Jodha Akbar 19th December 2014 Written Update
Jodha Akbar 19th December 2014 Written Episode
Scene 1
Voice over says that Hamida was successful, Salim agreed to return to Agra, he was going to Agra, his hometown, he took two days to reach there. in palace, Jalal gets the message that Salim has agreed to return, he is returning with Hamida, Jalal says its great news, decorate whole Agra like bride. dasies that we have to work hard now otherwise Ruks wont leave us.
Ruks says to herself that I don’t know how you stayed away from me SAlim, I was waiting for you too, but now wait is over, he is returning, she eats paan and smirks, she says now I have to see what I made Salim habituated in childhood (addicted to opium), is he still addicted to it or not.
In harem, princess that when Jodha can marry Mughal king Jalal then why cant I marry Salim. all princesses are getting ready to impress Salim as he is going to be next king, one princess says Salim must very handsome. preparations for his welcome is in full swing. Salima is handling kitchen and ask Dasies to work fast.
Jodha says to Jalal that I am dying to see Salim but.. I am in tension, Jalal says first you were worried that he is not coming back and now when he is coming, you are still worried, Jodha says to Jalal that I am very worried about SAlim. in childhood when Salim got away from me for 5 days, he didn’t talk to me for a month for that and now Salim is returning after 7 years., Jodha says will he talk to me? will he call me mother? will he be angry with me? Jalal says he cant be angry with you, Jodha smiles, Jalal says I die to se your smile, Jodha says I have to go to prepare for Salim’s return, Jalal says now you will love SAlim more than me? Jodha smiles and says I promised you that I will keep your heart safe and the one returning is also part of your heart, Jalal smiles, she leaves.
Scene 2
All family members are waiting on gate to receive Salim, Salim enters the palace, Jodha waits anxiously to see him, all chant for Salim, Ruks smiles seeing him, Salim looks at palace, he recalls how he left this palace 7 years back, he then see Jodha and Jalal then Ruks, he gets down from his horse, Jodha imagines her kid Salim who runs to her and hugs saying I cameback ammijaan, she kisses his cheek, Jodha gets out of her dream and look at young Salim, Hamida ask Salim to meet his mother, Salim looks at Jodha then at Ruks, he approaches them and goes to Jodha, he slightly smiles at her, ruks is confused, Salim touches Jodha’s feet, Jodha gets emotional and does his aarti, Jodha says I cant tell you how much happy I am that you first came to me, Salim says I didn’t came to mother but to Marium Zamani, you have highest position in saltanat so as heir I had to come to you first as formality, he looks at Ruks and says ammijaan, he goes to her, Jodha is hurt, Ruks kisses his forehead and says my child, how are you, I cant tell you how much happy I am to see you back, Salim starts to leaves, Jalal says stop shaikhu baba, Jalal says I want to see what you had learn in all these years, I want to see if all what I have listened about you is true or not, Jalal gives sword to Salim, Jodha says what are you doing, he just returned, Jalal says nobody will come inbetween us today now, not even you, Jalal takes out his sword and ask Salim are you ready, Salim nods
Scene 3
Salim and jalal start the sword fighting, Salim falls on ground by Jalal’s attack but he gets up and fights with Jalal, Jalal is overpowering Salim, Salim angrily looks at Jalal, he dodge his attacks and defend himself, he then overpower jalal and injures his hand, Jalal”s hand bleeds, Salim says I wanted to attack your chest but forgive me, I forgot that you have heart there. Jalal smiles and says very nice, now you talked like a son of king Jalal, today by injuring me you proves that nobody can hit you in war, I am happy to see your new avatar, whatever I listened about you was right, Salim smiles, all chant for Salim, Jalal smiles.
in night, Salim is standing on terrace, other princes come there, he greets Salim, Salim looks at them and says there used to be 4 kids with me, now there is 3, where is fourth one, one prince ask tell me who is not here? Salim says I maybe away from palace but I know everything about here, I have listened that Murad is aggressive person, still he kills innocent pigeons, [prince says I promise I never killed pigeon after you left, Murad ask Daniyal to tell Salim, Daniyal says he is right, Salim says I would accept this only if haidar agree to this too, Murad says Qutub tell Salim that I didn’t kill pigeon, Salim says so Haidar is missing from here, you are Murad, Qutub and Daniyal, they smile, he hugs them.
