Gustakh Dil 1st November 2013 Written Update

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Gustakh Dil 1st November 2013 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Gustakh Dil 1st November 2013 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Lajjo taking care of Nikhil. He gets up and upon seeing her, thanks her. Shaila comes and says you, what are you doing here, we asked you not to come here, why did you wake up Nikhil, look at him, why are you after her. Nikhil says its ok, she helped me. Shaila says you need rest, its not ok. She says I m here to help Nikhil. Lajjo says you were sleeping, so I thought… Shaila sends her. Nikhil asks Lajjo to go and says goodnight. Lajjo feels worried and leaves with a heavy heart.

Ishaana is thinking about Lajjo with Nikhil and how he was celebrating diwali with Lajjo. She gets Shreya’s call and she tells her about Nikhil. Ishaana says I don’t want to talk about Nikhil. Shreya says Nikhil met with an accident yesterday. Ishaana is shocked and asks when. Shreya says Nikhil was coming after you and he met with accident. Ishaana asks where is Nikhil now, Shreya says at home. Ishaana goes to see Nikhil.

Barkha sees Ishaana. Ishaana comes to Nikhil running and crying and says sorry as it happened because of her. She apologizes to him for being rude. He says its fine, your love saved me, I’m alive because of you, I would have died instead. Ishaana says I love you more than anything in this world. She says you are my life, I get my happiness from you, I love you. They hug and Lajjo sees them and is shocked.

Lajjo cries seeing them. Ishaana and Nikhil does not see her. Lajjo comes to her room and cries thinking about them. A sad song… plays…. Ishaana is with Nikhil taking care of him and making him eat food. She asks Nikhil to sleep for sometime, as he will feel better. Nikhil stares at her with love. Ishaana is about to leave but Nikhil holds her hand and stops her. He asks will you leave me alone, she promises never. He smiles. Music plays…. They look at each other and smile.

Barkha talks to Inder about Nikhil. Inder says I want to find out how this accident happened, was it someone’s mistake or Nikhil’s. She asys don’t act like Nikhil. He says so that this won’t happen again He says look at the car. She asks are you worried about the car. He says no, not like that. Nani comes and says Ishaana came and is taking good care of Nikhil. She tells Barkha that Ishaana is their trump card and they can use her to get rid of Lajjo. She says this accident is the point in this relationship. Ishaana was hiding her feelings but after this accident, she realized her feelings and came back in Nikhil’s life.

She says we can get Lajjo out of Nikhil’s life by the help of Ishaana. Barkha says you are right mum. Nani says I m going to Ayesha’s room, asks Chaya to bring tea for me there. Barkha says mum is right, only Ishaana can help us in this. Inder hears this and says whats all this, what rubbish is this. Why are you comparing Lajjo with Ishaana. Barkha thinks about it. Lajjo is sitting at the dining table with everyone.

Chaya tells Lajjo that Nikhil is absolutely fine, you have food now. Shaila asks Chaya to see whether Ishaana wants anything. The servant says Ishaana is taking good care of Nikhil, he will be fine soon. Shaila says yes, he is happy with her. The servant says but they can’t be together forever. Shaila says no one can replace Ishaana in his life and nothing can affect them. Lajjo is upset. Shaila says their relationship is 15 years old and it can’t end like this. They talk about Nikhil and Ishaana. Nani comes and hears all this. Shaila says they used to meet everyday and one month changed everything. Lajjo cries. Nani says you know everything now, she says I want to tell you something, but its for your goodness, you must go from here as Nikhil’s life does not have any space for you. Even we don’t like to scold you daily, it would be good if you go from here and start a new life. It would be better for Nikhil too, so you can go back to Sonbarsa. Lajjo is shocked.

Ishaana and Lajjo meet as Nikhil introduces them. Ishaana is shocked meeting Lajjo.

