Ek Mahanayak – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 11th January 2021 Written Update
Ek Mahanayak – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 11th January 2021 Written Episode
Vaid ji sadly watches Bhimbai leave with her family. It is the worst thing for a Vaid to tell his or her patients that they are not going to live for long and it is even worse for a wife / mother to see her family and kids getting away from her every passing second.
Mangesh and Dhansukhlal tell Maharaj to come up with some plan as they are unable to think of anything. He sends them home.
Sakpal family returns home. Meera asks about her health. Bhimbai lies to her. Ram ji, Anand and Bhima get ready to leave but Bhimbai notices the fallen glasses on the floor. She realises that no one had anything since morning. They tell her it isn’t needed but she insists upon making tea again. She takes the utensils outside and cries silently as Vaid ji’s words echo in her head.
Maharaj has gathered villagers at a place. He speaks of levying a tax on everyone. The richer the person is, the closer he is to God and will end up paying less tax. People from lower community will have to pay 8 times higher tax. Pundit ji is sure someone will object to the idea. Dhansukhlal offers to take goons along in case they have to threaten someone. Maharaj smirks.
Bhimbai gives tea to everyone and hands the glass of milk to Bhima. Anand tells Bhima to start drinking tea now. No one will have to take the trouble of bringing milk and heating it for you then. Bala jokes that it is possible that Bhima will still be drinking milk after his marriage and probably both he and his wife will continue this tradition. Bhima gets serious and walks up to his mother. Will it be a trouble for you? She feels sad but does not show it. She helps him drink milk from his glass.
Mangesh and Dhansukhlal call out to Ram ji. Everyone goes outside. They tell Sakpal family about the new tax. Bhima refuses but they threaten them that they will otherwise throw them out of the town. You will end up taking months to settle in your life again. Bala challenges them but Bhimbai ends up accepting their condition. Ram ji calls it wrong but she stays put. I don’t know whether this is right or wrong but we will stay here. she agrees to pay taxes. Mangesh says it is good. We would have taken it anyways. He leaves. Bhimbai runs inside. I wont go anywhere. Bhima begins to go after her but Ram ji tells him to let her be. We will talk about this later. She is not well right now so she reacted like this. I am going to work. You two should go to school now.
Bhima is thinking about his mother’s reaction on his way to school. Guru ji asks him whether he is worried. Bhima nods. My Aayi may not agree with me all time but she has agreed to let us pay taxes this time. Why is she doing this now? Anand seconds him. Aayi supports Bhima’s decision even when he isn’t around. Today she dint listen to him either. Guru ji advises them to act like kids sometimes. You cannot comment about how someone is feeling at different point of time. Don’t think so deeply about everything all the time. Anand says even Baba said the same thing. Guru ji nods. You must think of things in a limited manner at times. Our thoughts and thought process define us.
Bhimbai is sitting outside sadly. Where will I go now? I don’t have that much time. I wont be able to see my family falling apart and then getting back together. I only want to see my husband and kids together in my last moments. Tulsa and Manjula watch her from the window. Tulsa asks Manjula why Aayi is crying. Manjula says I don’t know but there must be something which is bothering her. Tulsa suggests asking her but Manjula knows that Aayi wont share her pain with anyone. She dismisses it one way or other.
Precap: Tulsa tells her brothers that Aayi is making everyone’s favourite food today. Meera is sure there is something fishy. Bhimbai tells Manjula to learn everything while there is still time. You will have to handle everything after your marriage. She gets worried as she notices Bhima. Bhima asks her if she is fine. Bhimbai worries if he doubts her now.