Sadda Haq 19th January 2016 Written Update
Sadda Haq 19th January 2016 Written Episode
Scene 1
Sanyu calls someone an says my computer is not working. Can you come and check? He says sure. He says my name.. not any people know. No one bothers asking. Usually people only need me when there is something wrong with their computer. One said thank you 235. This is my test extension number. I am the IT guy, I am 235. I save this company from billions of threats. but don’t known by anyone. People play all different roles here. I hacked all of their computers. This guys is such a despo. This guy he keeps abusing politics.
Once you hack someone’s computer, its not easy to talk to them because you get to know everything about them. Except her.. He looks at sanyyu. He says i have been hacking her PC for 2 years but no secret found. She is an engineer from FITE but acts like she can’t even fix a screw. She met some accident 2 years ago. Some friend got in coma. He goes to her. Sanyu says please fix it. He says in heart her computer crashes every week. Why? Because I crash it myself. Sanyu smiles and says thank God. He says in heart i fixed it and she is thanking God. Well anything for this smile. She doesn’t even know my name. Sanyu says the presentation is safe. He says will you show this to Petu Pahuja? Sanyu says yes what do you think? He says in heart she is going to be fire. He says hope for best, good luck.
Sanyu says aryan, he stops. She says is the PC fine now? he says do you know my name? SHe says yes, you came here often. If there is something wrong then get me a PC. I don’t like disturbing you. He says in heart this is the only system that doesn’t disturb me.
Sanyu sees TV news that a college is illegal. The owner says the girls have to run home anyway.
Tetu Pahuja says Krishan bring sanyu and ask her to give me presentation.
Sanyu sits with parth. He is in coma. She says you know my system crashed again today. And my boss, his name is so funny, tetu. Whenever he speaks i can’t control my laughter. Sanyu says I just.. are you listening? That krishna.. I have a presentation too. I don’t know how it is. Remember how we used to make presentations in college. Doctor comes in. He says i have been seeing you here talking to him for two years. sanyu says we are that good friend. Doctor says i will inform you when he is conscious. Your life would be affected if you come here daily. sanyu says since he is this way because of me, I have lost interest in my life. Doctor says he is lucky to have you. sanyu i dont think you are lucky to have a friend like me parth. I am sorry forgive me please.
Sanyu says Tetu I didn’t know the meeting was preponed. Just hear me out. He says I want your presentation. You were not here, you presentation was. and I was impressed your presentation was good. The deal is done.
sanyu asked krishna how yo got my presentation? He says I asked 235. The energy breaks out. He says now I have to look after this too. sanyu recalls fixing boards in college. She recalls the accident. Krishna says sanyu can you repair? she says how would I?
Sanyu goes to aryan and says hi. I was looking for you. He says take a seat. Sanyu sit. She says I wanted to thank you.
He says were you crying? I shouldn’t interfere in hospital. She says my friend is in hospital. He says in heart Parth, room no. this. He has been there for two years in coma. He gives sanyu tea. She says thanks I just came to.. He says its not from canteen. sanyu takes the tea and drinks it. Sh says its actually very good. He says I made it. sanyu says not bad. I made my presentation in excel. he says you can convert a noraml doc in ppt. She says i didn’t know. I was in machine.. nothing. I was wondering if you give me that software. He says sure. sanyu says this is so strange. we are have a proper conversation. Now I know where i control systems from. He gives it back to her. she says thanks for the tea. Good night and leaves.
He says in heart that pen drive has a tracker, just for your safety. I wann be there for you when you are in trouble.
A car is on going. Someone comes on a bike and shows him his swiss back details.
Sanyu comes home and sees agarwal scolding at mechanic. He says no one knows about machine here. I wish there was. sanyu says you didn’t send car on time. He says the car is not fixed. sanyu says let me call another mechanic. He gives money to mechanic. Mechanic says why you do this? Agarwal says do you have a daughter? he says no. Aagrwal says don’t break her dreams when you have one.
Its 235 who has stopped the MNA. He says you ruined the future of those girls. Dont take gun out or I will send the information to media. He says how much money you need? 235 says in heart so he thinks i do this for money? But well getting money isn’t bad anyway.
sanyu comes and sees the car. She recalls the accident.
235 tells him his bank account. The politician says there is no diferrence between you and me. He transacts. He says what is this? 235 says all the money has gone to charity.
235 gets a notification that sanyu is going to hospital.
Sanyu comes to hospital and sees from window, Parth is conscious. Doctorhelp him sit down. sanyu sits there in there. She recalls the accident. Sanyu goes in and hugs parth. He says I was tired because of the competition. So I slept. sanyu hugs him again.
Parth says 2 years, I was like living statue. Finally. I am speaking. Today I will speak and you will listen. Will you? Your face shows you have drowned yourself in guilt. sanyu says no.. He says its not your fault. You asked me not to do that. I did this because i was scared of losing. Its all my fault. Forget everything. One more thing. You know I heard everything, you said in last two years. Your computers crashing, you slipping in rain. You never talked about randhir. Where is he? Sanyu is dazed.
Precap-Sanyu says to parth i told you i have a pal aryan. Aryan meets him. Parth says in heart I will find randhir.
Aryan does something to his breathing machine later. Parth struggles to breathe. sanyu and agarwal are worried.
January 19, 11:58Parth is in..
But this new entry is very strange I guess he will become a obsessed lover
January 19, 12:42yes i also think the same…aryan is kind of obssesed with sanyu…at least thats what it was shown today by all the things he has done and also coz of the precap…i think he is trying to hurt parth coz he is jelouse if him coz sanyu spends more time with him..
January 19, 12:43of* him