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  1. Aaliyah
    November 01, 18:27 Reply

    have u guys c how that guy nihkil embraced ishaana ???
    i mean okay he is still in love with her but my poor angel lajjo was in the room 😥

    • nathy
      November 01, 18:28

      yeah i could slap him and ishana 😡

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 18:29

      and NANI gosh the old hag is nearly dead and still saying such hurtfull things to our angel lajjo 😥

  2. Aaliyah
    November 01, 18:23 Reply

    gosh m i That retard 🙄 😕 I am that idiot 😆
    . hey drew what…. I mean what will that do with my brains now I use only 10% of the 100% 🙁

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 18:29

      Oh ,no , no . . 😐
      The stick memory eraser only erases specific things from the memory dear . .,
      I have the latest version of the memory eraser . . IOS 7 version 😀 . . It’s made by Apple 🙂 especially for undercover Angels .. .
      Had I been using the older version , hmmmm , you probably wouldn’t even remember the ABC’s
      :D. ..

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 18:49

      hhahahahahah lol hhhmmmm …. the IO7 if i recall charlie told us to destroy that cause there is the posibility to become extremely beautifull after using it 2 mANY TIMES
      and the boss wish that only we remain this beautiful 😳

  3. Aaliyah
    November 01, 18:20 Reply

    OOOOOOOOOO IZZY/EASY……… come on m getting sleepy over here

    hey drew now i know how u got ur bump.. 😉
    have u seen tangled animation…. rapunzel… 🙄

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 18:25

      yawn yawn…some one wake me up when she make her entrance


    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 18:31

      How did I get that Bump ??? 😐 😐 . .
      Have you guyz been messing with my memory eraser . . I can’t seem to remember 😐 . ..
      Yep I saw tangled . ..

    November 01, 18:10 Reply

    Am gonna change the costume cause aaliya make jest of it I want her to be jealous of my costume
    Going to another planet to check whether they get better costume than planet ape

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 18:11

      lol lol hahahahahah bon voyage… give my regards to my parents the aliens of mars… 🙂

    • ayin
      November 01, 18:12

      lucy ,…. behave ur self plz

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 18:18

      Well now Invader , is starting to sound like an Angel here , lol . .
      She is getting some fighting spirit . .
      ( she’ll cry if I say that she might be drinking some spirits -alcohol -;) )
      , Lucy isn’t mean . .
      She helped me to beat up those guys yesterday Boss
      Oops , I shouldn’t have said that !!
      Lucy , you heard nothing about yesterday ok dear . . 😀 ….
      Look into the stick again now ok . … .. .

      November 01, 17:59

      Did u like my name or u r giving me name?

    • ayin
      November 01, 18:00


    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 18:04




    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 18:05

      yes demi….there is nothing l’ll there

      no joking dear its your prerogative if u like it its cool by me 🙂 now ur name 😆

      November 01, 18:06

      Hh$m$mdjdj anon was right aaliya u r a mean girl u always make me cry

    • nathy
      November 01, 18:08

      i like ur gv bit naughty…liked it !!

      no lucy ur young she has the job she isn’n apliyng for no playboy mansion come now girl 🙂 😀
      she looks like cinderella

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 18:10

      go complain about this by drew she has a wagon full of paper you can blow your nose… with dear 😳

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 18:12

      Oh Izzy , Aaliyah only jokes , nothing is serious here . ..

    • ayin
      November 01, 18:16

      ur 2 much cam cinderella…r u for real ❓ the girl has she had a stockings or lingerie …. 🙁

      sorry angels boss may wear everything 🙂 😆 u take an example AGAIN FROM DREW she is an animal…. i mean a birdy… a bubly chirpy SMART sticktoitiveness phoenix

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 18:22

      Awww , Boss . I’m so flattered . 🙂
      ( But not in front of the others please Boss .. . They still think that we’re all equal 😀 )

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 18:24

      Oh Cam , I miss you . .
      This just ain’t the same without you 🙁 . . .

