Gustakh Dil 1st November 2013 Written Update
Gustakh Dil 1st November 2013 Written Episode
The Episode starts with Lajjo taking care of Nikhil. He gets up and upon seeing her, thanks her. Shaila comes and says you, what are you doing here, we asked you not to come here, why did you wake up Nikhil, look at him, why are you after her. Nikhil says its ok, she helped me. Shaila says you need rest, its not ok. She says I m here to help Nikhil. Lajjo says you were sleeping, so I thought… Shaila sends her. Nikhil asks Lajjo to go and says goodnight. Lajjo feels worried and leaves with a heavy heart.
Ishaana is thinking about Lajjo with Nikhil and how he was celebrating diwali with Lajjo. She gets Shreya’s call and she tells her about Nikhil. Ishaana says I don’t want to talk about Nikhil. Shreya says Nikhil met with an accident yesterday. Ishaana is shocked and asks when. Shreya says Nikhil was coming after you and he met with accident. Ishaana asks where is Nikhil now, Shreya says at home. Ishaana goes to see Nikhil.
Barkha sees Ishaana. Ishaana comes to Nikhil running and crying and says sorry as it happened because of her. She apologizes to him for being rude. He says its fine, your love saved me, I’m alive because of you, I would have died instead. Ishaana says I love you more than anything in this world. She says you are my life, I get my happiness from you, I love you. They hug and Lajjo sees them and is shocked.
Lajjo cries seeing them. Ishaana and Nikhil does not see her. Lajjo comes to her room and cries thinking about them. A sad song… plays…. Ishaana is with Nikhil taking care of him and making him eat food. She asks Nikhil to sleep for sometime, as he will feel better. Nikhil stares at her with love. Ishaana is about to leave but Nikhil holds her hand and stops her. He asks will you leave me alone, she promises never. He smiles. Music plays…. They look at each other and smile.
Barkha talks to Inder about Nikhil. Inder says I want to find out how this accident happened, was it someone’s mistake or Nikhil’s. She asys don’t act like Nikhil. He says so that this won’t happen again He says look at the car. She asks are you worried about the car. He says no, not like that. Nani comes and says Ishaana came and is taking good care of Nikhil. She tells Barkha that Ishaana is their trump card and they can use her to get rid of Lajjo. She says this accident is the point in this relationship. Ishaana was hiding her feelings but after this accident, she realized her feelings and came back in Nikhil’s life.
She says we can get Lajjo out of Nikhil’s life by the help of Ishaana. Barkha says you are right mum. Nani says I m going to Ayesha’s room, asks Chaya to bring tea for me there. Barkha says mum is right, only Ishaana can help us in this. Inder hears this and says whats all this, what rubbish is this. Why are you comparing Lajjo with Ishaana. Barkha thinks about it. Lajjo is sitting at the dining table with everyone.
Chaya tells Lajjo that Nikhil is absolutely fine, you have food now. Shaila asks Chaya to see whether Ishaana wants anything. The servant says Ishaana is taking good care of Nikhil, he will be fine soon. Shaila says yes, he is happy with her. The servant says but they can’t be together forever. Shaila says no one can replace Ishaana in his life and nothing can affect them. Lajjo is upset. Shaila says their relationship is 15 years old and it can’t end like this. They talk about Nikhil and Ishaana. Nani comes and hears all this. Shaila says they used to meet everyday and one month changed everything. Lajjo cries. Nani says you know everything now, she says I want to tell you something, but its for your goodness, you must go from here as Nikhil’s life does not have any space for you. Even we don’t like to scold you daily, it would be good if you go from here and start a new life. It would be better for Nikhil too, so you can go back to Sonbarsa. Lajjo is shocked.
Ishaana and Lajjo meet as Nikhil introduces them. Ishaana is shocked meeting Lajjo.
November 04, 08:10bye angels c u on today wu
am bussy right now
November 04, 08:15yeah to many aplication
lucy am jelous of ur gv i love it
k bye c u at our meeting
November 04, 08:09small boss i didnt get chance to get a new gr
November 04, 08:08oh boy
i thought u said we r meeting at our usual time
November 04, 08:11Yep , we will all be there together. .
But ,there are messages coming in so we respond accordingly . .
It is unusual activity . . Usually we only meet on evenings 🙂
November 04, 06:26LOL , Boss . .that pigeon video 😀 . .
I really hope that Umai didn’t let anyone else try to rescue her 😐 . ..
Welcome back Boss !!! Good to see you safe and sound ❤️ .. .
