Do Dil Ek Jaan 28th August 2013 Written Update
Do Dil Ek Jaan 28th August 2013 Written Episode
The Episode starts with Raghu and Antara spending some time together. He asks her to drink by the straw. Antara looks at him. Aaji looks at them. Noor and Arshad have a talk. Antara laughs on Raghu as his cold drink falls. MachMach looks at Arshad and Noor and tells Aaji can you see what I m seeing. Aaji is looking at Raghu and Antara. MachMach is talking about Noor and Arshad. He says look at them, they are having an eyelock. Aaji looks at Noor and Arshad and smiles. She says you were talking about them. MachMach says about who were you talking. Raghu asks Antara are you fine now. Antara is lost in thoughts and tells him I used to bet with my dad and win over him. She tells Raghu about the bet. Raghu says is it ok and tries to finish the cold drink first.
Raghu wins. Antara tells him about her and her dad. Raghu smiles listening to her. Raghu says so your dad was mischievous. Antara shares about her dad and says I miss him a lot. Raghu says I understand. She says I feel some miracle will happen and my dad will come back. She says when you read the letter I felt my dad wrote it. Antara starts getting emotional. Raghu looks at her. Antara says I m sorry, just like that. Raghu says its ok. He says come with me. She asks where. He says you trust me right. He brings her to the same cliff from where he threw the tape recorder. Raghu says this city has people who cry from their heart, and if its unheard, then it looks like a burden on the heart. He says take out your pain, be open and cry without any inhibitions. Antara looks on. Raghu asks her to cry. She says I can’t. Raghu says I m not joking, he says you have to cry loudly and forget the pain.
Raghu says no one is here to see you crying, you have to cry and be normal again. Antara says I can’t do this. Raghu says what do you remember about your dad the most. She says his smiling face. Raghu says tell me more about him. She says every moment, he always used to smile. She shares about her dad. She says now I can’t see him. Raghu looks on and hears her patiently. She says her dad did not keep his promise. She says I got peace when he kept his hand on my head. She starts crying. She thinks of her dad. Raghu says tell me more about your memories. Antara says she used to sing songs, he had the best voice in the world. Raghu says are you getting hurt. Antara says I have so much anger in me. Raghu says bring out the anger and put in infront of the Lord and the world. Raghu says shout aloud so that the world hears you. Antara shouts Papa and says why did you leave me alone. Antara brings out her frustation and cries.
Raghu sees her devastated. Raghu gives her a napkin to wipe her tears. He gives her his hand. Antara looks at him. Antara holds his hand and gets up. Raghu says now your heart is free from the burden. She says I m feeling better now. Raghu says now you are left only with the memories. He says you have to worry and think about your family. Raghu explains her how to be positive towards life. He says you are lucky that you have your family with you. Antara thanks him. Raghu and Antara come back at the chat house. Aaji says I will pay. Antara says I will pay as its my dad’s birthday today. Aaji agrees. Aaji and everyone are on the way. Arshad asks Noor to say his hello to Ishaan. Antara says how do you know Ishaan. Raghu makes an excuse. Aaji asks Raghu to sit with Antara. Antara looks at Raghu.
One guy is keeping an eye on Raghu. He gets a call from someone and he tells them he is Aman and he wants to meet him urgently. Everyone come home and Raghu gets down the jeep. Antara thanks Aaji. Aaji says come home regularly. Antara thanks Raghu for explaining her life. Her bag falls and both of them sit to pick it up. Raghu says wait, gives her the photo. She says this is the last memorable thing I have. She shows him her dad. Raghu thinks and asks is this your dad. Raghu says I have seen him somewhere but I don’t remember. Raghu thinks where he saw Antara’s dad. Aman meets someone and says I have seen Raghu. He says I m afraid, if he knows about me, then I will be in trouble.
Antara asks Ishaan did he solve the maths problems. She says Noor will bring the admission form. Ishaan says I will pass the admission test, you don’t worry.
Antara is smiling. Her mum sees her smiling and asks her the reason behind it. She says I m your mum and always want you to keep smiling. She talks about her dad. Antara says my smile came back. Antara says the same man who explained me about life. Antara’s mum asks who. Her mum says that person is very lucky for you. She says you should be with someone who makes your difficulties easier. They talk about Rakshabandhan. Antara says I m very happy today as my life still have something good in it. Antara’s mum ties the rakhi to her brother. She asks him money. He says sorry, I know its less but I have only this much. She says this is so much for me. She says I want another gift from you. He says tell me, I will try my best to give you. She says you should focus on your family also. He says yes sure. He says now I have to leave. He greets her and gifts Antara also. Antara stops Mama and asks you did not give Mami anything, give her a hug. Antara jokes. Everyone laughs. He leaves.
