Bigg Boss OTT 10th September 2021 Written Update
Bigg Boss OTT 10th September 2021 Written Episode
Day 33 8 AM
Everyone wakes up dancing.
9:30 AM
Shamita asks Nishant why am I doing this? He says what? She says why? hit me. Nishant says I don’t like that witch doesn’t mean I don’t love him. Shamita says to Raqesh to get up. They won’t let you sleep. She hugs him. Shamita says I wont like to go all this. I just want us to be better. She gives him tea.
11:15 AM
Nishant says you win today Divya. She says I am in Ninja mode. He says be smart about it. She says yeah. I won’t fight with Raqesh. I will convince him. I will fight with Neha. I won’t be defensive. Nishant says Neha won’t be defensive either. I will try to be fair as the referee. She says if they are about to reach the yellow line, please spill it.
2 PM
Divya comes to Moose. Moose says just win. Divya says doesn’t matter.
2:15 PM
Divya reads tomorrow’s ticket to the finale had three winners. Like you were told Divya was given the advantage to be in the semi-finale. Today we will have semi-finals and finale. First-round will be between Divya and Neha. The referee will be Nishant. The next would be between Pratik and Raqesh and Moose would be refree. tHe winners would go to the finale and the winner will get a ticket to the finale. All rules remain the same.
2:30 PM
Bigg Boss asks everyone to be in the garden. Shamita asks Raqesh who are you supporting? She says I will support it when it starts. Nishant says give me chance to be the best captain and I will be baised. The buzzer starts. Neha and Divya pick their vasels. Neha says let’s give each other a fair chance. They start walking. Shamita and Pratik fill Neha’s tank. Neha says I am doing ntohing. Divya says why are you running? Don’t be scared. Neha runs. Neha says why are you after my ass? She says I like your ass. Divya says do something alone. Why rely on friends? She says the world is with me. I don’t like being alone. Neha runs. Divya says head on head. Come to me. Raqesh adds in Divya’s. Divya says she’s getting out of the track. Nishant says you can do what you want. Divya covers her vasel. Divya says why be scared when Neha doesn’t have to come near me?
Neha runs. Divya comes to her. Neha says come. Neha shoves hers and runs. Moose adds water. Moose says Divya attack her again. Divya and Neha shove each other. Divya picks spray. Bigg Boss says it’s not allowed. Pratik says to be fair. You cheater. Divya says it’s below the line. Nishant says no. She’s still in the game. Neha and Divya shove each other. Neha’s vessel falls. Moose says go Divya. Divya says I am the lioness. Nishant says Divya is the winner. Well played. Divya dances. Neha shakes hands with Divya.
2:45 PM
Nishant says to Raqesh your thing is height. He will come with full charge. Divya says pull his vasel. He says you fill for me. Divya says I will fill for you. Nishant says I will fill for him. Neha says to Shamita she tied hers. Raqesh says to Divya to defeat him if he’s in the final. She says you saw how I played. He says, reality queen. Pratik says I will give it my best. Neha hugs him.
3:30 PM
Shamita says to Raqesh he tries to trap people in a physical fight. He says you guys have to fill the bucket. He laughs. He says Divya has four glasses. Pratik says I need to shove it right when the buzzer blares. Game over.
4 PM
Bigg Boss says time for the second round. There are only three glasses. Pratik says someone hid the rest of them. Pratik and Raqesh pick the vessel. Pratik throws it before Raqesh picks it. Shamita says you can’t do that. Pratik says this was allowed. Nishant says you can only do this on the track. Moose says it had to happen on the track. Divya says give your decision. He says I fooled everyone this can’t happen but it could. Moose and Divya read that they had to pick and be on the track. Moose says he didn’t even pick. Pratik says I did. Divya says both had to be on the track. Shamita says Moose you starts. Moose says as per me Pratik is disqualified and Raqesh wins the way. He threw it before Raqesh could pick it. Pratik says you had to only check the yellow line. You don’t have any other right. Divya says it wasn’t even in his hands. Shamita asys let him pick at least. Pratik says so what? I picked mine.
Bigg Boss says Moose since you’re the captain, your decision would be final. Moose says Raqesh is the winner. Pratik says are you blind? Shamita says let him be free at least. He says it’s about being smart. Shamita says but you are over smart. Moose says you did the same with Shamita no one said anything because she picked. Raqesh hugs Shamita. Pratik says it was my mental game. Divya says it should have been fair. Raqesh hugs Moose and says thank you. Pratik says this is so unfair. You were biased. She says I did what was right.