  5. nathy
    November 01, 17:54 Reply

    R U Arising of another phoenix drew…. nice one 😉

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 17:57

      Yes Boss . .
      And thanx 😀 . .

    • nathy
      November 01, 17:54

      go change

    • ayin
      November 01, 17:57


      We let you play and you want … now anon will say u r also weirdo scare her please have a little consideration for small/chicken little

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 17:59




    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 18:07

      Lucy ,Lucy 🙂 . .
      Calm down dear ..
      I’m just such a big fan of the way the Boss operates that I like to follow Charlie’s lead 😀 . .

      ( Lucy . . must I remind you of our ultimate plan 😉 . . Shopping remember ?? 😀 )

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 18:09

      I can never be Co Boss 😀 . .
      All Charie’s Angels are equal 🙂 . ..

  6. Phoeñix
    November 01, 17:29 Reply

    Boss , might I make a suggestion please . .
    I know that you are the one with the best knowledge , 😀 . ,
    but I’m remembering that Charlie had another Angel . .
    Demmi Moore . .

    • ayin
      November 01, 17:32

      had a netprob….nice apropiate working shoes….drew how u do this u r a teamplayer and do think about others

      ur bankaccount is the same huh 😉

      yes and do u know her alias ❓

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 17:33

      yeah i guess ur tired…alias ❓ ….m also weirdo ❓

      bossssssss DEMI

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 17:38

      Come here Lucy , this won’t hurt a bit , just look into this stick and you will forget the idiot who called you a weirdo 🙂 . .
      POOF !!!

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 17:38

      o gosh ahother one who cries… cameron plz come over here a minute invader is crying….drew do u have more of those papers … 🙂

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 17:40

      I bought a truck load a lot of paper towels Lucy 😀 . .

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 17:41

      okay okay what happened,looking all around

      we were in austria, and you had lederhoses and were crowned with the title sticktoitiveness

      cam was crying and crying and charlie was giving u a paper look like a cheque bt dont know 🙁

    • ayin
      November 01, 17:43

      hey lucy do u guys have netprob ❓

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 17:43

      Don’t worry Lucy 😀 . .
      Look , see . . I got you new shoes , just because I love you 😀 . .

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 17:46

      nope we pay our bills…. 😆 😆

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 17:46

      Boss , I had replied you below . .

      Cam and invader seem to have left us . .
      It’s yesterday all over again 😐 . .

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 17:48

      hahahahah LOL LOL sorry boss

      that just came out… no no net prob

      we do pay on time 😀 😀 😆

      oooooo sorry sorry sorry

    • nathy
      November 01, 17:51

      OMG…cant stop laughing… lucy ….planet of the apes 😆 u crazy girl…. but it;s intresting cause she knows LOL good one …hey i c u have a nice pair of shoes for kicking NUTS punch them like a punching bag

      and drew do u have another noghtclub 2day for us to go i can for 30minutes ur the dj here 😉

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 17:53

      Forgive her please Boss . .

      ( she is still having effects from the memory eraser stick 😐 , it’s know to cause
      such unexplained outbursts that are usually followed by exaggerated apologies 😀 ) . ,

    • ayin
      November 01, 17:29

      i’ll decide a name for u 😉

  7. Phoeñix
    November 01, 17:20 Reply

    Lucy Lu , I got you a new pair of Jimmy Choo shoes 🙂 . . To replace the pair that you lost yesterday in that terrible tragedy that you can’t remember ’cause I zapped you with the memory eraser stick 😀 . .

    I hope the link works 😐 . .

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 17:24

      who should be fired BOSS??? … say I can do it. 😆
      why does she come here and start bossing?
      Let that Aalia this let Aalia that.dont ya have a PC name of the bf is “GOOGLE” search there maybe pics of angels???i mean DUH 🙁
      oh cam plz this is one for u 😥

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 17:26

      Nooo , Invader . .
      After what Lucy had to go through yesterday 😐 . .
      That cost is actually too low :D. . .

