Junoon 20th August 2013 Written Update
Junoon 20th August 2013 Written Episode
Shalu is happy to see Ishwar nd runs to him sayn he came at da right tym.Ishwar says wats new bout it dt he always mks da tym right..Shalu agrees nd says dese ppl hv shown deir true color &I shudnt hv trustd dm I shud hb trustd u..dey brought me here by holdn gun nd dey r aftr our treasure. Ur nd my father’s. Ishwar dt da gun hs such power u r 4ced 2 trust da 1 holdn it.Wow woman wow! 1st u het dese guys against me nd nw u trust me? Ishwar holds da gun at Shalu. .Dhalu pleafs dt she is his wife. .Ishwar says da barrel of da gun reminds u of old forgotten relations..Hudda tries to get a gun on da ground wn Ishwar fires. .Ishwar says da 3 of dms plan ws md to fail..
PRITHVI feeding Pandit sayn he did nt eat 4m afternoon..Andit says it dusnt taste lyk his cookn.Tastes lyk cookd by sm1 gud at cookn.Prithvi is angry nd says yes.it ws cooked by hr.now eat quietly. Prithvi ws bout to giv watr to Pandit wn he sees Meera smiling at him.He strts feeding Pandit by starn at her nd spills da food on his kurta..Prithvi still staring at Meera, wn Pandit cals him.Pandit says Listen my kurta’s stomach is full no nid to feed it . Prithvi get angry at seeing Meera nd Pandit laugh.He snaps at Meera Y is she laughn nd tells Pandit he will clean his cloth nd opens it.Pandit asks if he will sit lyk dis wn Prithvi tks out da sweater Meera had brought for him 4m da almira.He asks ig Pandit cn wear it.Meera is sad nd teary faced.she snatches da sweater 4m his hand nd runs away. PRITHVI and Pandit confused. .
Ishwar says if u want to Bury sm1 alive dn bury him deeper or tie his hands nd legs properly.Or wait 4 him to die.Atleast murder properly my murderers. Ip getn fb of getn out.Lakhan, Hudda nd Mji tries to run away wn Ishwar’s men come out nd hold guns at dm.Ishwar says Y in sch a hurry.dey’ll soon be out of sight from him for good.Dey must n curious 2 kno jow he reachd here.Esp his jungli billi.Ishwar says in cat nd mouse game da game ends only wn Cat eats da mouse.Shalu luks at Ishwar wid shock.Ishwar says he hd wantd to jst dt long ago bt da odr half of da treasure map was wid hr wich je cudnt gt.so he sent his half to hr.dn dese 3 Hear no evil, see no evil, nd say no evil, Gandhiji’s 3 monkies wete dere.dey wetr aftr da treasure so he followed dm. Ishwar thankd all of dm 4 bringn hm here.dn he sd he will also reward dm.dt sch a reward dt dey wont want or nid anymore rewards. Lakhan lukn scared he runs to Ishwar 4 mercy. Je says he ws stupid to listen to odrs. Dt he ws brought to kill him by Shalu.Shalu tels him to be quiet while Ishwar smiles.Lakhan says he dust want treasure dt he cm jst to kill Prithvi. A shadow crosses IP’s face.Lakhan promises to be his slave fr life.Ishwar says u r of use to me..m kipn u alive..Lakhan thanks him.Ishwar indicates his men to tk dm away, Shalu pleafs as his wife agn bt Ishwar dusnt listen.
Panditji is sick.Prithvi brought a doctor threateningly.Meera scolds Prithvi. Da doc trns out to be a vet who treatd only animals..Meera gets old fb of similar incident. Meera mks Prithvi apologise. DOCTOR says since its common cold only he cn giv da medicine.nd leaves.
Ishwar drinking. Lakhan asks wn dey will go home. ISHWAR tels him to tok wn nid be.dn Ishwar says he hs sm ques fr him.Lakhan says wat ques nd gets slapd hard 4 it.Ip tels him to tok wn he is askd to.Lakhan apologises. Ip wants to know everything about Mithvi. LAKHAN tels him.
Precap:Meera asks Prithvi to enter.Prithvi says he has brought along a frnd.Meera is shockd to see Ishwar.Prithvi says dis is his new friend nd her Prithvi…