Pratik says I don’t accept it. Divya says you can’t go against Bigg Boss. He says I am. Divya laughs. Raqesh says he could play. Shamita says he didn’t even let it start. Pratik says it’s about being quick. No one was that smart. Pratik throws his mic. Bigg Boss says your anger can be for inmates but you can’t take off the mic. Pratik says but this was unfair. Bigg Boss says wear your mic. Shamita says you didn’t read it. Raqesh says why is he arguing? He is acting like kid. Divya says it’s simple. Moose says enough Pratik. Pratik says Moose she’s your friend? She abused it. Moose says you didn’t even let the game start, He says the buzzer blared. She says it had to be in the hands. Pratik says I picked it and he didn’t. Shamita says calm down and understand what we are saying. He goes in and says this is so wrong.
4:30 PM
Neha says your game is ruined because of this. Pratik says Bigg Boss you have to help me out. Please respect me. How can Moose disqualify me? This was wrong. Nishant says if it was me, it would have been difficult.
Bigg Boss says living area blinds are being closed. Get inside the house. Pratik says I can’t wear the mic. This isn’t fair. Pratik says Bigg Boss communicate with me or kick me out. Neha says what are you doing? He leaves the mic.
4:45 PM
Pratik says I am going out. Neha says Bigg Boss has asked not to. Pratik says I want him to communicate with me. He says I won’t go in until you talk to me Bigg Boss. The captain only had to tell about the line. I won’t go in. The finale won’t start.
Nishant says he didn’t even let him pick. Divya says he didn’t even let the game start. Bigg Boss says the blinds are being closed. Everyone go in. Neha says Pratik don’t do this. Come in. He says go inside Neha. I will talk only and then come in. Nishant says you can talk later. Pratik says I will happily get kicked out. It’s a big thing for me. Nishant says it wasn’t even in his hands. Bigg Boss repeats again no one will be in the garden. Pratik says I can be expelled I don’t know what’s fair and unfair. I didn’t do anything wrong. I want a valid reason why this is right.
5 PM
Divya says to Shamita I just like to.. I do what I like. Shamita says you pretend sometimes. Divya says I went to Neha and I told her if Divya plays, I can give one place to her. I told her I gave my word to you. Divya says that’s where I am coming from. I didn’t trust Neha or Pratik. Shamita says then on the Weekend you said the same things that I am bossy. My way of love to you is bossy what can I say? What will I lose if you fight? Yet I tried to save you. Divya says I am sorry. She says it’s okay.
5:15 PM
Shamita says what are you doing Pratik? He says I need clarity. She says ask him to call you in a confession room. He says I made an effort. I will wait for his decision. I will accept it. She says open your mind. He says can’t we kick it if it was on track but not in hands? There was nothing about before or after.
5:30 PM
Divya says Pratik be a sportsman. He says she had no right to disqualify. She says it had to be in the hands. He says I will wait for Bigg Boss. I can’t keep repeating. She says you can take my place. Nishant says I tried but he didn’t agree. I have to be the ace card. Pratik says I will have to stay here. He has to discuss. Nishant says be logical. We all read it. Pratik says what was the reason? She made Raqesh win. Nishant says it wasn’t in his hands. Pratik says it was his fault if he was slow.
Raqesh says Neha call him in. She says we are not a connection anymore.
5:45 PM
Bigg Boss says in childhood we used to see if kids don’t get anything they would try to take it from other people too. Everyone laughs. Bigg BOss says at that time this attitude was okay but if you’re the same as an adult, this is not good. Three days ago you got a task to get immunity and you couldn’t end it and no one could get immunity. You all knew this task and knew how it was going forward. We had to reset to before every round but an inmate stopped Bigg Boss’ work. He says to Pratik you asked if using mind wasn’t allowed. Then congrats. Because of your ticket to the finale is stopped. Divya and Raqesh went to the finael. But since this task couldn’t get forward, no one would get a ticket to the finale. Well done Pratik. The audience saw what you did. He says none of you will get a ticket to the finale. Pratik says I had only one question. I wanted you to qualuify. I got your decision.
