Ikyawann 12th January 2018 Written Update
Ikyawann 12th January 2018 Written Episode
Mehul tells Bapu that Satya is leelas grand son,that same Leela whoes daughters wedding was fixed with me. Kali tells Sejal about kirans past,and says the guy stepped back because his father had forced him to marry,and his lover was pregnant and so he denied to marry Kiran. Bapu says Leela will never accept sushil,Mehul says calm down Bapu sushil has no idea about this,naresh says but kids love each other,Mehul says he is right and Sushil has gone through lot of things and she has no idea,Bapu says you had denied kirans proposal and now your daughter.
Sejal says but that man was right on his part,he was just doing his part,Kali says at times someone’s right is bad for others and today I eat his daughter,Sejal asks who,Kali says sushil.bapu says 51 is good number but your daughter always gets
bad news,Mehul says Bapu it’s a good news,who knows this relation gets old relations back on track. Sejal says this love story will end before it starts,as dadi will never accept it. Bapu says she is a mother and will never forget her daughters pain,may be Kiran must be married but that pain,and what you want,Mehul says I want that old Bapu,Bapu says I cant face Leela,Mehul says I will go and do what you had done years back for me,and will explain Satya and Sushil’s relation.all along with phui stand in support of Mehul.
Sushil on call with client,he says I like your idea of dandiya on punjabi song and if you can send me an video and will show it to my daughter if she likes it,this contract is yours,sushil says ok thank you uncle. Sushil says all will be so happy if I have this contract, let me ask Satya for help and makes him a call.
Jiggi says happy you have your video game,Satya says yes,jiggi say is oculus give you anything why game,Satya says it’s as per your capacity,Satya gets Sushil’s call and says she doesn’t let me live in peace I’m not picking her call,sushil calls backs,Satya picks up and says I’m busy bye,sushil says all night he was here he must be busy.sushil remembers satyas ringtone and says wow this is good idea thank you satya you always help me.
Satya says why is she becoming so cheap,jiggi says it’s your fault,you never let her alone,and always keep supporting her,Satya says because she is very good friend material not like others she is one with no expectations and now I didn’t want to talk to her because I want to play this game.
Naresh walks to sushil and says have this milk,sushil says later now check these dresses so beautiful right,he says even you will wear one on your wedding,Sushil says no I shall wear one which you all love when I will get married,naresh says okay how have milk,Mehul listens to this.
Mehul says naresh today first time she never argued on marriage talks,naresh says you going to Leela just keep Sushil’s happiness in your mind,Mehul says I will go and tell what’s in my mind,and then it’s their decision and sushil should accept it and forget Satya.
Leela says Kiran you are still upset because I didn’t allow you sindoor,Kiran says no Satya got me gifts now I’m happy,Leela says even today he went market now come let’s go have fun and play a game I used to play in childhood. And says look this is cow dung and now we shall throw on near by passers it’s fun and when I was kid and once did so my mother hit me with Chappals and now no one has guts to raise a finger at me or my Daughter,Leela and Kiran begin the game,it falls on few kids they go complain Sejal.
Mehul gets down auto and dung falls on Mehul face,gulabo asks Sejal what’s wrong,Sejal says these kids saying someone threw dung on their face,Leela says let me see who it is and sprays water and all shocked to see it’s Mehul.leela seeing him remembers the past,Mehul walks to Leela,Leela looks at him in anger,Leela steps back in shock and remembers past scene.
( Bapu says Leela we accept kirans proposal for Mehul,Leela very Happy)
Mehul says sorry I came without informing,I wouldn’t take much of your time,it’s important actually,Leela says let him in I want to know what important he has to say.kali and Vishal enter,Vijay says Ma what is this man doing here,Ma where are you,Kali says vijay he is Sushil’s father,Leela makes Kiran sit in room and asks jhano to keep a watch.
Kali says Sarvesh kaka get tea or coffee,Vijay says no need,say what is it,Mehul says I know I did wrong,and it’s not done,Vijay says done you may leave now,Kali says let’s hear what he has too,Leela says yes we should hear,Sejal go get snacks and get theplas his parents had loved them and even today they taste them,and yes tell me,Mehul says my daughter and your grandson are friends,Leela says your daughter.
Pre cap : Leela empties pickles jar on herself and says that camel is Mehul daughter but I didn’t even learn she is that same girl I killed with your help.kali hears that.