Jodha Akbar 15th August 2013 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 15th August 2013 Written Update byAtiba

Jodha Akbar 15th August 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1
jodha is crying saying i did a big mistake why i fought with him he will tell everything to bharmal moti is consoling her. Here jalal is with bharmal and says i want to talk with you not as a king but as a son in law jodha says my parents think i am happy here jalal says i am saying right bharmal is shocked jalal says your daughter didn’t told you this(we didnt see what he said to bharmal). Masa comes to jodha and says you said you are happy here but what is this jalal has told us that you want us to stay here longer jodha is stunned and thinks he want to use my parents against me. Masa says i feared a lot before marriage but jalal is very good jodha nods she says your father agreed to stay here longer and leaves.

Scene 2
jodha is talking with lord saying he made them stay here longer so that can give torture to me , wants me to smile in front of everyone and cry in silence. Jodha says you are seeing but why not doing anything.

Scene 3
ruks is laughing with jalal and says she will not stay here in agra longer jalal says after today she has to stay here ruks says why you dont give her simple punishment. Jalal says her punishment is she has to wear smiling face in front of everyone. Ruks says you are playing chess in real life. Jalal eats spice ruks ask what are you doing he says making my body getting habit for spice. Ruks says maham said right she wants to snatch the thing which you dont have he ask what ‘heart’ she says jodha wants to you hate her and you are doing that you the one who fought with million has the habit to write his name with sword but get defeated by jodha he fumes and leaves.

Scene 4
jodha is murmuring jalal comes from behind. She says i have to bear all with smile. Why he brought my parents in between. He only thinks of his hatred and doesnt respect about my parents. She thinks moti is behind and ask her to give plate he gives it. Jodha says he cant bear amer’s spice how he will bear amer’s girl and ask moti what are you not saying anything. Jodha turns and shocked says you were listening others talk from behind jalal says i have the right to listen about me. Jodha says you made my life a game and also involved my parents. Jalal says this is what i want . I will make you fear of me thats why i stopped your parents so that you always keep thinking what i will do next you put my mind on fire by that spice and now i will burn your life with it its my promise. He leaves jodha is shocked.

Scene 5
jalal comes to rukiya she is in bath tub and says your silence is saying jodha answer backed you and you will not remain silence thats why you stopped her parents. Jalal says thats why i always say you know me best. Ruks says you are giving her much importance than she deserves. Lets play chess after the bath i have an idea related to jodha jalal says so you are in my game what will do. She says will play chess with her jalal says and you will win and she will get insulted. She says but i want something he ask what she says your tongue that you will do what i say jalal agrees and says you have crush her arrogance ruks says jodha has lost when you decided that i am player against her. Jalal leaves and she thinks of jodha’s words and says now it will be fun.

Scene 6
adham is drinking and murmuring something his wife comes in and he is seeing moti in her. He holds her and says i got you after much difficulty and gets mushy mushy with her. He throws her on bed thinking moti is smiling at him and scene cuts.

Scene 7
some little boy is running and her mom is behind her. He hides in jodha’s room. She ask his name and talks with him she laughs her mother comes and greets jodha , jodha says he is very cute. She informs i am wife of jalal and he is jalal’s son jodha stands for while then says you are nice. They leaves.

Scene 8
adham has some people with him slaping them and presents them to jalal says they are betrayers jalal ask how adham shows him hindu kings flag and throws it, flag lands in jodha’s feet she is angry.

Precap- jalal says this game is very special. One side best player rukiya is there. Rukiya says i want to play against jodha jalal is amused while jodha shocked.

No pictures today

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  1. zeenah
    August 16, 19:18 Reply

    I think Ekta ma’am will not shut down the show its shown worldwide,I for istance am from Nigeria and I love the show, a lot of my friends too love it and I’m sure there are various fans who also love the show,I wish people didn’t have to be so subjective when thinking,its just an epic love story,Fiction for that matter,anyway 2day’s episode was great,and I’m eagerly waiting for monday’s episdoe Insha Allah!

  2. ritu
    August 16, 09:36 Reply

    yup @tanni.. u r ryt!
    and u knw wat? i feel she did dis only 4 her film(ouatimd),

  3. tanni
    August 16, 09:04 Reply

    i hope ekta does not change d storyline.. i LOVE dis storyline and d acting of Rajat-Paridhi.. i want to request to ekta kapoor dat plz dont change anything else other than d name.. if possible dont change d name also

    ekta plz think about those thousands of people who love dis show.. its d favorite show of countless people, what about them?? a particular community doesnt like a show does NOT mean dat they wil shut down d show

  4. sally
    August 16, 05:42 Reply

    yes jodha will win the match but she will not ask 4 anything she will say that she played for the rajputs reputation nd she doesn’t want any thing……..