Divya says are you happy now? I worked so hard. Couldn’t you see other people’s effort? You are so mean. Because of you, I lost my chance. He says the decision was biased. My water was above the line. Divya says because of you the tasks stop every time. Are you crazy? You are so mean. He says I am mean. Divya says I got a chance after so long and you don’t care? He says I don’t. This is who I am. Neha says please calm down Pratik. He says couldn’t you see my effort? She says you coward didn’t even let him play. He says yeah I did what I had to. Shamita and Neha asks Pratik to stop saying he’s marking it worse.
Divya says I really worked hard for it. It was my effort. Shamita says it’s over. Raqesh says let them fight. She did her part. She deserved it. Pratik says when there was a letter to keep all glasses outside did you all listen? Divya says we picked it before the task. Pratik says the audience is seeing. Divya says you’re not a sportsman. Neha shook hands with me when he lost. That’s how you play. Neha says silent, please. Pratik says keep saying. Raqesh says I want to slap him. Divya says you don’t care about your friends? You don’t care about anyone? He says I don’t. Nishant says why are you not silent? he says why would I? Nishant says because you are wrong. Bigg Boss said it. He says I didn’t want to end the task. Neha says please stop it Pratik. Pratik says I would listen if Bigg Boss said it. Nishant says Bigg Boss called you childish. Pratik says I am sorry to Bigg Boss not to them. Whose water was above the yellow line? Divya says oh God. Moose says you, unfair person. You did wrong. He says I can do what I want.
Shamita says he’s such a child. Divya says if you lost you lost. Raqesh says he’s a child. Divya says if we fought we would accept it. Divya says you are so selfish. Raqesh says I so want to hit him. Divya says you are such a loser. He says yes I am. Neha says enough Pratik please. Divya says I really wanted it. Moose hugs her and says I know.
6 PM
Raqesh says I will hit him when I go out. He has tested my patience.
Neha says we should learn to accept things. Take your decisions smartly. He says okay. Nishant says no one got the ticket. Moose laughs. She says we didn’t have it anyway. Divya says he shoved Shamita and didn’t even let you play. Raqesh says he’s not man enough. Neha says because of you the entire task is gone. Someone could get it. Divya is blaming it on you and Bigg Boss blames you to. You are being stubborn about it. This is how it’s seen. He says I will do my thing to. I feel sorry for myself. She says you should be sorry to everyone. He says I won’t say it.
6:15 PM
Pratik says guys I am sorry. My intention wasn’t to end the task. Divya leaves. He says I feel equally bad. Pratik says I am sorry for the loss. Divya says you all don’t care but I don’t accept this apology. Neha says we all care. Divya says this is the last week. It’s very important. Don’t defend or justify him. Neha says he is sorry. Raqesh says he said he wants to go out. Pratik says Neha please don’t me. Divya says we are talking. We are not fighting. Divya says if you got the ticket and the task ended, you would be mad. Pratik has been unfair to me from day 1. Raqesh says you can’t defend him Neha. She says I don’t question your stand for anyone. Divya says I never did anything so wrong. Neha says we all want to win. Neha says I had to speak to him and he understood. You can accept it or not. Divya says he didn’t understand. Nishant says he’s blamed. He’s being seen.
6:30 PM
Nishant says that day also I supported him and I was supporting him. I told you all to be fair. He isn’t acceptable and the audience saw it. Shamita says to Pratik you become a child sometimes. He says I only wanted to speak to him. Shamita says you can’t hold him to ransom. You can’t blackmail Bigg Boss. Neha says I will slap you. He says I will take it. he says thank you for all this. She says thanks for understanding. Neha says to Shamita Raqesh is looking for him. I want to talk to him. He is putting weird allegations on me.
6:45 PM
Divya says in our award night, our guest is Raqesh. He has done many movies. Neha got b*t*h of all award. Raqesh says she totally deserves it. Nishant and Moose laugh. He says all dogs. Everyone laughs. Divya says time for the fakest award. It goes to Pratik. Nishant and Moose laugh. Moose says I said the first thing here that it’s about being fair. Moose speaks like Pratik. She says I did all this because I want to do it all for Neha. Divya laughs. Nishant says to Neha I was saying.. They laugh. Divya says I want to see Nishant now. Divya says the most snobbish personality of the OTT goes to Shamita. Moose says I am so proud. Nishant speaks as Shamita. He says I want to thank everyone. Everyone is my friend. I worked for 20 years. Everyone respects me. Raqesh doesn’t.. She cries. Divya says madam tissue. My jeju, my sister, thank you. Keep loving me.
