Bandhan 22nd September 2014 Written Update
Bandhan 22nd September 2014 Written Episode
Scene 1
Prabha and Mahesh come there. Darpan says this is my brother ganesh. Prabha smiles.
At the house, Darpan washes ganesh and says you look good. Basant says will you bring him a pant shirt too? He is an animal. Dapran says stop calling him animal. darpan says bring us food please. prabha says look at darpan she looks happy darpan. You want to steal her happiness? Mahesh says I can’t let her do this stupidity. I am a forest officer. I love animals and know how they behave. They can’t stay in home. Basant brings bananas. Darpan says bring him the food I am going to eat. he will eat bread and everything. Basant says he is an elephant. darpan says he is my brother stop calling him elephant.
Mahesh says how can you support her in this stupidity. Prabha says God has given her a brother in name of ganehs. Mahesh says an animal and human can be friens bu not siblings. Can they do the same as humans can do? can they eat with each other? Will they play and laugh together. darpan and ganesh are playing and eating together. Mahesh says will he swipe her tears? Ganesh swipes darpan’s tears. Mahesh says he will always be an elephant not human. when he will go back what will we say to darpan? Maya says we can’t ruin present for future. He says I am calling van we will send him back. what if something happens to darpna? Will be able to forgive each ourselves. They hear some scream of elephant. Mahesh says darpan. When they go there ganesh is on the ground. Prabha asks are you oaky darpan? Darpan says I made this cot fr my brother and he broke it. She laughs. Prabha laughs too. Darpan says ganesh is so fat he sat in the cot and it broke. Where will you sleep now? Come on now lets get up. She falls on the floor while trying to pick him up. Mahesh is still not happy. he leaves. Prabha looks at laughing darpan. Mahesh calls the van and says come here. Prabha says come and answer me one thing before you do this. she takes him to temple. Prabha says look at him. You have been praying after Ganpati. He has an elephant face too. Do you have less faith in him because of his face? Ram has an animal face too. Animals can be God but they can’t be at human level. we can pray after them but not be friends with them. we calls them God she is just giving him a human level. Just like we trust God she believes that Ganesh is her brother. Its the same child whose mom saved us. there is some relation between them and us. Maybe God has sent him here. Dapran is pure, she has no doubts in her heart. her relation with ganesh is of love and purity. She leaves.
Darpan is lying with ganesh. Prabh says looks at them. He will live here as our family member. Our relation with him has been made by God. God will protect us.
Scene 3
The hunters are hiding. one says let run away. if he finds us he won’t leave us. A clown comes laughing. Another comes and says to the running one this is for you. He points the gun at him. He says please forgive me Dev ji. We tried our best. Dev says munna people make mistake. No worries. Your mistake is a big one. Dev looks at the clown and says last mistake? Clown asks Munna to come forward. The lights turn on its an amusement park. The clown takes pulls off his mask. Munna says Bhao.
Precap- Darpan plays with ganesh, rides with to the lake.
September 23, 08:55after a chain of crappy shows, finally there is something worth the time…
looks like they got writers with brain this time
September 23, 08:54im loving this show more and more….
September 22, 17:15Awesome
Darpan and ganesh r toooo sweet
Best episode since
September 22, 11:00The mother is so right when she says the baby mother saved them, it was meant to be, God works in mysterious ways indeed