Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 2 3rd October 2013 Written Update

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Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 2 3rd October 2013 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 2 3rd October 2013 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Astha asking Mangla and Mangesh why they are firing her from work. Mangla says the client is not happy with you. Astha says this can’t be true and you will fire me like this as I have the work contract. Mangla says I don’t have anything in my hand. Astha says on what basis, Shlok can’t do this, where is he, I need to talk to him. Mangla says we can’t do anything now. Astha says I know what I have to do, I will talk to Shlok and not go from here. Shlok is in hurry and comes to Anjali in anger. Anjali asks what happened. He says why did you do this. She says I can ask you the some question.

Shlok gets angry on him and says we need to talk, Anjali says I did this for you good future. He says you don’t have any right to fire Astha, she works for me. Everyone comes there. Anjali says I don’t like Astha. Shlok says I like her. Anjali says what will happen if we fire her. Shlok scolds Anjali and says why don’t you listen to me and interfere in my life. Anjali equally fights back in the arguments, she says I made Swati leave from your life and will do the same with Astha. Shlok gets angry.

Shlok says so get my point too, I did not tell you because of my dad the last time, but this time I won’t agree with you. He says if you don’t stop interfering, then see what I do. Anjai says whats so special in Astha. He says because you don’t like her. Shlok leaves. Everyone looks at Anjali. Aryaman sees Shlok leaving and smiles. Anjali comes to her room and thinks about Shlok’s words. She is shattered and cries. She sees Niranjan’s photo and calms down. Astha is still in the office waiting for Shlok.

Shlok comes and she asks whats this, what did I do that you fired me, why this punishment. She starts blaming him without listening to him, he holds her hand and takes her from the lobby. She asks him why did you fire me, why did you send me the letter, tell me why you did this. Shlok takes the letter from her hands and tears it. Khuda…. plays… He says it was a mistake, go and do your work. She says what do you mean, whose mistake. He leaves saying I have a meeting. Mangla says now you are happy, do your work. Mangla and Mangesh leaves.

Anjali talks to Aryaman and asks is everything fine. Aryaman says some sweet lines to her and says I can give you the idea to remove Astha from Shlok’s life. He speaks against Astha and says I can help you. Anjali says what do you want to say. He says what if Shlok kicks Astha out of his life. He smiles. Anjali looks on.

Astha thinks I don’t understand what was all this, I need to talk to Shlok to know what happened. Shlok comes and says the work is still incomplete. Astha says I want to talk to you. Shlok does not talk to Astha and addresses Mangesh. He leaves. Astha thinks I have to talk to Shlok. Astha comes to Shlok’s cabin. Shlok is talking with Suresh. She says I brought this file. Shlok says leave from here, I don’t want any disturbance. He says I don’t have time. She says I want to talk to you. Shlok leaves. Astha goes after Shlok. Shlok runs and hides in the staff room. She sees in the staff room and says why are you hiding from me, why are you avoiding me. What did I do that you are running from me. She falls on Shlok and Khuda ….. plays…. They get closer and have an eyelock. The song Chupke se ahista…. plays….

Astha’s chain gets stuck in Shlok’s coat and she tries to remove it. Shlok and Astha are very closer and the chain does not get removed. Shlok signs wait and opens his shirt’s button, the chain gets removed and Astha gets up from over him. She asks Shlok I know you are avoiding me but why. How did that mistake happen. He says even I don’t know, what to tell you. Astha looks at him. He walks out of the staff room. Astha smiles.

Astha is in her room thinking about Shlok. She thinks today why you did not have my answers Mr. Shlok, or you did not want to tell anything. She thinks how she fell on Shlok and got closer to him. She is shy and smiles playing with a teddy soft toy. She says you can’t ignore me Shlok, there is something, and tomorrow you need to give my answers. Shlok thinks about Astha and the moment she fell on him. He sees his shirt and keeps it inside the cupboard.