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 17:27

      works perfectly…


      what can i say m a weirdo…. 😉

      good for kicking assh…. 😆

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 17:28

      u cheapy invader….. it was horrible had nightmares

    • ayin
      November 01, 17:30

      nice apropiate working shoes….drew how u do this u r a teamplayer and do think about others

      ur bakaccount is the same huh 😉

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 17:32

      Yeah Lucy 🙂 . .
      But you need kick nuts shoes , not kick ass shoes 😀 😛 . . ..

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 17:35

      Yes Boss it is the same 😀 . .
      ( thank you , thank you for the bonus ❤️ 😀 ) ..
      You guyz know that I only think about others and never myself 😀 . ..

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 17:36

      😆 😆 true

      maybe it’s both sides gadget-like footwear

    • ayin
      November 01, 17:44

      yes of course ur name is “thinkaboutothers” aka drew 😡

    • ayin
      November 01, 17:45

      dont say that or they will start to think and u know thats the last thing they do ….

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 17:49

      LOL Boss 😀 , your smart and funny too 😉 . .

    November 01, 17:18 Reply

    Can I cry??????????????????????????????????????????????pls solve my pending app its like u angels r hanging me on a tree with my heads down and my legs up
    Loose me or am gonna pass out

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 17:24

      who should be fired BOSS??? … say I can do it. 😆
      why does she come here and start bossing?
      Let that Aalia this let Aalia that.dont ya have a PC name of the bf is “GOOGLE” search there maybe pics of angels???

      i mean DUH 🙁
      oh cam plz this is one for u 😥

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 17:09

      boss boss boss boss (whiningish style)

      tell her u r “THE BOSS” CHARLIE and we r ur angels

      aaliyah……LUCY LU

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 17:14

      Tough one here Boss . .
      You have a difficult task 😐 . .
      Two new applicants for our team , hmmm
      ( I’m all for them coming on board as long as it doesn’t affect our salaries and bonuses 😀 )

    • ayin
      November 01, 17:14

      stop the whining….stop it !!! :ma:

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 17:16

      whistling…..thats what i mean…. 🙁
      we r full …. 🙁

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 17:21


  9. Aaliyah
    November 01, 17:00 Reply

    bosss dont u think…its yime that invader has anoither swuit and namessee

    hey m a WEIRDI so i have 2 behave like one 🙂

    • ayin
      November 01, 17:01

      ur ryt … an apropiate name for u

    • nathy
      November 01, 17:05

      boss….with ur permission tell her t 2 go and search for a gv like an angel make it fit with us and than come and we will baptise her with a name…sorry angels dont have a religion 😳

      November 01, 17:08

      Am not good at picking a right costume
      Pls let alia do the shopping for the gravatar I’ll give her my email to drop it there

    November 01, 16:59 Reply

    Small boss u r so mean ano os going to be hurt
    Oh so sad for the poor girl
    Bt I think u r right she’s a dumbo cause she said one word and then left

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 17:01

      Please don’t pass out . . . we are only Angels here on Earth . .
      None if us would be able to visit you in the afterlife you know . .

    • nathy
      November 01, 17:03


      gosh m on a break and just dont wanna go

      drew ur my angel for life and afterlife we will c

      😆 😆 😆

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 17:15

      You’re m Angel too Cam 😀 . .

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 16:55

      hup around darling….i mean fly up and down cause we cant stay at on place up and down up and down 😆

    • ayin
      November 01, 16:56

      change the name 🙁

  11. Phoeñix
    November 01, 16:52 Reply

    So good to see you Cam 😀 . .
    Here , you can have your clothes back ,, thank you so much ..
    We are all here today. . so no crying . .
    I’ve washed them , ironed them and I’ve listened the Boss’s instructions and I have even altered them a bit , so your clothes now look more fashionable 😀 . . and look like new 🙂
    ( Boss , I’m joking ok , I threw her crappy clothes out and bought new ones with the bonus you gave me 😀 . . I can’t see to save my life 😐 .)

