Do Dil Ek Jaan 21st August 2013 Written Update

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Do Dil Ek Jaan 21st August 2013 Written Update by H Hasan

Do Dil Ek Jaan 21st August 2013 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Raghu asking Antara not to worry. Antara is unable to walk properly as her feet is hurt. Raghu holds her and says give your hand. Antara says I will take care. Raghu says Hey misscall, give me your hand. She gives him her hand and music plays. Mera Mahi Tu….. song plays…….. They have an eyelock. It rains. Raghu says we have to go somewhere. They see a house and get into it. Antara says the candles are lighting, maybe there is some way, people may come here. She asks Raghu to try phone network. Raghu says its raining, I won’t go leaving you because I promised Aaji that I won’t be angry on you, so you please sit here. Antara smiles seeing the candles. Its actually a church.

Antara gets a head ache and she faints. Mami is shocked to know what Raghu did to Antara. Mami says what was Antara’s mistake, she was hungry too, where might she be. Aaji apologises to her. Mami is worried about Antara. Aaji says Raghu is with her, he won’t ;et anything happen to Antara, maybe they got late in the hospital. Aaji says we will find out about Raghu. Mami says ok, I will leave, if you get any update, let me know. Mami leaves. Aaji and MachMach are worried about Antara as she was fasting.

Raghu comes back and calls Antara. He turns and sees Antara fallen on the ground. He rushes to her and tries to wake her up. Raghu gets worried. He puts some water on her. Antara opens her eyes. He asks her are you fine.

Raghu makes her drink water. She realises that he broke her fast. She says I had to take Lord’s blessings first. Raghu says you would have died. Antara gets serious. Raghu says I understand why you kept the fast, to get a good husband. She says I kept the fast for my mum. Raghu looks at her. Mami tells Antara’s mum that Antara will stay at Aaji’s home. Noor asks Mami about Antara and says she is worried as Antara is fasting. Mami says Raghu is with her, he won’t let anything happen to Antara. Raghu takes care of Antara’s feet. Raghu and Antara have an sweet argument. Raghu asks her not to sleep as this is a jungle, anything can harm her. He says talk to me, else I feel sleepy. She says I m not interested. Raghu says even I m not, but there is no one here to talk to. Antara does not talk with him. He says this silence will make me mad.

Antara says this silence has peace. He looks at her and says nothing like peace, its death like silence. Antara sticks to her words saying such silence is hard to get, you can even hear your heartbeat. They share their opinions. Raghu asks did you sleep. She says no I cannot sleep, I got habituated to hear one sound. Raghu asks which one. Antara says there is someone I don’t know, but I hear his mouthorgan sound every night, I tried to know who he is, but did not figure out. Raghu is shocked as its him. She lights the candle and says when I came to Mumbai, I could not sleep but I heard that sound for the first time. She says I liked that sound.

She praises that sound saying it gave me peace and I hear it and gets a peaceful sleep, its magical, its like a medicine for me. Antara starts singing the tune. Raghu looks at her. She asks him did you hear it, do you know who plays it. Raghu says no. He asks what are you doing. Antara says I m lighting the candles to fulfill someone’s wishes. Antara is unable to walk and the ghungroo sounds come. Raghu gets irritated and scolds her. They both look at each other. Its morning, Antara is sleeping on Raghu’s shoulder. Raghu wakes up and shifts Antara. He looks at her beauty. Raghu calls MachMach and gives him the directions to reach him. Raghu says we are on Goa road. Antara wakes up. She calls Raghu seeing him nowhere. he bumps into her and they have an eyelock. He says I spoke to MachMach. She says give me the phone, I will talk to my mum. He says battery ended. She says you used the whole battery, I could not talk to my mum now. She scolds him and asks him to snatch the other ghungroos also. He says MachMach is coming to take us.

Aaji calls Mami and says Raghu and Antara are fine and MachMach is going to take them. Mami tells this to Noor. MachMach comes to Raghu and Antara. She sits in the jeep. MachMach says I spoke to doctor and he gave something to remove the ghungroos. Antara says I won’t do it. Raghu goes to her and says try this. Raghu holds her leg. MachMach starts driving and says it will pain somewhat, bear it. Raghu says you are making her afraid. Antara says I m not afraid. Raghu puts that solution on Antara’s leg. She closes her eyes. MachMach plays the song Nazar ke Saamne…. in the jeep.

Nazar ke Saamne jigar ke paas… song embarrases Raghu and Antara as they look at each other. Raghu takes out the ghungroos and says Antara its done. She opens her eyes and is relaxed. MachMach says Antara is fond of singing and dancing. MachMach brings them to the clinic. MachMach goes to bring the medicines. Antara says I will walk. MachMach calls Aaji and tells her everything. Aaji says don’t tell them that Rasika did this. He says they are not fighting, they are so quiet. Antara picks up the ghungroos in the jeep. Raghu throws them on the road. She says what did you do. Raghu says do you want to keep it. She says how could you throw it. Raghu scolds her. She says this is Aaji’s. He says if you needed money, you could have asked me, I would have increased your salary. Antara is hurt.

Antara tells Raghu what her father used to say. Raghu disagrees with her and argues with her.

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  1. ********SaDiYaZ********
    August 21, 21:07 Reply

    jaanu do u have any pic to u
    like remebr u show a pic an say i wear like this dress zaara at home
    its like lehenga kind of something
    i wanna see like that dress to u wear jaanu

    • Monica
      August 21, 21:13

      yes dear i will wear on festivals more but i dint had full pics of that.u remember yesterday the first pic i sent to you actually that is the dress u r asking now.i dont have full images of that

  2. Monica
    August 21, 21:06 Reply

    Dear today i have seminar and i prepared well for it.