Howz our special agent in Germany ?
Miss AnGeLa Merkel . .. .
November 04, 06:50Hi phonix
November 04, 08:11Hi Kaniss 🙂
November 04, 03:59a lot happend this weekend… gosh let m read jadajadajada
like i have to vomid…..yak
blah blah blah blah …..o god NUTS/BALLS why do those words make me feel like
i will never eat nuts again macadamia nuts peanuts cashew 🙁
why o why …. my mind….like m missing minutes of mu life… 😥 cam … paper plz 😥
November 04, 04:06hey what were you busy ….. you have no rest … cam you too .. I mean it is known that drew has the title, but you you french fries/napoleon 😆 luuuuuuve uuuuu 😀
….why should you sooooo required to compete with her … (never mind drew its okay, do not make her your enemy because they have the you know what invented;-) )
(CAMERON….cam, come closer come now…. listen DREW has CONTAINERS, STICKTOITIVENESS whole T&T mountains r loaded with that stuff… for her only )
m off to school by angels… mwah mwah mwah 🙂 😆
November 04, 06:18I promise Lucy Lu to never let you have to kick anyone in the nuts again ok sweetie 😀 . .
( well at least I will take better care that you don’t remember 😀 😛 )
Hmmm. .. How did you know about my containers of sticktoitiveness in the mountains ????
I guess everyone has their sources here 😐 . …
Just do your best with that spider ok , he is known to spin a web of lies and to make people think that Miss Muffet is the bad one
” She always throws her slippers at me ”
He says 😐 . .
But don’t believe him ok , that 8 legged Villian has to go down ! !!
( Miss Muppet is paying us more than the Spider offered you see 😀 )
November 04, 07:18
S..O..U..R..C..E…. 😉
November 04, 07:22WHAT.. 😯 did i kick some dude in the nuts 😆
how come i dont remember …strange ….
November 04, 08:05Hmm , let’s see the fine print on this stick . ..
if target still remembers events even after being zapped more than once by memory eraser stick . . Then use stick to whack target over the head instead !! )
Hmmm , Lucy . . I meant cashews dear , some guy had a bag of cashews 😀 . . You thought that it was a grenade and you kicked it out of his hands 😀 .. .
No need to worry dear 🙂 . ..
November 04, 08:06LOLOLOL . .,
So that’s your target huh ??
One can never trust these politicians 😐 . ..
November 04, 08:09Darn !! Bump on my head acting up again 😐 . .
I meant that he is your source
( but now my target ) . .
November 04, 03:57Good monday Angels….:lol: 😀
wishing u all a fancy, glossy, cutey, beauty,angely,
like u all know we are week….still no male 🙁 applicants
i mean we have still umai as apllcnt
boss dear lovely boss, 🙂 i also stop ryt now 🙄 it’s all urs drew sweety wish u special “sticky” week 😉
November 04, 05:48une bonne semaine pour vous tous les anges
a good week for you all angels…..
lucy, 😡 luuuve u 2
yeah she already told y’sterday when there were no kids here 😉 just the grown ups 😆 😀 luuuuuuuuuuuuve you
that i suck at it
like ur gv.. though !!
.be carefull with miss.muffet and the spider, 😈
November 04, 06:09❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
You guyz are my kinda crazy 😀 . ..
November 04, 11:27can i also apply aaliyah
November 03, 19:17umai… dear…just came back from germany…i know u r a brave girl ur almost an angel 😉 😆 …stay low…and i’ll send u some gadjets by a pigeon u might have seen it on
and those 2 will try 2 stop this pigeon…like drew said stay kidnaped…This message will self-destruct in 7 seconds
good night angels…sweet dreams 😉
m going to m crib. 😉
November 03, 10:53Yes Cam , the boss won’t lie to us , Charlie is actually in Germany . .
( I confirmed with my secret source , Miss Angela Merkel 😀 )
November 03, 10:57hahahha 😆 🙁 also a undercover agent hhmmmm
whats wrong with everyone 🙄
November 03, 11:01You see , in this world of undercover agents Cam ,
it’s not about what you know , it’s who you know 😉 . .
November 03, 06:21I now fly towards germany maybe until tonight angels 😆
November 03, 06:25Have a safe flight Boss . .