Antara says even I m going now. Her mum says you did not tie the rakhi to Ishaan. Antara says I will tie in the evening. Mami says Antara is looking happy, she should be like this only.
Raghu sees Antara bargaining for the rakhis. He looks at her and thinks she started again. He smiles. Raghu comes there and asks whats going on. Antara bargains. The man gets afraid of Raghu. Antara says she does not want any discount. The man says take it whatever you like. Raghu says whats your problem. Raghu says why are you fighting. Antara says I don’t want to fight with you. Raghu says is this your love then. Antara looks at him. Mera Mahi Tu… plays in the background.
Antara and Raghu are on the terrace. Raghu holds her hand and gets closeer to her.
August 29, 12:59Kya u guys r talking abt?
August 29, 13:03Jst slctin 1
August 29, 13:08If u got anythin spcl. . .
August 29, 12:53Yuck I hate sports yerr
Plz dont talk abt sport with me na
I kn u luv sport but for me plz
I have been hit lot of times my friend with the ball in there face
So think hw bad player I am na
Yerr plz give me ten min I will be back plz dont go na
U reply I will give ur ans back aftr come back
Ok plz dont go
Ask wat u want an I wil give ans
August 29, 12:56I ll b hre. . .
August 29, 12:51Hey zaara n pawan…
Kya haal h pawan…tired????
August 29, 12:54Hey. . . Jst a bit. . .
August 29, 13:00Whre
August 29, 12:43I lyk blue black colour a lot
I have more th odr colour dress than black dress
I have lot of black dress
I dont lyk to dress up too much or make up
Me is simple girl an I lyk the way I am
I luv science a lot an my fav subject
Plz dont ask anyting about study yer
I am a artist student an science
I luv art a lot an I am learning eight years
Way better than I play sports
August 29, 12:50Anythin abut sports
August 29, 12:36U ask than let me see ok
August 29, 12:39Tll me abut ur lyks. . . Dn I ll ask u anythin related. . .
August 29, 12:34Rely that the solution ha
How can u control mad when u get na
An u saying
Anyway leave this topic an say nice things ok
Geting bore of this topic nw
August 29, 12:35Hmmm. . . Anythin of ur choice. . .
August 29, 12:27Nahi yer how can I beat u na
Never evr devr
Or jail
Hmmm need to think yer
But rely yer when I get mad I cant control bt I try to as long as I can
An if I cant than huge problem
August 29, 12:31So dnt get mad. . . It s d only solution. . .
August 29, 12:22Haha u rite
But be careful yer ok
Bcoz when me get mad na so I am out of my control
So istesd of beat him who knw I beat u na
Oh noo me dont want that happen na
August 29, 12:24Dnt wrry u cn beat ur frnd. . . Atleast u ll escape frm jail fr a offence of murder. . .
August 29, 12:18Ha yer if I found na than u get damn sure he will be died
Will u join with me ha
To kill that crap
August 29, 12:20I think u r not goin 2 need me 2 kill dt guy. . . So wht ll I do dre. . . Bt I think I hv 2 b dre 2 control u. . .
August 29, 12:13Big mistake
I will show him wat is that
Jst get another……
Yer I knw how to deal this type of crap
Living in ten years here so knw boys very wel an knw how to teach them lesson
Jst wait an watch wat I will do him this time
August 29, 12:16Hey chill yr. . . Dnt get dt much mad . . .as. . . Jb woh mile to use maar hi dalo. . .
August 29, 12:09Hyper toh hou
Again if I get…than I swer this time I will say watevr come to my mouth
Enough is enough now
This type I will teach that rascal
August 29, 12:11Woowooh. . Woh. . . I guess he hd dn sm big mistke. . .
August 29, 12:05Oh god an I took wrong way yrr
Yep so mad an if I get na so I will beat him soo much
An he will ned to admit hos one month
He dont knw me an will show how I am
An once I get mad wat I do
August 29, 12:08Hey hey hey. . . Dnt gt hyper yr. . . Jst chill. . . Its goin 2 b ok. . . K
August 29, 12:01Yuck I dnt knw an u saying mad
U ok na
Why I will be…..
August 29, 12:03Coz u said whn u r hyper u gt mad. . . Nd u ws showin angr on dt guy
August 29, 11:56Yep I will tk care
Bt me scred bcoz of that idiot I will be huge problem an my family
Will kill me
I swer if I found na than I will kill that sick
An fell lyk slap that cheap face thousands of time
August 29, 11:59Hahaha. . . Meanz u r mad on him. . .
