Chandrakanta 14th January 2018 Written Update
Chandrakanta 14th January 2018 Written Episode
Tej walks in as magician Trinami, creating a storm. Iravathi asks if he is Dhrina and challenging her, let us have a fight. Tej accepts and says she will be afraid of him. She says let us see. He shows a bowl in which Swayam is captured. She gets worried and tries to snatch bowl, but he snatches bowl back. In jungle, Chandrakantha searches Veer. Veer tries to climb dry well unsuccessfully. Masked person reaches and clears leaves on well. Veer reaches top shouting. Masked tries to push him back with kicks. Chandrakantha hears Veer’s sound and rushes towards sound. Veer catches masked person’s face and pulls mask. He falls back into dry well. Masked person is Dhruv. He hides dry well and changes back to Dhruv. Chandrakantha sees injured Dhruv and asks what happened to
him. He says someone hit him and ran away. Chandrakantha says she heard Veer’s voice and wants to find him first. Dhruv says he will go to palace and she can come later. Chandrakantha walks with him, while he walks smirking.
Tej/Trinami and Iravathi’s fight starts. Iravathi creates black clouds. Tej says he will throw her rakshas in cloud itself and throws bowl. Iravathi gets afraid and pulls bowl back. Tej picks it back and warns her not to trouble villagers, forgive their taxes and pay them 500 coins each. Iravathi says she will not. Tej says then she lost her rakshas son. Iravathi agrees and asks to give her some time. Tej agrees. Villagers chant saint Trimani ji ki jai.. Gehna asks how can she accept defeat so easily. Iravathi says she just fooled Trinami to buy some time and save Swayam.
Chandrakantha/Surya searches Veer in jungle. A tiger attacks her and she pulls knife and shows her magic. It runs away. Dhruv comes from behind. Chandrakantha says she got afraid. Dhruv makes her unconscious and throws her in dry well. He walks away thinking let Chandrakantha be with Veer, he will get magical knife.
Iravathi takes Gehna to jungle’s secret tree where she hid magical knife. She says she will save Swayam with her plan. She stabs tree repeatedly with magical knife and it bleeds. Gehna yells even tree bleed her. Another tree grip her. Black soul comes into Iravathi who says they have to give royal blood sacrifice and put it on Bhadra’s half dead body to relive it. Iravathi falls unconscious, then wakes up and says she had call evil soul from hell, what did it say. Gehna says she is confused. Iravathi asks to not break her head much and just tell what she heard. They both reach palace. Gehna repeats what evil soul told. Iravathi sees Nishi scolding soldiers to bring food and thinks she can sacrifice Nishi and get Bhadra re-live.
Villagers thank Tej/Trinami for saving them and arrange a party for him. Tej hopes Chandrakantha was with them and see changed Vijanagar. In dry well, Chandrakantha wakes up and finds herself on Veer. She gets happy seeing him and says she was searching him, thank god he is safe. He asks why did she come here and starts arguing, asks her to run away. Their nok jhok starts. In Vishnu temple, Dhruv prays Vishnu ji for magical sword. Sadhu comes and says only Chandrakantha is chosen for the magical knife, and if someone else tries… Dhruv says he will die, but he is helping Chandrakantha. He starts pooja. In palace, Gehna informs Nishi about feast in village. Nishi gets excited hearing that. Gehna gives money to servants and they mix medicine in Nishi’s drink. Nishi gets heavily inebriated.
Rain starts. Tej thinks it is Iravathi’s black magic. Umang asks villagers not to worry. Dry well starts filling. Chandrakantha and Veer try to get out of it holding tree vine. Veer falls down. Chandrakantha helps him. Her leg gets stuck. Veer jumps in calling Surya and helps her out. Iravathi’s tied pukhraj stone falls down from Veer’s hand and magic wards off. He rescues Chandrakantha and they both get out of well. He asks Chandrakantha if maa’s soldiers are still searching them. Chandrakantha realizes pukhraj stone fell down and Iravathi will know it, so she has to keep it intact on Veer until she meets her goal. She jumps into well back. Veer thinks why did she jump back, well is filling with water and they both will die if he also jumps. Surya finds pukhraj stone.
Dhruv continues praying Vishnuji. Devi emerges and says he is not chosen to get magical knife and only Chandrakantha can. Dhruv says Chandrakantha is not making use of her boon, so he should get it. Devi says he should make her realize about her mistake and get back her on track, he made a mistake by tricking Chandrakantha, so will be punished.
Party continues in village. Inebriated Nishi asks Iravath what kind of party is this, it is colorless.. Iravathi says she will see real party now, she orders villagers to start dancing. Veer reaches village and drags Umang aside. Umang asks if he needs anything. Veer asks to come along and takes him away. Chandrakantha reaches village and sees Iravathi and her team on stage. She disguises herself as tribal woman and searches Veer. Veer walks holding Umang’s hand.
Precap: Umang tells Surya that he is not interested in his story. Chandrakantha says Umang was always in Chandrakantha and Veer’s story. Umang asks if she is Chandrakantha. She says yes, she is his friend Chandrakantha.