Send us a secret message if you need help 🙂 .. .,
November 03, 09:56in a teasing way …. ”
wipe of the mouth, flushed my mouth.) good i have lots of towels 😉
O boss … 🙁 Dear (almost throwing up):mrgreen:
boss have a safe flight boss … your the best b .. b .. (bwaaah. bwaaah
what I try, that title really .. 🙁
I try my best with sticktoitiveness …BUT 🙄
don’t u have a day which you take a break from sucking .. 🙁 .. Sunday is the day off, you of all people should must know phoeniiiiiiiiiiix …….
November 03, 10:02I look at you smiling ……… 🙂
(I do not say this out loud,’m just thinking, but you’re phoenix my mind …… so I’m not sure)
ur the smartest here even I admit …… roll
till 2’morrow sweetangel have a safe flying day … 😉
November 03, 10:05LOLOLOL. .. 😀 . .
Cam , when the Boss is here , I’m here 😀 . .
This sticktoitiveness thing is a lot of hard work . .
You’re not cut out for it 😛 . .
( Cam , now you see what it takes to get a bonus around here 😐 🙁 ) . .
Nice gv btw 🙂 . ..
November 03, 10:11this is a mission i could never accomplished
this is like tom cruise’s mission impossible for me 😉
suck suck duck u c even the word will not
November 03, 10:13yeah i saw it hanging in the when i was window shopping
cause i want another shoe … at chanel store 😳
(thx for the bonus boss 😳 )
November 03, 10:31Hmmmm , I’m wondering then .. .
How exactly did you get the extra cash for shopping ??
You suck at sucking up 😛 .. .
Was it inside the shop or outside 😀 😀 😛 . .
I’m just kidding 😀 . . It looks perfect to blow my nose on 😀 . .
I’m seriously kidding 😀 , it’s a nice gv . .
( Hey Boss. . .I think that Cam is doing some freelance work on the side . .
I’ve been hearing rumours that she’s been working for
Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb 😐 )
November 03, 10:36hahahaha….of course outside have u seen lucy’s gv
the girl has something in mind
November 03, 10:37they wanted me come inside bt i was a bit shy 😳
November 03, 10:40You shy ??? Hahahaha . . ..
Has Lucy been around you with my eraser stick 😛 ??
I think that you have forgotten your personality 😐 . .
November 03, 10:41and ssssssshhhhhhhh (this is a bigger job for 2 the others dont know) about the Doofenshmirtz
Y do you think the boss went to germany 😆
November 03, 10:44Lucy’s gv is also good although 🙂
I think that she is also doing some undercover work
Little Miss Muffet ,
you know the girl from the nursery rhyme that the spider always scares away ??
Well it’s pay back time for that Spider 😀 !!!
Lucy is just hanging out on that wall waiting for his sorry a_ to appear . .then it’s Kapow !!!
November 03, 10:46( Oh , you mean that I can have in on the Doofenshmirtz deal ?? . Then my lips are sealed , I won’t say nothing to the boss )
November 03, 10:49Little Miss Muffet
Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet,
Eating her curds and whey;
Along came a spider,
Who sat down beside her,
And frightened Miss Muffet away.
Bye , bye Spider . .
Lucy is gonna get ya !!
November 03, 10:56you can not expect from teenagers …. ‘m glad I’m not at that age.
why do you think boss gave them small jobs first 😉 spiders than real crooks u saw how hystericAL she was of those flabby balls 😆 😀
gosh people dont know sunday Is not visiting day …. dear i have to fly off
Must be polite and nice 😡
November 03, 11:04You wouldn’t think that it was a small job if you saw that spider 😐 . .
He used to live close to a radioactive site 😐
Bye dear , have a lovely rest of you day . .safe flying 🙂 ..
November 03, 11:06LOL , yeah . .poor dear . . Those nuts really upset her 🙁 . . .
But I think she handled to spider much better 🙂
November 03, 01:42Happy sunday to all angels
November 03, 04:14Hi angel,
u know…… u dont get extra bonus by being polite 😆
and also my other beautiful angels…
November 03, 04:37Thank u and Same tou you Demi .
Yeah boss , tell HeR , no extra bonus for being polite 😐
( But we know different , right my dear Boss ;). 😉 )
Happy Sunday to you also Boss and otherAngels . ..
November 03, 06:20😉
November 03, 10:04c sucking sucking sucking on sunday..
hi lovely boss 🙁
November 03, 10:09happy remaining day of sunday… my lovely birds
i mean angels…. Demi.drew.lucy.boss 😉
November 03, 10:28I thought I heard a divine voice 🙂
this is outsanding, what I say .. one for all and all for one …
umai stay there dear ….. great this touched my heart … you’re a brave girl, but I keep my eyes open with you in mind because soon you go with your psychological mambo jambo to use and there is someone here with a neutralizer.