August 29, 11:50Oh bcoz its nite time na thats why
Yer me so sad from y day an today too
I will mail u wat is happening with me ok
I dont want to tell here
Also I got few hr ago my hand cut while I was cutting vegs
Rely sad an my day getting bad
An its all bcoz of one idiot…
August 29, 11:54dnt b sad yr. . . Ds lyf s ful of up nd dwns. . . If u ll b sad it s goin 2 hurt u. . . Ignore idiots n. . . Treat ur injury well nd tk cre of it. . .
August 29, 11:43Oh
Why u say
Why ap dis
I mean wat I did yerr
August 29, 11:47I said dt . . . Coz in recent msg u askd me dt I had ma dinnr or not. . .
August 29, 11:50U ddnt do do anythin. . . Nd y u said dt. . . ?
August 29, 11:39Hehe dark circle
Its ok as long u can stay ok u dont need to make 12:00am okis
Now smile plz 🙂 🙂
August 29, 11:42:-):-)B-)B-):-D. . . I ll hv ma dinnr aftr sm tim. . . As ma 1 rumie s out to arng it. . .
August 29, 11:34Wat u mean by y al dis????
Yerr u so excited to get punish na
I gave my punish
Hope not too tough na
If u dont listen to me na or na u knw my gussa na
August 29, 11:33zara tjhe to main!!! tu mere sth aisa kia.chii.bye.
August 29, 11:36Jaan nt lyk that
U jst came na an I am wating for u from the mornig jaan
Plz sorry na
Won’t u gonna forgive ur bf ha
Luv u luv u luv u sooo much my pakki
U knw na also miss u sooo much na
Hey here jaan or left
August 29, 11:32Here is ur punish
Today u will nt gonna wake aftr 12:00 or 1:00am okis
U gonna take a good rest an slep well
Bcoz u had rely long journey
Had dinner?????
An u have to listen my punish okis
Ye ye I knw I am soo sweet
So no need to say okis
Jst kiding yer
August 29, 11:38U knw. . .i got dark circles around ma eyz. . . Nd m notmuch tired bt I dnt think m goin 2 make it 12 am. . .
August 29, 11:29Yep u rite
U knw a big thanks to ur sis
2nd thanks to ur tv
3rd thanks to change ur mind
4th thanks to comm here that time
5th thanks to me that I response u back
6th thanks both of us
7th thanks to dtb
R u agree with me or nit yerr
August 29, 11:32Hmmm. . . I agree. . . Bt y all ds. . . ?
August 29, 11:20Tell me wat time plz now than u will get ur punish
August 29, 11:24K. . . Nw only english
August 29, 11:25Timeeeeeeeee plz
This is the 3rd time me asking u
August 29, 11:27It s 8:57 pm. . . 🙂
August 29, 11:29Nw wht s ma punishment
August 29, 11:18Uhhh
I thought its sat yer
Its ok yer
August 29, 11:26friday or saturday Fr u evryday s sunday. . . As it s holiday. . .
August 29, 11:17Its k yr I understand ur problem
Will u plz talk with me eng
Sorry yer me nit geting some word
August 29, 11:14Oh I see ur
Sorry galti hou gaye
Wat time is now
An is indiea 2mrw sat
U will get punish u knw that na
August 29, 11:172mrow its friday. . .
August 29, 11:19Dnt b sorry yr. . . Nd wht s ma punishment. . . Whtevr it ll b m ready. . .
August 29, 11:11Pwnnnnnnn
Meri gala suk gaye hai bolate bolate tumko
Kaha hou yer
Lakta hai bhul gaye hou na aur miss vi nahi kiya
August 29, 11:13Nhi yr eaisa nhi h. . . Main yhin hun. . . Pichle cmnts me rply kiya h maine chk kro. . .
August 29, 11:16Yr wh kya h na ki bus me maine apne rumie ke mob ki bttry b dead kr di or mere ki to kal sham se hi dead thi. . . To tmhe bye b nhi ki paya. . .
Uske baad hstl me phon chrgin pr lgwaye or fresh hokr ab yhan hun. ,
August 29, 11:08Finally show up
August 29, 11:11B-)
August 29, 11:04Uncle main yehi hoon
Aapkii intezar karahi thi yer
But nw kriya not here now
She will come ltr ok
August 29, 11:07Phir se gayab
No good yerr
August 29, 11:08M also hre. . .
August 29, 11:09Nw u r not alone. . .
August 29, 11:01Yes yes yes oye me here too
See u call an me came 😀
August 29, 10:40Oye pwn uncle tusi thick toh hona ji
Plz take rest ok
Missing u yrr
August 29, 11:01Wooohhhh. . . Yr. . .m hre nw. . . Really happy nw. . . R u guyz hre. . .