7:15 PM
Divya says he thinks he broke the alliance. If you were friends with someone else he would be okay. He hates me. moose says he took his chance. And it went against him. Divya says he’s such an idiot. Your brain is empty.
7:30 PM
Bigg boss says time for today’s report card. The audience is happy with the performance.
Divya says Neha is handling him. He was the same way in the old show. Shamita says he’s show. Raqesh says he’s such a child. Shamita says everything gets negative when you are stubborn. When even you Divya you say wild things and it negates everything. Divya says he does many things to stand out. Shamita says so do you. Shamita says but I accept you as who you are. Shamita says you are been disrespectful sometims. Raqesh leaves. Shamita says come Raqesh. Why are you running? He says I want a smoke. She says he’s such an escapist. Divya says I would let him go. Shamita says I was protecting you and you called me controlling from week 1. It doesn’t go well with me. Raqesh comes back. Shamita says sit here. She kisses him. Divya says according to you controlling is that but for me, it’s trying to change people.
11:30 PM
Nishant says to Pratik Moose expected you to talk to him. and she doesn’t like Neha. Pratik says why did you tell her about the top 5 thing. Nishant says I told mine too. But I told her that I am with you in all tasks and just play for yourself. it has gotten worse. I don’t do as a connection. I do as much as I can. Pratik says I was loyal to her as a friend. Nishant says she’s not okay with Neha around. Pratik says I live in today. Neha coems. She says Moose is emotional. Nishant says if they figure out everything will be sorted. Neha says Moose is conditioning. Pratik says but I did perform in the task. Neha says I was talking to Nishant. He says this is rude.
11:45 PM
Shamita asks Raqesh ahs she never disrespected me? Raqqesh says it’s a two-way street. She says who instigated it? He says I don’t remember? Which conversation? There were many fifhts. Shamita says has she never been disrespectful to me first? Raqesh says in fights yes. He says what do you want me to say? Shamita says first. Raqesh says your tone was also. Shamita says she nominated us as well. Raqesh says I am being neutral here. You both don’t talk or do, what can I do? I don’t like Pratik but I don’t stop you from talking to him. Divya says I still have a soft corner for Shamita. Raqesh says don’t talk if it doesn’t work. Divya says it’s a show. I have to say things if I am asked. Raqesh says don’t be friends on the show.
12 AM
Shamtia says you always defend her. Raqesh says you both are wrong. Shamita says she has been wild to me. Raqqesh says she followed the rules and she is in a show. Shamita says so she can be wild to me? I am confused about what’s right and wrong for you. Raqesh says I can’t sit and control her. She says then why you judge Pratik?? If you can’t judge Divya. He says Divya plays in the game and gets rude in the game. Pratik is always rude. Shamita says there is a difference between being right and arrogant. You are crossing that line. He says I never stopped you from talking to Pratik. You shout at me. I don’t do that. You did it 4 times. She says you count it? He says yes. It’s an insult. She says I have an issue if you are okay with someone who is disrespectful. Without even standing up for me, I have an issue. It’s normal in my world. He says then our worlds are differen.t She says do you want it to work or not? We are two different people. You don’t even try to understand my world. We should be more compassionate. You don’t even try to understand. What are we sitting and doing? He says why are we even deciding that. Let’s know and understand each other first. She says I hug and kiss you on screen. Is that for nothing? He says I wanted you to be happy because I don’t think I am the person for you. she says I can’t do this again. He says then don’t talk about it again. She says you wanna be with me then take a stand? I feel like a fool on screen. Do you want to be with me for not? You have to make an effort if it’s a yes. He says you have to understand me to more. Don’t jump to conclusions. Shamita says I am not dying to be with you. It looks like I am on TV. He laughs. She says you are not right to me. He says why do you keep fighting. She says you are a confused man. I awnt to be with a man who’s clear. She leaves.
Day 33 12:15 AM
Shamita says to Neha you’re right. He’s not the man for me. We were talking and he wanted me to sort it out with Divya. He kept saying he finds Divya better and I said I find Pratik better. Neha says same arguement. Shamita says he kept defending Divya. You and Pratik will stop me from going to him. Pratik shouts Shamita. Neha says I was hoping you won’t fall for it. Shamita says he can’t take a stand. He wants to be diplomatic about everything. I don’t myself in middle of all of this. It looks like I want to be with him. What does he think he is? Raqesh comes and asks what’s the problem? She says no problem. He says can we just chill on this topic? She says I am very chill. Raqesh says cool and leaves.
Episode ends.