. I think that poor lucy lost entirely
hey yo drew drew, by the way have you seen the tape from your dear dear boss, though? under cover ….. 🙁
lucy had this movie being excavated from Friday …. I understand why the boss wanted to put this covered up … just look
Aaliyah November 1, 2013 at 7:44 pm
November 03, 10:32at 0:54 our boss undercover 😀
November 03, 15:27Nice video Cam 🙂 .. .
I can see why you questioned if the Boss really did go to Germany 😀 ..
November 02, 11:30Good Night messages
doesn’t only mean good night
or sweet dreams.
It also silently says that
I think of you before going to bed.
Good Night.
November 02, 11:29@angels and the boss-seems we dont come at the same time.say me the time all of you come here on IST…i would try my level best to come here…yesterday i waited till 12.00am IST…but none of you turned i went to sleep.
leave me a name and all the necessary changes i have to do to enter this land….please…if YOUR BOSS ACCEPTS MY APPLICATION…and dont forget to say my job and salary amount Boss…
bye.gotta go.mum needs me.visitors at home.catch up later….im not an angel till my application has been accepted right…
P.S-please say me who the boss and who the angels are.their real name and the angel name of theirs if possible.
November 03, 01:41Umai boss will decide when she comes
November 03, 04:27hey my sweet baby angel , how are you , I was traveling through and saw that you pas by. angel you’re a special case and I think you will get special treatment from me.
first..i’ll have a chat with one of my angels (drew it’s u) angels u all r allowed to THINK dont u think she deserve a special treat… 😆
I must say you are quite mature and you dare to stand up for yourself. great … you talked already about your SALARY 😯 FLABERGASTED 😯 … without knowing what we shall determine 🙁
you have balls …. 😉 (ooo i hope lucy didnt her balls/nuts 🙁 )
go and search for yourself a great outfit , go by the office and tell i send you 😉
hello hello hello umai you there omg I think some one was overheard our conversation
ANGELS ANGELS …. …… (this is a very distinct sound that can only be heard by my angels its a divine sound my angels 😆 )
we have a new mission our newest angel ….has been KIDNAPPED …..
we need to go to…….. SRI LANKA …..
oh my angel hang on we will save you … whether it’s today or tomorrow Monday … hang on …. salvation is on the way ……tatatatata
i need all the marvels i think
November 03, 04:49LOL , Boss , I thought the same . .. This one’s already thinking salary 😐 . .
( Don’t worry about Lucy Boss , remember I already zapped her memory twice 😀 😀 )
You know that I’m AlWaYs the first to respond to your missions Boss 😀 , but for the Sri Lanka mission , I think that I’ll wait for the other Angels . .. That’s a long way East and we will need to fly together for aerodynamic purposes you see 🙂 . …
So Umai , hold on stay kidnapped for now , don’t go anywhere ok , lol 😀 . ..
November 03, 06:17LOL LOL LOL LOL OMG…. STAY KIDNAPED FOR NOW 😀 😆 😆 😆 ….whhhhoooo
drew darling u make my day…… and umai if….listen carefuly …if someone try to liberate. rescue u ….
stick to your guns 😡 grrrr and remain imprisoned
yeah i knew that.. I knew when it would be rugged they will become baby chicks. 🙁 and I have even called with divine voice… 🙄 can u believe these girls..
November 03, 06:19forgot….. DON’T GO ANYWHERE HAHAHAHAHAHA
😀 😛 hahahahahahahahahahaha
🙁 seriously umai we love u already….
November 03, 10:34I thought I heard a divine voice 🙂
this is outsanding, what I say .. one for all and all for one …umai stay there dear ….. great this touched my heart … you’re a brave girl, but I keep my eyes open with you in mind because soon you go with your psychological mambo jambo to use and there is someone here with a neutralizer.
. I think that poor lucy lost entirelyhey yo drew drew, by the way have you seen the tape from your dear dear boss, though? under cover ….. 🙁
lucy had this movie being excavated from Friday …. I understand why the boss wanted to put this covered up … just lookAaliyah November 1, 2013 at 7:44 pm
November 02, 05:02Good morning angels…….. 😉
November 02, 06:37Thank you Cam 🙂 . . For such beautiful and inspiring words . .
HAPPY SATURDAY !!! From me also . .