The next morning, Astha is on the way thinking today Shlok has to give her answers. She gets a call from Mangesh. He asks her to come soon at the site. Astha says ok. She takes an auto and goes to the site. Aryaman meets someone and gives him money and asks him to do the work today. Anjali calls Aryaman and asks him what happened. Aryaman says today the work will be done and Astha won’t be in Shlok’s life. Astha sees that the workers are not on the site. She starts working and Aryaman is watching her along with the goons.

Aryaman signs the goons to make something fall on Astha. The goon pulls the rope so that the wooden structure falls on Astha.

Astha saves Shlok and they come closer again.


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  1. Fatimah
    October 03, 12:05 Reply

    I love u Astha Shlok-IPKKND2
    Mum Anjali / Sojal acting r gd
    Kaka may given more scripts
    After Shlok Astha marriage hmmmmm

  2. Rizwan
    October 03, 11:56 Reply

    My mum n dad r crazy on this drama
    Anyway it’s a nice drama to watch

  3. Ali
    October 03, 11:53 Reply

    Friday will come with another super catch
    Till then has to wait till Monday….. Aiyo

    • pari
      October 03, 12:31

      hi guys

  4. Ali Fatimah
    October 03, 11:50 Reply

    U can’t go running Shlok ………..
    Astha will always behind you……
    Where to hide… the more u go
    Away from astha the closer u come
    Ho waiting for 2morow romantic
    Roll over!!!!!!!! Shoash

  5. jazly
    October 03, 10:49 Reply

    2day’s epi was dam gud 🙂 i luv this n hi all ipkknd2 fanz @precap was so nice

  6. jojo
    October 03, 10:46 Reply

    very gd epi………when shlok run away 4m astha its so gd……….shastha rockz…….thanx 4 pics

  7. Raksha
    October 03, 10:29 Reply

    Super episode. . .I just love Shlok and astha….cnt wait for 2mrw. . . .wt hpns wt hpns, gtg crazy, this show is more interesting than the first season.

  8. zeej
    October 03, 10:23 Reply

    I so much love dis show nyc episode

  9. jes
    October 03, 10:18 Reply

    hi frens….veri nice precap again….watching the precap from just now…hahah…got to go guys..exams on….keep on commentng..gud nite & take care & hv a nice day

  10. maya
    October 03, 10:05 Reply

    just love this show!

  11. hana
    October 03, 09:44 Reply

    hi frnds
    kase ho
    love u sholk Astha
    lovely epi

  12. ashlok
    October 03, 09:41 Reply

    superb episode today:D

    loving this show so much

  13. astha fans
    October 03, 09:29 Reply

    this show is making me crazy each day i love this show

  14. Sholastha
    October 03, 09:24 Reply

    Cant resist myself from watching the precap!!!!

  15. Kiran
    October 03, 09:16 Reply

    Shloke is much different from asr but shloke acting is super and s-a sceans are very nice i think aryaman made a plan to bring s-a come close

  16. Amana
    October 03, 09:14 Reply

    Wow that was great.. I think I know what’s coming. I hope more than ever that my prediction is wrong.. ‘Coz Aryaman says that he will make Shlok, himself kick Astha out of his life.. Well, anyway, anticipating tomorrows episode.

  17. aradhana
    October 03, 09:08 Reply

    ok how can one write so lengthy articles without asking any fees

  18. raybika
    October 03, 09:06 Reply

    good that this time Astha will save Shlok

  19. Fatimahalif
    October 03, 08:57 Reply

    U r right me too keep watching at least three
    times. Shlok Astha acting r super

  20. aradhana
    October 03, 08:51 Reply

    is this is a paid job pankuri on desitvbox ? i am asking because i myself is a writer so if it is a paid job then i will like to do

    • manisha
      October 03, 09:02

      i don’t think so…i think some people love to write updates to entertain others..its just my opinion..i don’t know exactly btw

    • pankuri
      October 03, 08:47

      love this show watch at least four times each episode. keep coming better than the first one by miles

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