Ek Rishta Sajhedari Ka 8th September 2016 Written Update
Ek Rishta Sajhedari Ka 8th September 2016 Written Episode
Viren tells Kusum that he has passed on all his tension to Ramji and prayed him to give courage to Saachi during her tough times. He says he did not see Saachi so much depressed in his life. Kusum says she thought she would get Vaibhav married after Saachi. He says yes. She says if we go for a next alliance for Saachi, people will badmouth about her. He says if someone badmouths about his daughrer, he will cut their tongue. She hopes they get a better alliance for Sachi. Aunt hears their conversation and thinks already Rishi Patni’s alliance is on the way and she is sure Patni’s will accept Saachi’s alliance.
Aryan and Saachi cry reminiscing each other. Serial’s song plays in the background. Sachi looks at Aryan’s gifted earrings and
tries to remove them and imagines Aran dorning them back in her ears. She imagines Aryan wiping her tears and singing for her. Aryan looks at Sachi’s pic on the other side. Song continues…
Saachi dorns her designed clothes to dolls and cries. Vaibhav and Priya enter and she acts as normal. Priya says her designs are good. Vaibhav says she is his sister. Sachi says same at once and they all 3 laugh. Priya says Aryan incurred a big loss by breaking alliance. Saachi says because of her, parents will not let them marry until she is married. Priya says she can wait for Vaibhav for 7 lives and after Sachi’s marriage, if Vaibhav does not marry, she will forcefully marry him. Sachi starts crying and says Aryan was so normal and they even got a sketch together, even then he broke alliance without informing. Priya consoles her.
Diwakar’s creditors threaten him to take over his factory to repay loan. Diwakar pleads not to snatch his employee’s bread. Creditor taunts he is begging like a beggar now. Aryan holds his collar and warns to apologize his dad. Diwakar asks Sushanth to take Aryan from there. Sushanth takes Arya away. Vaibhav calls reception and says he needs to speak to Aryan. Receptionist says he is busy in a meeting.
Rish’s parents insist him to forget Saachi and look for new alliance. Rishi says okay and looks at girls’ pics.
Sushanth takes Aryan out and scolds him to behave. Aryan says he cannot see anyone misbehaving with dad. Sushanth says even he cannot, dad is trying to borrow some time from creditors and is very much experienced. They see Vaibhav coming. Vaibhav asks Aryan why did he break alliance after so much publicity. Aryan says he just knows to respect elders and obeyed their order. Vaibhav asks how can he give so casual answer, he needs real reason. Sushanth tries to stop him. Vaibhav says he needs to know the reason for breaking their and Saachi’s trust. Sushanth pushes Vaibhav and takes Aryan. Vaibhav falls and injures his head. Aryan and Vaibhav rush him to hospital.
Aunt meets Patni family and requests them to reconsider Rishi and Saachi’s alliance, hopes they will not disappoint her. Patni says she came late, they already selected another girl for Rishi. Aunt says she will go then. Rishi stops aunt and says parents they know Sachi is his first choice and they should accept this alliance for his sake. They agree. Aunt thanks them happily.
Aryan and Sushanth take Vaibhav to hospital and get his head injury treated. Aryan then calls Saachi. Saachi emotionally looks at mobile and picks call.
Precap: Prabhath tells family that as per court orders, along with factories and offfice, their house will also be auctioned.