Chhan Chhan 9th April 2013 Written Update
Chhan Chhan 9th April 2013 Written Episode
Episode starts with dadi cutting the ribbon and inaugurating Purvi’s computer classes’ place. Chanchan’s whole family is there, Purvi is really happy as for first time in life she is doing something she loves. Chanchan gives everyone the good news that purvi already has eight registrations. Purvi is mad at chanchan for leaving on the first day of her classes when chanchan’s brother comes there to make sure chanchan doesn’t back out.
Manav’s sister is scared to ask permission from Umaben to go to the camp. She is caught off guard when she takes the milkshake to Umaben and asks her if she can go to the campus but Umaben denies her. Manav comes there and tells her sister that if someone from the family was going then Umaben will give permission. He convinces her mother to let both of them go. Once Umaben leaves Manav’s sister tells him how he will get bored but he tells her how he is going to take himanshu with them as well.
Chanchan is talking to her dogs and decides to take anarkali with her to the camp. On the other side Manav is trying to convince Himanshu to go with him and tells him to he wants to teach the guy who is behind his sister a lesson. Simple is standing there with blown face when chanchan teases her about Himanshu and tells her not to sacrifice her feelings for himanshu as chanchan has problems with Manav not with Himanshu.
Manav and everyone are waiting for someone to come so that the bus can leave when Manav’s sister lets Rugved know that her brother and his friend is also there. As chanchan comes up the bus with anarkali, manav starts sneezing. Both of them are shocked to see the other one there and they end up getting into an argument denying that they don’t know each other. Manav is complaining how a dog isn’t allowed to travel in bus but the driver tells him how chanchan has purchased a ticket especially for anarkali so she will be going. Manav can’t stop sneezing as anarkali passes by him to go sit in the back.
Umaben’s DIL Sanjana brings her a pillow case she has made when Umaben tells her how she doesn’t like the color. Umaben tells her off as she is trying to praise Umaben’s mastery in calculation.
Chanchan and manav are trying to get down the bus at the same time by pushing each other resulting into a quarrel. Chanchan wants to call Purvi while Manav wants to call her mother but they can’t find network so they go to this other place. Both of them get into yet another argument as they are talking at the same time hence not being able to hear the person on the other side. Purvi tells chanchan how she misses her and that one more studentregistered today by sending her driver with money.
Purvi is telling her students how there is one more person to come when Umaben walks in making purvi go into a shock.
Precap: Umaben tells purvi how she started the classes to grow confidence in women and since its not only for girls she is joining them as well.
April 10, 05:39akkkkkkaaa??????
both r here na???????
April 10, 05:42Am here pree dr
April 10, 05:38aki dr , yamuna akka, eashel,sheeza,wer r u alll ???? missing u alll soooo much ………
April 10, 05:36ong π― wat farss u dont like 2 eat , bt y????? dieting?????
April 10, 05:36dats omg dr
April 10, 05:41No dr just like that i never liked bf stil i dont like my mom always tells me to try and eat but i cant i really hate bf but i love lunch so much
April 10, 05:34akka 4m d dis wat am saying silent,gud nd v.v. innocent more dan anjana π , haan shy 4m d birth π ……….. ok … total tn support … hmmm…..
farss dr y y dr 2day dis much prob. betn our chatting????? wat dheh?????? π₯
April 10, 05:31oh der is 12.20 huh twin dr?????? , hmmmmm wat’s ur bf dat u had??????
April 10, 05:34Dear i dont eat bf coz i dont like to eat
April 10, 05:30thanq my dr twin …. π π , wat wdr u dng now??????
akka d same quest to u too …..ippo enna panringa??????
April 10, 05:32Am chatting with u both drs
April 10, 05:28s akka i left dat curd rice …. nd pickle … π , nw said ….
farss is here her net is too slow ri8 dr???? use my idea dr π
April 10, 05:31Pree my net is slow my phone is going to be dead soon and today there is no power too many problem hehehe
April 10, 05:25ok ok akka i”ll tell bt i need ur support toooo … π
April 10, 05:30Whole tamilnadus support is there dont worry.