    • ayin
      November 01, 16:53

      LOL LOL 😆

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 16:53

      That should be sew not see in the last line .. .

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 16:54

      hi dear angel………newsflash…u did know im a weirdo ryt ❓

    • nathy
      November 01, 16:57

      😆 my love s coming ur way dear…thx i was in need of $$$$$ since i never had a bonus 🙁

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 16:57

      Then I’m a weirdo too , weirdos have the most fun . . 🙂
      Better to be a weirdo than a dumbo like Anon 😀 ..

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 16:59

      Cam , I never had a bonus either 🙁
      I’m just like you , the boss hasno favourites here 🙂 . .

      ( 😉 😉 My dearest Boss ) . .

    • nathy
      November 01, 17:02

      like i said…..all for one and one for all 😀

    • ayin
      November 01, 17:12

      😳 drew u know better 😳

    • nathy
      November 01, 16:58

      dont u have any imagination ❓

    November 01, 16:45 Reply

    @aaliya maybe u should go shopping for costume for me I’ll give u my email address then u drop it for me there
    Oh I forget to add pls4sssssss

    • ayin
      November 01, 16:52

      one tip 🙂

      look/read closely how drew behave…maybe u might leartn smting okay.

      DREW my lovely smart overworked angel who soon will receive another bonus…take her under your wing and supervised her
      i think Umai is for cameron 🙂

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 16:55

      Sure Cam , I have two wings . . One for Lucy and I guess the other for Invader 😀 . .

    • nathy
      November 01, 16:59

      cam…r u tripping ❓ Boss name is still charlie 🙁

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 17:05

      Sorry , sorry Boss . .
      It’s the bump in the head you know . . 🙁 . .
      From time to time it acts up . .
      Thanks for pointing that out Cam 🙂

  13. Phoeñix
    November 01, 16:44 Reply

    Yep , I saw the unknown . .
    I also saw our fan 🙂 . .

    • Phoeñix
      November 01, 16:47

      That’s up to our boss of course 🙂

    • ayin
      November 01, 16:48

      what u say fan 🙂

      no aaliyah say 2 it that how could she know aaliyah is a weirdo 😆 and we are now on the planet op the apes

      whhhhhhwaaaaaaaaaaa sorry this is hilarious 🙁

    • ayin
      November 01, 16:46

      m back went to the toilet room to peeeeeeeeee

      no dear ur the only invader i just saw what aaliyah told her and almost wet my suit 🙂

  14. Phoeñix
    November 01, 16:32 Reply

    Hi Boss 🙂
    Hi Angels 🙂 . .
    Hi invader 🙂 . ..
    Good Evening . ..

    • ayin
      November 01, 16:38

      oh gosh u scared me u know we have a weirdo on board ❓

      nice 2 c yr on time dear 😆

    • nathy
      November 01, 16:40

      so that mean ur taller… than 167 ❓

      great 2 c u angel 🙂

  15. Aaliyah
    November 01, 16:21 Reply

    HEY IZZY-INVADER 😉 😆 hey take it IZZY hahahaha 😆
    you have no other costume ❓ you seem a little naked there 🙂
    change your identity otherwise your students will follow you: lol:

    o gosh cam cam cam drew drew drew boss boss boss

    where on this planet are you people this is fun ur ryt umai 😉

  16. Aaliyah
    November 01, 16:07 Reply

    first Amena…angels dankjewel thats dutch 😉

    YO CHARLS… 😆 we have wu 2 analise

    cameron darling… mon cheri como estas ❓ thats not frans 😉

    drewly dear mera di 🙄 thats not hindi

    invader u here ❓ boss will come soon and help u 😉

    • anon
      November 01, 16:24


    • ayin
      November 01, 16:27

      Oh anon 🙂 same 2 u dear …. thats a compliment for us
      feel free 2 join us anytime weekly just us… this is the reason for all the love in this world 🙂