To you the Boss and other Angels ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
November 03, 04:30hey cam, never knew…. 🙁
u will be awake on saturday’s 😆 😆 😆
hi drew u 2 on saturday didn’t u have 2 be celebrating diwali…… 🙁
November 01, 20:51Friends like you are like a sip of hot cup of coffee.
You refresh my mind away from the boring sleepy times
and excite me for the good times a head of us…
November 02, 03:01Umai all angels gone now
Good morning
We waited for u all night
November 02, 06:38Good day to you Umai , Demi 🙂 . .
November 01, 20:45im here boss and angels…none on the land now???
November 01, 20:17my dearest angels….. m going to bed now.
sweetest dreams…. my angels i love doing this with u all
drew sweet dreams
demi sweet dreams
lucy sweet dreams
charlie…the one and only sweetest ..grrrr nope cant do it boss sweet dreams love u all
November 01, 20:22yes dear dont worry…not everyone is capable of doing stivktoitiveness… u have 2 have style/class…
and the nanny has… mean drew has… but for now sweetest dream u 2 precious one…love u 2 angel 😉
for u all…ANGELS…
@ UMAI u may join this crazy family of angels and if u read what happend 2day u know whats the drill and what u will be needing 2 fit into this family…. so u can also fly 🙂
😆 i’ll c u monday…bye dear 😉
November 01, 19:31Bye guys me too very sleepy
Bye I might come on weekends
November 01, 19:32safe flight dear….till monday 😉
November 01, 19:34bye sweet angel…. c u next week 😆
safe flight, use yr nitro … 😉
sleep tight sweet dreams 😛
November 01, 19:41Sweet Dreams dear Angels . . .
Lucy you poor dear , you got injured 🙁 . .
I’ll bring you some more soup ok . . Just for you this time . .
Cam . . It was nice flying with you dear 😀 . .
My dearest most special Boss 😉 . .
What can I say ?? You know I love and Respect ya 😉 . .
❤️❤️❤️❤️ bye guyz , have a nice weekend . . 🙂 .
November 01, 19:51hey drew u gona already 🙁
November 01, 19:52izzy 2 gone… 🙁
amatures… 😉
November 01, 19:52no i said good night so its normal hey cam, !!
November 01, 19:54Boss is that u in disguisse at 0:54
was it an asignment..because ur asking “who me”
yeah you boss take a look.. 😆
November 01, 19:58hahahahah LOL LMAO 😆 😀
omg……….and there is the stick drew was looking for
hahahahahahaha yeah i can remember that asignment boss
November 01, 20:02yes dear it was the day you got ur bump… 😉
(okay i admit the bump i gave it to u)
u nearly screwed it and thanks to lucy and drew
we got the neutralizer or else it was you who was in the alien ship on the way to dont remember the planets name if drew was here she would know as always 😆
November 01, 20:05whooooooaaah oh this is nasty… oh plz cam
come on go to your chamber and relax your wings
gosh girl, why do u always try to make the boss mad at you
you really have a thick skin huh 🙂
o gosh drew it’s good you leave the whole roll of paper
cause she is needing it badly 😀 😆
November 01, 20:08anfd if demi sees this she also might think we wanted to get her out of here DEMI sincerely this is the case
damn i mean tis is NOT the case, and seriously drew were r u cuase at your home now is like 9pm or she got another bonus from boss dearest 🙄
November 01, 20:08sniff sniff 😥 😥
November 01, 20:09i think its time to keep head high cam and stop crying
November 01, 20:10or maybe these 2 angels just wait till we say good night so they r free to do whatever they want
November 01, 20:11yea i think m gonna change my gv… into a more waw one
November 01, 20:12and all this cause of a friday night ❓
November 01, 20:12sniff sniff
November 01, 19:26hey angels…..m sleepy and will c u all monday
cause weekend is off m sorry i just love love love my wkends
November 01, 19:27Ok aaliya try to miss us
Goodnight sweet dreams
November 01, 19:28hey wher were u… was lonely without u and drew
was waiting for u angels.. 🙁 😥 😥 c m blabbering again……drew plz may i have a tisuessssss hhhhhhaaaaaaaa
sniff sniff 😥 😥 whats t matter dear … cry:
November 01, 19:29hey wr were u ?
November 01, 19:30She’s gone angels
November 01, 19:31that…. QH page was a little bit to far for me
i had a bruised wing…so i came 2 the base and get some pixiedust … and voila m good as new 😆 😀
November 01, 19:34no prob dear…. i understand was painful huh .. 🙁
November 01, 19:35Sure Cam dear , here take the whole roll . .
My stupid net is so slow 🙁 .
