Desh Ki Beti Nandini 7th January 2014 Written Update
Desh Ki Beti Nandini 7th January 2014 Written Episode
Rajveer tells all truth to Nandini and says Gayatri, Abhay, and himself are her culprits. He also says he was told that Nandini agreed for money and that is why his behavior was bad towards her in last few days, but when he found out the truth, he felt very guilty and this is what he wanted to tell her. Nandini cannot believe this and asks him to say that this is a joke. She reminds him that they made promises to each other in front of fire. Rajveer says its not a joke, he doesn’t love her, and their marriage has only one end which is divorce. Nandini breaks down. Rajveer tells her that she can give whatever punishment she wants to him. Nandini walks off. Rajveer asks her where she is going. Nandini tells him that he has lost rights to ask this question to her.
Abhay tells Gayatri about an important rally which Rajveer must attend. Nandini is heading to PRP office. Abhay receives a call. He then tells Gayatri according to his sources that rally place is not safe for Rajveer. He asks if they should cancel the plan. Gayatri says no and asks him to let her think. They turn and find Nandini standing there. Abhay leaves.
Gayatri tells Nandini to say fast as she is busy. Nandini asks busy in ruining whose life now? Gayatri tells Nandini to stay in her limits, no one has talked to her like this before. Nandini says because no one knows her truth. She asks Gayatri why she did this to her. Didn’t she think once that she is ruining someone’s life. Gayatri says what Rajveer told her is only half truth. The other half is Rajveer is soon going to become prime minister. It’s not easy to rule a billion people. It requires a lot of strength and guts. read full updates daily only at desitv Nandini asks, for that you can use anyone? Just like how you used me. Gayatri says she didn’t use her, instead she did a favor to her by giving “Raghuvanshi” name to her. Nandini says for whom she left her house are not with her anymore and she has no clue where she will go next. Gayatri tells her not to give “emotional nonsense”. She says after elections Nandini will be free and she will have so much money that she won’t have to worry about anything. Nandini asks if everything can be bought with money? Gayatri says absolutely, but Nandini wouldn’t think that because she has always given importance to relationships so she won’t know power of money. And that is why she is a “aam ladki”. Nandini says she was, is, and will always be a “aam ladki” and if she didn’t know importance of relationship, then by now her being Raghuvanshi’s truth would be known by everyone. Gayatri tells her she won’t do anything like that. Nandini says she won’t and this is the difference in her and Gayatri, she cares about other family members as well and won’t let them suffer for what Gayatri has done.
Nandini continues, after all this, she thinks she was right about the politics. She further tells Gayatri that she could neither become a good mother, nor a good mother in law, and nor a good human being. She says Gayatri doesn’t need any relationship. All she needs is power and money. Gayatri turns away her face. Nandini says she knows all this won’t have any effect on her, but she will never forgive her for whatever she has done to her and her parents’ emotions. Nandini leaves and Gayatri glares!
Rajveer returns home and asks servant about Nandini. The servant says she went to her room. Rajveer comes to his room and Nandini is packing her bag. He tells her that he knows he doesn’t have any right on her now, and whatever he does in return of what him and his family did to her will be nothing. Nandini says, I wish, you thought about me once before marriage. Not much, one girl’s life and her dreams would have been saved. I had heard that power makes people blind, but I didn’t know that I would be affected by someone’s blindness. She gives him the keys and says she is only taking her one set of jewelry, her clothes, and a betrayal. She tells him if he wants, he can call a servant to check her bag. Rajveer says, stop it Nandini, stop. Don’t give me more pain by saying all this. Nandini says, you couldn’t take this much pain? Did you think about that girl’s pain who got married to you, who left her family and came to a stranger’s house because she loves you! Who took swears of being with you for lives.. just because she loves you! Who desired you so much that she took you as her God. Do you realize her pain? This love just didn’t happen to me like that. I was made assured of it. Love in return of love. But I am also so silly that I didn’t wait for a love proposal and sat in the mandap. Mistake is mine that I lost my sense and went to dreams world and thought you’re my prince charming. Mistake is mine that I took your goodness as love. After making so many mistakes, I deserve punishment. But you don’t be sad because this truth was going to come out after elections anyway. The only difference between us is that you listened to your mum and I listened to my heart. I thought about relationships and you thought about political power. You married to sit on the chair and I married to sit in doli. You thought that I made a deal, but I thought I found my life partner!
Episode ends on Nandini’s emotional and teary face.
Excellent 10/10 episode. Nandini and her dialogues were outstanding.
Precap: Nandini and Rajveer come to the hall. Dadi asks Rajveer where Nandini is going with a bag. Nandini tells Dadi that Rajveer doesn’t have answer to this question. Dadi asks then who has it? Gayatri enters. Nandini says she has. Uttara and Swaroop are confused.
January 08, 15:54very good epi/dialogues today.
January 08, 04:10Vey sad of Nandini! heartouching n emotonal episode.brilliant acting by nandini.Her dialogues were very true and heart touching.
I thought they both may fall in love. Waiting for that.
January 08, 04:23hi divya
u there
prashansa srivastava
January 08, 00:44hiiii everyone
m new here..
the epi was really heart touching….
luv nandini dialouges…!!!
January 08, 00:23Nandhini- wt an acting yaar….so gud dialogues…….really felt bad 4 nandhini….
January 07, 19:51Nandhu ur acting is super
January 07, 16:18So sad poor nandini! Gayatri is shameless! Wretched woman
January 07, 16:07Thanks 4 written episode.heartouching n emotonal episode.brilliant acting by true wat nandini sed