Do Dil Ek Jaan 11th October 2013 Written Update
Do Dil Ek Jaan 11th October 2013 Written Episode
The Episode starts with Satya knowing Antara’s name and looking out for her while Antara is with Raghu. Satya sees Raghu with a girl and says oh.. so Raghu is with his miss call. Raghu asks Antara for a kiss, she runs away. Antara leaves and Satya comes to Raghu. Satya asks him his love story. He says I heard you talking on the phone and enacts him. Raghu asks him not to interfere in his personal life. Satya says what would you do if I interfere. Raghu gets annoyed. Satya says tell me what will you do. Raghu says Sahib, let me go. Satya stops him and says you know me, tell me how is your miss call, describe her. He says ok, I will describe her and you nod. He says some traits and Raghu is silent. Satya calls the girl an item and says how did I miss her.
He says if I saw her before you, I would have… Raghu gets angry and beats him. Satya gets hurt and Raghu says how dare you think about her, I love her, I can die and kill anyone for her. Satya says you can die, so be it now. Satya and Raghu have a fight. Everyone gather seeing their fight. Satya loses the fight and falls. Antara comes and sees the fight. Satya sees a rod and as Raghu turns… Antara sees Satya taking the rod and is about to hit Raghu. Daya Maai calls Satya and comes there. Antara says this is Satya, Maai’s son.
Satya throws the rod and Raghu looks at Maai. Satya asks Raghu to give him a hand to lift him up. Satya gets up an sees the blood as he got hurt. Maai says Sahib, lets go from here. Satya says the game is not over, and I can’t leave the game till the result comes. Maai says lets go home, come on. Satya leaves with her. Maai looks at Raghu and leaves. Antara sends Ishaan inside the house. She sees Raghu.
Maai is taking care of Satya’s wound and asks who started the fight. He says sometimes the fights and wounds are necessary. Maai asks what happened in between you both. Satya does not answer her. Maai says what are you replying, who started the fight. Satya says what will you do. He says you won’t understand. Maai says I will understand if you talk to me bring my son. Satya taunts her and says don’t call me your son Daya Maai. Maai leaves. Satya sees his wound and is hurt. He says it looks Raghu loves miss call a lot.
Antara takes care of Raghu’s wounds and asks him how did this happen. He says I don’t want to tell. She says you got hurt, what happened that you both started fighting. Raghu says what will you do knowing it. He says see miss call, I m fine. He says I forgot what happened, you also forget and don’t ask again. She says ok, I won’t ask. She sees another wound and panics. She tears her dupatta and ties around his wound. He asks Antara to say something, She says I won’t say anything, so what you want. Raghu leaves and Antara talks to MachMach.
Antara says I asked him about the fight. MachMach says he did not fight today, Satya started the fight. MachMach tells her about Raghu’s relation with Sahib. Antara feels sad.
MachMach says Raghu is Maai’s favourite as he works hard, even Sahib tried but could not take Raghu’s place. He tells her about their childhood. MachMach leaves. Antara says Raghu’e tension is mine, and its all about male ego. The next morning, Satya meets Raghu on the dining table and asks Raghu to have food. He taunts Raghu. Raghu looks on and stops. Satya says why did you stop, will you punch me again.
Raghu says if I beat you, Maai will be hurt and I can’t hurt Maai. Satya says good Raghu. He says tell me about your miss call. Raghu gets angry. Satya says tell me in detail. Raghu comes to him and says Sahib, don’t take her name again. Satya says ok, else what.. Satya sees the dupatta tied on Raghu’s hand and is shocked.
Satya meets Antara and calls him Satya. He says no one call me Satya but you can.
October 12, 21:34comment
October 12, 21:33hmm I cant gve garenty dat it s d play vry funny d game is Antakshari do u play it???
October 12, 21:32plz luv in eng
me didnt get a single word u
October 12, 21:30main garenty nhi deskti ki ye funy hogi
rapit fire lyk
ami blbo pen tar sathe tmar jeta mane hoy seta blbe taratri.
October 12, 21:29M hre yr. . . Nvr left
October 12, 21:30ok
October 12, 21:28ok luv
but u start ok n it should be funny
October 12, 21:28chal kuch play kregi mean game???
October 12, 21:26dear u start 1st ok
ha sad,n cry is me i think in this world
who do in evry min
i think so too he left
October 12, 21:24I think u left Pawan!!!!
October 12, 21:23dear eng plz
October 12, 21:24let’s think abt funy matter!!!!
October 12, 21:21Kuch funny si soch.!!!
October 12, 21:20nw guys lets
say sumthing funny
cause me sad nw
missing some ppl a lot
so …..
October 12, 21:23Sad sad sad
itna sad to mainv nehi hoti
October 12, 21:19ufffffffffff
dear me aye hoon
i knw u love me
n miss me a lot lyk my kids do
October 12, 21:19U
October 12, 21:22its zaara to
October 12, 21:18omg me hre
n u guys cnt see me ha
October 12, 21:18hmm
October 12, 21:17Titli knws who s idiot
October 12, 21:18its uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
October 12, 21:19hahahahaha
October 12, 21:17my bf is hre
n hw come me nt hre ha
seee me hre 😆
October 12, 21:17Dnt knw
October 12, 21:16my luvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
hope u fyn na
love u
pawan yes really
October 12, 21:18uf atlast ayi.
gd ni8… hlo luv u 2.
October 12, 21:16Where s d laughng grl???
October 12, 21:16No need to say thnx yr. . .
Gd mrng. . .
I guess ur gf s not hre. . .
October 12, 21:17ya main atei wo kaha chali gyi!!!!
October 12, 21:13Sure titli
October 12, 21:15thnq u gd mrng n hlo
October 12, 21:12hlo may I join u????guyz
October 12, 21:12Oh. . . Really
October 12, 21:11i knw i cnt ok
me is more smart thn u 😮
October 12, 21:07U cnt
October 12, 20:58stupid again u…
i will beat u soo much
tht u will be in hospital 1 years 😆
October 12, 20:53Bt who knws whom I said dt
October 12, 20:45oh i got it
i thought u saying me
October 12, 20:44Ur hindi s real disastarous yr. . . M askin ma slf bhoot