What pree along with innocent silent girl now shy also ..great…
April 10, 05:24farss thanq dr oh no u two r praising me , again nd again i feel tokoo shy , wat to do ????? π π c my face is looking like dis π³ hihihihi
April 10, 05:27Pree and shy imp right ur so naughty not shy hehe but ur the best twin
April 10, 05:22akkka epdi????? ingaiyum adhe dhaaan , xtra vaa carat nd aplam …… same pinch …….. vendaam sweet …. same swt …. haan a
fam rasam,saadham,water π
April 10, 05:26Hey u left curd rice and pickle..hehehe
farhia r u here.? Its luch or break fast time in ur place?
April 10, 05:28am here but i havent had lunch yet dr and its 12:20 Pm
April 10, 05:20dnt wry akka v”ll go nd discuss dis idea our p.m u know dey r my neighbours…. hihihihi …. joking …. joking……
April 10, 05:22Oh pm ur neighbour..then tell him to solve this power problrm also.
April 10, 05:18hi guys… sorry for not coming actually i am sufferin frm high fever n flu these days but miss u all @aki @yamuna di @heart di @frass di @pree di @saba @hi n every1… i’ll join u all after i get well… tell then keep comntin n enjoyin…
Bye :*
April 10, 05:20Jeea dr get well v.soon we miss u too dont worry we wil cmmnt here
April 10, 05:21hey jeea , miss u tooo sooo much dr tc of ur health nd get wellll sooon dr …..
April 10, 05:32Get well soon dr.
April 10, 05:17akka enna lunch ,??????
April 10, 05:20Sambar vaazhakkai fry.
April 10, 05:13farss dr me tooo fine swth.. s dr dis net is killing us wat to do?????? π π‘ better each of us hav a seperate nd own tower π , it “ld b good na dt , hw’s my ideaaaa!!!????? π
April 10, 05:17What an idea pree super.
Me too hsve the same error prob.
April 10, 05:18pree great idea dr
April 10, 05:11hihihi ri8 akka oru ghost innoru ghost huh saapidaadhu aana silent girl???? innocent girlll????? goood girl????? π π
April 10, 05:15Gud questiondr pree.
i am fine drs and had lunch too.
April 10, 05:09dats ok …. dats okay……
akka k rplied u …. chck it akka, nd i had my lunch … neeenga?????
farss dr had ur bf/lunch ….???? ri8 nw,wats d time der dr ??????
April 10, 05:06Am 5n drs how are u both sry for late reply my network is killing me .
April 10, 05:03Hi pree and farhia goodafternoon!!!!
Farhia i left a comment for u in ipk page .sorry for d late reply.
Frnds had ur lunch?
April 10, 05:02wat dheh?????? am d 1y person giving d cmts individually here nd in ipkknd , am going bye , mey kya karo u know na frnds am a v. much scaring typed person nd a silent girl tooooo … if a ghost cums …… am all alone here ……. no 1 is here na, so if ghost cums it willl eat me …. π₯ π , am going bye ….. π₯ …… c u alll at evng wid angel ……. π π
April 10, 05:07Hey pree no ur leaving..dont worry dr ghost wont eat u.yenna oru ghost innoru ghost a sappidadhu illaya…hehehe
April 10, 04:58mansi’s char is tooo cute,swt…… hmmmm , her pair is cc’s bro……. ??????? nice pair ………
April 10, 04:56jeea, amy, hi ……. nwadays u guys r not cuming dono y??????
April 10, 04:55guruvehhhhhhhh,twin r u both here ??????? β β β
April 10, 04:53oh my twin u tooooo r here w…o…w w….o….w , super … u both r here …. gud aft.noon nd hw r u akka nd farsss??????? π
April 10, 04:52w…..o…..w kanch akkka thank god u r here ……. π π π π π π
c hw am laughing so happy , gud aft.noon akka…..
April 10, 04:52Gud noon have a lovely day ahead
April 10, 04:48superb epi , i njoyed it, so funny during d journey in bus ……… π , hope dat upcoming epi’s would b fine…. waiting excitedly …….. manav’s frnds is such a comedy character hihi ….. his expressions tooo much funny ,,….. hehehe….
April 10, 04:44Hello friends gud afternoon!!!
No pictures?????
Pls post pictures.
Nice episode.
k king
April 10, 00:33Plz some one teach manav acting or change him.
April 10, 04:47Hi k king , i think we must send him to our asr .
April 09, 20:49nice episode..
Fiji island
April 09, 17:05nixe epi