Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 10th December 2021 Written Update

Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 10th December 2021 Written Update by Atiba

Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 10th December 2021 Written Episode

Scene 1
Radha asks Balaji what did Shahu say? Balaji says what I expected. That Mahadji’s daughter can’t be punished for his son’s actions. It was my mistake that I went to him. Radha says it isn’t a punishment for her. He could call him once and talk to him. Balaji says I don’t know. Chimaji says so Kashi won’t marry Baji? Annu says she was my sister and she was going to be my sister in law. Won’t she be?

Shahu Maharaj asks Mahadji Balaji came to me with a wedding proposal. I want to know your opinion on it. Mahadji says he’s a fighter and very loyal to you. That’s why I gave him wealth for this regime’s army. But that doesn’t mean he will ask for my daughter. I am a banker she is brought up like a princess. How can I send her to a fighter’s house. As a father it’s my duty to choose a house where my daughter has a good life not full of fights and risk. Shahu says so your daughter’s love is more than your loyalty to the regime? Mahadji says if I wasn’t loyal to the regime I wouldn’t have given the wealth. Shahu says you did what any wise banker should have done and we are thankful to you. Loyalty can’t be on two sides. After listening to Balaji I thought I should give you a chance to speak too. Why did you hide it from me that your son Balarao works for Rani?

Scene 2
kashi says who are all these clothes for? Shuibai says these are yours. Kashi says whose toys are these? Shuibai says yours. Kashi says I didn’t play with these toys or wore these clothes. Bhavni says that’s because you got them as gifts and we didn’t like it. Kashi says if you didn’t like it you kept them in the trunk. Shuibai says we don’t want our Kashi to wear clothes like servants. We know what would look good on you. Kashi says then my groom must be of your choice. I don’t like that Baji. Don’t worry, I will marry who you both and baba choose for me.

Shahu says your loyalty can be questioned. Like you are loyal to me your son is loyal to Rani. What if something happens and questions arise, would you be able to answer the regime? You claim your loyalty on one side and send your son to Rani sahiba? Would have an answer. How will you prove your loyalty? Everything is in front of you. You have to make the decision. Who will you choose so you can stay with both.

Scene 3
Ganga teases Kashi. Kashi says let me sleep. Radha says you won’t get to sleep so much in the in-laws house? Kashi says who would stop me? Radha says husband, SIL, MIL, BIL. Kashi says I will sleep anyway. Radha’s mom says if you married Baji you would have to worry about fights and wars all the time. Kashi says exactly, how can anyone sleep with so much worries. But I have no worries here. She asks if you get rich and like Balaji asked your dad for wealth would you give it to Baji? Radha says why won’t she? He’s enemy. Kashi says I would. Kashi recalls him going for a fighting. Kashi says he’s my enemy but he’s a brave fighter. Kashi says let me sleep now.

Scene 4
Baji says what’s happening. Chimaji says we thought we would give her gifts but you only have swords. But don’t worry. She won’t come now. Annu says you must be very happy. BAji says yes I am. I wanted to get rid of her. Bhui gives them prasad. He says why? She says I prayed you and Kashi get married and you get some senses. Annu says you can’t spit it out now. Bhui says it will happen now.

Bhavani and Shuibai are worried Bhavni says what would have happened there? Minister says to Mahadji Shahu had to know about your son one day or other. THank God he never caused regime any big loss otherwise you would never be able to wash off your stain. Mahadji says this is the biggest confusion of my life. My daughter on one side and regime on other. Minister says you are respected in this regime. If you were questioned here, you won’t be able to live. This marriage will be lucky for your daughter. Mahadji says to his manager go and tell Balaji we have accepted this proposal. We will send them shagun tomorrow. If this is fate, I can’t deny it.

Shama teases Kashi. Kashi says this came from my in-laws. Shama says they are very wealthy. Kashi sees the necklace. Shama says if you look at it closely you will see the groom. Kashi says what. Kashi sees Baji in it. She’s confused. Baji takes the necklace he says it would look good on you. Kashi says what is this? Shama says what happened? I was joking. Your mom sent it. I was joking. Kashi says why did you force me miss Baji? She says I didn’t even say his name. kashi says this necklace reminded me of him. Baji says God keep Kashi away from me.

Scene 5
Mahadji comes back home. Shuibai asks what did he say? He takes off his turban and looks at Kashi. Everyone is shocked. Mahadji says to Kashi, Kashibai Mahadji Joshi will get married to Bajirao Ballal. Kashi is shocked. SHe starts crying. Mahadji says my manager has gone to them to tell them we’ve accepted the proposal. Bhavani says why did you do this? You promised you won’t do this.

Radha says to Mai the good news is here. Shuibai says how could you decide it alone? Was my and Tai’s opinion not needed? Are mothers only there to give birth? We had right to decide for her life. Mahadji says Shuibai.. Enough. Don’t cross your limits. I am your husband and the owner of this house. If I have decided something I must have thought of something. I must have seen future of my daughter. I don’t need opinion from you both on it. Ramchand says how could you do this? How can you commit her to Baji? He says this is Kashi’s fate. It’s written. Kashi says but I don’t want to marry Baji. Mahadji holds her hand.

Mahadji’s man tells Radha the shagun will be sent to you tomorrow. Come to us with the baraat. Baji is shocked. He says we will welcome you there. Balaji says thank Mahadji. Baji says but.. Balaji says this marriage is a duty to you. Baji says why? Will she bring army with her? A girl who plays with toys and pots how can she be useful to me? Balaji says she will change the future of martha regime. She will bring her fate. Think of the regime.

Mahadji says don’t go against everything. If elders think something for the kids they think of it for a reason. You will be happy with Baji and so will we. You will be married to Baji. Kashi says the entire world can be happy with him but not me. She leaves his hand and goes to her room crying. Kashi cries in her room. Shuibai comes to her. She says don’t cry. Kashi says baba is getting me married to him. I don’t like him. Shuibai hugs her. She says Bhavani is talking to your dad. Everything will be okay.

Baji says to the tree i made her my enemy by tying this thread here. And now I am getting married to her. Why? Kashi says Baji lied to me about that thread. How am I getting married to her? Baji says god is helping you in becoming my wife. He’s my enemy too. Kashi says I won’t talk to you God again.

Episode ends

Precap-BalaJoshi says to Shui and Bhavni if you birng Kashi to me, no one can do anything. Baba, Balaji or Shahu. Shuibai says he’s right. They try to sneak to him through the jungle. Someone kidnaps Kashi. Mahadji slaps Balajoshi and says it happened because of me. Baji says you asked me to marry Kashi a duty. So saving Kashi is also my duty. I have to save her before you. He goes to fight the goons. Baji gets injured. Radha’s man tells her both Kashi and Baji are badly injured.

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