Kalash 4th August 2015 Written Update

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Kalash 4th August 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Kalash 4th August 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Manju says to Ravi that bride has made sweet dish so you to eat it first, RAvi says i wont eat, he leaves, Manju says i will taste it first, she eats it and thinks why it is spicy? Shweta ask how it is? Manju says its very nice, she says i will eat it all as its my favorite dish, she doesnt let any guest eat it, Devika thinks why she is behaving like that, monty brings Halwa in kitchen, Devika taste it and its spicy, she thinks who added spice in it? she recalls how Ravi was drinking water in kitchen, she says Ravi did all this.
Ravi is angry in room and says dont know why manju do all this, she was saying that i had affair with Devika, i am already villain for her, DEvika comes and says why you are standing like that now, you arent ashamed to do all this, Ravi says what i did now? she says eat halwa, Ravi says i dont want to eat, you dont accept this marriage so why doing rituals, Devika says dont make excuses, eat it, Ravi says why you are ordering me like wives now? he takes it and eats it, its spicy, he drinks water and says if you dont know to make halwa then you could have asked maa, Devika says you have put spice in it, Ravi says why will i do it? Devika says to take revenge from me, Ravi says i dont care about all this, Devika you were in kitchen when i was making halwa, Ravi says its your anger which made this halwa spicy, control your anger, DEvika you did mistake and telling me control anger, i know you did it so that you cant put me down infront of all then console me, you used to do all this to impress your Gfs but i wont be impressed, and listen carefully i dont care if you people get impressed by my cooking or not, i dont care to cook to here, Ravi says i cant believe this, i did such a risk to save you, i took risk of my life to save you, you are not that DEvika whom i know, you changed in mandap, he leaves, DEvika says he did such a big mistake and now telling me all, how much he can stoop? my life is destroyed.

Scene 2
Saket wakes up in morning and have hangover, Gayetri comes with tea, he says i have head ache, she says you remember what happened last night? he sys no, she says you were drunk and wanted to go to Devika’s home, he says give me tea, i have work, she says you must be going to Ravi’s house, he says yes, Gayetri says no need, she is not yours now, he says she is still mine, i am sure she souldnt have allowed him to touch her, he ask her to leave and thinks that DEvika is mine, no one can touch her.
manju comes to DEvika with dress and says we have munh dikhayi ceremony, all guests will come to see you, wear it, Devika says i am sorry for halwa thing, i dont know how spice came in it, it never happened with me, i made something for first time in this house and this happened, Manju thinks Shweta would have done it, she says dont worry, i dont like to see you sad, did anyone say anything to you? it was good, it was something new sweet with spice and dont be tensed, i dont like it, just relax, she says i have one complaint with you, dont call me aunty ji, call me mummyji, i will be happy, she ask devika to smile and leaves, DEvika thinks both mother and son are same, want to win my heart, was she doing drama or really nice?
Manju comes to Shweta and says i know you did it, i told you to not do anything but you destroyed her dish, now do what i am saying, dont make me angry, she ask her to eat halwa, Shweta eats spicy halwa and goes to drink water, Manju takes it from her and ask her to eat more halwa, she ask will you do it again? she says no, Manju says i will make you eat more, she puts it in her mouth and ask are you in senses now? if you do anything again then i will strangle you.

Scene 3
Navi calls her employee Rastogi, he says we have last date of report submission, should i ask Ravi to do it in your absence? she says no, dont suggest Ravi’s name in any project from now on, Ravi comes to Rastogi and ask him to drop him home, he ask whom you are talking to? he says navi, Ravi takes call and says hello, she says even after all this, he has dare to talk to me, she ends call, i hate him, you played double game with me, you proposed me and married that DEvika, i will not forgive you for that.
Devika is getting ready for ritual, she says if this marriage is nothing for me then why i am following all rituals, why i am doing this fake thing? she recalls how Manju said that i dont like when you take tension, dont worry i am with you, she says i dont know who is real and who is fake, Sakshi and Pallavi comes there and sys we were missing you so came here, they hug her, DEvika says i was missing you both too, i was thinking about you both, Sakshi says liar, you would not have got time to think about us, your smile is telling how good your night was, she says we want details of what happened last night, tell us what Jeeju said lovingly, Devika says i dont want to talk about last night, Sakshi teases that after wedding people change, she used to tell everything to us and now she cant share her personal stuff, DEvika says nothing to tell about last night, Ravi comes in but says i am sorry i will come later, he starts to leave but Sakshi stops him and says where are you going, you are our jeeju, she makes him sit beside DEvika, tell us how was last night? it must be super hit, Pallavi and Sakshi pushes Devika and Ravi more closer, sakshi says he is blushing more than her, she says you both have to tell what happened, Devika says i have work and runs from there, Sakshi says she must be shy, she says to Ravi that thank you for doing that for DEvika, you saved her and respect you for that, i will never forget this greatness of yours, Pallavi thanks him too.

Scene 3
guests are coming in Manju’s house, Vikas ask is addy coming? she says yes. Ravi comes there wearing sherwani, he takes him aside and says you have invited everyone, this all is not needed, she says it is needed, all should know how beautiful my DIL is , Ravi says Devika is not interested in all this, Manju says all girls wait for these ceremonies, they get gifts, Ravi says DEvika doesnt like all that, and if she leaves angrily then i will not go behind her, Manju says she is ready, RAvi says she accepted? Manju says even if she doesnt have interest then she know girls have to do all this, see she is coming, Devika has veil on her face and comes in lounge, Ravi is surprised, guests are seeing her face, Ravi leaves from there, Saket comes there with gift, Sakshi and Pallavi are stunned seeing him, Pallavi says what he is doing here? DEvika looks at him and is shocked.

PRECAP- Sakshi taunts Saket that people should walk according to their status, Saket says which status you are talking about? Manju says dont say like this daughter, his time is bad, whichever thing he touches, it becomes worst.

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