November 01, 19:38m okay nathy … seriuosly… m cool
This is how we do it.
Its friday night, and I feel all right
The party is here on the west side
So I reach for my 40 and I turn it up
Designated driver take the keys to my truck
Hit the shore cause Im faded
cuteys in the street say, lucy, yo we made it!
It feels so good in my hood tonight
The summertime skirts and the guys in kani
All the gang members forgot about the drive-by
You gotta get your groove on, before you go get paid
So tip up your cup and throw your hands up
And let me hear the party say
c my lovely cam, sleep well and sweet dreams
hey how was ur presentation, or is it 2morrow
November 01, 19:40
okay….here m going now u follow ?
nuh m going into my crib
November 01, 19:43cutey lucy…
November 01, 19:44m soorry 2 hear that u have slow net, use ur bonus and buy urself a faster one 😆
November 01, 19:44
hope this one is cool … 🙁
November 01, 19:47whaahhahahaahahahah
November 01, 19:48HE IS CUTE … LUCY. HIS LIPS ARE…
the music is groovy…oooo behave… 😆 🙄
November 01, 18:50Angels am feeling very sleepy( yawning)
Should I visit the dreamland?
November 01, 18:53we r going 2 abcd just follow me okay
the rest will also follow..put a comment and fly back home okay …:-)
November 01, 18:54count m in boss my sweet dear lovely …yak sorry i cant drew it’s al yours 🙁
November 01, 18:54Yes ma’am
November 01, 18:54ready
November 01, 18:55drew is missing but m sure she will follow..lets go dear angels …. go go go go go 😆
November 01, 18:56Ready
November 01, 18:57LOL Cam , you suck at sucking up 😛 ..
Yes , please Leave the sticktoitiveness to me 😀
I’m right behind you Boss 🙂 ..
November 01, 18:44Boss??????????????
November 01, 18:52okay…. it’s friday night and drew didn’t get me another invitation for club cocobongo… so we will go ddebdcs.
and post a comment there it’s a deal we have with someone
November 01, 18:53Yes boss we r here let’s take off
November 01, 18:38Angels why won’t amena post pics for us?
November 01, 18:40u talk her language u ask 🙁
November 01, 18:43No Iucy Its just a sense of humor u r an angel u should be able to speak her language now
November 01, 18:44hows that… dear 😉
November 01, 18:46Its great lucy
November 01, 18:36Wait a minute angels
Am getting confused
What is my name demi or llily
November 01, 18:39would u like that others continue to haunt and ask for joining their page cause IZZY is a well known name on this ganga land of series
November 01, 18:41Yeah
And that llyli is a name I gave to one of my friend in qubool hai’s pg (riza) ans she game me ami that’s why I always use ami and the pritez too
November 01, 18:42Oh god am typing rubbish I meant gave not game
November 01, 18:44okay…. than its ur call…. causei think drew is also a well known in this land 😉
November 01, 18:46So what do I do plssss
November 01, 18:33Yippie I did it…….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Am finally member
November 01, 18:36okay okay one more thing we will never ever addres any other serie with the word ‘HATE” OKAY we will not create prob over here were just a bunch of kids having a virtual moment
November 01, 18:37Anything for the lady
November 01, 18:45yep…never hate thats a yak word 😆
November 01, 18:32………………..
November 01, 18:34Hmmmm , Lucy . . .
Come here !! Give me back the stick please 😀 . ..
What have you done to Demmi ???
November 01, 18:45here it is lady drew
November 01, 18:49Thank you dear Lucy Lu 😀 ..
( I’ll let you use it again , if you ever need it ok 😉 😉 )
November 01, 18:29Did u see it
November 01, 18:31perfect…. and your name is demi 😆
ur beautiful i can almost cry … i have another angel
welcome on board dear. 😥 so cute
November 01, 18:33my compliments…and let the whining 2 me
m the only angel who cries over here and drew has a truck full of papers just for me …understood!!
welcome ….angel and ur name is lilly ❓
November 01, 18:34Should I turn my name to IZZY—DEMI or ??
November 01, 18:37Yes , the paper towels are for Cam . . And my loyalty is for the Boss 😀 . …
It’s so good to have you back Cam 🙂 🙂 . ..
November 01, 18:41yeah … m with one foot here and the other there
comprehend 🙁
November 01, 18:28Get jealous aaliya
Ur mom says I should convey a big hi to u
November 01, 18:30hey now u r one of us and no m not jealous….at all
November 01, 18:32Yep , it’s great 🙂