Scene 4
Salim come in his room, he start getting anxious, he feels dizzy, and throws things here and there, he breaths high, and takes out his does of opium, he intake opium and falls on bed, Salim says everything changed but only this addiction of opium didn’t change.
PRECAP- Haidar return to palace, he has same face like Adham Khan and says that I pray father that I take revenge of your death. Jodha says to shaguni that my son returned, Shaguni says not your son but Mughal king.
December 21, 18:37Wheb KSG stopped acting in QH most people didn’t want to accept the change. QH still has fans. I guess only the people that personally took it upon themselves to stop watching for such a trivial matter stopped watching.
December 21, 18:33I’m sorry if people can’t accept the change in a serial but JA had become very monotonous a while back. Thank goodness Ruks still exist in it to spice things up for viewers. She was the main puppet of the CVs.
December 21, 18:39I’m sure Salim will be in a love triangle as well. It’s Ekta’s speciality.
December 21, 18:29Also we don’t need to see another Jodha and Akbar. This is Salim and Anarkali and to those who think its not right… Salim was their son so no harm in showing it in Jodha Akbar.
December 21, 18:27People stop comparing Salim to Jalal. The poor guy just acted one episode and people are already judging… sheesshh.
December 21, 09:21Jodha Akbar is now becoming Pavitra Ristha. Now Salim’s gone have wife. JJ will become MIL & FIL and soon grandparents. Just like Archana & Manav become parents and grandparents N great grandparents.
Salim is totally gone. Salim loves his Hamida Y Y can’t she talk some sense to this fellow. When he listened and belived ruqs ill spoken about JJ Y will he not believe in Hamida when she can explain how much his parents care about him.
I don’t like Jo change of dressing style, blouse do not make any diff from the Mughals. They “Ja & Jo looked more grand, royal as ever.
December 20, 23:52poor salim he is addict of opium bcoz of ruks
December 20, 12:47jodha is dressin more flashy now eh eh
December 20, 06:30Salim can take a jump off a cliff but I read in wu that he did reverse jump out of water ROFL
epic love story of writer-the butcher of JA for Ruk continues LOL
December 20, 06:27I must applaud the choice of CVs…wait even refined one…LOL
“I applaud EK for having such a wonderful people as a team…Their choice is appreciable”
December 20, 06:06So some say first impression is last but some don’t agree I always go woth first
tjat first impression ia last and this salim is realy not good
he is not rajat jalal tp whom you gave those dialogues and the khanjar scene
no expression at all a blank face
he is not paridhi jodha that u gave all humanity dialogues def suits her only
he has no comparison infront of akdha as character reason
from past year we seeing them there emotions fights love mu everything always engage us and necame topic of discussion but salim is as character and actor cant engage audience how akdha did
makers tried hard to show war skills amd tried dil dialogues nothing worked all looked too forced
the character of salim is now iss uljha hua that none can sympthasie with it on other hand those who still watching will only sympthasie and see story through joja pov
the two were never wrong in the sense how tv leads should be
and tv funda is clear nothing is grey here it has to be black or white
so akdha are white and salim is black
tje characterisation is so poor that if actor who play salim put 200% will also not gonna engage audience
show will hit more lower lays hope they had end it with salim birth and started new seaaon but they wanted to milk this hata hua doodh to get more makhan malai which is now dont left in it
plus ruq turning with salim ppl will go away from his m and closer to jj so cvs writer themselves created a big hole for them and slowly jumping in tha hole
his looks not like shehzada at all that eye lenses and those expression little ayaan was sooo good looked like walihaad
chalo by selecting this salim is prove that parijat are truly kaan of jodha akbar coz this characterisation of salim is so poor ppl will only see his flaws nafrmaani that two those parents who are living only for hm
December 19, 17:09At this point its clear joja have lost their son forever…unless there’s some miracle or something to change Salim’s thinking, up ahead
However So far so good…these senseless issues have been present for so long that whether they are shown or not does not make any difference….besides the addiction and ruks outdated smirks and plans I’m excited to see more
December 19, 13:31what the “heavens” is going on here?
where did all the fans go
December 19, 10:43Good choice for Salim I hope Ekta makes a good choice for Anarkali too.
December 19, 17:09That’s true..