  3. ********SaDiYaZ********
    August 21, 21:06 Reply

    😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  4. ********SaDiYaZ********
    August 21, 21:01 Reply

    yep dear she is
    her name is aroni arona alona gohona arunaz
    thats all my xiaa,namrata,mhki n me gave it
    i call her aroni an arona

    • Monica
      August 21, 21:04

      nice name dear

    • Monica
      August 21, 20:58

      yes dear i checked.Aroni rabbit right?

  5. Monica
    August 21, 20:49 Reply

    how is mam and your Ahona dear

  6. ********SaDiYaZ********
    August 21, 20:47 Reply

    jaanu i have xam on october na so thats why
    but its nt fair at all
    also i get 4 story an i need to answer multiple choice,than need to wrte short response too
    jaanu ok i wanna see u that dress too
    also check below jaanu i like more the white one too
    check below ok

    • Monica
      August 21, 20:51

      ok dear.i also liked that white dress and that really suits you

  7. ********SaDiYaZ********
    August 21, 20:38 Reply

    jaanu the two u gave me na
    i like the blue anrkali one
    i mean the 1st one nice an also the 2nd one too but 1st is more cute jaanu

    • Monica
      August 21, 20:44

      Ok dear i will buy for you on my wedding like this dress according to your preference at that time

  8. ********SaDiYaZ********
    August 21, 20:36 Reply

    jaanu the last one
    purple anrkali i have the same one too
    my bhavi gif me an she bought it from online an its from bangladesh
    it was 5400 tk.
    jaanu all of them r really nice but i like mst the white one
    its looking really nice in white an red

    • Monica
      August 21, 20:57

      Wow that is also nice

  9. ********SaDiYaZ********
    August 21, 20:33 Reply

    jaan u knw now me doing math
    oh god my tears r coming from my eyes
    i have 51 to 95 sums
    its soo hurd jaanu an i need to due on 30th august
    u knw i will start crying nw jaanu

    • Monica
      August 21, 20:39

      Dear please don’t cry dear.51 to 95 problems that is too much work.Why they gave that many sums?

  10. Monica
    August 21, 20:27 Reply

    Admin thank you so much for adding pics

  11. ********SaDiYaZ********
    August 21, 20:23 Reply

    thank u sooooooooooooo much
    4 the pic an complete wu
    thank u thank u thank u thank u
    soooooooooooo much once again
    plz keep do give everyday pic like ths admin
    😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
    😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

  12. ********SaDiYaZ********
    August 21, 20:21 Reply

    yep my B.D SEP 14th
    dear y day i gave my mail id rite
    so thats my personal id an u can send me anyting ok
    oh soo he dont like to talk soo much about him self rite

    • Monica
      August 21, 20:30

      Ok dear i will send to that mail.Yes Jaan he wont like to speak more about him

  13. Monica
    August 21, 20:18 Reply

    Jaan i know your birthday sep14th

  14. Monica
    August 21, 20:15 Reply

    Actually dear he cant share his sorrows with anyone.His friends also don’t know about him much and they dont know his past expect me

  15. ********SaDiYaZ********
    August 21, 20:15 Reply

    its ok dear an happy that he fulfile ur wishes

    its ok na why u say sorry
    no problem at all na
    main hooona yeha aapke pas aur kahi jane wali thori ho na

  16. Monica
    August 21, 20:11 Reply

    sorry dear this pc is working slow again.I cant able to reply fast

  17. ********SaDiYaZ********
    August 21, 20:11 Reply

    oh thats soo sweet an nice dear
    he is really nice guy
    do u have pic of him with u
    an he really care about ur felling an really respect u dear

    • Monica
      August 21, 20:13

      no dear he wont like pics.i also dont have his pics.i will ask him again.He fulfill my each and every wish.

  18. ********SaDiYaZ********
    August 21, 20:03 Reply

    oh thats soo sweet dear
    ya its sad that u will not able to give much time
    an its really good that he is in his limit dear

    • Monica
      August 21, 20:09

      When he first time proposed me i said i wont like all that.He said ok.Upto now he just touched my hand for only two times

  19. Monica
    August 21, 20:01 Reply

    You know yesterday is holiday na so me and my bf went out and spend some time.After starting my CAT preparations i cant give him much time.He never cross his limits because he know i wont like

  20. ********SaDiYaZ********
    August 21, 19:55 Reply

    hi jaanu me fine
    waas waitng for u an u came
    me doing my HOMEWORK an chatting with u
    hope u fine na jaanu
    i saw ur pic an i was soo happy that finaly i saw my jaanu
    u soo cute jaanu 🙂

    • Monica
      August 21, 19:57

      I am also happy that i saw you Jaan.You are so beautiful and simple

  21. Eashel
    August 21, 17:21 Reply

    overalll was a very sweet episodee…;) but the end part was so bad…i just hate y raghu hurt antara…!! why all the heroes have to hurt the heroine even thought they feels for them…but whatever…!!! its gud though..!!

    the amazing part when antara was telling raghu about the person who plays MOUTHORGAN..!!

    and i just love machmach ways of speaking..
    LOLL..!! Alcohol as BUBBLY AUNTY..!

    • Monica
      August 21, 19:51

      Yes you are right Eashel

  22. lina
    August 21, 15:43 Reply

    Thank you for the written updates.

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