    • nathy
      November 01, 16:29

      All for one and one for all…hey boss love the outfit

      lucy….love the comment 😉

    • nathy
      November 01, 16:31

      oh … and it’s always without gv …. 😡

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 16:32

      hey my dear cameron I missed you yesterday,

    • nathy
      November 01, 16:35

      yes…. heard you have some people beaten up…way 2 go my angel 😉 u r a weirdo 😆 u know

      did I not teach you that you should not fighting with sandals…..never never never u weirdo angel 🙂

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 16:42

      😯 😯

      how do u know that ANON i have no words for this. 😯 i mean how on earth do u know 🙄 it continues to amaze me because when my mother brought me in to this amazing planet of the apes/ the world ….. she said you’re weird

    • ayin
      November 01, 16:44

      hahahahahahahah lol
      😆 😀

      stop it ….whoooooooooooooooo

      i have 2 peeeeeeeeee BRB :p

  17. Aaliyah
    November 01, 16:06 Reply

    G@@@@@@@@@@D EVENING………ANGELS…. 😆

    November 01, 15:56 Reply

    Nathy not a good way to welcome a nice person
    She’ s a gentle girl and a good friend of mine
    So u should accept her to this family
    Even though my own acceptance is still pending

    Where r the angels invader is here won’t u say anything to her????

    • arti
      November 01, 15:58

      hii..u dont come on SC anymore???

      November 01, 16:08

      Arti di I don’t watch sc anymore stopped watching it like 4month ago bt I followed my small boss there this week that’s why u saw me there$
      U watch this show too?

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 16:11

      hahahahahah………. oops 😳

      HAHAHAHAHAHA ….. looks like u already have ur

      signature somewhere else 😯

      dont u know that when u leave home u need 2 ask permission

      🙄 😀

      o o o o o where r my angels cam u r missing smthing here 😆 drew drew drew where r u

    • arti
      November 01, 16:14

      ima big fan of SC. please do come and join us 🙂

  19. nathy
    November 01, 15:39 Reply

    amena… merci.. for the wu

      November 01, 16:03

      Hhhm I don’t think amena understand french little angel maybe u could have tried this instead “shukriya amena ji :)” she might probably says ‘my pleasure’

  20. nathy
    November 01, 15:36 Reply

    where are my angels and mu sweetest boss ………..
    m having a break here 🙄

  21. umai
    November 01, 13:54 Reply

    OMG OMG OMG…am i dreaming the precap???cant believe it at all.nikil to introduce both the girls of his life to eachother…awesome.not seen this scene on any serial.but thats nice of nikil as its proven that nikil has taken ishana for a friend and accepted lajjo as his wife.

    Can i join this family?im umai from Sri Lanka.17.muslim girl.psychology first year.great fan of rishbala.

    Last week By mistake i came to this mistake i read all your mistake i enjoyed mistake i read the mistake i read the mistake i read every mistake i liked the story and fell for it…and NOT BY MISTAKE im here hands stretching to shake hands.would the boss and angels accept me?please?

    P.S-I realy enjoy the chat here. its fun and nice

    • nathy
      November 01, 15:37

      oooooo….nothing happens by mistake dear 😉

      it’s up 2 the boss….if and only if she agrees…. 🙁

      bets of luck 😉

    • nathy
      November 01, 15:38

      srry BEST of luck… 😆

    • Aaliyah
      November 01, 16:19

      hi umai 🙂

      how r u nice 2 meet u… but my angel is ryt wait for the boss’s answer.. 😀 😆 gosh ahm… u know there is an invader pending before u sooooooooo i just can say 2 u
      w8 ihk minute 🙁 dont know hindi at all but like 2 write what i hear 🙂

    • ayin
      November 01, 16:36

      hey umai…nice 2 meet u…. when ur available i will tell u wat 2 do to become a angel okay ❓

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