Swaragini 26th May 2016 Written Update
Swaragini 26th May 2016 Written Episode
The Episode starts with Sanskar getting Swara’s ring in one of the diya and shouts Swara. Swara hears his voice and feels like someone have called her. Sanskar takes the ring. Laksh says it is wrong to pick someone diya. Sanskar shouts Swara and says she is here…..They come inside the temple and pray…Swara is seen inside the temple just infront of Sanskar, but they couldn’t see each other. Natkhat Bansi Wale plays…………….Sanskar opens his eyes and sees Swara right infront of him taking aarti. Before he could stop her, Swara goes. He shouts Swara. Laksh says it might be your thinking. Sanskar says I have seen her here. Swara asks Sahil to be there and goes inside again. Sanskar says I will bring her and prove that she is alive. Laksh prays to God to prove Sanskar right. Sanskar comes out and collides with Sahil, says sorry. He checks his lamp and tells Laksh that he prayed that he shall get his Swara and he found her. He spots Swara again and shows to Laksh. He runs after the car. Laksh asks are you sure? Sanskar says yes. Laksh says we should follow the car and Swara might be coming home.
Ragini comes home and asks Dadi if she took Sumi for aborting her child. Dadi asks her to get inside and asks her not to get involved in the matters. Ragini says Sumi is my mum and the baby is my brother or sister. Dadi says that baby is inauspicious, I made Sumi understand and she agreed. Ragini calls Shekhar and Sumi. They come out. Ragini asks Sumi if she agreed for abortion. Shekhar is shocked. Dadi says this baby is inauspicious and have eaten Swara. Shekhar asks until when she will hurt them. Dadi says can’t you see my pain. Shekhar says we have lost our daughter too, and says he will not let Sumi abort her child. Sumi shouts and asks them to stop it. She cries badly and says she just needs her Shona, and says she can’t live without her. Laksh calls Ragini and asks where is she? Ragini says she came to baadi. Laksh tells her that Sanskar saw Swara there, and says don’t know if he really saw her, or it was just his perception. Ragini gets happy and informs everyone that they have found Swara. She says Laksh and Sanskar have seen Swara in hooghly temple. Sumi sits down happily. Ragini says she might be our Swara, and says this baby is not inauspicious and may be we will get our Swara because of this baby.
Sahil and Swara are in the car. Swara looks at her hand and wonders where is her ring. Sanskar tells Laksh that he saw her Swara and found her ring. He says I made this design for Swara and I am 100 percent sure. Laksh says I hope it is not your perception. Sahil asks Swara to relax else her memory will go. Swara says you are laughing on me. Sahil gets a call. He tells his mom that he is going to Kolkata to drop Swara. Maya asks him to drop her safely. He asks her to ask Kaka to make his favorite dish. Swara says even I like it. Sahil says shall I take a U turn. Maya tells Keshtu that Sahil is looking happy because of Swara and says she will bring her in Sahil’s life. Ragini calls Durga Prasad and says Swara’s car is coming towards Kolkata. Durga Prasad looks hopeful and says come soon Swara……Sahil and Swara are on the way…..Sahil sings Hasi Bangaye…..and looks at Swara….Swara looks at him and smiles.
Ragini lights the agarbatti and tells Sumi that they shall keep a small puja as Swara is returning. Sumi says she will talk to Dadi. Shakti show mum and daughter come there and asks Sumi to give some sugar. Other neighbor asks why did you tied her hands. Ragini asks what is your name? Nimmi says Soumya. Nimmi says she is very mischievious. Ragini asks in which class is she studying? Soumya says she don’t go to school, but her younger sister goes to school. They leave. Neighbors discuss about her. Sumi says may be she is helpless. Ragini says you are saying right and says only a mum thinks of her child’s betterment. Sumi tells Ragini that they shall light diya. Soumya tells that she wants to go to school. Nimmi says you are my intelligent daughter, and don’t need to go to school. Soumya says I want to make friends. Nimmi says I am your friend.
Sujata tells Durga Prasad that they shall show Sanskar to doctor and he is seeing Swara everywhere. Annapurna asks her to calm down and asks don’t you want Swara to come back. Sujata says I hope Swara is fine and return home soon. Just then Parineeta hears them and tray falls from her hand in shock. She asks what you said about Swara. Annapurna says it seems Swara is alive and will return home. Parineeta is shocked and thinks Swara knew about her secret and truth. She says I have to do something to save myself else….Sujata asks what you are saying? Parineeta says how can she be Swara? If she is Swara then I am very happy. I couldn’t believe that she is alive and returning home. Adarsh says it is a good news. Ragini prays to God to bring Swara back. Sumi says I am hopeful that she will return. Swara comes to Baadi…while Sumi and Ragini are praying.
Sumi says I was about to take a wrong step, but I will not do anything as such and will not cry. She says my Shona will return and tells God that she yearns to hear Shona’s voice. Just then Swara comes and calls Maa….Ragini and Sumi turn to look at her. Swara smiles happily.
Sanskar throws flower petals on Swara and shows his face as he moves the bouquet. Swara tells Sumi that he is the person who shot her and made her fall in river. Sanskar and everyone are shocked.