    • ritu
      August 16, 06:33

      yup, it ll b interesting 2 watch
      xcited 4 tonite’s epi

  5. kripa
    August 16, 03:47 Reply

    can ny1 tell me the tvt of ja

  6. riya
    August 16, 03:28 Reply

    dont wory guys they wont shut down and they cant

  7. ritu
    August 16, 01:45 Reply

    why ekta?
    wat is dis peoples prblm? do dey knw d meaning of FICTION? ya, may b dey r hurt.. but dis is a way 2 xpress ur feelings? threating and all
    gud nws? wat kind of gud nws @tanni? d show ll go on
    wow! if dey change d plot nah, dis show ll b ruin.. and m afraid abt it,
    if dey change only name, den its k.. but u knw m not happy wid this
    hell wid dis peoples!
    today i must say muslim community peoples r much mature,
    infact cvs showed mughals as bad persons in dis show but still dey didnt do any protests
    i jst hope, zee tv channel ll allow ekta 2 continue d show wid another name,
    nei toh?
    ekta ll shut down jodha-akbar
    but i believe, dey wont.. bcoz dis show is famous and getting gud trps

    • riya
      August 16, 03:27

      sae thing yaar

  8. Kia
    August 16, 01:12 Reply

    @ tanni: wat now will they change the name of all the charachters… Plz just let it be… Why cant the rajput community considers this as fiction n forget abt it,.. πŸ™
    ompuri daily takes 2 min in the starting of the serial to explain that its a fiction bt why dont they undrstand… :/

    • riya
      August 16, 03:38

      yes ritu i think now zeetvs going moving show is jodha akbar only

  9. kripa
    August 16, 00:03 Reply

    thx @tanni. At least show will go on.

  10. kripa
    August 16, 00:02 Reply

    thx @tanni. At least show will go on. Jst waiting 4 2days epi

  11. tanni
    August 15, 23:09 Reply


    yesterday i saw on ABP news chanel dat d name of dis show is going to change due to d constant protests from d rajput community and specially bcoz of their threat to ban d release of ekta kapoor’s once upon a tym in mumbai dobara πŸ™

    so ekta has decided to change d show’s name and also d name of d characters πŸ™

    d only good news is dat d show is not going to shut down..

  12. A
    August 15, 17:12 Reply


    • Xia
      August 15, 17:13


  13. Nishat
    August 15, 17:07 Reply

    nice episode today, cant wait for tomorrow!

  14. SJ
    August 15, 17:03 Reply

    Things bother me at jhoda Akbar, happned to watch movie jodha Akbar
    And read history book nothing like this like Akbar was abusing jodha like this
    He s. full fledge king he has lot of responsibilities twards nation not like abusing jodha like this .

    I had such a sweet memories watching joda Akbar with my mum , acters are good but storyline really gave really a sour taste

    • @%@%
      August 15, 17:18

      agree with you
      I agree BIG TIME the film was amazing

  15. Fahmida
    August 15, 15:22 Reply

    Good epi but so less comment&like!!!!!!!!!!!!Pls guyz if u like the show then more&more com&like needed.

  16. Kia
    August 15, 15:19 Reply

    No pics till now…plz update pics too…

  17. Kia
    August 15, 15:18 Reply

    ‘Xia’ plz dnt talk about ending… Jst enjoy.. No need to think abt end it has along way to go.. N basically also becoz its ekta serial…will not end within 2-3 yrs πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€

    • Xia
      August 15, 15:30

      U got me wrong i mean i think this show will bcome my fav in future

    August 15, 14:12 Reply

    jodha n jalal sets fire around but if jodha wins what will she ask 4?

    • Nishat
      August 15, 17:08

      im wondering the same thing too

  19. Xia
    August 15, 13:33 Reply

    Very good episode i think this show will end up being my fav show of all time i mean i staring lyking it so much i cnt read the updates of other show without pics bt i enjyed alot reading this one

  20. atiba
    August 15, 13:23 Reply

    thank you for your support guys πŸ™‚

  21. Kia
    August 15, 12:23 Reply

    Wen will the the chess start… Nw they will extend it till monday.. :-/

  22. Kia
    August 15, 12:18 Reply

    Its ok atiba…it happens…no probs… πŸ™‚

  23. riya
    August 15, 12:16 Reply

    first time scene between jj with his headcap

  24. atiba
    August 15, 12:12 Reply

    I dont know how this happened i did update on time but it didn’t get posted πŸ™ so sorry guys

    • krishalini
      August 15, 12:27

      Its okay atiba ji…….we will wait….good update asusual πŸ™‚

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