then why he doesnt call her back? DB says that the house is hers too..why cant she go back on her free will? Nidhi says she wont go back till Ashu calls her back! DB says .. Ashu will call her for sure.. as he cant stay away from her for long! DB makes Nidhi sit and says that Men coz of their egos dun show their pain, it doesnt mean they dun get hurt! DB says that women cry to vent their pain and anguish but men are not allowed to cry since unlike a pressure cooker they dun have a safety valve ..so end up breaking down sooner! She assures Nidhi that all will be well!

Its next day morning and Amar wakes up and Ahana calls out to Priyanka! Priyanka asks Amar how he is feeling? Amar asks where Nidhi is? They say that she is assigned to another patient! Amar refuses to take meds from them and insists for Nidhi! Ashu comes and tells Amar that its the hosps duty to decide who will treat Amar! Amar argues and Ashu says that another patient needs Nidhi so she has been assigned to him! Amar asks Ashu to shift him to Nidhis ward! Ashu says he will be shifted when its needed! Ashu orders Priyanka and Ahana to administer injection on Amar and they forcibly give it to Amar! He fumes and takes them! Ashu is in the alley of KGH and asks for Nidhi and Laxmi tells him that she has not come yet! Ashu wonders that its 11am and Nidhi is not here? Laxmi says that maybe she is unwell so not coming! Ashu says.. maybe and wonders what is the reason!

Bajrang arrives at Nidhis house and CS asks him who he wants to meet? Bajrang says Nidhi and CS goes to call Nidhi! Ashu arrives at Nidhis place and seeing him Bajrang hides behind a tree! Nidhi comes and sees Ashu at the doorstep! She says that CS said some stranger has come to meet her! Ashu says that maybe he is a stranger for the house now! Nidhi says just coz of distances one does not become stranger! Ashu says that in his even today in his garden of memories, Nidhis face is blooming! He wonders why suddenly it all has turned into a silent cave? Nidhi says that even today she calls out Ashus name in that silent cave! Ashu says that he searches for her scent on the pillows and without her his nites are empty and cold! Nidhi says that their hands had woven a sweater but tho the sweater is gone, her fingers remember his fingers! CS comes and sees them and wonders how this happened? ..How come stranger became Ashu! Nidhi asks Ashu to come inside and Ashu asks Nidhi if her reason for not coming is coz of the change in her duty? DB comes and asks Ashu to come inside! She asks him how he came suddenly? Ashu says coz he wanted to meet them so..! Nidhi goes inside! Bajrang wonders what is the relation between AshNi?

Part 2

Ashu shares his concerns about Amar to CB and DB and that he feels Nidhi should be away from Amar as he does not want her to be in danger! Ashu says that keeping this in mind he changed Nidhis duty and thats why she is upset on him! DB says that Ashu has done right and there is nothing to be upset about in this! CB calls out to Nidhi and Ndihi comes and CB says ashu has done right! Nidhi say s she is not a kid that anyone has to worry for her! DB says Ashu is her hubby and has right to think for her! Nidhi asks if she does not have right to decide rights and wrongs? Why the girls cannot decide their right or wrongs? Ashu sas that its not about right .. but he does not understand why she would quit coming to the hosp for the sake of one patient? CB tells Nidhi that she should go to the hosp and DB tells that she should go as Ashu has come to take her with him! Nidhi asks if Ashu has come to take her along with him or complaint about her?

Part 3

DB says that there is no need to further argument! She asks Nidhi to get ready to go with Ashu! DB tells Ashu to call her if Nidhi argues more and she will pull Nidhis ears! DB chides CB for spoiling Nidhi! Nidhi sits put! DB asks Nidhi to get up and go and get ready! DB says.. always childishness..! AshNi walk upto the car and DB watches from afar! She prays to Lord that may AshNi stop fighting and that their happy days come back! Bajrang overhears them and wonders that AshNi are married!

Precap — Ashu tells Nidhi that KGH is a hosp and it has some protocols and rules which have to be followed! Nidhi looks unhappy! Amar overhears them and tells Ashu not to talk to Nidhi in such manner! Ashu walks upto Amar and asks Amar to stay out of it and tells that Nidhi is his wife and Amar does not need to interfere between him and his wife!

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