Bhagya Lakshmi 6th April 2022 Written Update
Bhagya Lakshmi 6th April 2022 Written Episode
Neelam asks if Malishka doesnot know the dad of Rishi when he finds out that Lakshmi came back to this house but they did not allow her, Malishka asks what is wrong in it because she doesnot have any reason to stay here nor should she remain married because it is said that the stars join after the marriage, Karishma also explains they are doing the right thing, Karina says now they should be divorced, Neelam asks if Karishma did not see that when Lakshmi was living away from Rishi even then she did not divorce but now she herself wants to return to this house so would not divorce it, Malishka exclaims that she would have to divorce but she will herself go to make her sign it however Neelam replies that it is wrong if Malishka goes there but Karishma explains that Lakshmi still sees her as the mother in law so things might turn for the worse, Malishka mentions she will make her sign it if this is what she desires. Neelam asks Malishka to go which cause them all to smile.
Bani accidently drops a grape, Rano start scolding her questioning if she knows how expensive they are and she must be careful since they have to use them for the next two weeks, they see Lakshmi coming back with the suitcase, Shalu rushes to her questioning why did she come back as she went to live with Rishi, Lakshmi reveals that Mummi jee did not allow her to enter the house, Rano taunts asking if she was once again thrown out of the house.
Aahana is with Dadi, trying to calm her down explaining that she takes so much tension then might get ill however she replies she is just seeing the face of Lakshmi everywhere so how can she calm down, Devika comes mentioning that she has heard something really strange as Malishka is going to go and take the signatures of Lakshmi on the divorce papers, Dadi thinks what will she do now since all these women have lost their mind, she is worried thinking why did Virender had to go out for work, she plans to call Rishi and in form him about the entire situation, they try calling him but his mobile is not reachable so Dadi calls Aayush, he immediately starts joking asking how did she call him, she explains that Rishi and Lakshmi are going to be divorced today, he immedaitley must call Rishi, Aayush in shock ends the call.
Rishi is driving the car when he thinks that Lakshmi said she will call him but he will himself call her and even scold her as she cannot always scold him when he wonders why is she calling him now, he seeing the name of Aayush asks her to end the call as he is waiting when Aayush questions if he is going to divorce Lakshmi, Rishi gets shocked asking if he is mad since he is not planning anything, Aayush is still not able to believe him but then Rishi assures he doensot have any idea so asks him to come back home since he has nearly reached the house and is going to find out about what happened.
Neha comes out of the room, she in shock asks if this is Lakshmi, Rano replies that she came back to the house, she doesn’t know about what those people want from her because when she did not want to go, they all wished she return and now when she herself wants to go they are not allowing her, Rano calls Rishi as her husman when Neha corrects her however Rano explains that she doensot know how they made this vocabulary, Rano emntiosn it is nothing wrong if she loves Rishi, Bani also explains that not all of those people in the house are against her but only Malishka, Neelam and Karishma donot want her near the house. Lakshmi asks her sisters to come with her to the room, Lakshmi explains she doensot know if Rishi would accept her coming back to the house.
Virender is really excited when he enters the house and Rishi also enters from behind, Virender reveals that he thought the meeting would take a long time but they all agreed and now the final would be in Chennai, Virender realizing something is wrong questions what happened, Rishi reveals he and Lakshmi are getting a divorce, Virender in forms him that he is making a mistake, Rishi reveals there is another problem in his life other then the Markeshdosh and that he is the one who is blamed for everything, he reveals he is not planning the divorce but Devika heard Malishka and Mom talking. Rishi calls Malishka.
Neelam walking down the stairs asks why is he so angry, Virender questions if he should not be angry but Rishi replies he doesnot know anything about the divorce however Neelam explains that he knew it very well, she explains that he and Malishka were getting married and Lakshmi saw it after which she went back to her own house, and even she tried to bring her back Virender agreed that Lakshmi went, but she returned with the divorce papers, Dadi explains that her Chachi came back and Aayush made sure the truth was revealed. Neelam explains then the relation was broken as Rishi himself threw her out of his life while then she broke the relation in Mandir. She mentions now that everything is clear then why is the fuss, Rishi reveals that he said it in anger, Kiran questions then what about when he knelt in front of her in their house promising to marry Malishka, she reveals that her daughter even broke her relationship just for him and now he cannot do anything about the divorce.
Neelam insists that he should agree for the divorce, Virender questions how did she change all of a sudden as she went with the money to her house, Neelam is shocked hearing Virender say that she humiliated Lakshmi, Rishi questions his mother when Neelam replies he should be happy that she went for his sake yet Lakshmi did not return, Rishi questions what about the Markeshdosh as he cannot take the divorce before one year, Neelam replies it was her mistake as she believed in Pandit Badrinath yet he deceived them, Karishma reveals they met with his senior who said that he lied about the Kundali because Lakshmi is unlucky for him, Rishi questions if they think he has his own life since he doesnot believe in it all, he asks them to call Malishka as he doesnot want to give the divorce because then Lakshmi would demand the alimony which is a substantial amount.
Neelam replies that it is nothing to worry about because they need to give the money, Virender explains he knows Lakshmi who is a really nice girl who would not sign the papers since she doesnot believe that relations are made on paper, he says he will not be part of it. Rishi also explains he knows Lakshmi really well, he requests Neelam to stop Malishka but she questions if he also knows her the most from this house. Rishi explains she has become his good friend and they do not have any problem, Karishma questions why should she remain as her legal wedded wife, Rishi questions why should they ruin it all. Rishi reveals he has really started liking Lakshmi as a friend but Neelam replies that there is nothing which can be done sicne Malishka went with the divorce papers and since she herself wants Lakshmi to sign then would not stop her, Rishi gets tensed hearing this.
Aayush driving the car thinks that the divorce cannot happen, he wonders what has gotten into Malishka since she was so mature but if she is seeing that his brother is not ready to be with her anymore then why does she not leave.
Rishi thinks that this is wrong and exclaims it cannot happen anymore, Shalu also suggests that Lakshmi should call Rishi, he in the room also thinks of calling her to in form that Malishka is coming but he did not sent her, they both try calling but are not able to reach each other.
Rishi is calling when Virender enters the room, he immediately ends the call but Virender explains that he should keep trying, Rishi questions if he knows who he is trying to call, Virender replies he knows Rishi is trying to talk with Lakshmi so he can fight for her, Rishi explains he will fight when he knows this is what she desires, Virender asks what does he feel, Rishi replies he knows she will not sign the papers even when Malishka takes them to her. Lakshmi is also trying to call him, Rano comes in forming that Malishka has come to their house, will Lakshmi meet her hearing this Lakshmi gets really frustrated.
Precap: Malishka gives the divorce papers to Lakshmi and asks her to sign saying she’s getting late for dinner. Rishi tells his father, relationship between me and Lakshmi is neither marriage nor friendship. It’s… Aayush comes and says, it’s love. Rishi continues, only thing I know is that Lakshmi will never sign those divorce papers. I don’t know why she wouldn’t do it. Other side, Lakshmi refuses to sign the divorce papers saying she will stay with Rishi only. Malishka says, there is no chance for you to go back because I and Rishi have crossed all the boundaries. There is nothing left for you.