Amita Ka Amit 7th June 2013 Written Update

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Amita Ka Amit 7th June 2013 Written Update by Pooja

Amita Ka Amit 7th June 2013 Written Episode

The epi begins with Kirath saying, by God’s grace you are going to the US. At least try to get our old reputation back. Amit is stunned. He quietly leaves from there. Fallu tries to tell Kirath that he spoke way more than necessary but he replies that when people fall sick then they are to be fed bitter medicine. Ria and Tina smile.

Amit is standing by the window of his room. Ammu comes there. I am sorry Amit. Forgive me. I mean whatever happened…..stops. He tells her not to say anything. She says I can understand how tough it is for you. He retorts no you wont. She insists that she wants to. He says even if you try you wont be able to understand. She asks him to try at least. I am you wife. If you share your problems with me then they will automatically lessen. It is my right to share your happiness and sorrow (go wifey go!). Please talk to me. I know what happened wasn’t right the whole family feels so. I am with you. Please tell me can I do something for you? He replies yes you can stop sympathising with me.
She says I know that papa ji’s words have hurt you a lot. Amit replies who said so? He is my father I made a mistake so it is his duty to scold or rectify my mistakes. She smiles. I know you are very educated and more mature than me but whatever is in your heart, I can read it in your eyes clearly. But if you still want to lie to me then its ok. Amit replies I don’t know what you want to or can se but you are wrong. There is nothing like that to think. I am going out for some work. I will be late. Saying so, he leaves from there. She looks on worried.

Ammu is arranging plates on the dining table. She recalls papa ji’s words. Amit is no more the signing authority for Shah Stocks & Traders from this very moment. He neither can do any business using the company’s name nor can he take part in the business anymore. Rohan will replace you from today itself. I announce Rohan as the new CEO of our company.
Fallu notices her working absentmindedly and asks about the same. Mummy ji why did this happen with Amit? He works so hard even you know this but. Fallu says not everything is in our hands. At times destiny plays such games that we cannot do anything. Ammu doesn’t agree with her. My heart is saying something else. How can all the clients of Shah Stocks & Traders leave us at once? Plus join hands with a company called Wise Consultants which has no reputation in the market. They were all Amit’s clients and were happy with him too then how. I don’t think it is his fault in any of this but something else. I will find it out for sure. Fallu tells her to relax. We shouldn’t meddle in business affairs. Let Amit and his dad handle it. I know you are worried for Amit but what will you do. Ammu doesn’t seem convinced but nods.

Tina brings rasgullas for Ria and feeds her. She worries about gaining fat. Rohan supports Ria and calls her Mrs. CEO. Ria seems pleased and her happiness gets doubled when Rohan announces that next month she will have the most expensive diamond necklace (than their club member Mrs. Sidhwani). Both hug happily. rohan is about to feed a rasgulla to Tina when she shouts no surprising both of them. They wonder about the same.
Tina takes Fallu’s name to give them a hint. They become sober and turn. She fakes concern for Amit. He dint ate anything and is out till now. I am so worried for him. kirath bhai shouldn’t have scolded him in front of everyone. Hope he doesn’t do anything wrong. Fallu has faith in her son for he wont do anything. I know my son very well. It is true that he has gone out but he will be back soon. Tina continues her drama. He is just like ROhan for me. Why would I not be worried about him? Fallu knows her intentions, smiles and leaves from there.

Amit is roaming by the seaside recalling Kirath’s words about him not be the signing authority of SS&T anymore & Rohan replacing him. He looks extremely hurt and upset.

Ammu calls Sanjay. Preeti picks up the phone. Ammu asks her is Amit is there with Sanjay. Did he call Sanjay? Preeti denies. Why do you sound so worried? Ammu says she will tell everything later. Ask Sanjay if he knows when Amit feels upset then where does he go. Sanjay takes the phone and tells her in mute.

Amit is sitting by a small pool in a park. His dad’s words again echoes in his mind. Ammu comes in the same park looking for him. By the time she reaches there, he leaves from the park itself. She wonders where to search for you. She calls Nani and tells her that she dint find Amit. Next second, Amit gets a message from Nani saying come home fast. Amita is unwell. Amit boards an auto for home.

Ammu is pacing outside Shah House. Amit comes there. On finding her fit and fine he understands that it was all a drama. Ammu shares that she was worried about him. He left early morning without eating anything so she would be worried. He deduces that Nani lied. I thought you only act kiddish but Nani has surpassed you. She takes the blame on herself. He says why did you lie to me? So that I come here and you can sympathize with me? Why don’t you leave me alone? She cannot take it anymore. Because I am your wife! Both get uncomfy. Amit gets into the auto again. Ammu too sits inside. He tries to get off but she stops him. please sit quietly and say who is acting childish now? amit goes mum.

Both are in the auto. Ammu looks at him upset. Put yourself at my place for one. Would you let me go out like this if I get angry? Would you not try to stop me? Till when will you keep your sorrows with yourself? Speak to me. I know that you don’t like sharing your problems with anyone but I am your wife. It is my right to share your sorrows with you. I am just asking for my own right. He looks at the auto driver looking at them and tells her to calm down.
She too notices this and says lets go somewhere else and talk. He nods.

They reach some place (park or some random place don’t know). Ammu tries to talk with him. You know when I was a kid and I used to be upset, my nani used to say – why are you carrying the bag of problems on your head. Keep it in front of everyone and you will feel better. Amit looks at her understanding her words.

Amit sits somewhere and Ammu sits beside him. He says, you know people call me arrogant (khadus). You too at times call me by the same name. Everyone used to say that Amit doesn’t know anything other than his work but I used to feel happy to hear it. I felt happy that my hard work is paying off and I dint work for the people – but for my dad. He used to come to me saying its good but you can do better than it and I too want to do better than before. He is right at his place. Amit gets emotional. Ammu puts her hand on his shoulder to lend her support to him. he says, what was my mistake? Even if I try to set things right then how to? My all clients left my company and went work with someone else. When I asked papa why it happened he said they told him they had problem with me (sad to see him sad 🙁 ). What do you think do I not work carefully?
She tells him that you worship your work. Don’t worry everything will be alright. He denies. Nothing will be. It is too late to mend the damage now. She makes him face her. AMITA KA AMIT CAN NEVER GIVE UP (way to go girl 🙂 ). Trust me and trust yourself. I know you will set everything right. They share an eye lock.


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  1. Avi
    June 08, 14:16 Reply

    Finally what I’ve been waiting for!

  2. veena
    June 08, 01:48 Reply

    Awesome episode loved it.i am so happy that they started to trust each other

  3. Sonya
    June 07, 17:55 Reply

    Such a beautiful episode. Superb acting Amit and Amu. Lovely moments, tense ones too. I loved it. My family too and if they are happy I get to watch it too. So thanks for this Awesome Serial.

  4. vaishu
    June 07, 12:56 Reply

    mind blowing epi…..true emotions shared bet them….loved it
    now both of them will trust each other and fight back the problems.

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